1899 Queen Anne · Created Date: 12/28/2015 7:03:52 PM

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Transcript of 1899 Queen Anne · Created Date: 12/28/2015 7:03:52 PM



>3 Je.F=S *€93--Fe

=F F'

EF6\ "r.

A 50t(c) (S) not-for-profit CorporationCenter Location --15 West 11th Street - Anderson, IN

Mailing Address - PO. Box 696 - Anderson, IN 460 15-0696

Telephone - 7 65-683-0059

Website: AndersonMCHS.com

Email:MadisonCHS@sbcglobal.net December1,2015


[u Lawler

l$ Vice President

llarry (irchenbauer

2d Vice President Tony PeoniRichard (reegar 314 West 12th StreetSecretary Anderson, lN 46016Eugene Yates

f it'ltt Dear Mr. peoni,berald J0nEs

!|JIIJIl[sjT" Thank you for your query to the Madison County Historical society. Our researcher,

Suzy, has worked to develop the information that you are seeking. Sometimes there is a

Bonnie tollier vast amount of information an4 at other timet there is hardly any. However, we try

lgtl 1n'* our best to answer any and atl questions.MEI0dy llull

Xlll::':.,"" we do hope that the documents and other materiats enclosed witt be helptutto you inI{anEy LawlEr

Yiilliam Mathys your search. We do not charge a fee or price our service; however, we do encourage[urtis l,lcEuire you to consider a donation to the Society to help us with the expense of postage, paper,

PIO ltt Health Department feet and other fees we may need to pay. Thank you so much forrredfl[k JpencEr' your generous consideration!

Emeritus Bsard

Ronald 0avid lf you have any other questions, please contact us as soon as possible and we will doDonald Hunt what it takes to help.Marilyn Marsh

Theodore Vinson Sincerely yours,

Research Correspondentnm lawler@sma il.com

The Modison County Historicol Society is on ollvolunteer and non-prolit orgdnizotidt seNing the county, we ore Iundedby genercus dondtions Irom the public, Pleose, if you ote oble, donote to us. Any omouht is opptecidted. Mdy we

suggest PdyPd(ondeRonmchs.cornl Thonk You !

vzru-Nancy M. Lawler

Xruoqota*n tLz 30e da* ol Oelzn&p.,1926, u4d4,. tA. A<r ol &z qensal Abdanll!* a( tndimo on.ll.ot<A,9,1901.

..1 r )1t'. o-

:rcot \(,6 (Ella), lab. IVl424 Forkner.llbert N (Lucretia), painter, h 1214 W 1st.,A.rnie- domestic X15 \\r 11th.


E (Mary J). flreman, h n Igth 1e of Crystal (N A).:John A (Sarah E), stone mason, h 703 W 8th.o8ephine, b ?03 \\: Sth.Inry, b 703 .[1r 8th.

lVm O, stone cutter, b ?03 \\r 8th.C (witl Danicl \{J, h 22? W 11th.

,lab, b 1717 trl 19th.Ya M, b 2513 MaiE.

Jesse N (Marj), pla.sterer, h 2513 Main.ge A. barteDder tlolel Doxey.

rmeB W (Ethel), paiDter, h 1806 E 18th.trah E, h 1n30 \Ir gth.in Il, (Rebecca G), sllovel x'l(r, h 64 Barnes (N A).Calrin, b {j18 Noble (P P).IllYiDa (\vid Robert), b '1120 $r 1st.John F (Loretta), driyer, h 618 Noble (P P).

ChristiDa, house 1ipr, 216 \1r 7th.George fvictoria), lab, h 1816 Sheritlan-

ADua, dress mkr, b 1513 Linr:oln.Frauk B (Gertrutle), electrician, b 2106 Jackson.James (Rrittget), flagman, h 1513 Lincoln.\\'m, file mkr, b 1432 Fleteher.

John tr{ (Gertrude A), )ab, h 64 Monroe lN A).

t r:-1',-,5

We are $ols Agents for the "Kttox llal"s EA.ST 9th STREET, Al\lDEFTSON.SGOTT & EIYE,


Lawson Wm J (Dora Er, wire wlir, h lg09 park av.Law"rer Lewis .A. (Mar.v B) 11, -\ Law.ver & Co). h lb E 10th.Lrw)er rtA & Co rLeu.is A I,awyer;, mil)inery, 1000 Neridian.LaJCoel( Jogcpb (.ieckel & LaIcoCkr, rcs lndiananolis. lnil_Ia.vland Lee \- tltinnie), barber, h i8gB Nobte. 'Laylantl \\'nr E, lab, b l83B ]*obtc.Layman Crace, waitress. b 6 E t: ].Layman John L (ADtra), photographer 1121 Main, h 116 E lzth.Layman }farrd, b 1lG E 1:rh.LRytoD -A.rtLur T), lab, b o w cor lfain and 12rh.Layto! Cbarles lCrace), lab, b 1416 Cedar.Lryion I-a.v -\{, drpssmkr, h:;07 DelaEare.Layton Omer, glass blower, b 2485 Jackson.Laytol Samuel, lab, b 243b Jachson.

_Lryton-Wm IY lNanuie). coDstabte 103 E Sth, h 2438 Jackson.* Lcaclr Charles W (Etizabpth), tilrplater, h 6B D tst (N A).leach Jarues C (Lottie A), fite wki, h e s Columbus av B s'of BZth.Leach Newton A (La.ura), bralieman, h 2?22 Brorvn.

f,ender Cph, lflb, b;24 W ith.Leader Charles I), flreman, b 459 l{aple (N A).League llyrtle It, tel opr, b 345 W ?th.League'l'lrornrs E ,-\faryr. mach, h 345 \V 7th.Lealry Ca rcrine rrvid Patr.iclil. b i02 E Elh tp p/.Lerhy Drvid F rAnna Sr. bltismirh. h 70.t E Sih 1p p).IXAI{: WM I (Olive D), }Ingr The Siuger Manufactur:ing Co, 14 W

10tb, tel Centnt Btacli 81, h 365 trIeriilian av (N A)iLeakey_Alva_}I (Julia M), clli ll.arvlings & Co, h 810 Cottage (p p).I-eary John (Margaret), l&b, h 1612 Wiluut.Leary X{ary, opr Central Iinion Tel Co. b 1612 \yalnut.Leary llichael (Catherine), lab, h 1620 Fairyiew.Leary Patricli, b 1620 Fairvierr'.Lerthelman Daviil W (Urania), foreman, h 142b W 4th.Lechien Antonita (wid Charlcs), h 20tU Ceutral ay.Lechien Julius, glass wlir, b 2031 Ceritral av.Lee Allee ([Iinerva), lab, h 1509 Sheridan.Lee Blanche, b 14 \v 13th.Lee Rlock, 1233 }leridian.f.ec Ctrhcrinc t\vid Ilenr.y), L l02C Grant.Lee Charles, plessmrtr -\odersoo Dflill Bulletio, r .L:6 \\'6rb.Lee Edrvarrl P (Uary), painter 526 llain, h tOHH+tl}.3-Lc L / ( -

1 All Kinds FARIH T[} 0LS At Goul, Rosers & Co,\ l4th ond Meridian Streets. Anderson. l6d. iEw TEL., 24; 01,!, SLACK 5gt.



. ^_ ar !rrth cl,v. L': Ly' N.Lt^. /r"-LL,.LJ iqL'l-c{

IIERITAGE B0lrtND&Pholle,lloll Pholle 445, otd [{aill ggll, il, E. Gor,


Meridian & lltl Sts. Omrrnd Floor

|]',t'( ) 331 srR;

llToNX ABRAHAIr I (Olivc 8,, ttooks. News, Stalioaer-y and Office.\upptrcs ll)27 llcri.lirL. Borh ,l'pls ::4|. b 2JZ \\. 5th isee left topIires).riti,rrt'Eli, fileworker, r 10, 10 E 1:lth.Hl,r)(' JaDes, traveling agent, r lJoclier Ilotel.lllorrc 1\{;1191""1 A (wid George Fl), h 3416 St Cbarles.Hr"nr.r_Robcr,t l, rLrr,rrrr.lrr, briclonrson. h 608 Rutldell ay tp p).lqr',r,.s1rpp[ \A rrr (EJlu). luhorpr. h lA]-.t llendricksHt,r,rps Alher't \ tl,ui.rclirl, painlor. L l:0 \\ Zd.Ht,rIlrg Jqhn \ tSarlL Si, stull''||r:rson. L i{rij \\' Slh-r'il,',,llsJoscplrinp. bo-rrnirLor, l, Z0l W gth.HLl,)t)s trIrry, b Tt);t W Sth.:lt,,olrsr Wrrr O, stouedresser., b 7,1:l \Ii gflr.Hl,'r1'r Farrnie (t (wid Daniel \V). h 22? \\. 1tth.hr,',rIlrton lva .\,1, strrrlr.Dt, h l02l \V l2[h.Hl,'ir!lrron J|sse -\ F t:\l r\ r. [.ltstcrer, h It].-.jl \V ljth.tsl,,r.rlrton Ili, lr:rld ll, l:rbnror, l, l0ll \\' l: r.Hl,'rrI(:ioley ilur_.lla), gtassworlier. h 2402 I,carl.Ftorri l{arriet E, .lvaitress, r 1826 U- 9 r.Fl,,r'l lra .\, laborer, b 1526 lV Ottr.Hl,'rrlSarlh E, h 1516 \1I !)t-.Fl,)\\1.James 1, (I[ollie). la.b,rrer, h 2;lil2 Lincolr.6lr':lll(,r -{lzina, b 2929 Brown.llrr,l, r-Jolrn F rRorri.r. drivcr .\ ,\ Zinrrn,.r.. lr l-.1.j3 Brown-xrr,'it Iilla C r$-irl .\lf rnd T), b 14oil \oll,..Hlr:rrrlrrrrg ('hristint, b :16 \\ 7th.Bt rir rr;y, George R (yictoria), l.lborer. h lglt; Slr(,r,i(lru.llllrr I lr:rn Amelia, domestic izZ W Otn.

r rr rrlr John M, foreman lVright Shorel C.o, h 6g !)trnl) Peter, welder, b 68 E gth (N A)-

'I llo.r C, rea, her, h :t20 E l:rh.

h 2524 Brown.

Smith), proprs In-

9th (N A).

r,.,.{ \\rinchell $r (Laura A), taborer, hr,'1"1$ Wm T (Gertrude \/), nailmaker,

411 W 2d.h 1903 Eenelricks-

tlrrIionAgnes, b 1513 I-incoh.ill,rr,,n.\nua, b l5l3 Linco ln.llr,rrl,rn Rridgct lwid Jamesl, h l5lt Lirr,.,,lrr.ei |ir I I ou Frank B (Gertrrrde)' (Stratton & Snrjth).ll nr I lr)n Orange :\, machinist, b 1422 FIotcher.,it r rr t ton & sdttl if,*.i' ri Etratton. _,\ tbcrj r)

rlirrna Electric Co, 19 !y 1Ith.

, I[, Bafley & Co. lll,iliit#fl1,,1l,1Hair, Pla$sr Parh, Poilland Cement, Fire Bricfi, Clay, Sewer pipe,

t)rzu u rll,u olilLvs I.vugritr \-susuD - rlr(/ssuJLrurdr}.r,uru Jlvro.Ji-wuu,lEr-uIU!&.ur, 5r! a5r-SEIvrY r...


Adolph Strauss in tne '1920 United States Federal Census

Adoioh StraussNamc ,-

lAdolph Siranisl

64" 1241

i Vlew :

B Vew blank io.m

Birth Year


abt 1856

[abt 1896]


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We @lue yaut Nivecy. R@d ot Pivad State@.t

E Vrew fiinter-fflendlv

Home rn 1920: hdianapolrs Whrd 2, Marion, lndiana

House Number: 2118

Gender: lvale




Faihe/sBrthplace: Germany

MoihersBrthplace: Gennany

Native TongLe: Ge--al

Able io Soeak' YesEnglishl

Occupation Agent

lndustry Real Eslale

n 1900 unLted states Federa censusAoolph Stlauss

D 1910 Un{ed Staies Fed€ralCensus

n 1$0 unrted states Federal censl]s

D 1870 Unrted States Federal Census

D u.s Passporr Apploafons 179s 1925

Adoiph Slrauss

D New York, Passenger Lsts, 1820-1957

Adolph Slrauss

Provided in association with

Naiional Archives and Records


Employment Field: Vvage orsalary

Natura ization Slatus: Naiurallzed

Neghbors' ve$ olhers on page


Ado oh Stauss

Ruth Strauss

Sam StGuss





Source CitationYea r 7920, Census Placer d ianapolis Ward 2, Marion, hdiana: Roll: T625_450, Page 168 Enumeration

Distrjct 52 lmage:924

Source lnformationAncestrycom. ,920 Ur,iled Sl6les Fedela/ Cersus ldata base on]in6l Provo, Ul USA Ancesrry com

Operations lnc 2010. lmages reproduced by Familysearch.

Originaldata Foudeenth Census ofthe United Slates, 1920. (NAM microiilm pub cation T625,2076 ro ls)

Recods of the Burea! of the Census, Record Gloup 29 National Arch ves, wash ington, D.c For deta ls on th€

contents oi the nlm numbers, vis i the fo owing NARA web page: \aBA Not6: Enume rat on D stricls 81 9-839

ae oi @11323 (ChicagoCny).

DescriptionThis dahbas€ is an index to individuals enumerated in the 1920 United Slates FederalCensus, the Foudeenth

Consus of th6 Unted States lt iicludes a ll states and territodes, as we as M itary and Naval Fo rces the

Vi€in lslands, Puerto Rico, Amercan Samoa, Guam and the Panama Cana Zore The census provid€s many

lof2 lll19l20l5 2:17 PM



Lawson -Wm-J

(flora E), wire wlir, b 1909 park av.y1yy9" !"yi:" .1 (^vl_arty.B) (L A Lawyer & Co), b 15 E rolh.Law.rer L A & Co (Lewis A Lawyer), millinerv. .t000

Meridia-o-{,aycock Josepb {.Jecket & Layco;k),';e; in,iG;;p;ti;,;";.

**'Iravland Lee \: (ltinnje). barber, b 1g3J Noble. 'LaJland \\.m E, lab, b 18BB Nobte.Laymau Grace, waitress, b 1i6 E 1:th.l,aymao John-T,-(Anna), pbotographer 112] _[taiu, b 116 E l2th.l,ayman ,\laud, b 116 E 19th.Layton -A rthur I), lab, b n w cor .l\Iain ,.nd L2th.Layton Cbarles (Grace), lab. h I416 Cedxr.Layton Fay )f, dressml;r, h g50Z Delaware.Lal ton Omer, glass blower, b 24:15 Jackson.La;tou Samuel, Iab, b 2li't5 Jaclrson.Layton^Wm \\'_lNaonie). cousrable t0B E Sth, h g4J5 Jrckson.-L93!ll

rjharles^ !Y (Elizabet-h), titrptater, h 68 E tst aN A).Leach Jan:es C (Lottie A), 6le wkr, h e s Columbus ni, a r'ot SZtn.,l,ea.lr \e$ton -{ (Larrra), bral;enrnn, h 2722 Brovr,

boLeader Cela, lab, b 524 W Zth.

trXAK lVM I tOlive D). l.l agr The Sireer llxuuf;lcturitrs Co. t4 W10th, tel CentrxI lJltrcL 31. h B6J trIeridian al- (N A):

Leahey_-{.lra_}I (Julia }I), clk Itawlings & Co, li g10 Cottage (p p).Leary John (llargaret), L b, lr 1612 Wilnut.Leary [[ary, opr'('entral [:DioD Tpl Co, b 16l9 lValnui.Lear.c ]lichael {CrtheriDe), Ia l-r, h I690 Fair.yiery.Leart Patricli, b 1620 Fnirview.Le&therman David W (Urania), foremau, h 1428 W 4th.fie(hien Autonita (nid Chartes), h 20ti1 Central ay.Lechien Julius, glass .!vlir, b 20ill Ceutral av.Lee Allee (\,Iinerva), lab, b 1509 Sheridan.Lee l3lanche, b 14 \Y 13th.Lee Rloclr, 1233 r\Ieridian.Lee Catherine (wid Ilenr.r',, h to:C Grctrt.Lee Cbarles. pressm[tn -\nderson Drily Bulletin, r 126 W 0th.Lee Edward P (1lary), painter 526 Mnin, h foHi+gth. 3-La E ( ( *

i;i, Alli(inds FAtM T0(}LS AtGout,Bogers&Co,\ l4th dnd Meridian Stfeets, Aoderson, lnd. t{EwTEL.,2t;0t!,BucxE .


tEg r r_qgp43E4g4:

The man rvho is doing more than any o,ther person tornake the Irarnbert F.riction Drive automobile a success isMr. Geo. B. Irouderback. As aclvertising manage!, and salesmanager of the Buckeye Company. Mr. Irouderback has suc-ceeded in placing this high_class machine before the eyesof the entire country. Mr. Louderback was born on a Ken-tuclry farn. He does not say when. W1r,en 13 years of agehis parents removed to Kansas and in 1g96 removecl to St.Louis, IIo., at rvhich place Mr. Louderback receiyed hisschooling. Alt his business life tr{r. Louderback has beeneugaged in the prouroting of sales of various manufacturingproducts, but has never attempted anything on so large asnlle as that wor.k irr rvhi,.L Ire is engrged ur rhis rime. anrlvery fortunal,ly fvl Lorh himsrlf and r\lr. Lambelt he hasneyer known so great success as he has produced in thisryork. It is safe to say that in l\{r. Louclerbacl<,s hands thefuture of the Lambert automobilc is assured.

AropnsoN AuronnoBrlEsThe writing was on the waI1, the Gas Boom was nearing

the end ofits spectacular success. The discovery ofgas hadbrought Aaderson out ofits small town stature to a positionof prominence in the State of Indiana. Little thought wasgiven to conservation. The gas frelds were too big and sup-ply was "endless." The Gas Boom had given Aldersonmany huge factories, made fortunes for its entrepreneursand created a strong work force. Most factories would,eventually, close and the money go elsewhere.Nevertheless, the Gas Boom left Anderson with an invalu-

able resource - qualifred, skiJ.led laborIt was with this work force and its "dreamers" that

Anderson would become a pioneer city in the manufacturof automobiles. It was an exciting time in Anderson's hisry. Opportunity was knocking. Elwood Halmes of KokonIndiana, the Dodge Brothers in Niles, Michigan, and oth.ers, saw an emerging future in mechanical transportatiotFrom 1898 to 1920, the innovators in Anderson were looling to the future.

LavrsnnrIn the history ofthe automobile industry in Anderson,

there is no one more prominent than John WilliamLambert.

For many years history books have credited the DuryeaBrothers with producing America's frrst automobile in 1892.However, it has since been proven, accompanied by nota-rized statements that, in 1891, John Lambert - a very suc-cessful and prosperous businessman in Ohio City, Ohio(located near the the Indiana border) - successfully testedand drove a three-wheeled, surrey-topped, gasoline-poweredrunabout ofhis own design. Despite the mechanical suc-cess, the car was a marketing failure. Priced at $550, not asingle party was vaguely interested. Lambert decided amarket for his creation would not develop..

Undaunted, Lambert turned his attention to the manu-facture of stationary gasoline engines. He selectedAnderson as the site for his Buckeye ManufacturingCompany. During this time, he devised the friction trans-mission that would be the feature of all his cars. He madean unsuccessful attempt to buy out a model called theBuckeye, in Anderson, in 1895.

Lambert's frrst marketing success was a model calledthe Union, released in 1902. In 1906, he produced the first

of a very successful line called the Lambert. With this lirLambert established himself as one ofthe more successfrautomobile manufacturers of the era.

In addition to cars, Lambert produced auto frre engintrucks, gasoline engines and Steel-hoof farm tractors.

Th" Br"k"y" Mu*fu.trri. produced theLambert automobiie through 1917, with maximum prodution from 1907-1910 when the firm built an average of2,000 cars a year.

One of [he very early LambertAutomobiles that was guided by theuse of a stick-

Buckeye Manufacturing Company was locat,at 1803-19 Columbug Avenue. This factorycontained more than a quarter million feet ofloor space and was capable of turning out mrthan 20 carloads ofmanufactured goods a da

ot Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, llli-oois, Wisconsin, Missouri, Kansas, Nebras-ka, Colorado, lowa and Minnesota.

Dr. Chitlenden began the study of med.icine in 1891, in the medical department ofthe Northwestern University, of Chicago,from which he graduated in 1894, He tltenreturned to Anderson and began the gen-eral practice of medicine with his fatlrer,Dr. George F. Chittenden. In 1896 he didpost graduate work at Chrcago in the Poly'clinic Hospital and at the lllinols Charit-able Eye and Ear lnfirmary. After hrs re'turn to Anderson lre began the specialpractice of the eye, ear, nose and throat.ln 1897 he went to New York aod attendcdthe New York Eye and Ear lnfirmary, andalso the clinic given by Dr. Herman KnaPP,the gleetest Eye and Ear specialist in A,t,er-ica. He is a member of the City, Countvand State Medical Societies, and bas heldoffices in the same; member of the Dela-ware District Medical Society, MississiPpiValley Medical Society;Western Ophthaln lc

and Oto-Laryngologic Asso'n, and the Am'erican Medical Association. He is a mem'ber of the Anderson Club, Bonevolent Pro-tective Order of Elks; member of the Chi-caso Alumni Chapter of Delta Tau Dclta.He- has been Setretafy of both city andcountv Boards of Health. His political af-filliati-ons are witn the Republican party.

Dr. Chittenden was mirried to Miss CecilRoss on the 3d of Auguit, 1898. A boywds 'onr to lhem on the 23d of SePt€mb€t,1900, upon whom they conferred the nameGeorge Edgar Chittenden.


ffiIICOLAS J. PILGER, the Meridiarr

[fll street merchant tailor and gent'$

fiffisher, was born on the I I tlr of January1866, at Cincinnati, Ohio, whete he re-

urained until slx years of age, at whichtirnc lris pflrents removed to Clovclancl.While living in the latter city, Mr...lrllgcr':trnotlrer diod, Mr, l'llger nttnrrded thc (:lcvlr'

lrnd sclrools until eleven years ot rtgr',wlren the family went to Detroit, Mi.higln,for residence. In that city he learned lhcart of tailoring, to which work he devott'dhis time in Detroit and Cincirrnati utttil1889, inwhichyear hecame loAntlerson, lI'\vorked at his trade until l69l),when he he-gan business for himself. Beginning in n

modest way and with limited capital, tlteproportions of Mr. Pilger's business to'cluyruttest lris energy and industry. Besirlcs ltismerchant tailoring establishment and fur"nishingi store, Mr. Pilger is the owncr o(lhe An('erson News ComP.rny at the corner of Tenth and Meridian streets, mln"aged by Pundy Williams. Because of Itishustling qualities Mr. Pilger was madc rt

mimber of tte Exeautive Board and chair.mrn of the Committee of Arrangements of

Nl.ol.. J. PlU.r-tlrc Anderson Merchants AritoclAliorl, lIr,lfor tho sarnr rerlson his s(trviccs tor cotnmil.l0(, work ls in nruclt demrrntl in ths^ Or(lctol lilks, ol wlricl ltc ls arr t'rrlltrt:ilnltl,mr,mltt f,

Pierce Governor Co (Inc) N M McCullough pres Ftard sec alld treae automobile gouernoi rnrfrs i:9rh

iiHi'"Et $ l*i;:t#Lilti:i i,l:,;,#t", **,,,."::o-u-r..!_ I La,wyer ZZ Liberal Life bldg r g Meridiul'ierce Philip nrach haod Reynolds Ou, ft.g"foio" 6


rms 23 Loan F,laterms 23 Loea trIau

Pierse^Eldon P (Virginia) sec ard treas |ierser 529 MeridianPierse.tr'urnitur-e- Co (Inc) W R pierse pres E B pi,_.. ,and tnea,s table mntrc 233 Syca"r:roreIierse Winburn R (Aliee) prei pierse !\rn Co r 10Piemon Aadrew A (Lyda J) carp 1115 IJocustPIEBSON CHARLIiS

- E -rg" -Fic"soo Clig# Co812 Jiackson

PIERSON CIGAR CO C E pierson mrgr J0B8_10{0(see sido linm)

Pjerson EarI (May) janitor 1280 LaurelPierson Jack (Ruth) eleaner r 422 E llth

PITRSON S D CO proprs Pierson Cigar Co 1088_1040ian (see side lines)

PiLg Albeit qlC_{;e) cbaufeur Central Intl Gas e6Ulron aY (.P P)


Piks l-ravall clkPilger Chas WFilger Ddw l'

Pine LiIIie B wid E W r 609 GrantPine Maria wid John b 241|T I_rincoLrPine Mary M b 609 Clrant

D r i v e Foot f ro u O tEE-.qw=

sH0Es EI if s c

Llills.anrl Elorator, 1515 lo tbzl Csntral Aveuno :.: Ielophoro I

Wellington illlling Company, lYlillers & 0rain Dealeri.,.,itBlevator ard Warohouso, :.: , 5gB t0 Eg? Wsst Eighth-it

t(2'1 ,,; -t t---"1--!J1:j '

" t

.,1 ;-: - .







Nlcholae J. Pllaer, age 53, a Eer'cEEiiElIoi-ET-d e;oo ror more thsn

street-Tho tlmo for tho funoral o! Mr. Pll-

ger Nill rlo artangod todoy.


TO I,ISIT ()IHER C,.) -+--'A iyhg 8qladron (

Ioadel-wl!4 E oqk€Bchool alilqr corD8.8:30 Wod.lerday porMadtsaD (.ulty h tlo&Ddid8qt Of Edw&th€ loBllrtlolr tori r

Tho orst' 8tol, ri,rwldre J. A- VIiE Osdr

]1r- P,lser irarrled a feu yesrs altercominc !; AndersoD. lur3. Pllser w3€lormerlv Miss Mavme McNamara.:ln addltion to alose aDplicat.ion tohls busiEesE, 11r, Pilasl waa, alwaYaldantilied ln oubllc movo$ents aEd h6rad a laiae raart ln tho allahs-for -tbonariancem_en[ of iDdemon. Ho hsdx iride {:trcl6 of frlends. attr8cled by^

'rsiae rircte o! frlends, attrapted bvhis Dleaslnr pcrsonellty and B cotrconl;l dlBDoiitlotl that dld not lorsal(.lilnr even_rvhsn fatelly strlckon H9$as lamillarlv LnowD s.round tpwE aa'\lck" Pilsei.' Through hls bu8ltr6!8larcer )rcre h{s brothers \9616, &q!o"rirtoa rvith him altsr thev flutshot'hcir-school .oursc and thelr trlendgItren nored thc cloae comDanlonshlU1l the three brotherd.

\lr. PilcFr !\'as o momber ol Aniler.r', todEe ol llllis nod tho K.niEhts ofron lodge ol Dllis nodl tho Xnights orUolumbus., l"or menv ie&rs tll€ Pllaer hom,s.

rr€ed \ys.s,it iDl€ventlr and Hotrdric{8At!.eets, A few YOBIB ago s Dew home-st^ed was egt&bllshod ln WeBt'fwelllh

CfiAS. M.



nspocior6 to Obtaln S;ppllls on ThatO ay-Ap !o i ntrr)a nt fo. Prcclnota' Nlarly ComPla/tg

the- electton comrdsslotrei8 havgl tlbdlsoa cooEty \f,lu bo,wetl r6IF

"r'-1"* i"" tr," r""i-i*o o^v" 9".r.f1"""€nred lrr !h€ aEtruel IDrIE5 tousd

< aDd soalltrs bs.Iroir ,or tlo varroua'uilt f,Stur'i:'r"TLt #g ,t'rli*aelncls oI Maqlsoa coutrty ond €x-lcostest b.eld at tbo oilc€ ol th6acllcrs oI -\laolsoa courty ond ex-lcoatesl held at tbo oilc€ o! lhoct ro xave rho work cotllDlolo.l to.lcounry saricullural s8€8t a€volalv. ' lweets sgo Mer HslalJ rrlll WsrdiDsll€otors o( tho primary etocuoD J Ke€sllDs ol Petrdlorol aad Il6rhallusr call ut thB coxrty clorks ol'lA.Llen o! BuEmltrluo yer6 ohoaotr to:e Saturday lol i-bPu. oleclio[ suPlroDreBolt ]lsdiloD couat, lr tho rtttolca. lcom judSlDa coEl€ot-1'h6 rollowlna llst cl insDectors Dasl Tb6 eiponaos ot .ho boyE vlll b6iell RDproveil by th.r con)miB8ioo€rslborE hy lldlsls sllo ld' Tlactor)otr rtconrmcDdallorr or tho rdspoc' lCorDI,a[y. tho CtdzoDs Bstk aDd thove DleclDct corlnrlatecrueu o( LtsolAJlderso[ BaEklDg CoEpsDy. Each)rlntv. llasiitutlol wlU bo&r the 6rpeiE3o6 oluotv. lrnslitutlol wlU bo&r tho 6].9011306 o!

,l\ilonroe Township. loDo bor ot tba toelt. They wlll leevsPrecincL 1-! . Wllsou. Ifor Purduo MoDday !tromht.: -Clltr'les Carey. I ln Othof Co4toat..3-lt6!ry h*oble. I Tbo cau-Ety tylll also etrte! a boo!.l-Cieo- B. Cusr.r, lludEha laaE 1tr. tho coDtoat at'Pur-6-A. ,\I. Vlnsou. lrtuo. eDd thls trallr lqcludes ldarri*w- I. IlucLss. lH!.rdy i[d Clrratrco Ro8grs. ol Pou.6-A. ,\I. Vlnsou. lrtuo. eDd thls trallr lqcludes ldard*w. I. t]ugLss. I Hsrdy s[d Clrtalrco RoBers. ol Pou.?-Charles Wsrd. I dlitotr. r.Ed Claroaco AUItraa- ol SgraS-JobB Huahes. trottvul6, \4/Brd CoUtEs, Mar Hardy9.-1'. V. gloetho. Jaod Ct re!c6 8oge.a dll reprosEtrt

10-11-Ortifi HuEt. ltho toalo lB tls dalry c.ttle aDd lwltra12_-w. A. Feight. lJudtlDg coDtost. Ward Ne€slltr8 ls13-J. W. Phlllll)b. lnamed atr alt€rnate.1.1-Al vlrFto. I A group ol club boyr lrom Poadl6'

Pioa crcck Town8hip. lr.n wllr il6o att€Dd rhe rorurDuo aodPipo Crcck Town8hip. lio! wlU sbo att€trd .he rouapup aodPrecinct l-Cbarles Neese. lth€ Dorty lnclud.s nob€lt Tbolnas,2-I'r'6d Alcxandar. Iclea Jsck3o!, Ward Jacobs,,Ru$€ll:r-c^o Rnk6r- It<o6ih!6r. Wlllord W€Dr6. Lawroao€'recinct I-Obarles Neese. lth€ Darty lncludoa Iaob€rl 'lDoldaa,2-I'r'6d Alcxandar. ICIeA J8ck3o!, glard Jacob3,,Rua3€ll3-Cco. R&ker. JK,o€il-rE6!, lvlllord W€Dr6, Lawroao€4-John Srenlcy, lJrctioB- It/dltard H€ath aDd Hotr rdb-'t. li'. uuulop. lDBvls. l'tvo ilrlt ot MlsB PGcy.lD-u-

- . - lbuuEh's DoEesUo EcrcEco cl&a8 wlll

i-C. D. .t,latr. "' lateo sltonit th6 rDrlnS meotltrg ats-Dovr(l ltla(ch.l l. I Purduo,

ln addt-

Olficlrl Announccmc|It ConccrnlngActlon Aoalnst AnUcrsoil Man.

INDI.lNAPOtTS, APrll - 38.-Th€\$nrrlror ror tho deDnrtailon ol JosoDnZtrrrnat1nnn, rt nroichnnt of Arrtl€rron.shrrserl wlth Ildvocullrra llre ovo!_rhrow ol rhe sovernm6nt. bv torce.tric iio6u can.ellod. sccor(lltrd ta wordre(:elved bv ll. C, Dqy[llsr, lmmlgxa'Iion insDecior.7r"'"';.a," r(rR ^r.Fstod ln .N..

Clurs ard J. A, v,ths atrcot at A]6rtlv€n lth6 clereBt .lDartv adYattaao ol 3llror! Ta! cleqrly 8er' FdnEl6h L

f\abttoD waa.t!€tour: and r vet Ih6ld at the UrElto:rudco McCIuro, W.J. A. VsD OEdot sDo:.'

'Ih6 Aylna. squadtlEortrlnr at 8:30 tol :rld sbolt stoDs wilL:'tor6€.ld- Dalevlll6 lt

ln (Xh6r eou;A col1l6mDo6 wlll

Dubllcitrs ol trltuucl, '

taie oharae of th€couDtv End_ ovoa lDJoy dDd Rstrdolph.besE unebl€ to alve r.k.., r.nr,li1- rr!:"r.1

woii-l<n-o1i -TiElnes8 men ol Alder'gon. caure to this cll,y lrora cincltrnatlair,i ooenea a tallor BhoD on tho BecondIloor'ol u.'building on the €aBt sltt€ol lhe court.houSo square wDere hool tlre court.lrouSo 6quare wxere trorvaR lu buBlnesB sovorsl years. Itomth€rE ha moved hls business to the

a crord h I{srdy'rosdol called qti.atl(ReDubucrDs to 8ta!'Mi. llotr€r et a Mad' Sltort Mcotlnq

The Dsrty th6n prcto! whdro a EsdudlBtroot &Dd - tho cro{by Juda6 .JohD tr'. trd

to! w- l- KldlBaotapD€a.l€d lor loyart,Dort q! Mr. ToEor, 'Dubllcal8 ot ttsg coul

dd b6ttor- Bertloua -Yol6 tt€t

ThoD@trthoADd e!Totror


{-Dovld ltla(ch.l l. lPurdue,9 -\\". L. ,va(hew, I e, grouo ot 6,hts froro tLe doEestlc

1" l, c. crjffln lscjenca clu: at Bnil'r..yrl. .yirl ltco

$2i.i'i.- :-'Awll t.i, Po|r/ofilc4-p. p. Ilethodlst


ADrll .r7, County otflce8 atrd l!?rdl160n'(:on!D:rn\'-125n ?itl6on'Conlfrany-t250.25.Aprll 1r, nemy Dta!!-II,is cusc is rather fulrny.Af, l lr, nerlry DlaEr_t72.50.Aprll 20. Real E6rate-!102.50_Llttll 21, IEruranco r.!r'eD

-t102.5t, ''ll:-":l'- :l'1. yl" :.'l:lty--'n^i t'l .l:::lI'l"l:,li":;:,,I,?..,'ll ,llo,n".'o'o "' no,.u'..r1.:..r Dgen constant lrr !tterr(lanfi.,'t Ir)trslllAnrl \rhitf' rh,, !r,gh oro l.ldlng by,!,: posstons rrrl (loes hlq trrll slrrrn ,,fiii;"i.e,i;i; t,tn--iicieiir,or"* p;rpcr..+: .- coinnllttoo' work. A[(l ,ftU Ih('rrirolc I "l'ho nbrv lrc sluntbets in hl$ l)laco,ii ,."i tu has never lAilcd to l,olrolrtl'a Bur'lrAn't lels thr: wolld Juut flv by'

.l .-,. ,l"u fgr.t!:"u.1t houre *ho r',,,.-r'r"alifi;'i,!''l"l1i,n',1'J'',1,"",|1"1"to}"hffl"uo.' ,^ 6nllrl hl" ald nll!tns lho rvar' .ird | - :'. ::,, to oallst lrls ald. Dttling llro lva)'arral |

- ' ---- :" -".,i :l .";t;;';; nL-irra ,i""r"^np"ut.l rto* | It's rinc ro EkimD and plnch atlns,-lj;- i lomo touchltrt all sortB oI tuart e rs | )v_h]]", 9lh_",1^ ^1t1",.3

t- -".lP,.r, ,^^^

,;,, u'ilf,H,*l "iH 1H, ""j

;'j'; J;: :T'"' l t[J i]iirri .tl]"iJ t ;;:ilx{i:;':', . .: tay rhar-re ly rl,ug .ro_t.cFl')onu.. IIt,x -r.c&t io rcactr rUi young, snil..:'\' .\/ote lor ]Ir. Vestal Tuosday Jurtl tcocb.

;. ." !o let hlm know that you havc hinl inll }iDorv lt's llne aod dandy,'.,.:' . mtna and os an lndicittiorr urnt yorrlR[[ don't you kllow, a Iittlo dougb"' ".,'. rru ioluc to support hlru in .r*overn.f wottld

"otlf, ll,,n1lal ty-l?lqv:^ ^,-

1..],.,.,tt"* 'was ena.cted there have bccd;r'',,: l'..groune ot loaL sharks 1,r thc sou(h'lL;i:i.r rnd west tryinq to destroy 0rc D)aD

...'.; I i ot -tlo 8ov€mment to,ald flBriiirltLuo,'i,i:,J-. throuxh tho ffarm [,o&n Ilonks.j ', ODDosltloD 'h|t8 flDal]v crvstallzerll 'l'hP funersl ol llatthowGeorso wlll

ii,.-,, 1o_J.uu,rf,irl, lI o r,ig rnn,, ":I.Il$,l;"r"f'l[:d}'..]ifr,'lHL"t",tYlfi-..!r.. paDy olreraltng In.the sollthrv^st. 'n'ollley. I.. A. lrclntyro tn chdrge ot tho

llc lrfis r0 fltntlg to r:4IIy,No inooDrc tax d0c!, Lotlrel. hltn,Nor cILI]Be lllDl any wony,Whllc.0tlrcr peoDle lic o\,!'irke'fo plan to Bpend thelr nroney,Tha t{,&ch{rr'B l)lest. with pcacclul Icat

rt" p""po* "i,tj,i ;;ii'i; ro,co.l'h$^1]#.'t:glt,l"c-"je flnnl doolltrgs,

For€ign €xchang - ws8 reactlonary,.a6r abortlve th6 sult brourbt rv trre I tf,o "rri:ui't i,i-slei?irui -Lirr'"-1;i;;1'":

tarl! IoEu sharlE and ct the eame ,lme lcribsd to hca.vy ofror"lBss ol Lo;dotr


l, JEsuranca'-Y!.D-, 102.50.

,rir|)r.;;, conttaeEtal !'lle a;d Bai.,4nril 2r, L'nlorl Trac tlon-t 1.1:].50.A llril 2{. A. I.'. & }f. (:o.-t :l5.OO,ADrll 2t;. yltl t;le$t L:.ns1r,e-j27 itADrll 2t;, l{ltl t;lettt lJnslr.e-127.50.Aprll 28, lEdlana.Sllo & Tr8'ctor-T-



. . :. - [ J\lA RY IT. LARKIN COO}Lr . !€r. I Alder8on. Ind.

: .. : HAMSTRTNGTNG THE It--------\-1i: ';. FARM LOAN BANKS- ll nrrTlln tlth rtlltr.

iiir'Il ::i],H*": "",,,

o""Jl DIAIIIS AI'ID TUI,IERALStwen!y.Eecotrd .blrthday snulve!8ary.I!T..welP recelved E!s!y very aDDrG

9100.00_ADrll 2C, Yulcanlte RoonDs Co,-

5110.0u.ADril e0, Mltristerial"AEscclatioE-.


WEBB SINPRISE PARTY.The Bembers o! tho


p.rtats gi!t!. About torty Esrib€i; o?the soclety made the - trlp aDd th6evenlDg waa 8petrt_wlth games, co[.tests alld muslc._ The society ,8 alsoprartllrut a DICIlto psrty to be \eldsoon.

/colstltuttonallty ol ths lav has ltr.en lBcr\ijcct. I]rrrisl wlll be in the Pendl€.. . "rtracked and & resr1.a,,i,,L irltjj |

,"triJT,i,1?ir; ", lrss tuary carrisatr.,,l9l5hr-ro Dlev:lr t-he.. Far.ru r.o:rn | ," i ir,,t"ni


"piil", ,it,'Ail";ur"y,. crtuou"' :1'baura rrom matrns rurtfel rouns. Ii'iiii.iii^^r'l.i",j;";r#r,",iri'HJrirff,'Htfi.r.:'T\e sfiect ol the proceeditrgs ls tolbllrlal ir ]laplowood cemetery,' tle up no Icr! than $50,000,000 aDpll. | *-- ---------.,. cettou for toans. anil the 'es,rtr t"lST0CK fXCHANGE HAS REVERSAI.." that a crimll lB I'cilrX pur lr) aqtictll.l',, trirat opelqtlons in all Dar'(s ,i ttr"itrtonoy Mrrket Banc of Timc Funda at'.-- cPuDtry.i. It ls e8tlmatcd rhat t$ic lv {horr.

End of M onth.Nq(V YORK. prll 30.-The stock

mar'fcL exnerlenced its retrth co[secu-[lve'reversal today tomonow's recoss

'.. The SuDreme cour[ ha8 udviscdlfor "movlng day" wlth lts Dosslblethst lt may not ho ahle'to hcat. lheldlsturbances, DrovokiDg additlonal pro.

. cr'se berore ra., and rn thar. cvcnr l f':il'lti"" ,,i'lll5",orJ9o"E"'[i;nJ'j',i"""

.lhuIr:. Loau BankA rvnr nor lro ..r,ro I iio-,i,iriii]"inci-rJril il;;#;';i;"";i;;"i

, . to qo Dusl[e8a atl sullmcr, t il.ho federal ]eserve board ,81on Du.: : Followtng thq annouoceqrint oi I tnr tts flim pottcy-'of- cdntiac[iri'irpo88lbl6 delay by Ure Surrrerrre coutr.lcredlts by all the meaDs at lts coni1

t Congrossman .Ferrls ot ortahoura ],^",1-T,l; en{I , rho tourth month o! tie,j htroduce.d & biu authortzlug r,riu su.lIyu"i.,"ro'i,'ia uili" riilil'_otrey merketriretary or-the t*""r", l, " nr*r,".* i ii,il,"i"i'rlihit"ir'"r,T.',i o! t,me furds.,., ilurlng. 1020.21 ono hundrdtl mtlttonlwhllo c'all loan6 rose ,rom 8 td 15i..oollerr ol tr'arm Lo&u BondB. llSI -":11.,. ^93,:Lrj . to 13 pe[ cetrt ltr

q ruElr Elrirrf,E ano aL tne s&mo rlme I cl'tDsd (O nc8.vy OII6IID8E Ol LondotrMdo tho tbou8etrdB o! termerx'wtth lblll$ l)y exD-ortors_-to meet maturltl€8rh who trave been rlepondtnc ,,;;; I 1l;!! l! .m: "kot- .uncontlrmed r^eportg!. Wtro have been (leDondlnc uDr Ir'' Lnrs ma.r reporta

:r-T+i;r.:r;1;!,.';;"T';'f",:,",:llijil"il;,,0.",1.,,"" ,il:nT;,,,T, ",,",,"i9.'Eeaoon'E . croDs. . lne8i: tu--iri;"i. .riltev.e tirt tr," irii".. ,11ou161' riahing in stbcks $&E sma er

.ConAIOaSmS.u Vesttrt r^. ",,- ltllaD on any previous day ot tboLi1 pfl r.,1.s, *u",;, i, "iil | X."rit;,f iti;T:"$:,:,'LT",."r.,1,*"*i!6al"vlttr r. short cro'p .becauge I i.rota ut, ste6ls. '.eortom€nrE h^r^,"ffi;:il ;i.l; #;'.' "fr" Ji?*'.: i lfl lr

uJii, l, isJia,illltl "I","1

" "n,Ti l, IBDrl!8, rrd ll inaDclsl altl ls toltbo ond, Bhort coysrlDRs accelerat-l,lthbgld lrorl|lcns ot roueana llllE thb mllv. Sslo! amolnted toi -.


Additional Sotial

FUN ERALS.Thc funr)ral of Nicholas J. Pilger

rvill take r)lac6 nt 10TI5;:rn.-GAet-AISt. Ilery'6 Cutholic church, wlth burisl


r tlsErt$[Eer, dry clesDer, lltrder.anal 1"eha lloora- An.TruEpet ofllce, 'bortr

aotr,de18otr,1897. ..

JaEes B. Boletr, clArk..Anderson-born 1900 aDd V6r& polndexter:Sto[ey Creek towrship, bortr 1900... Harry R8y,- Dohcema[, ABder8on,

BBIH ilSE: a!d Mary schsrk, ArdersoE,

Raymond E. Newby, arUst, Green.Ifleld. lrorn I89{. and t{arle Ste$art_l:l)oolit(eeper, Arldersotr,.boro lgggl'l

t omoro_to'tLIa_ctty.-'lllL& l1emoval'wrIgrel,ly lnoe.ale ltc &rqrature -wlrdhg


.{ouco o(rtr .--. Gll, \waDalrorrlon tbso tir tho

thst ht8! ltoppedr.' ls tho(s mo,ae,)r_ lll ., Lhcifterdoy,J ldirr ol,stloDlng..iII ln clr.dolerredetrt, -')4fo a!ry-B6bt thlE

fow hundr6Dro(orcr tiA!soll:.r qlllt I -\-todiv tI-at --:in iriser, .f -

L thollorerut:no; that

ERS.,d.- erilNB1001


60ll , CaJn




*r - lL-



'dr ort6tr'

-A.ttortteYirt be(orar.laB 9om.

ontfer!,"rsaDO[sl.he[ 'lt h

'9VeJ5.to8 qeDt8



(;oBh€tr.-iette, B. H

Ltltudorbl(t.tlo Dob-

r)ctrlrgeile th€ ilev-

DroiliEontlliott-Sqrl blte{]htlicsl I

rte.l(fa!llyono. IL xr

r,mado {n. Dou6d.' :'

coDtTgl,n rotat'il.

Now lYot

il .l hbra iDd rtI I ao+t +rr.s

}i" .T. I'II,GEtrT.