18/5 - 20071 VIP Elevator – second model A VDM++ Project Made By: Sune Wolff.

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Transcript of 18/5 - 20071 VIP Elevator – second model A VDM++ Project Made By: Sune Wolff.

18/5 - 2007 1

VIP Elevator – second model

A VDM++ Project

Made By: Sune Wolff

18/5 - 2007 2


Summary of First Model Desired Improvements Class Diagram Mapping Intelligent Elevator Intelligent Queue Achieved Improvements

18/5 - 2007 3

Summary of First Model

Basic first model FIFO queue for placing orders

Using ordered sequence of floors Elevator moved between floors in

atomic fashion

18/5 - 2007 4

Desired Improvements

Introduce classes for buttons and sensors Make use of mapping

Make elevator more intelligent Keep track of direction Choose next floor based on direction and distance

Introduce automatic test Read test sequence from file

Make sure the VIP receives special treatment No neighbours in elevator when VIP wants to use it Execute VIP order as soon as possible

18/5 - 2007 5

Class DiagramWorld

















locked : bool



18/5 - 2007 6


class ECinstance variables public static floorMap : map Elevator`Floor to nat :=

{<none> |-> -1, <ground> |-> 0, <one> |-> 1, <two> |-> 2, <three> |-> 3, <penthouse> |->

4}; public static invFloorMap : map nat to Elevator`Floor := inverse floorMap;end EC

class Elevatoroperations public UpdateCurrent: Dir * Floor ==> Floor UpdateCurrent(dir, cur) == (dcl curNum : nat := EC`floorMap(cur); if (dir = <up> and cur <> <penthouse>) then curNum := curNum + 1 elseif (dir = <down> and cur <> <ground>) then curNum := curNum – 1; return EC`invFloorMap (curNum); );end Elevator

18/5 - 2007 7

Intelligent Elevator

public MoveElevator: () ==> Floor MoveElevator() == (if (not EC`vipQueue.QueueEmpty() and EC`innerQueue.QueueEmpty()) then (nextFloor := EC`vipQueue.GetNextFromQueue(direction, currentFloor, nextFloor); currentFloor := UpdateCurrent(direction, currentFloor); return nextFloor) elseif (not EC`innerQueue.QueueEmpty()) then (nextFloor := EC`innerQueue.GetNextFromQueue(direction, currentFloor, nextFloor); currentFloor := UpdateCurrent(direction, currentFloor); return nextFloor) elseif (not EC`outerQueue.QueueEmpty()) then (nextFloor := EC`outerQueue.GetNextFromQueue(direction, currentFloor, nextFloor); currentFloor := UpdateCurrent(direction, currentFloor); return nextFloor) else (UpdateDir(direction); return <none>;

18/5 - 2007 8

Intelligent Queue

public GetNextFromQueue: Elevator`Dir * Elevator`Floor * Elevator`Floor ==> [Elevator`Floor]

GetNextFromQueue(dir, cur, next) == (dcl nextFloor : Elevator`Floor := next; dcl nextSet : set of Elevator`Floor := {}; dcl top : Elevator`Floor := <penthouse>; dcl bottom : Elevator`Floor := <ground>; for all f in set elevatorQueue do (if (dir = <up> and EC`floorMap(f) > EC`floorMap(cur)) then (nextSet := nextSet union {f}; for all nextF in set nextSet do (if (next = <none>) then (if (EC`floorMap(nextF) < EC`floorMap(top)) then (nextFloor := nextF; top := nextF;) elseif (EC`floorMap(nextF) < EC`floorMap(nextFloor)) then nextFloor := nextF;

18/5 - 2007 9

Intelligent Queue #2

if (nextFloor <> next and next <> <none>)then (elevatorQueue := elevatorQueue union {next}; elevatorQueue := {y | y in set elevatorQueue & y <> nextFloor};

)elseif (next = <none>)then elevatorQueue := {y | y in set elevatorQueue & y <> nextFloor};return nextFloor;

18/5 - 2007 10

Achieved Improvements

Introduce classes for buttons and sensors Make use of mapping

Make elevator more intelligent Keep track of direction Choose next floor based on direction and distance

Introduce automatic test Read test sequence from file

Make sure the VIP receives special treatment No neighbours in elevator when VIP wants to use it Execute VIP order as soon as possible
