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Watchtower Literature

Transcript of 1890_tws_E

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    WiadODJ ltov. end Cirol:e




  • -V_il"fF __ lUnf AJ/u "'._il.T.~..utM JI"I.f_~.I:t._ ... All 61. - .r s-t ... iTi,,1 un ,.., AdJ-.r I'..w. y_ A $.t,...t! 7'_u ;/ilUr-...JIA 1M t;Jtrid

  • TIJc p?eve""Jee 0'lJ'lj.1:ord r. UJ. 13eglnning 0' ""iedoD1."-4>aalDj 111 : 10.

  • THE

    W01H)EllFl.lu STOllY.


    Earnut In,_jre,._ TELL me the old, old .tory. Some "Y" from heav'D above, Oue,Jetus. left great glory

    To . bow to men God', Ion. Tell me the .tory .imply,

    A. to little chHd; For I with &in am wearied,

    Diuati.6ed, defiled. Ten me the .tory .lowly,

    That I may take it in-That story of redemption.

    GOd', remedy {oJ' iin.. Ten me the .tory dearly.

    How Christ a J1UlO.dJ pTe. o mend, am I the sinner

    , \\'homJetu, "me to "vel h~...,.---,....d

  • ... .~ 6 WOND,l::RFUL STOR 1:

    TD1mr Ch,.istian,-Tell me the story often,

    For I forget 1;0 5OOD; The early dew of morning

    Hali passed away at -noon.

    Ten me the same old Iton" \Vhen vou have" cause to fear,

    That this-world', empt)-" glory Is C05ting me too dear.

    CAri$/lllll i. aJ!Iidr"Dn.-Tell me tbe story alwaYI.

    If you would reaUy be, In any time of trouble.

    A comforter to me.

    Tell me the atory 6weetly, In calm and 500tbing strain,

    And let its blessed message Refre&b my soul again.

    Ye5, and while coming glory Is dawniDg OD my I>oul,

    Tell me the old, old story: I: 'Twill hc1p lIle n: .. u:h Ibe g Oill.


  • TIJ'- WOlJd .... r ... 1 $tor), "Able \0 71-1.:1' Ti;le. Wiee un\o S.h."iolJ"

    .. ,~. aiUt-'- (T.:..v) ~ X_1M ""'J~'"JIIUn. """,".n JU.k I. __ 7'atr fI/', .,. S.hwlWa.tk .... ,. F.it'. JI ..... " uh a,.id 7~."-1 '_3:1S

  • .. n,. Wordr. were FOIlDd azul J did Eat "I"bI=.. .. -]~. 15 : 16.

    .. AD Saiptare Jitta by JnspindiOD or Cod II Pn6.Ne, dat the MIlII ol God IZUI:J' be Pcrfa9, 1'horoD.eh1Y Famithed mlIo All Good W",h."-211m. 3:16, 17.

  • WOll~EKFUL. STOR}~

    THE RESPONSE. You ask me for tbe &tory

    How Jesu&, from abo\'e, Left an hi!; hea~enly glory,

    To prove that God is Jove, Weli, 10U shall have the story.

    The old, old &tory, too; And I am pleased to ten it;

    To me ' til always new,

    I'd gladly tell to lome one Thele tidings e\'ery day,

    I .never Ihou ld grow weary Of pointing out the way-

    The way to life and gtory, ""holle end is bJiu complete,

    In which the bled old story Direct5 onr willing feet.

    And as you hear these tidings Of joy and peace, you'll see

    They're not the awful warnings Of endle55 misery;-

    Of a death" whose pang outluu The quiv'ring, fleetin, breath,"

    Round which "eternal horroTlhang .... ~ A ne .. 'er dying death. , .d

  • /" JfO~"DJiF..LZ STOR 1:

    And this, tb~ hopeles, doom ,for.ll Except. "little Bock."

    Yon see they do not comprehend The precious old, old Book-

    But ar;; the herald angeh sang. Good "t"'a'S witbout .no,., .'

    Which yet .. ,han to an people be Gotn/ lidi"KS of ~etll joy."

    The story of OUT mournful fall t From Eden's bJi6.&fulltate,

    lato t)le depth!; of sin and death, : Called pity forth so great-

    That. fTom his shining courts above, God sent hi, own dear Son.

    And by hili full empowl:red ann, For Uli deliv'ranc~ 'WOD.

    Not in & W&," ..... hich liet .,ide His wi5e ';nd just decree,

    That wh05Oe:er hi, l.w defied Must lheTefore cease t~ be, I

    I....u:l:lo; t GftLJ; % Gaa.2:11._ rill; Roc. 5 :'U; 6 : %3; fjoJuz 3: 16; JJGL '.: 14. 1:1, 13, 15; 10: 19; Psa.. 1.6, :J,.; 90' a J ; MatLj,l3- _i

    p:; ....... ~---_ .JJ.

  • 'T'IJe \.'01Jde .. r",l clory ta.1"CC:C8a1ty-lPhe Fall - SilJ, 601'TO .... , II{)ntl).

    , I..~....,u I~' C,~~.J/I' 11.7 s..;" ._; . ~, S~aJ 01 ~F __ MuJt 7MorEaJ /1,..../ ... Arul l-nr,lfltE ... iI, ~l" SwJtr-,.rulIM w ...... ---W-. ':I~"

  • By ODe Nl.II 's ~c:e SiD blued ;DtD the Warid,.nd ~ u Result or sm, and 10 Dt.th hsRd 1ipOII AU bec&IZSe AD an Simle
  • WOA-oERFl.:L STOR}~

    But by rendring uPtoJudice The fulleat satisfaction,

    That thus he might be just,et'ld still Perform the great tranuetion-

    S,:u'ing lost and ruined race To endless life and glory.

    This i. the burden of hi, plan, So I'n begin the story.

    THE FALL AND THE PRO!!ISED REMEDY. In' Eden's pleasant garden =t-

    God placed a perfect pair; Their surroundings were delightful,

    Their eternal prospects rair_ But soon .they disobeyed him

    In the only thing denied: t Forbidden fruit tbey ttasted.

    So in coune of time they died_ Yet even with this sentence,

    God'. mercy was declared In a promise of redemption.

    Tbrou2"h the womaD's Ked pTepar'd. Ye" one of E,-e's descendaDti

    Should bring to all the :rest The boon of life thus promised,

    And all through him be bluL -Rem. 3' 24-26; tGm. 2:1-15; :t2; 16; '3' 15_

    R.." ~


    He should indeed ~ Son of ETe, But SOD of God a5 wen;

    And brillg a full salvation, f The Holy Scriptura tell.

    Thus ali a new creation-The !?on of God by Eve,

    No trace of condemnation \\. auld be from man recei,'e. :

    Thus Heaping condemnatioo That fell on Adam's race,

    As a suitable oblation He'd take the sinner', place.

    He did not come of sinful blood, Thougb by a human mother,

    His spotleu life W~6 but transferred "hen he became our Brother,

    And thus for 111 w .. he made poor \\rho once in g~ory reigned,

    Eterual riches to secure For man, to life regained.

    THE FU1.FILIIIIT BEGUN. Four thousand yean had paned away,

    Adam and Eve bad died. And all mankind were struggling

    In death's o'crwhelming tide. J.ueI:3S; tIT1!II-2:S,6. tMan...l:_

    2J; Heb.1: 2'6; f PI..iJ. 2: 6.9-~------------~

  • TlJe "". ol]d~rful S\o .. y "fie J1umbled }-!im .. lf-)'ie ""115 11IJde FlulJ:'

    ,( ............ ,'" II;" .Ir ..... _._I .. "'J..J._. ~s... II., J-.....,.a .. u.-..ii.l. AI.? J. .. JI."Ju.. : _tI Tl.o/,II ____ ....-F_4L:JtI Ht-_-" ~~_. K'" ~ ~-X.d . :11.

  • .. Fear DCIl: fer lIebold, 1 ~ yea Good Tid iap ofGrmJor. "'hich Shall Be: to AD hoplc.-Giory to God ill I1Y: H~best, 0Zl E.Jth Pe:uc, Good "In "....ro: Men." -LUe:-: 10-14-

  • ------------------~~~ WOXDERFt'L STOR J: " .~

    One night lOme shepherds, "'_tellin. On r.ir Judea', plain" -

    A beaycn1)' light 58,," streaming. ~-\nd heard angelic ,trainl,

    A beautiful holy angel f Had come from heaven llbo,'o,

    To tell the then new ston' Of God', and Christ', great la\c.

    [It Wal not only Jove of Christ., : But of J cllonh lint.,

    'Vha planned tbe great deliv'n.nce., . The banch of death to bunt; "ho IfSt:ll/" his weBbeloved Son.

    The idol (.If hi, heart. And thus hi, Jove commended

    By a sacrificeT', part. In this great plan hili lo,'e dC\'j,ed.

    \\~hich Chmit wu plc..llliCd with lou; Doth love of God and loyc of Christ I

    Are thus brought 10 our view.] He came to bring good tidings-

    Saying, You mUISt not fear; For Chri51, your newbom Savior.

    Lies in the village near . .. , Jul;~:"l_n. !Job" r'to: 1;. r R ...... ~,8 ,

    8 Hc:b.IO:4-7; J\a.. 40 : 7.S. d "L :no~ ._-_

  • IrO.""LJERFUL STOJ")~ ,

    And a multitude of angels * Toined in an anthem then:

    .. G)ory to God in the highest! Peace on earth ! Good will 10 men !"

    And Will tbat strange new story true?

    They went at once to see, t And founu the babe in a manger,

    Yes, it W85 truly he--I

    The Seed tb:1t had been promised So many ages; put.

    Had come to fl:Jve 1051 sinners: Ye5, he had come at last.

    THE IlAN CHRIsr JESUS. T he babe:o lo\'ely bo}'hood ~W,

    And then to manhood', prime; Then, II Lo, I come, Thy wi11 to do,

    o God," he u.i~ .. not mine," He did hi, work 50 fai'!-!ulh';

    It ,,'U his heart's delight: To IOhow the path of duty,

    From early da'\'\:n till night.


    He heard of 51n .nnd SOlTOW \\"ith nmpilthetic ear, I

    His woris WeTe 'like 11. heolling b3Jm For trouble aDd for fcar,

    Lake2:JJ,I4- t Luke2:JG. ~

    ~. -----------------------------~ - ..... -

  • T IJ(" \\' uIJdi:, f\,O ! ~k.tr~ '1 "'-11.081 be ;XLout fIo]y Fl"illJ
  • .,,_ , .... Kal thal I mm! be Abcal }J,. Fuber>. BaiDesa!"_Lake 2:.f9.

    .. ,,~ c!cd1 JlCII Be.r Hb Oos., aM! C-aler Me. C-- be M, Disciple."-LlIke 14:27.


    He, too, was a man of IlOrTOW5, Acquainted with our grief,

    Hence hi, sympathy a brollier', 'Vbicb bTOUgbt with it ,eJief.

    Indeed, of him it i, ... ritteD. f Our 50rrow. he did bear.

    Ant] all our griefs he carnell. too; O! whilt a load of care~-

    And that he bore our 5kkncu, + When he ga'-c the healing .. 1m.

    And yirtue from his body went, Men', lufferings to aIm.

    Thul from the day of hili baptilm Hili ucrifice began;

    ADd then he said, "It is finished," I "hcn he gne his life for maD.


    Such 'Wu .. the man Christ Je,u~" S.,,-iOT of faHen man:

    YOU'\-C neard of his death 10 tra~c, J Yet part of God', good plan .

    Iu..S3 : 3-fIIL53:4-!Man.8,J7.,Mad: J l 5:]0; J Job 17:4; 19:)0. i L _~


    \\-icked pnuu stilTed up thl" people To clarnoI'" for hi, life,

    _"'-nd the Roman Judge wu feeble And yielded to their strife.

    So the Lamb of God, Christ Jesus, "-as crucified aDd ,lain.

    Though not a proof was gh'"en Of any sinful stain,"

    :Meekly fol'" us he bore disgrace And undesen.-ed pain,

    Submitted to the Cl"Uel cross. For our eternal pin..

    Look, dear ODe, if you can bear it, Look at our dying Lord;

    Draw near the crou;,behold him; .. Be'hold the Lamb of God!" *

    How hi, hands lind feet nre Jrulngled, And before hi, lo,'";og fnce.

    Hud. cruel men stnnd mocking A t hi, undesen-ed disgnlce..

    A crown oflhom5 they','"e p!:1ced upon Hi,truh'" rO''":11 bro\o\'": '"

    How little do ihe,' comprehend The" King of Glory" now! I

    j..w,:"," ~ :" I r .... l"9 . ~. _"'"'" 5 " ..cd

  • rr~e WOlJderfut 6~ory "'Pf'Uly 'Phi. woe the SOIJ or Ciod."

    -A",,._crV~"lI,.L--' I' ........ ur- ..,fM ~ terMl. A_1M Vn7ff'IM T_fo_' ..... t .. T";' "-1M 7'-JuIMAttt_."-/Ir.,Jls:n."

  • .. H.'ring ~ lI:rdhren, Libe"1 1.0 EDter die RoUat ~ tbr: Blood 01 J~ B, New ud UriDc \\"" ___ ~b the Veil, thu is to AI. His:Flcsla ___ l...elnsDtawKtuwith. Tl"lle Hart in ru:r /u-annce ol Faith.. " - Heb- 10: 19-'23-

  • ~-----'--~ r- WOJo'l)ERFl"L STOG): #J t V{ith heartless laugh and crocJ Korn

    They told him to come down, And lea\'c that cross of suffering

    And take 8 king1y crown. Dut little did they realize

    \\rhat cost 'twould he to men, Or that he could h8\"e done it ..

    And 6pllred himself the pain; And that 'twas Io~e that held bim then:

    A willing 5acrifice, Preferring even death to share,

    To bring to men release. Yes. he became man's liurety;

    The debt we could not pay He ""i11ingly paid for us,

    On that dark, dreadful day. For his Bride. the Church, he suffered,

    'Twas for our .in& he died; And not for Qur sins only, f

    But .n the world',. beside.


    From infancy to thirty years t The perfect man was coming;

    He there, the Lamb acceptable. Beaame the world'li sinoff'ring.

    Matt..26: 53.54- tl John 2, ~ tKmD. 4= J; I Cm:m.. i Z3:3;l..Qke 3'ZJtCi=u:8;JohDl'29.J6. I ~ d

  • " ""~' ------------"" < is''''''''- ,.. ..... -.z: .. ? ~ ~ IrO."-.DERFllJ. STOG1: .. i?:

    ---~----'- ' -- i At once toJolm, onJordaJ:i's banb.

    He came to o',mbolize His conseaation e'en to death.

    And" too, that he should r.se-Be lifted up by God's mrn power,

    From out the silent grave; That death, led capth"e in that hour.

    Should pro ... e him strong to s:n"e. Thus, with oa:r Lord. this solemn rife

    Did DeW meaning gain; No sins had be to wash away,

    No evil to restrain. His Jife. mthout om: muu! &pot,

    'Was pleuiDg in God's sight: t ETeD .his enemies foontI naught t

    But what wu ptrre and right. A4.KtU'ed or this. the prop~et John

    From 5uch a tlli.k orew hack. i: Saring.rl"rneed 10bebapl ~"ed a/thee.

    in whom there is DO lack. _"-nd comest thOl1 to me, to be

    Baptized in Jordan"s wa"e? Yea, SuB"er it to be so DOW-.

    Said be who came to sa.e.. f Lah3::zs.1 Hch.9 : 14; I Pes.. 1: 151 ; lWL. ~ 3: '7 ::}oJm 7:46. , I.m:e 23="" *=-

    ~- .t"~

  • If'lJe \\'oQJ.zrru! CS~ory er'PlJ_ Spo~k' UDTlJloor C;od -'PIJc Sil}.'9~.,r~r,

    .. ~,"IiJ.?4It,.,., y bn.,J ...t,...n .. .DUdjJn .. 11 z-/

  • .. U Ye: ths be 1liM::a -.ilb Oubt. Seek IhoI.e 1'biap wbXh .... Abot

    This speaking symbol did pt.oclo.1im Hi& consecration and his fB.ith-

    That he should rise in God', own name. Though faithful unto death.


    His station in life was lowly; He was a working mQn:

    Hence knew the poor man', trials As only a poor man ca~.

    The three years of his ministry After the age of thirty,

    "ere busy yean> of tons and cares, Teaching the way of duty:

    The duty of love to God and DmIlo \\Thich is the law's fulfilling; t

    And then of trust in God's great ,Ian To UYC all who are willing. +

    His mighty works in tbolie three yean But shadowed forth his glory;

    I1is kingJy ministry will end Tbe scope of tbis old story.

    -Ibtt. 3:]3.15; Mark 6:3- t Mart.. 2":31-4~ ; R '!'!:.. '3' 10.! ~h .. 'k J 'IS; 9' =:'):" ' 24 ; ~~"'" ." .. , .R". u",. I )_,""". ~

    ~ ~

  • I ~-~ . ,


    As when he opened blinded eyes, And U1l5topped deaf~ed ears.,

    And' even waked the dead to Jife, And gne sweet smiles for te4n.,

    So.. then. he'll cause the blind to see. And an the dead mall hear; -

    And hi.5 kind h:lnd. from c\'cry eye, Shatl wipe the faIling tear,

    Beauty he'Jl give fOT ashes, on or joy for beariDCS5; t

    And in the end., with joy and praise, Ri:htne5s and peace shaJI kiss,

    to hi, tescbing was the freshness And simplicity of truth,

    W'hich corrrcted false traditions Men had cherished from their youth_

    M:my said, .. This Jesu5 speaketh As ne'er hefon: man spake;:

    ,nth anthori,,- he teacheth:" Yet his words they wowd Dot take.

  • 'forj" ,,'n'J,k'rruJ St0r:-' The ~e",d .ht>ll t"iceot" t"ii .. \ 'nke "I)d e('>rl)e Forth.


    ,. ",.tf ,.,,..~_ tf T,.,.~" ,.;,. B"'~' .. ~~ r.

  • .. Tbt: Red~ of the Lord ahaD RetDnI., a4 (i.,me .. i~ SiD;iII IIDto lieD. aDd E9C"lastiDg J"1 shaD beUJDI thrirHead, Tbeyr.haD obWnGJad-__ Jill. aDd Soml. ud Moaroinc 5baII fIic _O\way ... _h:a. Sf: 11.

  • ~.----.----------.~ WO,KiJERFl..:L STOG J~ .JJ

    Hi, ucrificed humanJh" Remaios an off'ring-,till,

    Though as the hi&,h exahed Om He live, to ",,of: who will. HIS COMING REIGN OF GLORY AND


    He live6; and d hi. coming. t He'll wake men from the dult-

    In the glad )iiJIenniaJ mornio2" 'When an will lcaro to trust.

    Then he'Jl banish ,in and sorrow: And triumph o'er the P'-t:,

    'Vhen from de&. th.un that "lad morrow, Earth', ran50med boau he'Jl save.

    Yes, at the time appointed By tbe Father"s wise dll:Cree, I

    The Times of f{lad Refreshing Earth', blood-bought boau .hall see,.

    A highway grand he'll then f:a5t up. ADd gather uut the Itones; I

    And ur to everJuting life He'l lead obedient ona.

    Matt. 13 '46; XI: 2.; J=6: 5l; 1 Car. IS' I 21; I PCl.3: IS; Pbil. 2:9; Beb. 7 :"5; 1 Ada J: 19 ... 21. tilL 35: 10; 51: n; I Ca. IS: 21, 54. 57. ,Acts 1':]1; 3: '~21 . I Jsa.]5: I; "':."~ -d

  • WO.'"[)EI?Fl.'l.. STORJ:

    No lion ,hall go up therron Nor any ra",cnous: bealt;

    For all the ms these symbolize, ForeyermoTe muil cease.

    The def'ert he will make to bloom And blouom 85 the rose; t ~ide tb~ lion and the lamb

    }Jay the young child repose.. For nothiog ,han offend or hurt

    In all his holy mountain: t And e",i1. ,in and death .. haU be

    "-... bed out in Ca.h-'ry'& fountain.

    In a thousand yean of reigning :t He'll in&truct and train and blelili;

    And fuUy he'll establish them In life and righteousnes&.

    To hi, Father he' ll pTesent them--Pure. blnmele&.&, without fault;

    And e:arth' .. true lord &hall ne,'ermOTe Be blind or muimed or halL

    JSL.35~9.!o. t 1..&.35:1;2,]sa. u:6-9.

    ! tit.:. 15:25. Ro:T.:5:lo; :0:6; Isa.J%:l; jer. 23: 5: G..n.. :8: .". II Cor. Is::.t; Man. p&'~"34; ..... ".... -

  • TlJe WOl;lderrul 6~ory 'l'ypned ilJ laaal;' Abraham '. Seed.-GD 1. oJ: 16.19.

    "AaI/ u-c aU. ~ FM..,." ~ II .. " ..... -41 1,0; ......... 1./ JI'Mr.udlLa.-Jf- _Ql~1 A_..ur....I ... ~: .7S-.c-I_Tl~H".-V.U~.N~.":7.I.

  • "'I'H Spirit ItsdfBul'& WiUleS1 with am'Spirit Uw We ~ lhc ClWdreo of Cod; and 11 Cbildr=, thc:a Hein.; HcinolGod,aftd Joint-heirs with COris1. ifsobctluit we SA&r With Him.. .. _ RotIl. 21: 16, '7.

  • ------'~ _______ I_O_._~ __ _R_F_"_L_S_7V __ H_)_: ____ J __ 7 , \\Tith luting joy and singing *

    They'll corne to-ZiOO'5 mount: But of Zioo', wondroUlc1ory

    1 mUit give you aD ac:cov:ot. JOINT HEIRS WITH JESUS CHRIST,

    OUR LORD. But where begins tbe story t

    Of thi. "Seed of Abraham 1" How can pen portn.y thy glory,

    Thou Bride of God's own Lamb? True Zion is. "little flock,"

    The Lord', own faithful few, 1 \Vbo firmly build upon the ~ock

    With truths both old and new. Called. to be .on, and heir5 of God

    And Bride of bili dear Son, IS They sacrifice the eartbly good

    To join the beav':aly One. They mark the iteps their Leader trod,

    And in hi, shining track., With courage high and faith in God,

    Follow and nc'er turn back-I Ita. 35' 5-fo. t G.l 3: 29; Rf'9. 21: 2, 9; E:pl. 5:31.32.. :: LU"u:,32; Nau..7=24; 13:52; 2Pa."4-,Rcm..B::28; Gal.4:7. Ad:us:l.4-

    I &e.. 17 : 1.4-

  • ,J8 WO/\'DERFVL STOR}~

    Till life itself goes out in night: Faithful unto the end,

    lbey "'alk by faith, lind Dot by sight, And every talent spend.

    Worthy lire they to be hi, Bride:., The Bride of God's Anointed, ..

    "'bom, for the work of bleSl>ing all, Jebonh bath appointed.

    This is the New Jerusalem, t This i, the great Mount Zion.

    Heav'nly, from God itshalJcomedown; hs King i, Judab'. Lio4.

    In exaltation tbese shall shine-A Sun of Righteousness," :

    Tbey sban be- like their Lord. di"ine, And men and angels bless.

    Now, in ber Jaw ana trial state, lJespised and ,corned of men,

    Tbis "littleflock, "the Church ofCbri,t, Delights to follow him.

    *Rct-3:4- fReT.:u :",10. ! M.n. l3~3; )..1.1. 4:~ J "Pal : 4; I Jobo3:2; , ~.6: 2.3

    ~-.-------~ . -..1J.

  • Tt]e V,ro~dC'rtu l fiLo~' 'fIke tprl!e;o\J~ 46100d or Sprin klinn Typified.

    ~~.Z'-'M JU.

  • .. Ht:n:in is Lcm:, DOl that We J09ed GoeS. bat. IhaJ. He IOftd V" aDd $C!II His Scm 10 be the Pro-pitiatioa b om' Sim."_ 1 Jolm 4: 10.

    He Died f All, tbal They wbich Lift &houJd DOl helK:'eb1h lie 1IIRO Thetmel~, bul 1I:II1D liiu:t Which Died ~or Them. I.Od Rose .. ~"_ .2 Car. 5;tS-

  • ~----------------------~~~~ WOAJJEKF'llL STOR 1:

    Her glory and exceeding joy In ayrpboh now appear; j

    Yet, of that wac') without alloy, She h ... (oretafte here..

    Now ,he', troop of .. aoldien" Following ehrilt'. command.

    Hi, flock of "Iheep" well tended, And fed by hi, o"n hand. t


    She', a band of the Lord', .. brethren" or whom he'. Dot uhamed,

    And the very" All of earth." 1 Tbe Lord bim5elf hal claimed.

    Ay, more: the "light of earth" j. abe, Amidst gro .. darkncili ahining, e

    Since her d~r Lord hi51ightwithdrew From mCD, the undclcTViDg.

    A pure and" virgin" Church ia abe, Espou.ed unto heT Lord. l

    Like a meek and cornell' malden She trusu; hi. rBitbru word.

    I Car. 10,1,. t 2 T_ 2:).4; J- 101 .-'/: Pu..2J- 1. Hc:b. 2:1I: 3;1; N&Il.5;J flou.S:'4- I ; )oI:ml;4.51 }=9:)-12'35. , 2('_.11::1; Karlr.JJ:15; Pu..s; 1 45: lo,n,I304- ~ ~.-


    But when she has crossed the borders Into the promised land,

    His glorious Bride and full jointheir. She'll be at Christ's right hand. *

    Together, they'U be a "Prie&lhood," A .. Royal Priesthood," too: t

    And their royal, priestly power Shall make earth', all things new.

    Then, together they're pTt5eDted As K;ng. enthroned and gleat; !

    Jaas &, the head considered, And the body, his elect.

    This Christ shall be the Prince of Peace, .. Wonderful," COuDlic]or;"

    A "Mighty God" of truth and grace, Man's "l::ver1as.t;ng Father."

    AA m igbty Prophet, Priest and King. In "Times of Restitution,".

    He sball to men sah'ation bring-A.JJ. everlasting portion .

    JleT. II:'; Roxa.B:I, t I Pet. 2: 5.9; 1tf'T. 21:2,S. ReT. l:2I; :0:6. Cal. 1:16. :: 1_ 9:6.1 A&3: ZI- 23' Heb7:1S, '17.I,.1.



  • rr:.,e \,ol)derr .. .! S~ory 'Paug ... t Typh:'aUy by 1'-1~e6.-Jol)n "i,4fl .

    . ..: .. .' .... :ih,J "I' ,,... ."..",,,, i. tA, HI~.""'_ AI_tAl .s- tlAI ~1I/u. ",/,.'~I :1 ... .....-... J...:.r. .':l "' H"'~_ Ar.:..l. '''' ,I . .... b.......J .lQ, ... _ 7-!t. ,."I,,-IS.

  • .. He lw.h mule Him 10 be SUt far lh. who KD.! .. DO SiD; thai. We JDicbt be li.or the Rilbl -.. 01 God ill Hira."_:1 Car. 5: 2l

    Uke .. Grist _ Raised lIP "- Ilac Dad bytlle Glary of the Fa1her, n=., We aho Sb0GJ4 Walk ia N __ of Ue."- RoCI!. 6: ....

  • ~-------------~ WOA'DERFUL STOR}':
  • i

    I I !

    r... ~ ~ WONLJERFliL STaR l~ ${ Thi. Christ. the 'SQ11ofRigbteousacu,'

    Shall rise with healing bum&, And.,., the g10riow. years prognaa,

    Sweet peace ,h.lf.ftow in stream .

    Tbere naught that', wronr .. hall be termed right,

    Nor right && wrong appear; t TbeLord, the Way. the Life., the Truth,

    Shan make tbe rigbt moat clear.


    When for hi. Bride the Lord hu COIZU! 'With joy and glad lourpri5e,

    Hi, preSen~ .he wilJ recognize By faith'" anointed eyes.. 1

    Then lOOn .he will ~ like him And ~ him as he i....-f

    "beo her blessed bope' .. lruition The bea\"eDty Father elves..

    Q!licklv .be he:l:f'5 t is we1cc;,me voice, Not borne upon the wind;

    .Nor ip the 5eCRt cbamm I Doer; she her Joved ODe find.

    Is&. 66:rL t MI1. 3: 18. t 2 Cor. 5:16. f I J- J:z. I JobD 10:4.$ ; 11m... 24:26.

  • 'l'lJe YlolJder rut iitory TlJe e7Je 'Fhi"~ j'\ecd'ul eft ForgoL

    ~ 1~1tU ";~ ,. AIr: AI_r:M. M"" 4G, r.., 0'1 c ... 'fI'J ~T~~JI~n., 8.JOwaiv;'J,~

  • "Wh&I~u Ye Do, doitHcutiJ,f,lkl tbe Lard -lOr Ye Serve the Lord Christ.. It-Coll: :ll, 2+

    .. iIlaRc! an tlImc Sa.zrtJ Them tbe l.md _beD He Cameth abaII fiDd WalchiDr: "en"" I ., IOIlO ,-, thai He atWl Gird Hio1selr, &D!! lIakc Them 10 Sl dO'Wl) 10 11'"1, _d 1ri1l Ccm.e Fca'tb &lid 5u'PI: them. "- Luke 1:1; 37.

  • ~-------------~~

    i H"O/l-/)ERFCL STOR ): But in the prophede. fulfilled, * And in the lign,"foretold, By faith, with funest confidence,

    She doth her Lord" behold. For him .he long hal waited

    And watched by night and cby; And. for his promiled kingdom.

    She hu nc\'cr ceued IOPTIIY t Chriat', appearlng to the warld at large

    'Will be in wnthfuJ token, : '''ith .. iron rod" and hu,,'Y 5COUree.

    Because God', law Ibc):''''e -broken. Human pride will not be willing

    To yield to hi. confTOl; And aelfi,hncu will .ggrante

    The we.akneu from the fatl. The king. of earth and lord, of land"

    The rich and clergy, too, \Vill cling to pow', within their hand,

    As ent they uled to do . .. A time of trouble" there ,hall be

    On C\'cry tribe and nation: With {ear and trembling earth .balI .ee

    Her rreatest tribul.tiOD. I -Jdaa..Z4lJ3- t Md.. 6:1G. : M424:3O; R. 1:7; 3127. I Dac. 1.1:1.

  • ----"'''''&5 .10 WO,,"DERFl:L STo.Hl:

    "Empires and thrnnet< shall di"'ppear, And cr~s and nstems f.1I;

    And on their ruins God wi11 tnr H is kingdom OTer an.

    Yet to men this tribulatioo h a bleuiog in disguise,

    The desire of eyery n.tioo- God', Kingdom~theo ,hall rise,

    TIMES OF RESTITUTIO/!_ t That i5 the good time coming. though

    This dark night lilU between. \Vhe gathering shadows e,,"en now

    By thinking men are seeD. 'Twill teach mankind the lenoo

    Which cternalh- will ta,t-That sin bringr; tribulation,

    And ,"irtut: blessio&, TasL Then fetters and ~nds ial1 broken,

    Eartb'" idols all de&tTo"ed, The bow of peace, God', ~ token,

    O'u man .hall e"cc abide. Knowledge of God shall fill the earth

    As waten; co,-er the ,ea;: [mirth And praise, thanksgiving. and Toice of

    ~ake sweetest melody" .. H ... 2',. t Ac:u 3' 19'"21 . .: 1M- 11:f.

    ~"'. ---.- . . ". . .. - .- --- --..

  • 'PlJe Vl0l;ldll'rr .. 1 f,Lory Forc6l)c.do:' .. dnga or eomi~S ~Ie"" .. ins",

    -S-,tJv~MF_ri-t_I-"'''d~RII~u __ n". SlOUMF_ri- 1_._1,,,,,,,.. T .... tJvBd ..,.a.,_ f.41 5.>. 'it :,J,,,. 10.1/0 r . .,.,.., ..... E~!Z ","',-.~ " ... ,

  • "TJIDe$ofRc&cshmc shaD ~ frur:lt.he Pre-acedlhe l.on:l; aDd He ahaIlsend Jesus-Wbam me Ha .. e:m IIID$f Retain limn ';he TIm5 of Re5-titution of All 1'l1iIlp wbicll God ha1h Spokc.Q by lhc: Mcwh of AD Hi. Hol, Proplll:ts ainee the World l.q:ui..'_ Ads J: !9-21.

  • . ~~~~--------------------~~ WONDERFU1. STOll Y.


  • ...,.----------~ U'OJr(O/t'f"f..:L STORJ:

    Wberefore, because Christ did {hilS He', now exalted high. ,. [work,

    To nature and to power dh' ine. t Ne\-er again to die.

    D, thi. wonderful redemption! God', remedy for sin;

    The way to Hfe is opened: That a11 mar enter in.

    "'ho. wbo hath been God's coun&elor? Or who hath known his mind?

    :Xot one of .11 the hcsx'nh host. And surely not mankind.

    This wisdom, power, love and grace, His blessed \Vord reveals.

    Are but the beamings of hi face In whom all goodness dwen,.

    THE JOYFUL STORY. Thui runs the old, old story.

    Do you now take it in?-This ~"onderl'uJ Tedemption.

    God', remedy for 5in. Search the Scriptures, and believe it;

    The Bible "Y& it', true; 'Tis provided for.n linnen.

    And therefore. meant for you . FhiJ. 2:~n. t Rom.. 6 : 9; Man. 21: 18. : 2 TJIIL J: 10. I Rom.. 11; 33-36-

    "'-" .. &

  • Tl;Je \ ... ol)do:rr..,1 E.~ory '\'akr 0' Ui'. fJ'OIlJ the l.:U,, GheJ' .

    j'rnM_Nl ..r" An. V,Iwv K .-# Iii Gijl ... GH . .... Ir'i.i'L illlt", Sa,u I. n" G""'':'''' /)rillk: ,"- __ iIIm .......... ., : .' .... . , ,,f :.'" J'" :: ~. ";

  • "Tboa hut lIIr Words of Eternal J..ifc. ADd "-r Deline IIDd an Sun: tha Tboo art lh&r. Cl1M, thr 50CI of tht: ~ Gocl"- Joiln 6 : 68,69-

    .. Therr is No CCDdtmDation to tlKm ... bich an: ill CbriIl J-. _bu walk r&d. after thr Flesh. bat ella tht: Spirit." _ Ram. 8: J.

  • WO/l"[)RFW. STOR Y.

    Then take this Vt:at salvation. Which OUT Father JOTe' to give;

    Jult now by faith receive it. lb due time you ,ball live.

    And .inee thia .imple menage Bringa peace aDd joy to you,

    Make known tbe wondrou, story; For othen need it too.

    Go ten the bJeued tidinp That legally we're free

    From .in aDd pain and dying. To live etemalty.

    By faith enjoy the prospect !lOW .. And by and by ftuitiOD; t

    Let every act of life now Ihow Your- thaDU for thil .. l.,.tioD.

    Soon ,hall oar eya behold it-Salvation from .bon!

    The theme of thi, old ltor), Of preciou5, heavenly love.

    EXPERIENCE AIID JOT Of THE SAIJITS. .. I love to tell the atory

    Of gracious . heavenly Jove; How Je,us left his glory,

    That wondrous Jove ;0 prove . Ram.B:I. t Rca..B:q.

  • ...... ~ ..

    .$' II'O"'nERFLZ STORY.

    .. I love to tdl the Iton., Btluse I know it'. true;

    It IIstisfie5 my longings As nothing else would do.

    "I love to tell the story! More wonderful it seems

    Than all the golden fancies Of all our golden dreams.

    " I love to teU the .tonJ It did 10 much fOr ~e;

    And.tbat is just the reason I tell it DOW 1c thee.

    "1 love to tell the stol)' ! 'Tis pleaf.8.nt to repeat

    \Yb.t seem., each time I tell it,. More wonderfully IWUt.

    "I love to tell the story._ For 60me haie nel"er heard

    Tbe rnes&&ge of u.h-ation From God', o\\'n holy \Vord.

    "I Ion to teU the story! For th05e wbo kllow :it he,t

    Sum hungering and thirsting To hear.it, like the Te&t.

    .. And when, in scenes of glory, I ling the new, ne,l" ,"ong,

    'Twill be the old. old &tory That I h~we ),,)\Oed 50 long,"

    .~ .. ,.---------

  • TIJe \\'olJd~rr .. 1 5~01'.'" "11:0'\'& 10 Tell the Sto~'! h didloO Jl.l .. ~h ror hiel"

    :n..- Arri".1tt _ilL, ~ ,J.-Ar~d X~ ,. ..... CAn., ... : A_IL AoJ -.'IL. I_IlL t~ CJ tNt AlItA.., Hu< .. M~"""," All"pfA" ...... A u I .... , ~'l'I t~ &..u.-.Ai:U 16:1' .

  • .. R_bu tM Word that I Aid =to Voa, 'I'ht Sand ill JIg( Grata tha his Lord. If they bue

    Peneaued Me, they 1IiIl .Iso Penecvte Vaa"'_ Jolm IS: 2Q.

    .. W, GrK:eis SnfiitieJaI (ar Thee: rgor My S~~ Ii ~ ~ m ,,"~"_:J C. 13: 9.




    _'!be Bible it a di,Uie ruilali--..bk JDd ~, tefraJiD, a'Ptemuil: plan (Dn'cl JIUlJcc. WiMba and Lowe..

    _ThtKero(Kao ... lt~e" o(lbt SaijXlIf'tS.loacJo.i (Lalte II: 52). is fowtd, aDd Ir'es Cod a (ahht1tl peaple aeetSS to the tht. .. !liddUl Nptcry. '-Co) t: 2&.

    _ The Lcri JtftIS and hiJ (aithM arc to be DIll -IJ ~ bal1r.iup.

    _ TIm KiD,dom is to come aDd Cod's ,"11 be .10M' .r the 5ecDd. AdmL

    -God. plu is 10 ulrd ad. '&'Ie t.bc: 0mr0 ia the Gc.pd-ceo mdlo_lm ClAm:h ID hleum,the .. orld m t1M JIilJ~

    _A ransom fer aD implies u opJXWtllJlilJ f~ ratJtation 10 all, -The 0.., ofJllIdrmst is 1,CICIOyan: loar- Ille YOri4'striU-dq,

    _~all ud bumazt IWUlU arc diuUld aDd ~ _ "'The D:uTVW ... , ' of wlf ... 0i5ee .. iD I:tAK with this ... _"The bia"b ... IIJ" 0( ricbteggJ.IIes~ wil'-t nfreri. wID be

    opal to aI! llIe redeemed n. In tbc Milleolliam._lI&. 35' I,,. -" The 1r.iD~dODU of thi5 world" we bIrt I~ anorda.iDtd period

    aDd WOl$t Ibn (in pla to the II Xh:lidOlD oIHeaNIII" -"Thy JUDgdom CoIDe,"

    ~niU& J'iw 0w,rAI h X_ -Wh, God bas permiueil nil (or ail tbovJUd ,ean, aDd _The ~Iatianship Df Cooctioolr.. C--. S......s;A. -'''--ai- -.! ".-.:it.) ps ,. .... ~ _D. 50 I:DIT5, _4GIIo .. o;mna PTILII: ,._

    CO, ...... J csorn. _ ........ D


  • 'THISCS \'Ol' WA."'T TU I':S(>W -- .. --


    THERE ARE \lD.I:: ... .;CES THAT_ -5U lhuvsaad Years rl'Oftl Adam mdHl in A. I'. IBj%. _ l'k Jlt,te 01_ LonJ'~ 11mb WII."I Oc1ober. a. c. 2. _ TlIe IM.e cl.-\nnllno.ioo IO)JIITJ. Ike. :r:Slh L c. 3 -1'bc lJate of oat Lord. Baplbm .. uOOober. A. 1> 29. - The :o..~ d oar Lord. CNcifixion,ApriJ. A. o . 33.

    _~ "s,e.tnly Ween" Dll.ll'"~l $ {nor ended A. n. )6. _The )msb .";:0:.' H~Ul, y .. - 40 l"n, A. D. 3010 70. _Tbe 0ni.1.i.aft Ace:,' )Tarrft' .... 40 ,-...an:, A D. 1874-1914 - ,..}et'Wl )ubiku"'~ Typic-I of.be .. nmes d 1let1l1l.

    tioa d all n; .. ~-Aa. 3' 19-21. _ n.c: Typical Jlllril~ Man- the: Date- or their kltit:rpe. _The: "TiIDe5ol"tbe Gmtilt:ll~.ilI e:nd with A D. 191~ - The Je: .. isb Ace. iu il~ l..c:mJIh, its C,n.m>nics. c:tc .. T)l~fied

    abe: Ra,Iidc:$ uf.be 0tri5IiaD A~e- ~ iu ~ _"Eli., (11"" Elijab the Prophet" was a Trpe.-Ho .. fullilltd. _The: AlIlicl,ri!t Has Comc:~What? WhC"1l? Where?

    T"iIu Mjdls _If "'-J .un Juf'IJ ;"'lruli"r III .. #u l/.."uJ.Mt1 ~f FlIiJ"."

  • Tln~cs TOL' OtJ(:HT TO ItlfOW --~--


    DO 'lo'OV x...'''OW TH"T -We arc no.li.iuo: jp ",he Ti"'c'ollhc End" af tlrifGospd.

    ~r cpacb is ",be 0.. olGod'a~" fwlhe KiJle:o. IIi .. ' are? .

    - . he -D"f1 afWai\iDc" arc CDdcd ~ tbe "ClUllSi", of the Sane1....,. '~"e lI,Uf"cb,-W ~n: or ns '\l."'bnl.na T:lf'r' i. no. In ~Id

    ,-This Hlne ~ for ll,c lqiallinr oftbe Rd .... el Diriae F.,'or la F1hhl,. hnel-bliDtled (,~ eralwies-to permil Ilte plbai", of an elel1 r.1~~ (n:l1II &maDi tbe Centlles1

    - 'nis (.TOT i;; pdu.lly t&1;i"1 shape and kllO'OI'1I U ZioniQa? _ lmmunld'l KinCUoa:l il no-- in Jft'C'IU of esl.lolli.b_? - Tbc lil'Hl P;rramid in q,7}lt is WiUIeu \0.11 IhcK CTnIl$

    g( IH ~es and .. / 0lU' uay---tulifJin&: in IJlII'bakl _ The frramid', da ... " .. 1ITd 11NIo:2(e WIder-" A ~ ."....

    bofu:atbe_fIlSia? Ita HrC~~ I)_ baIiua tbe Ju'''b .,d hi Grand G.lICIJ ~ lbe Go.pt-I ~1 115 Upper S&ep'Jlllbolu.c. the ~ill"


    - ........ :--

    -.A ____ ~_

    WATCH TOWER BIBLE I: TllAcrSOClE "''''''''''''' --Auar.JnJnI', PA .. u. L.\.