18th January 2016 - Newsletter #Issue 11

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Transcript of 18th January 2016 - Newsletter #Issue 11

Newsletter # Issue 11

Contact us: General Line: +604 892 7777

Primary Office: (TIPS)+604 892 7703 (STPS): +604 892 7707

Secondary Office: +604 892 7717

Fax: +604 899 8826

E-mail: penang@tenby.edu.my

Date: 18th January 2016

Tenby Schools Penang


Weekly Information (18th

– 22th January 2016)

This Week


SEC TISS 8.00am-8.40am - Assembly in Basketball court.



SEC TISS 2.40pm-4.40pm—Pastoral Meeting. Venue TBA.



TIPS Parents Open Afternoon– come and see what your children have been learning. Your child will give

you a tour of their room and share their learning from all areas of the curriculum.

Year 1-6 1.45pm—2.25pm Nursery & Reception 1pm


PRI TIPS & STPS Peace Run assembly 8.30-9.30am Basketball Court

SEC STSS 8.00am-8.20am - Assembly in Basketball court.

9.00am-10.30am—TSPA Monthly Meeting in Library.

Upcoming Events


TISS 25th Jan, 3.00pm - Faculty Meeting.

TISS 27th Jan, 3.00pm - 4.30pm – World Scholars Cup Presentation at Han Chiang High School to get

students to be involved. Speech by the leaders of world scholars club to give out more information about

the event.

TISS 28th January, 5.00pm—7.00pm—Y11 Parents Evening in the Library.

General Notices and Information


From The Head of STPS

The school term started well. Thank you to everyone for the smooth opening of the school term.

I am happy to see that all the students have settled down so quickly and are getting on with the task at hand.

Students especially the new ones have accustomed themselves to the routines and procedures of the school.

They have found new friends and are getting on well with their fellow classmates.

We have obtained the Ministry Of Education of Malaysia permission to run the Double Language Programme. This

means that our school will be teaching Science and Mathematics in English in Tahun 1 and Tahun 4 for the

primary school. We will advise parents regarding textbooks and workbooks when further information is obtained.

Rules and procedures of an organization are formulated for health and safety reasons and also for the smooth

running and well being of the whole community. We hope our school community will abide by the rules and

procedures of our school.

Have a productive week.


Cheah Sin Hock

Head of STPS


Key Dates for

Mon 25th Jan.

Public Holiday



Fri 5th Feb.

Chinese New Year



8th - 12th Feb.

Mid - Term Break

Kursus Lanjutan Pandu Puteri Tunas

All the Brownies from the schools in Penang gathered

at the Wisma Pandu Puteri for the Kursus Lanjutan

Pandu Puteri Tunas. First we registered and waited for

the start of the camp. We started off with the opening

speech. Then we learnt how to fold a shirt, skirt, a pair

of pants and socks. After that we learnt how to wash

shoes. We had to demonstrate what we learnt at the

end of each session. After dinner we went home.

We came back to the Wisma Pandu Puteri the next

day feeling excited about what we were to learn. First

we did the Lingkungan Pandu Puteri Tunas. After that

we started the activities for the second day. The first

activity was to know the sign language to keep quiet and to line up in two straight

lines. The second activity was to blow a whistle in three different ways - keep quiet,

call the leader and finally to call everyone to gather around quickly.

Next we learnt how to use the compass and played

memory game. Later we attended a session on first aid.

We learned how to stop a nose bleed and give medical

aids for minor cuts and sprained ankle.

We gathered again at the Wisma Pandu Puteri for the

third day of the camp. We started the day with the

―Lingkungan‖. We learnt how to ride a bicycle, wash

and grease it.

We were briefed on how to prepare for the next level.

We received two badges – Tangga Emas and Tangan

Emas which was presented to us during the closing

ceremony at the end of the third day

It was an interesting camp as I learnt many things and

also how to cooperate with and work with other

members of the team.

By Tasneem Tyebkhan (Junior 6)


From The Head of STSS

Dear Parents,

We are into the third week of the new academic year and students have settled in nicely. The form one students and

new students from other forms welcome the personalised attention from teachers in their lessons and the support

from new friends. Thank you every one for your help

There are exciting programmes in the pipeline.

The annual team building exercise will be held on the 28th and the 29th of this month. Teachers and students will

be in Tambun for this event.

The main objective is to build skills like effective communication, planning, problem-solving and conflict resolution,

through planned team bonding events that are fun and motivational.

Team building done in a new setting away from school, exposes students and teachers to new experiences which

invariably encourage them to think outside the normal routine. This will, in turn forge innovation and creativity and

increases the trust factor, needed to work with team members. Students are also given the opportunity to voice their

opinions in meaningful activities that will instill self worth and confidence

In short, the school sees team building as a means to foster understanding and support and bring the Sri Tenby

community closer through different activities.

All students and teachers will participate in activities conducted by trained and experienced personnel. Students will

collaborate and support their team mates for physical activities.

There will be sessions where students reflect on their experiences in the team building exercise and the effect on

their learning in school.

Teachers will conduct workshops on ways to optimise learning through different techniques, with special reference to

how the team building activities can impact learning

We are positive that students will enjoy and benefit from the team building activities. There will be many more

events, field trips and projects which will enrich and make learning fun and engaging for the students. The top

priority is to create positive learning experiences so that education in Sri Tenby Secondary School is always

memorable .

Chinese New Year Celebration is a whole school event. The ushering in of the New Lunar Year of the monkey will

be an event much anticipated by all. The programme for the day promises to be a very exciting one indeed. The

celebration is scheduled for 5 February.

Best regards,

Thum Lin Chee

(Head of STSS)


Key Dates for


Mon 25th Jan.

Public Holiday


Thurs & Fri

28 & 29 Jan.

Team Building, Tambun

Sat. 30th Jan

Cross Country Run



Fri 5th Feb.

Chinese New Year


Mon - Fri

8th - 12th Feb.

Mid - Term Break

Science in action - FORM 1

Form 1 students, were briefed on rules, regulations and safety

in the science laboratory. They also learnt correct handling

and usage of science apparatus.

Students learnt how to light up a Bunsen burner in the

Science laboratory, using correct steps and after taking safety


1. Wear lab coat and goggles for safety purpose

2. Check the condition of Bunsen burner

3. Adjust the air hole of Bunsen burner for luminous or non-luminous flame .

4. Light up the Bunsen burner and control the level of flame.

Students enjoyed themselves learning how to use science apparatus correctly

in the lesson conducted by Ms. Chang Yin Yin

Budding scientists hard at work

Science is fun

See, if he can do



Yayasan Khazanah Scoharship

On 15 January Senior Vice President of Yayasan Khazanah, Ms. Intan

Zalila Bt. Yusof, gave a talk on ‗The Route to China‘ to parents and 2015

Form five students from Tenby Campuses. The students are recipients of

the Yayasan Dayadiri Scholarship.

Yayasan Khazanah is sponsoring students with the right qualifications to further their tertiary education in three

universities in China - The University of Hong Kong, The Peking University and the Tsinghua University which are

ranked in the top 50 universities globally, based on the Times Higher Education Ranking.

Qawiem Bin Zainon is the Yayasan Dayadiri scholarship holder from Sri Tenby Secondary School, Penang.


CCA Activities


The Karate club had new recruits who

are all girls. They certainly take the

ability to defend themselves very

seriously! When a recruit was asked the

reasons she signed up, the answer was

that karate inculcates discipline, keeps

her physically fit and mentally alert,

apart from learning to defend herself.

Very enlightening indeed!

Yeah! Don‘t anyone

mess around with me!

This is my first lesson. I

am really enjoying it.



Students from all forms play leisure football on Thursday from 3 to 4 pm. Thanks to Mr. Tan Beng Chuan, Mr.

Osman and Mr. Hakimi, the students can be trained to be better players. The coaches are all out to spot students

with talent that is good enough to make it into the school team.

Wow! This girl can really play football!


The Living Skills Room

The Living Skills Room has been upgraded. New kitchen cabinets, sinks and stoves with a hood, added much

needed space and it is now a room where teaching and learning is so much more pleasant and effective .

We are ready for the first cooking class now


so good…..

After cooking, we have

to wash all the utensils

and make sure we leave

the room clean.

Nowadays, not only can girls cook., we, boys can too….

All ready for our first cooking lesson with the brand

new kitchen facilities.


From the Head of TISS

Dear Parents,

As we head towards the end of the second week back at school we have a lot of tired Year 11 students

after completing their IGCSE mock exams. Thank you to all parents for your support in helping the

students through these 2 weeks of exams. It has been extremely important and very beneficial as

preparation for their exams in the summer.

We are very proud of the way they have approached the exams and their focus in this first experience of

exams for our students. I am also appreciate the amount of time that the teachers have spent in

planning, marking and supervising the mock exams that have been overseen by Ms Grace who has

been excellent in organising these exams.

This week we have also celebrated poetry at work following a great assembly by our Year 9 students.

Following on from our staff training (Monday 4th January), all staff have also been trying out need ways

to differentiate classroom activities following our training last week. The aim is to invite ALL students to

learn in the classroom and we have spent time sharing ideas and planning activities to include all of our

learners. This should see students have more activities to work in groups, to have choice on what they

would like to learn and how they learn in the classroom. Its been great to see staff to try new ideas and

share the wonderful practice they already demonstrate in the classroom with other staff in the school.

Warm regards,

Mr Paul Walton

Head of TISS


Parents can follow our Twitter @tisspenang

Theme of the Week

Poetry at work day

Celebrating poetry and optical illusions


Key Dates for


Thurs 28th Jan.

Parents evening

Year 11


Thurs 18th Feb.

Year 11 Mentoring

evening in preparation

for exams

All parents and students

of Year 11 welcome

Mock Exams Mock Exams have ran very well for the Year 11 students. As we head to the weekend, the students look tired and have approached these exams in a first-class manner. All students have been organised and its been an excellent experience for them to have to go through the procedures and exam environment to prepare them for the summer. Some need to improve the way that they revise so please attend the exam evening (Thursday 18th February) to look at ways in which students can improve revising or in some cases, try new techniques.

Social Media At the start of the school year we looked at improving the communication from school and we now have 4 very popular social media pages/areas to follow and have also started to develop the website (announcements have been added for major news and events). Through our social media we have had over 150 followers on Instagram, over 50 tweets on Twitter, over 2500 views on YouTube and over 50 images on Facebook. Please have a look at the wonderful work our students do through the social media of your choice.


Parents can request to join our secure Twitter area. Simply search for

us and follow!


Log in and find us by searching for Tenby Schools Penang and click

Like to receive regular updates!


Go on YouTube and look for our Tenbyschoolspenang Channel

for fun video content!

FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM @tenby_school_penang

Take part in our hashtag photo competitions, such as


TISS website http://www.tenby.edu.my/penang If you have any suggestions to improve our website or information to add please email me: paul.walton@tenby.edu.my

Tenby International Secondary School...


Student Leaders that have debated this week's moral debate 'smart phones are good for society' The students pictured below are Bloem and Christine in favour and Jasdyl against the motion. What do you think about this weeks debate?

Are smart phones are good for society?

Student LeadersStudent LeadersStudent Leaders


Year 11 Exam Mentoring Evening (date changed) - Thursday 18th February


Thursday 14th January Now Thursday 18th February

This date has been changed as I will be visiting another school on the proposed date. The evening will include

exam revision strategies, ways for parents to get involved and techniques to ensure that students are well

prepared and organized for the main exams in the summer. We will also talk about a balance of revising and

resting to make sure that students are fit and healthy.

All parents in Year 11 are invited and also Year 10 are welcome to attend (I`ve had a few contact already and I

think it‘s a great idea to come along and see how parents can get involved in the IGCSE revision).

Chinese New Year

5th February will be when we hold our celebrations at school, more details will


Tenby Spring Concert—Wednesday 23rd March

Advanced notice of our end of term whole school event

World Scholars Cup Presentation—Wednesday 27th January

We would like to invite you to get involved in the World Scholars

Cup this year. A presentation will be held at Han Chiang high

School, Wednesday 27th January, to get students involved and to

give more information about the event. The regional round is on

26th & 27th March at POWIIS.

Last day of term—Thursday 24th March

Events coming up...Events coming up...Events coming up...


From The Head of TIPS

Dear Parents,

It has been another busy week with a fantastic range of CCA s starting for all the children from Year 1-Year 6.

We hope that you are all able to join us on

Thursday 21st for our TIPS Parents Open Afternoon,

where your children will share with you their learning from this year.

Please arrive for 1.45pm . Students will be ready to meet you to take

you to your child‘s class.

On Friday morning we will be having a visit from the team involved in the

Peace Run. We are looking forward to finding out more about the event

and the many places across the world that the run has visited with the

flame of Peace.


Ms Marian

Head of International Primary

Art Shirts for KS2

In order to ensure that your child does not damage their uniform during

art lessons, please can you provide an old T-shirt or Shirt that they can

wear when they are painting or doing other ‗messy‘ activities. If you

happen to have spare adult shirts that you no longer use please could

you donate them for these lessons.


Key Dates for


Thurs 21st Jan.

Open afternoon

TIPS Parents Open


Mon 25th Jan.

Public Holiday



Fri 5th Feb.

Chinese New Year



Fri 11th March

Term 2 Reports out

Tues & Wed

15th & 16th March

Parent Consultations

Wed. 23rd March

Spring Concert

Thurs. 24th March

Primary Sports Day

TIPS CCA Programme


Bronze Certificates

(From left) Marcus Tan (Year 4), Anesha Nair (Year 4), Asra Aida (Year 1) and Rafif Athallah (Year5)

Congratulations to the following children who achieved their Bronze Merit Certificate last week.

Year 2 students (from left) Chai Ji-Woong, Sayako Fujihara,

Sheryll Lee, Kim Yeeun and Zacchaeus Woon.


Pen Licenses

Niklas from Year 4 is proudly holding his Yellow sash that he received for his hard

work in Wushu CCA.

Keep up the great effort all of you!


11th to 11th to 11th to

15th 15th 15th



Well Done!Well Done!Well Done!

Year 6

Year 3 Year 2

Year 1 Reception

Year 4 Year 5


Stars of the week Stars of the week Stars of the week