1638 Mower

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Transcript of 1638 Mower

  • 7/27/2019 1638 Mower


    wner's Manual


    odel No.

    SafetyAssemblyOperationMaintenanceRepair Parts

    ead and follow all Safetyules and Instructions beforeerating this equipment.

    For answers to yourquestionsabout thisproduct,Call:1-800-659-5917Sears Craftsman Help Line5 am- 5 pm, Mort. Sat

    ears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, II 60179it our Craftsman website:www.sears.com/craftsman

  • 7/27/2019 1638 Mower


    Warranty ................................................ 2Safety Rules .......................................... 3Product Specifications........................... 6Assembly ............................................... 8Operation ............................................. 11Maintenance Schedule ....................... 17

    Maintenance ........................................ 17Service and Adjustments ..................... 21Storage ................................................ 27Troubleshooting .................................. 28Repair Parts ......................................... 32Parts Ordedng ...................... Back Cover

    LIMITED'rWOYEAR WARRAN'rY ON CRAFTSMAN RIDING EQUIPMENT PARTSFortwo (2) years from the date of pumhase, if this Craftsman Riding Equipment ismaintained, lubricated and tuned up according to the instructionsin the owner'smanual, Sears will repair or replace, free ofcharge, any parts found to be defective inmaterial or workmanship. Warranty service is available free of charge by returningyourCraftsman ridingequipment to your nearest Sears Service Center. In-home warrantyservice is available but a trip charge will apply. This warranty applies only while thisproduct is in the United States.This Warranty does not cover: Expendable items which become worn during normal use, such as blades, sparkplugs, air cleaners, belts and oil filters. Tire replacement or repair caused by punctures from outside objects, such as nails,thorns, stumps, or glass. Repairs necessary because of operator abuse, including but not limited to, damagecaused by towing objects beyond the capabilityof the ridingequipment, impactingobjects that bend the frame or crankshaft, or over speeding the engine. Repairs necessary because of operator negligence, includingbut not limited to,electrical and mechanical damage caused by improper storage, failure to use theproper grade and amount of engine oil, failure to keep the deck clear of flammabledebris, or the failure to maintain the equipment accordingto the instructionscon-tained in the owner's manual. Engine (fuel system) cleaning or repairs caused by fuel determined to be contami-nated or oxidized (stale). In general, fuel should be used withinthirty (30) days of itspurchase date. Ridingequipment used for commercial or rental purposes. A product is =used forcommercial purpose" if is used for any purpose other than single family householddwellings or in usage where profitis made.LIMITED 90 DAYWARRANTY ON BA3-1"ERYFor ninety (90) days from date of purchase, if any battery included with this ridingequipment proves defective in material or workmanship and our testing determines thebattery will not hold a charge, Sears will replace the battery at no charge. Warrantyservice is available free of charge by returning your Craftsman dding equipment toyour nearest Sears Service Center. In-home warrantyservice Is availablebut a tripcharge willapply. This warranty applies onlywhile this product is in the United States.TO LOCATETHE NEAREST SEARS SERVICE CENTER OR TO SCHEDULE IN-HOMEWARRAN'I'Y SERVICE, SIMPLY CONTACT SEARS AT 1-800-4-MY-HOMEThis Warranty gives you specificlegal dghts, and you may also have other dghts wNchmay varyfrom state to state.Sears, Roebuck and Co., D/817 WA, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179


  • 7/27/2019 1638 Mower


    ORTANT: This cutting machine is capable of amputating hands and feet andowing o.bects. Failure to observe the following safety instructionscould resultininjuryor death.GENERAL OPERATIONRead, understand, and follow ellinstructionsn the manual and on themachine beforestarting.Only allow responsibleadults, who arefamiliar withthe instructions,to operatethe machine.Clear the area of objectssuchas rocks,toys,wire, etc., which couldbe pickedup and thrown by the blade.Be sure the area is dear ofother peoplebefore mowing. Stop machine ff anyoneenters the area.Never carry passengers.Do not mow in reverse unless absolutelynecessary. Always look down andbehind before and while backing.Be aware ofthe mower dischargedirection and do not pointit at anyone.Do not operate the mowerwithout eitherthe entire grass catcher or the guard inplace.Slow down before taming.Never leave a running machineunattended. Always turn off blades, setparking brake, stop engine, and removekeys before dismounting.Turnoff blades when not mowing.Stop engine before removinggrasscatcher or uncloggingchute.Mow only in daylight or good artificiallight.Do notoperate the machine while underthe influenceof alcohol or drugs.Watch for trafficwhen operating near orcrossing roadways.Use extra care when loading or unload-log the machine into a traileror truck.Data indicatesthat operators, age 60years and above, are involvedin a largeparcentage of ridingmower-relatedinjuries. These operatorsshouldeveluate their abilityto operate the ridingmower safely enoughto protectthem-selves and othersfrom serious injury.Keep machine free of grass, leaves orother debris build-upwhich can touchhot exhaust / engine parts and bum. Donot allowthe mower deckto plow leavesor other debris which can cause build-up to occur.Clean any oil orfuelspillage before operating or storing themachine. Allow machine to coolbeforestorage. 3

    II. SLOPE OPERATIONSlopes are a major factor related to loss-of-controland tipover accidents,whichcan re-suit in severe injury or death. All slopesrequireextra caution. Ifyou cannot back upthe slope or ifyou feel uneasy on it, de notmow it.DO: Mow up and down slopes, notacross. Remove obstaclessuch as rocks,treelimbs,etc.Watch for holes, ruts,or bumps. Uneventerrain could overtum the machine. Tallgrass can hide obstacles.Use slowspeed. Choose a low gear sothat you willnot haveto stopor shiftwhile on the slope.Followthe manufacturer's recommenda-tionsfor wheel weights or counter-weights to improve stability.Use extra care with grasscatchersorother attachments. These can changethe stabilityof the machine.Keep ell movement on the slopes slowand gradual. Do not make suddenchanges in speed or direction.Avoid starting or stopping ona slope, i ftires lose traction, disengagethe bladesand proceed slowly straight down theslope.DO NOT: Do not turn on slopesunlessnecessary,and then, tam slowly and graduallydownhill, if possible. Do not mow near drop-offs, ditches, orembankments. The mower couldsuddenly turn over if a wheel is over the

    edge of a cliff orditch, or i f an edgecaves in. Do notmow on wet grass. ReducedtrectJon could cause sliding. Do not tryto stabilizethe machine byputtingyourfoot on the ground. Do notuse grass catcheron steepslopes.

  • 7/27/2019 1638 Mower


    III.CHILDRENTragic accidents can occur if the operatoris not alert to the presence of children.Children are otlen attracled to themachine and the mowing activity. Neverassume that children will remain whereyou last saw them. Keep childrenout of the mowing areaand under the watchful care of anotherrespons_le adult. Be alert.and rum machine off if childrenenter the area. Before and when backing, look behindand down for small children. Never carry children. They may fall offand be seriously injured or interferewith safe machine operation. Never allow children to operate themachine. Use extra care when approaching blindcomers, shrubs, trees, or other objectsthat may obscure vision.IV. SERVICE Use extra care in handling gasoline

    and otherfuels. They are flammableand vapors are explosive.-Use only an approved container.. Never remove gas cap or add fuelwith ,,ha engine n_nn_ng. Allowengine to cool before refueling. Donotsmoke.- Never refuel the machine indoors.- Never store the machine or fuelcontainer inside where there is anopen flame, such as a water heater.

    Never run a machine inside a closedarea. Keep nuts and bolts, especially bladeattachment bolts, tight and keepequipment in good condition. Never tamper with safety devices.Check their proper operation regularly. Keep machine free of grass, leaves, orother debds build-up, Clean oil or fuelspillage. Allow machine to cool beforestoring. Stop and inspect the equipment if youstrike an object. Repair, if necessary,before restarting. Never make adjustments or repairswith the engine running. Grass catcher components are subjectto wear, damage, end deterioration,which could expose moving parts orallow objects to be thrown. Frequentlycheck components and replace withmanufacturer's recommended parts,when necessary. Mower blades are sharp and can cut.

    Wrap the blade(s) or wear gloves, anduse extra caution when see'icing them. Check brake operation frequently.Adjust and service as required.

    Be sure the area isclear of otherpeople before mowing. Stop machine Ifanyone enters the area. Never carry passengers or chlldraneven with the blades O1t. Do not mow in reverse unless abso-lutely necessary. Always look downand behind before and while backing. Never carry children. They may fall offand be sedously injured or interferewith safe machine operation. Keep children out of the mowing areaand under the watchful care of anotherresponsible adult.

    Be alert and turn machine off if childrenenter the area. Before and when backing, look behindand down for small children. Mew up and down slopes (15 Max),not aeross. Remove obstacles such as rocks, treelimbs, etc. Watch for holes, ruts,or bumps.Uneven terrain could overturnthemachine. Tall grass can hide obstacles.


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    Use slow speed. Choose a low gear sothat you will not have to stop or shiftwhile on the slope.Avoid starting or stopping on a slope. Iftires lose traction, disengage theblades and proceed slowly straightdown the slope.If machine stops while going uphill,disengage blades, shift into reverseand back down slowly.Do not tum on slopes unless neces-sary, and then, tum slowlyand gradu-ally downhill, if possible.

    Look for this symbolto point outortant safety precautions. It meansBECOMEALERTlll YOURIS INVOLVED.CAUTION: In order to prevent acci-starting when setting up, transport-g, adjusting or making repairs, alwayssconnect spark plug wire and placere where it cannot contact spark plug.

    Do not coast down a hill inutral, you may lose control ofthe

    _CAUTION: Tow onlythe attachmentsthat are recommendedby and complywith specifications of the manufacturer ofyourtractor. Use common sense whentowing. Operate onlyat the lowestpossible speed when on a slope. Tooheavy of a load, whileon a slope, isdangerous. Tires con lose traction withthe ground and cause you to lose controlof your tractor.A_kWARNING: Engine exhaust, some ofitsconstituents, and certain vehiclecomponents contain or emit chemicalsknown to the State of Californiato causecancer and birth defects or other repro-ductive harm._)_WARNING: Battery posts,terminalsand related accessories contain lead andlead compounds, chemicals known to theState of California to cause cancer andbirth defects or other reproductive harm.Wash hands after handling.


  • 7/27/2019 1638 Mower





    CONGRATULATIONS on your purchaseofa newtractor, It has been designed,engineered and manufactured to giveyou the best possible dependability andperformance.Should you expedence any problem youcannot easily remedy, please contact aSears or other qualified service center,We have competent, well-trained techni-cians and the propertools to service orrepair this tractor.Please read and retain this manual. Theinstructionswill enable you to assembleand maintain your tractor properly.Always observe the =SAFETY RULES".REPAIR AGREEMENTA Repair Agreement is available on thisproduct. Contact your nearest Searsstore for details.CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILITIES Read and observe the safety rules, Follow a regular schedule in maintain-ing, caring for and using your tractor. Follow the instructionsunder "Mainte-nance" and =Storage" sections ofthis

    owner's manual./I, WARNING: This tractor is equippedwith an internal combustion engine andshould not be used on or near anyunimproved forest-covered, brush-covered or grass-covered land unless theengine's exhaust system is equipped witha spark arrester meeting applicable localor state laws(ffany). Ifa spark arrester isused, it should be maintained in effectiveworking order by the operator.In the state of California the above isrequired by law (Section 4442 of theCalifornia Public Resources Code).Other states may have similar laws.Federal laws apply on federal lands. Aspark arrester for the muffler is availablethrough your nearest Sears servicecenter (See REPAIR PARTS section ofthis manual).


  • 7/27/2019 1638 Mower


    Steering Wheel

    SteeringWheet Insert

    (1) Large FlatWasher

    (1) HexBolt 5/16-18x 1-1/4Wheel1) Locknut 5/16-18_ (11Lockwasher 3/8 1'[J_[:_ Steering _ SteeringAdapter teedng EhXta'f_sion_Boot


    I1) Washer17/32 x 1-3/16 x 12 Gauge_(1) Knob

    For Future UseKeys

    (2) Keys

    Slope Sheet Video Cassette


  • 7/27/2019 1638 Mower


    Yournew tractor has been assembled at the factory with exception of those parts leftunassembled for shipping purposes. To ensure safe and proper operation of yourtractor all parts and hardware you assemble mustbe tightened securely. Use thecorrect tools as necessary to insure proper tightness. Review the video cassette beforeyou begin.TOOLS REQUIRED FOR ASSEMBLYA socket wrench set will make assemblyeasier. Standard wrench sizes you needare listed below.(1) 9/16"wrench (1) Pliers(2) 1/2"wrench (1) Utility knife(1) Tire pressure gaugeWhen dght or left hand is mentioned inthis manual, itmeans when you are intheoperating position (seated behind thesteering wheel).TO REMOVETRACTOR FROMCARTONUNPACK CARTON1. Remove all accessible loose partsand parts cartons from carton.2. Cut, from top to bottom, along lines on

    all four comers of carton, and laypanels flat.3. Check for any additional loose partsor cartons and remove.BEFORE REMOVING TRACTORFROM SKIDA'n'ACH STEERING WHEELASSEMBLE EXTENSION SHAFT ANDBOOT1. Slide extension shaft onto lowersteedng shaft. Align mounting holesin extension and lower shafts andinstall 5/16 hex bolt and Iocknut.

    Tighten securely.IMPORTANT: Tighten bolt and nutsecurelyto 18-22 ft. Ibs torque.2. Place tabs of steedng boot over tabslots in dash and push down to

    secure,INSTALL STEERING WHEEL3. Positionfront wheels of the tractor sothey are pointing straight forward.4. Remove steedng wheel adapter fromsteedng wheel and slide adapter ontosteering shaft extension.5. Position steeringwheel so cress barsare horizontal (left to dght) and slideinside boot and onto adapter.6. Assemble large flat washer, 3/8 lockwasher, 3/8 hex bolt and tightensecurely.

    _ Insert

    J _ fSteedng BootSteedngWheelTabs


    7. Snap steedng wheel insert into centerof steedng wheel.8. Remove protective materials fromtractor hood and gall.IMPORTANT: Check for and remove anystaples in skid that may puncture tireswhere tractor is to roll of f skid.HOWTO SET UPYOURTRACTORCHECK BA'rrERY1. Liftseat pan to raised positionandopen battery box door.NOTE: Ifthis battery isput into serviceafter month and year indicated on label(label located between terminals) chargebattery for minimum of one hourat 6-10amps. (See "BATTERY" in Maintenancesection of this manual for charginginstructions).


  • 7/27/2019 1638 Mower




    TALL SEATst seat before tightening adjustment

    Remove adjustment knob and flatwasher securing seat to cardboardpacking and set aside for assembly ofseat to tractor.Pivotseat upward and remove fromthe cardboard packing. Remove thecardboard packing and discard.Place seat on seat pan so head ofshoulder bolt is positioned over largeslotted hole in pan.. Push down on seat to engageshoulder bolt in slotand pull seattowards rear of tractor., Pivot seat and pan forward andassemble adjustment knob and flatwasher loosely, Do not tighten.Lower seat into operating position andsit in seat.Slide seat until a comfortable positionis reached which allows you to pressclutch/brakepedal all the way down.Get off seatwithoutmovingitsadjusted position.. Raise seat and tighten adjustmentknob securely.



    NOTE: You may now rollor drive yourtractor off the skid. Follow the appropriateinstructionbelow to remove the tractorfrom the skid,TO ROLLTRACTOR OFF SKID (SeeOperation section for location andfunction of controls)1. Press lift lever plunger and raiseattachment liftlever to its highest

    position.2, Release parking brake by depressingclutch/brake pedal.3. Place gearshift lever in neutral (N)position.4. Roll tractor forward off skid.5. Remove banding holding deflectorshield up against tractor.TO DRIVETRACTOR OFF SKID (SeeOperation section for location andfunction of controls)-_WARNING: Before starting, read,understand and follow all ins_tructldnsnthe Operation section ofthis manual. Besure tractor is in a well-ventilated area.Besure the area in front oftractor is clearof other people and objects.1. Be sure all the above assembly stepshave been completed,2. Check engine oillevel and fill fueltank with gasoline.3. Sit on seat inoperating position,depress clutch/brake pedal and setthe parldng brake.4. Place gear shift lever inneutral (N)position.5. Press lift lever plunger and raiseattachment lift lever to its highestposition.6. Start the engine. After engine hasstarted, move throttle controlto idleposition,7. Depress clutch/brakepedal intofull"BRAKE" position and hold. Movegearshift laver to 1st gear.8, Slowly release clutch/brake pedal andslowlydrive tractor off skid.9, Apply brake to stoptractor, set parkingbrake and place gearshift lever inneutral position.10.Turn ignition key to "OFF" position.Continue with the instructionsthat follow.


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    INSTALL MULCHER PLATE(If previously removed)t. Raise and hold deflector shield inupright position.2. Place front of mulcher plate over frentof mower deck opening and slide intoplace, as shown.3. Hook front latch intohole on front ofmower deck.4. Hook rear latch into hole on back ofmower deck.

    MulcherDef[eclor Plate

    Latch_' Hooks

    _ILCAUTION: Do not remove deflectorshield from mower. Raise and holdshield when attaching mulcher plate andallow it to reston plate while in opera-tion.TO CONVERTTO BAGGING ORDISCHARGINGSimply remove mulcher plate and storeina safe place.Your mower is now readyfor discharging or installation of optionalgrass catcher accessory.NOTE: It is not necessary to changeblades. The mulcher blades are de-signed for discharging and bagging also.CHECKTIRE PRESSUREThe tires on yourtractor were overin-flated at the factory for shippingpur-poses. Correct tire pressure is importantfor best cutting performance. Reduce tire pressure to PSi shown in"PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS"section of this manual.CHECK DECK LEVELNESSFor best cutting results, mower housingshould be properly leveled. See "TOLEVEL MOWER HOUSING" intheService and Adjustments section of thismanual.

    CHECK FOR PROPER POSITION OFALL BELTSSee the figures that are shown forreplacing motion and mower blade drivebelts in the Service and Adjustmentssectionof this manual. Verify that thebelts are routed correctly.CHECK BRAKE SYSTEMAfter you learn how to operate yourtractor,checkto see thatthe brake isproperly adjusted. See "1"0 ADJUSTBRAKE" in the Service and Adjustmentssection of this manual.

    / CHECKLISTBEFORE YOU OPERATE AND ENJOYYOUR NEW TRACTOR, WE WISH TOASSURE THATYOU RECEIVE THE BESTPERFORMANCE AND SATISFACTIONFROM THIS QUALITY PRODUCT.PLEASE REVIEWTHE FOLLOWINGCHECKLIST:v"All assembly instructionshave beencompleted./ No remaining loose parts in carton./ Battery is pmpedy prepared endcharged. (Minimum 1hour at 6 amps).v" Seat is adjusted comfortablyandtightened securely.,/All tires are propedy inflated. (Forshipping purposes, the tires wereovednflated at the factory).J Be sure mower deck is propedy leveledside-to-side/front-to-rear for best cuttingresults, (Tires must be properly inflatedfor leveling)./ Check mower and drive bells. Be surethey are muted propedy around pulleysand inside all belt keepers.,/Check wiring. See that all connectionsare still secure and wires are properly

    clamped.WHILE LEARNING HOWTO USEYOURTRACTOR, PAY EXTRA ATTENTION TOTHE FOLLOWING IMPORTANT ITEMS:/ Engine oil is at proper level.,/Fuel tank is filled with fresh, clean,regular unleaded gasoline.,/Become familiar with all controls- theirlocation and function. Operate thembefore you start the engine.,/Be sure brake system is in safeoperating condition.


  • 7/27/2019 1638 Mower


    ese symbols may appear on your tractor or in literature supplied with the product.arn and understand their meaning.







  • 7/27/2019 1638 Mower


    KNOWYOURTRACTORREAD THIS OWNER'S MANUAL AND SAFETY RULES BEFORE OPERATINGYOUR TRACTORCompare the illustrationswith your tractor to familiadze yourself with the locations ofvarious centrals and adjustments, Save this manual for future reference.

    Light SwitchAttachment Ignition SwitchClutchLift

    Ammeter i"__._"-.,, PlungerAttachmentLiftLever


    Crutch/BrakePedal HeightAdjustment

    Brake Lever

    Gearshift Lever

    Our tractorsconform to the safety standardsof the AmericanNational Standards Institute.AMMETER - Indicates charging (+) ordischarging (-) of battery.A'rrACHMENT CLUTCH LEVER - Usedto engage the mower blades, or otherattachments mounted to your tractor.A'n'ACHMENT LIFT LEVER - Used toraise, lower, and adjustthe mower deckor other attachments mounted to yourtractor.CLUTCWBRAKE PEDAL - Used fordeclutching and braking the tractor andstarting the engine.GEARSHIFT LEVER - Selects the speedand directionof tractor.

    IGNITION SWITCH - Used for startingandstopping the en_g=ine.LIFT LEVER PLUNGER - Used to releaseattachment lift lever when changing itsposition.LIGHT SWITCH - Turnsthe headlights onand off.PARKING BRAKE LEVER - Locks clutch/brake pedal into the brake position.THROTTLE/CHOKE CONTROL- Usedfor starting and controllingengine speed,


  • 7/27/2019 1638 Mower


    The operation of any tractor can result in foreign objects thrown intothe eyes, whichcan result in severe eye damage. Always wear safetyglasses or eye shieldswhile operating your tractor or performing anyadjustments or repairs. We recommend a wide visionsafety mask overspectacles or standard safety glasses.WTO USEYOURTRACTORSET PARKING BRAKE

    urtractor is equipped with an operatoresence sensing switch. When enginerunning,any attempt bythe operator toave the seat withoutfirst setting therking brake will shut off the engine.Depress clutch/brake pedal intofull=BRAKE" position and hold.. Place parking brake lever in "EN-GAGED" positionand releasepressure from clutch/brake pedal.Pedal shouldremain in "BRAKE"

    position, Make sure parking brake willholdtractor secure.Attachment Clutch Lever"Engaged" Position


    =Engaged"lutch/ Position

    Leverosition Position

    WER BLADES -To stop mower blades,move attach-ment clutch lever to "DISENGAGED"position.ROUND DRIVE -To stop ground drive, depress clutcWbrake pedal intofull =BRAKE" position.Move gearshift lever to neutral (N)position.GINE -Move throttle control to slow position.TE: Failureto move throttle controltoow positionand allowing engine to idlestopping may cause engine toTurn ignition key to "OFF" positionandremove key. Always remove key whenleaving tractor to prevent unauthorizeduse.Never use choke to stop engine.

    IMPORTANT: Leaving the ignition switchin any position other than "OFF" willcause the battery to be discharged,(dead).NOTE: Under certain conditionswhentractor Is standing idle with the enginerunning, hot engine exhaust gases maycause "browning" of grass. To eliminatethis possibility,always stop engine whenstopping tractor on grass areas._CAUTION: Always stop tractorcompletely, as oescdbed above, beforeleavingthe operator's position;to emptygrasscatcher, etc.TO USE TH RO'rFLE CONTROLAlways operate engine at full throttle. Operating engine at less than fullthrottle reduces the battery chargingrate. Full throttle offers the best bagging andmower performance.TO MOVE FORWARD AND BACKWARDThe directionand speed of movement iscontrolled by the gearshift lever.1. Start tractor with clutch]brake pedaldepressed and gearshift lever inneutral (N) position.2. Move gearshift lever to desiredposition.3. Slowly release clutch/brake pedal tostart movement.IMPORTANT: Bdngtractorto a completestop before shiftingor changing gears.Failure to do so will shorten the usefullifeof your transaxle.TO ADJUST MOWER CuI-nNG HEIGHTThe positionof the attachment lift leverdetermines the cutting height. Grasp lift lever. Press plunger with thumb and movelever to desired position.The cutting height range is approxi-mately 1-1/2 to 4". The heights aremeasured from the ground to the bladetip with the engine not running. Theseheights are approximate and may varydepending upon soil conditions, height ofgrass and types of grass being mowed.


  • 7/27/2019 1638 Mower


    The average lawn should be cut toapproximately 2-1/2 inches during thecool season and to over 3 inchesduring hot months. For healthier andbetter looking lawns, mow often andafter moderate growth. For best cutting performance, grassover 6 inches in height should bemowed twice. Make the first cutrelatively high; the second to desiredheight.TO OPERATE MOWERYourtractor is equipped with an operatorpresence sensing switch. Any attempt bythe operator to leave the seat with theengine runningand the attachment clutchengaged will shut off the engine.1. Select desired height of cut.2. Start mower blades by engagingattachment clutchcontrol.TO STOP MOWER BLADES -disengage attachment clutch control_I,CAUTION: Do not operate the mowerwithouteither the entire grass catcher, onmowers so equipped, or the deflectorshield in place.AttachmentClutchLever Attachemnt=Engaged""Posi#on , Position




    TO OPERATE ON HILLS_kCAUTION: Do not driveup or downhills with slopes greater than 15 and donot ddve across any slope. Choose the slowest speed beforestarting up or down hills. Avoid stopping or changing speed onhi((s. If slowingis necessary, move throttlecontrol lever to slower position. If stopping is absolutely necessary,push elutch/brake pedal quickly tobrake position and engage parkingbrake. Move gearshift lever to 1st gear. Besure you have allowed room for tractorto roll slightlyas you restart movement.

    To restart movement, slowlyreleaseparking brake and clutch/brake pedal. Make all turns slowly.TO TRANSPORT Raise attachment lift to highest positionwith attachment liftcontrol. When pushing or towingyour tractor,be sure gearshift lever is in neutral (N)position. Do not push ortow tractorat more than

    five (5) MPH.NOTE: To protect hood from damagewhen transportingyour tractor on a truckor a trailer, be sure hoodis closed andsecured to tractor. Use an appropriatemeans of tying hoodto tractor(rope, cord,etc.).TOWING CARTS AND OTHER ATTACH-MENTSTow only the attachments that arerecommended by and comply withspecificationsof the manufacturer of yourtractor.Use (_ommonsense when towing,Too heavy of a load, while on a slope, isdangerous. "rimscan lose tractionwiththe ground and cause you to lose controlofyour tractor.BEFORE STARTINGTHE ENGINECHECK ENGINE OIL LEVELThe engine in yourtractor has beenshipped, from the factory, already filledwith summer weight oil.1. Check engine oil withtractor on levelground.2. Remove oil fill cap/dipstick and wipeclean, reinsert the dipstick and screwcap t ight, wad for a few seconds,remove and read oil level. If neces-

    sary, add ell until "FULL" mark ondipstick is reached. Do not overfill . For cold weather operation you shouldchange oil for easier starting (Sea "OILVISCOSITY CHART" inthe Mainte-nance section of this manual). To change engine oil,see the Mainte-nance section in this manual.

    Oil Fill Cap/



  • 7/27/2019 1638 Mower


    D GASOLINEFillfuel tank. Use fresh, clean, regularunleaded gasoline with a minimum of87 octane. (Use of leaded gasolinewill increase carbon and lead oxidedeposits and reducevalve llfe). Do notmix oil with gasoline. Purchase fuel inquantitiesthat can be used within 30days to assure fuel freshness.PORTANT: When operating inmperatures below 32F(0C), use fresh,ean winter grade gasoline to helpure good cold weather starting.

    Experience indicates thatblended fuels (called gasohol oringethanol or methanol) can attractisturewhich leads to separation andmation of acids during storage. Acidics can damage the fuelsystem of angine while in storage. To avoid engineblems, the fuel system should beptied before storage of 30 days orDrain the gas tank, start thegine and let it run untilthe fuel linescarburetorare empty. Use fresh fuelxt season. See Storage Instructionsforinformation. Never use enginecarburetor cleaner products in the fuelnk or permanent damage may occur.

    Fillto bottomof gas tankDo not overfill. Wipe off anyilled oilor fuel. Do not store, spillorgasoline near an open flame.START ENGINE

    startingtheengine forthe ifrstifma orifnehas run out offuel, itwil take extrafma tomove fuel from thetanktoengine.Sit on seat inoperating position,depress clutch/brake pedal and setparking brake.Placegear shiftlever inneutral (N)position.Move attachment clutchto =DISEN-GAGED" position.Move throttleoontrolto choke position.

    NOTE: Beforestarting,readthewarm andcoldstarling _res below.5. Insert key into ignitionand turn keyclockwise to "START" position andrelease key as soon as engine starts.Do not run starter continuouslyformorethan fifteen seconds per minute.Ifthe engine does not start afterseveral attempts, move throttle controlto fast position, wait a few minutesand try again. If engine stilldoes notstart,move the throttlecontrol back tothe choke position and retry.

    WARM WEATHER STARTING(50 F andabove)6. When engine starts, move the throttlecontrolto the fast position. The attachments and ground drive cannow be used. Ifthe engine does notaccept the load, restartthe engine andallow it to warm up for one minuteusing the choke as described above.COLD WEATHER STARTING ( 50 F andbelow)6. When engine starts, allow engine to

    run with the thrott le control in thechoke position until the engine runsroughly, then move throttle control tofast position. This may require anengine warm-up period from severalseconds to several minutes, depend-ing on the temperature. The attachments can also be usedduring the engine warm-up period.NOTE: ffat a highaltitude (above 3000 feet)or incoldtemperatures(below32 F) thecarburetoruel mixture may need to beac_ustador best engine performance. See"1"OADJUST CARBURETOR" in the ServiceandA_ustments section of this manual.


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    MOWINGTIPS Mower should be propedy leveled forbestmowing performance. See "TOLEVEL MOWER HOUSING" intheService and Adjustments section of thismanual. The left hand side of mowershould beused for trimming. Drive sothat clippings are dischargedonto the area that has been cut. Have

    the cut area to the dght ofthe tractor.This will resultin a more even distribu-tion of clippings and more uniformcutting. When mowing large areas, start byturning to the right so that clippingswilldischarge away from shrubs, fences,driveways, etc. After one ortworounds, mow in the opposite directionmaking left hand turns untilfinished. If grass is extremely tall, it should bemowed twice to reduce load andpossible fire hazard from dried clip.pings. Make first cut relatively high; thesecond to the desired height. Do not mow grass when it iswet. Wetgrass will plug mower and leaveundesirable clumps. Allow grass to drybefore mowing. Always operate engine at full throtUewhen mowing toassure better mowingperformance and proper discharge ofmaterial. Regulate ground speed byselecting a low enough gear to give themower cutting performance as well asthe quality of cut desired. When operating attachments, select agroundspeed that will suit the terrainand give best performance of theattachment being used.f

    MULCHING MOWINGTIPSIMPORTANT: For best performance,keep mower housing free of built-upgrass and trash. Clean after each use. The special mulching blade will recutthe grass clippings many times andreducethem in size sothat as they fallonto the lawn they will disperse intothegrass and not be noticed. Also, themulched grass will biodegrede quickly

    to provide nutrientsfor the lawn.Always mulch with your highestengine(blade) speed as this will provide thebest recutting action of the blades. Avoid cuttingyour lawn when it iswet.Wet grass tends toform clumpsandinterferes with the mulching action.The best time to mow your lawn is theeady aftemoon. At thistime the grasshas dried and the newly cut area willnot be exposed to the direct sun. For best results, adjust the mowercuttingheight so that the mower cuts offonlythe top one-third of the grassblades. For extremely heavy mulching,reduce yourwidth of cut on each passand mow slowly. Certain types of grass and grassconditionsmay require that an area bemulched a second time to completelyhide the clippings. When doing asecond cut, mow across or perpendicu-lar to the firstcut path. Change your cutting pattern from weekto week. Mow northto southone weekthen change to east to west the nextweek. This will help prevent mattingand grainingof the lawn.

    Max 1/3"


  • 7/27/2019 1638 Mower



    Ch,v_kBrakeOperation t/ t/CheckT'.. Pm_uro t,/ t/Check Operator Prese_cs a_dInterlockSystems b/c_.d_orLooseas_n_x= J V', I,/Sherpen/Rep_ar_k4owet Bled_ _4

    Ch_k Batter/Lewl I_sCkmn_tlsry andTeeninak b/ I/Ch_:_ Tmnsa)de CoolingAdjust81andBelt(s)Teeslon f_

    Mo(io_ D_e Be_t(s)Tension _dlustCheck Engbe Oil Level _ChangeEn0ineON l_?,_ b#

    Air Filter _Clean Ak-Scrsen b/2Inspect MuffledSpa_ Arrester I_Replace Oil Filter (If equipped) k_t2Clean Engine Cooling Fir_s I_=

    Rep_ca Nr Filter Paper C_lddge 1_2Repine Fuel miter (_


    3. _ eou;pp_d v,_*_o__lt_, d._ oam 50 h_xr_ 7.11ghtm tront _ ph_t _dt I_ 35 P_4_. rra_mJm.

    ENERAL RECOMMENDATIONSe warranty on thistractordoes not covertemsthat have been subjected to operatorbuse or negligence, To receive full valuethe warranty,operator must maintainas instructedin this manual.ome adjustments willneed to be madeedodicallyto properly maintain yourractor.ll adjustmentsin the Service anddjustmentssection of this manual shoulde checked at least once each season.Once a year you should replacethespark plug, clean or replace air filter, andcheck blades and belts for wear. A newspark plugand clean air filter assureproper air-fuel mixtureand help yourengine runbetter and last longer.

    BEFORE EACH USE1, Check engine oil level.2. Check brake operation.3. Check tire pressure.4. Check operator presence andintedeck systems for proper operation.5, Check for loose fasteners.

    LUBRICATION CHART_) SpindLeZerk Zerk

    (_Front WheelBearing Bearing ZerkZerk

    , - _- ,--_ shirtL __., '"- - _ Pivots_SAE 30 or 10w30MOTOROIL@GENERALPURPOSEGREASE@REFERTO Maintenance=ENGINE"SECTIONIMPORTANT: Do not oil or graase thepivot points which have special nylonbearings. Viscous lubricants will attractdust and dirt that will shorten the life ofthe self.lubricating bearings. If you feelthey must be lubricated, use only a dry,powdered graphite type lubricant


  • 7/27/2019 1638 Mower


    TRACTORAlwaysbserveafetyuleswhenperformingnymaintenance.BRAKEOPERATIONIftractorequiresore than six (6) feetstoppingdistance at high speed inhighest gear, then brake must be ad-usted.(See =ro ADJUST BRAKE" intheServ ce and Adjustments section of thismanual).TIRES Maintain proper air pressure in all tires(Sea =PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS"sectionof this manual). Keep tires free of gasoline, oil, or insectcontrol chemicals which can harmrubber. Avoid stumps, stones, deep ruts, sharpobjects and other hazards that maycause tire damage.NOTE: To seal tire punctures and preventflat tires due to slow leaks, tire sealantmay be purchasedfrom yourlocal partsdealer. Tire sealant also prevents tire dryrot and corrosion.OPERATOR PRESENCE SYSTEMBe sure operator presence and interlocksystems are working propedy. If yourtractor does not function as described,repair the problem immediately. The engine should not start unless theclutch/brake pedal is fully depressedand attachement clutch control is in thedisengaged position. When the engine is running, anyattempt by the operatorto leave theseat withoutfirstsetting the perkingbrake should shut off the engine. When the engine is running and theattachment clutch is engaged, anyattempt by the operatorto leave theseat should shut off the engine. The attachment clutchshould never

    operate unless the operator is in theseat.BLADE CAREFor best results mower blades must bekept sharp. Replace bent or damagedblades.BLADE REMOVAL1. Raise mower to highest position toallow access to blades.2. Remove hex bolt, lockwasher and flatwasher secudng blade.3. Install new or resharpened blade withtrailing edge up towards deck asshown.


    IMPORTANT: To ensure proper assembly,center hole in blade must align with staron mandrel assembly.4. Reassemble hex bolt, lockwasherand flat washer in exact order asshown.5. Tighten boltsecurely (27-35 Ft. Lbs.torque).IMPORTANT: Blade boltis grade 8 heattreated.TrailingEdgeUp MandrelAss/emblyBlade Center _

    "_---Hex Bolt(Grade)"_"l_'._*A Grade8 heat1rearedboltcanbe identifiedbysix linesonthebolthead.

    TO SHARPEN BLADENOTE: We do not recommend sharpen-ing blade - but if you do, be sure theblade is balanced.Care shouldbe taken to keep the bladebalanced. An unbalanced blade willcause excessive vibration and eventualdamage to mower and engine. The blade can be sharpened with a fileor on a grindingwheel. Do not attemptto sharpen while onthe mower. To check blade balance, you will needa 5/8" diameter steel bolt, pin,or a conebalancer. (When using a cone bal-ancer, follow the instructionssuppliedwith balancer.)NOTE: Do not use a nail for balancingblade. The lobes ofthe center hole mayappear to be centered, but are not. Slide blade on to an unthraadedportion of the steel boltor pin and holdthe bolt or pin parallel with the ground.

    If blade is balanced, it should remain ina horizontal position. If either end ofthe blade moves downward, sharpenthe heavy end untilthe blade isbalanced.

    Center Hole

  • 7/27/2019 1638 Mower


    tractor has a battery charging systemhich is sufficient for normal use. How-ver, periodic charging of the battery withm automotive charger will extend its life.Keep battery and terminals clean.Keep battery bolts tight.Keep small vent holes open,Recharge at 6-10 amperes for 1 hour.OTE: The original equipment battery onr tractor is maintenance free. Do notattempt to open or remove caps or covers.ding or checking level of electrolyte isnecessary.

    CLEAN BA'R'ERY AND TERMINALSCorrosion and dirt on the battery andcan cause the battery to "leak"power.1. Open battery box door.2. Disconnect BLACK battery cable firstthen RED battery cable and removebattery fromtractor.3. Rinse the battery with plain water anddry.4. Clean terminals and battery cableends with wire brush until bright.5. Coat terminals with grease or petro-

    leum _lly.6. Reinstall battery (See "REPLACINGBATTERY" in the SERVICE ANDADJUSTMENTS section of thismanual).V-BELTSCheck V-belts for deterioration and wearafter 100 hours of operation and replaceif necessary. The belts are notadjustable.Replace beltsif they begin to slip fromwear.TRANSAXLE COOLINGKeep transaxle free from build-up of dirtand chaff which can restrictcooling.ENGINELUBRICATIONOnly Use high quality detergent oil ratedwith API service classificationSF- SJ. Se-lect the oil's SAE viscosity grade accord-ing to your expected operating tempera-ture.

    NOTE: Although multi-viscosityoils(5W30, 10W30 etc.) improve starting incold weather, these multi.viscosity oilswill result in increased oil consumptionwhen used above 32E Check your en-gine oil level more frequently to avoidpossible engine damage from runninglow on oil.Change the oil after every 25 hours of op-eration or at least once a year ifthe trac-tor is not used for 25 hours inone year.Check the crankcase oil level beforestarting the engine and after each eight(8) hours of operation. Tighten oil fill cap/dipstick securely each time you check theoil level.


    TO CHANGE ENGINE OILDetermine temperature range expectedbefore oil change. All oil must meet APIservice classificationSF-SJ. Be sure tractor is on level surface. Oil will drain more freely when warm. Catch oil in a suitable container,1. Remove oil fill cap/dipstick. Be carefulnot to allow dirtto enter the enginewhen changing oil.2. Remove cap from end of drain valveand installthe drain tube ontothe

    fitting.3. Unlock drain valve by pushing inwardslightly and turning counterclockwise.4. To open, pull outon the drain valve.5. After oil has drained completely, closeand lock the drain valve by pushinginward and turning clockwise until thepin is in the locked position as shown.6. Remove the drain tube and replacethecap onto to the end ofthe drainvalve.7. Refill engine with oil through oil filldipsticktube. Pour slowty. Do notoverfill. For approximate capacity see"PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS"section of this manual.8. Use gauge on oil fill cap/dipstickforchecking level. Be sure dipstickcap Istightened securely for accuratereading. Keep oil at "FULL" line ondipstick,

  • 7/27/2019 1638 Mower


    Closed Oil DrainValve

    and _

    Locked DrainTubeposition

    CaCLEAN AIR SCREENAir screen mustbe kept free of dirt andchaff to prevent engine damage fromoverheating. Clean with a wire brush orcompressed air to remove dirt andstubbom dried gum fibers.ENGINE COOLING FINSRemove any dust, dirt or oil from enginecooling fins to prevent engine damagefrom overheating.1. Remove oil fill cap/dipstick.2. Remove hex bolts from blower

    housing and lift housing off engine.3. Cover oil fillopening to prevent entryof dirt.4. Use compressed air or stiff bristlebrush to thoroughly clean enginecooling fins.5. To reassemble, reverse aboveprocedure.BlowerHousing Hoxo1,: :2Dipstick Air c creen

    EngineCoolingFins _J"_ PlugAIR FILTERYourengine will not run properly using adirty air filter. Clean the foam pre-cleanerafter every 25 hours of operation or everyseason. Service paper cartridge every100 hours of operation or every season,whichever occurs first.Service air cleaner more often underdusty conditions.1. Remove knob(s) and cover.TO SERVICE PRE-CLEANER2. Slide foam pre-cleaner off cartridge.3. Wash it in liquid detergent and water.4. Squeeze it dry in a clean cloth.

    5. Saturate it in engine oil. Wrap it inclean, absorbent cloth and squeeze toremove excess oil.NOTE: If very dirty or damaged, replacepre-cleaner.6. Reinstall pre-cleaner over cartridge.7. Reinstall cover and secure withknob(s).TO SERVICE CARTRIDGE1. Remove cartridge nut.2. Carefully remove cartridge to preventdebris from entering carburetor.Clean base carefully to prevent debrisfrom entering carburetor.3. Clean cartridge by tapping gently onflat surface.NOTE: If very dirty or damaged, replacecartddge.4. Reinstall cartridge, nut, precleaner,cover and secure with knob(s).IMPORTANT: Petroleum solvents, suchas kerosene, are not to be used to cleanthe cartridge. They may cause deteriora-tion of the cartridge. Do not oil cartridge.Do not use pressurized air to clean or drycartridge.

    Cover KnobB Nut

    Foam _ CartridgePre-Cleaner_Base

    MUFFLERInspect and replace corroded muffler andspark arrester (if equipped) as it couldcreate a fire hazard and/or damage.SPARK PLUGSReplace spark plugs at the beginning ofeach mowingseason or after every 100hours of operation, whichever occurs first.Spark plug type and gap setting areshown in "PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS"section of this manual.IN-LINE FUEL FILTERThe fuel filter should be replaced onceeach season. Iffuel filter becomesclogged, obstructingfuel flow to carbure-tor, replacement is required.1. With engine cool, remove filter andplug fuel line sections.2. Place new fuel filterin position in fuelline with arrow pointing towards20 carburetor.

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    Be sure there are no fuel line leaksand clamps are properly positioned.Immediately wipe up any spilledgasoline.__ _-_ Clamp

    Clean f, seat, finish, etc.n matter.

    Keep finished surfaces and wheels freeof all gasoline, oil, etc. Protect painted surfaces with automo-tive type wax.We do not recommend using a gardenhose to clean your tractor unless theelectrical system, muffler, air filter andcarburetor are covered to keep water out.Water in engine can result in a shortenedengine life.

    _CAUTION: BEFORE PERFORMING ANY SERVICE OR ADJUSTMENTS:1. Depress clutch/brake pedal fully and set parking brake.2. Place gearshift lever in neutral (N) position.3. Place attachment clutch in "DISENGAGED" position.4. Turn ignitionkey "OFF" and remove key.5. Make sure the blades and all movingparts have completely stopped.6. Disconnect spark plug wire f rom spark plug and place wire where it cannotcome in contact with plug.

    REMOVE MOWERwill be easier to remove from thetside of tractor.Place attachment clutchin "DISEN-GAGED" position.Move attachment lift lever forward tolower mower to its lowest position.Roll beltoff engine pulley.Remove small retainer spring, and liftclutchspring offpulley bolt.. Remove large retainer spring, slidecollaroff and push housing guide outof bracket.Disconnect anti-swaybar from chassisbracket by removing retainer spring.Disconnect suspension arms fromrear deck brackets by removingretainer springs.Disconnect front links from deck byremoving retainer springs.

    Small Retainer

    9. Raise lift lever to raise suspensionarms. Slide mower out from undertractor.IMPORTANT: If an attachment other thanthe mower deck isto be mounted on thetractor, remove the front linksand hookthe clutchspring Into square hole inframe.TO INSTALL MOWER1. Raise attachment lift lever to its

    highest position.2. Slide mower under tractor withdeflector shield to rightside oftractor.3. Lower lift lever to its lowest position.4. Installmower inreverse order ofremoval instructions,

    Suspension ArmsClutch Spdng_

    - _ SquareHole


    Anti-SwayCollar Spdngs(Both Sides)

    Housing GuideLarge 21

  • 7/27/2019 1638 Mower


    TO LEVEL MOWER HOUSINGAdjustthe mower white tractor is parkedon level ground or driveway. Make suret res are properly inflated (See PROD-UCT SPECIFICATIONS section ofthsmanual). If tires are over orunderinflated, you will not pmpedyadjust your mower.SIDE-TO-SIDE ADJUSTMENT Raise mower to its highest position. At the midpointof both sides of mower,measure height from bottom edge ofmower to ground. Distance "A" onboth sides ot mower should be thesame or within 1/4" of each other. If adjustmentis necessary, makeadjustment on one side of mower only. To raise one side of mower, tighten liftlinkadjustment nut on that side. To lower one sideof mower, loosen lift

    link adjustment nut on that side.NOTE: Each fullturn of adjustment nutwill change mower height about 1/8". Recheck measurements after adjust-ing.Bottomedgeof Bottomedge ofmowerto mowertoground__ groundAT"U "ITA


    Lift LinkAdius!_-_erdNut----'---'-

    FRONT-TO-BACK ADJUSTMENTIMPORTANT: Deck mustbe level side-toside. If the following front-to-back adjust-ment is necessary, be sure to adjustbothfront links equally so mower will staylevel side-to-side.To obtain the best cutting results, themower housing should be adjusted sothat the front is approximately 1/8" to 1/2"lower than the rear when the mower is inits highest position.Check adjustment on right side of tractor.Measure distance "D" directly in front andbehind the mandrel at bottom edge ofmower housing as shown.

    Before making any necessary adjust-ments, check that both front links areequal in length. If linksare not equal in length, adjustone linkto same length as other link. To lower front of mower loosen nut "E"on both front links an equal number ofturns. When distance "D" Is 1/8" to 1/2" lowerat front than rear, tighten nuts "F"against trunnionon both front links. To raisefront ofmower, loosen nut "F"from trunnion on both front links.Tighten nut "E" on both front links anequal number of turns.* When distance "D" is 1/8"to 1/2" lowerat front than rear,tighten nut "F" againsttrunnionon both front links. Recheck side-to-side adjustment.

    ==\ ooj / Mandrelo o =

    Front Links


  • 7/27/2019 1638 Mower


    REPLACE MOWER BLADE DRIVEe mower blade drive belt may beplaced withouttools, Perk the tractor onvel surface. Engage parking brake,

    REMOVAL -Remove mowerfrom tractor (See "TOREMOVE MOWER" in this section ofthis manual).Work belt off both mandrel pulleysandidler pulleys.Pullbelt away from mower.

    INSTALLATION -Install new belt inreverse order ofremoval.. Make sure belt is inell pulley groovesand inside all belt guides.Install mower inreverse order ofremoval instructions.


    ur tractor is equipped with an adjust-le brake system which is mounted one rightside of the transaxle.tractor requires morethan six(6) feetoppingdistance at high speed inghest gear on a level dry concrete orsurface, then brake must beDepress clutclVbrake pedal andengage parking brake.Measure distance between brakeoperating arm and nut "A"on brakerod.If distanceis other than 1-1/2", loosenjam nut and turn nut "A"untildistancebecomes 1-1/2". Retighten jam nutagainst nut "A'.

    4. Road testtractor for properstoppingdistance as stated above. Readjust ifnecessary. If stopping distance isstillgreater than six (6) feet in highestgear, further maintenance is neces-cary. Contact a Sears or otherqualified service center.With ParkingBrake =Engaged"


    _-- I_Opera_ ._J AiTn ring

    TO REPLACE MOTION DRIVE BELTPark the tractor on level surface. Engageparking brake. For assistance, there isabelt installation guide decal on bottomside of leftfootrest.1. Remove mower (See "TO REMOVEMOWER" inthis section ofthismanual.)2. Remove beltfrom stationary idler andclutching idler.3. Pull beltslack toward rear of tractor.Remove belt upwards from transaxlepulley by deflecting belt keepers.4. Pull belt toward front of tractor andremove downwards from around

    engine pulley.5. Install new belt by reversing aboveprocedure.




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    TRANSAXLE GEAR SHIFT LEVERNEUTRAL ADJUSTMENTThe transaxle should be in neutral whenthe gear shift lever is in neutral (N) (lockgate) position.The adjustment is preset atthe factory; however, if adjustment isneeded, procead as follows:1. Make sure transaxle is in neutral (N).NOTE: When the tractor rear wheelsmove freely, the transaxle is in neutral.2. Loosenadjustment bolt in front of theright rear wheel.3. Positionthegear shift lever intheneutral (N) position.4. Tighten adjustment bolt securely.NOTE: If additional clearance is neededto get to adjustment boil, move mowerdeck height to the lowest position.

    Gearshift Lever Neutral Lock Gate

    Adjustment BoltTO ADJUST STEERING WHEELALIGNMENTIf steering wheel crossbars are nothorizontal (left to right)when wheels arepositioned straight forward, removesteering wheel and reassemble perinstructionsin the Assembly section ofthis manual.FRONT WHEELTOE-IN/CAMBERThe front wheel toe-in and camber arenot adjustable on yourtractor. If damagehas occurred to affect the front wheel toe.in or camber, contact a Sears or otherqualified service center.TO REMOVE WHEEL FOR REPAIRS1. Block up axle securely.2. Remove axle cover, retaining dng andwashers to allow wheel removal (rearwheel contains a square kay - Do notlose).3. Repair tire and reassemble.NOTE: On rearwheels only: aligngrooves in rear wheel hub and axle.Insert square key.

    4. Replace washers and snap retainingring securely in axle groove.5. Replace axle cover.NOTE: To seal tire punctures andprevent flat tires due to slow leaks, tiresealant may be pumhased from yourlocal parts dealer. Tire sealant alsopreventstire dry rot and corrosion.Washers


    ISquareKey _(Rear Wheel Only)

    TO START ENGINE WITH A WEAKBA'n'ERY_CAUTION: Lead-acid batteriesgenerate explosive gases. Keep sparks,flame and smoking materials away frombatteries. Always wear eye protectionwhen around battedes.If yourbattery istoo weak to start theengine, it should be recharged. (See"BATTERY" in the MAINTENANCEsection of this manual).If "jumper cables" are used for emergencystarting, followthis procedure:IMPORTANT: Yourtractoris equippedwith a 12 volt negative grounded system.The other vehical must also be a 12 voltnegative grounded system. Do not useyour tractor battery tostartother vehicles.TO ATTACHJUMPER CABLES-1. Connect each end of the RED cable to

    the POSITIVE (+) terminal ofeachbattery, taking care not to shortagainst chassis.2. Connect one end of the BLACK cableto the NEGATIVE (-) terminal offullycharged battery.3. Connect the other end of the BLACKcable to good CHASSIS GROUND,away from fuel tank and battery.

    TO REMOVECABLES,REVERSE ORDER-1. BLACK cable f irst from chassis endthen from the fully charged battery.2. RED cable last from both battedes.


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    PositiveTerminal Negative Terminal NutRexBclt

    BatteryTerminal Negative Terminal

    EPLACING BATTERYCAUTION: Do not short batteryby allowinga wrench or anyther object to contact both terminals athe same time. Before connectingbattery,emove metal bracelets, wristwatchands, dngs, etc.ositive terminal must be connected firsto prevent sparking from accidentalrounding.1. Liftseat pan to raised positionandopen battery box door.2. Disconnect BLACK battery cable firstthen RED battery cable and carefullyremove battery from tractor.3. Installnew battery with terminals insame position as old battery.4. First connect RED battery cable topositive (+) terminal with hex bolt andkegs nut as shown. Tighten securely.5. Connect BLACK grounding cable tonegative (-) terminal with remaininghex boltand keps nut. Tightensecurely.

    6. Close battery box door.


    Positive (Red) Cable Negative (Black)CableTO REPLACE HEADLIGHT BULB

    1. Raise hood.2. Pull bulb holder outof the hole in thebackside ofthe gdll.3. Replace bulb in holder and push bulbholder securely back into the hole inthe backside of the grill.4. Close hood.INTERLOCKS AND RELAYSLoose or damaged widng may cause yourtractorto run poorly,stop running, orprevent itfrom starting. Check wiring. See electrical wiringdiagram in the Repair Parts section.TO REPLACE FUSEReplace with 20 amp automotive-typeplug-infuse. The fuse holder islocatedbehind the dash.TO REMOVE HOOD AND GRILLASSEMBLY1. Raise hood.2. Unsnap headlight wire connector.3. Stand in front of tractor. Grasp hoodatsides, tilttoward engine and lift off oftractor.4. To replace, reverse above procedure.




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    ENGINEMaintenance,repair,or replacementof theemissioncontroldevines and systems,whichare beingdone at the customersexpense,may be performedby any r'_n-roadenginerepairestablishmentor individual.Warrantyrepairemustbe performedby an authorizedenginemanufacturer'sservice outlaLTO ADJUSTTHRO'rFLE CONTROLCABLEThe throt_ controlhas been presetat thefactory and a_ustment should net benecessary.heck adjustmentas describedbelowbeforeloosening cable, If a_ustmentis necessary,proceedas follows:1. W'_ engine not maNng, movethrottlecontrolever from slowto chokeposilJon.Slowlymove lever from choketo fastposition.2. Check thatboles=A" in governorcontrollever and bole il governorplate line-up.ff boles "A"are notailgned, loosen dampscrew and move throttle cable un_l boles

    are aligned. T_jhten damp screwsecurely.Governor Governor

    trol Plate

    ThrottleClamF _IL_N T_h.LScrew L,aDI8TO ADJUST CARBURETORNOTE: _ carburetoron thisengineis low_. Itis e_Jippedwithan idlefuola_us_ngneedlewitha limitercap, whichalows somaadjustmentwithinthe limitsalowed bythe cap. De not attemptto removethe Umifercap. The limitercap carl_t beremovedwithoutbreaking the a_ustingneedle.The cad0uretorhasbeenpresetat the factoryand adjustmentshouldnotbe necessary.Hov_ver,minora_uslment may be requiredto compensatefor differencesin fuel,temperature,altifudeorload. If the carburetordoes need adjustment, proceed as folows:In general,turning idle mixture valve In(clockwise) decreasesthe supplyof fuel toengine gMng a leaner tueVair mixture.Turning the idle mixture vak_ out (seunter-ckx_. 'se) increasesthe supply of fuel to 9"_eng=negiving a richerfueVair mixture.

    IMPORTANT: Damage to theneedlovalveand theseat incarburetormay resultifscrewis turned in too tightPREUMINARY SETTING -1. Air cleanerassembly must be assembledtothe carburetorwhen makingcarburetoradjustments.2. Be sure the throttle controlcable isac_ustedproperly(see above).FINALSETTING -1. Startengineand ailow fo warm for fiveminutes. Make filial adjustments withengine runn_g and shitthuctioncontrollever in neutral (N) position.2. Move throttlecontrol lever to slow

    position.W;thfinger, rotateand holdthrottle lever againstidlespeedscrew.Turn idlespeed screwto attain1750RPM.3. Whlie stil holdingthrottle lever aga_stidlespeed screw, turn idlemixturevalvefull traveldeakwise then c_Jnterclock-wise untilenginerunsrough. Turnvalveto a pointmidwaybetweenthosetwop_sitiens.Releasethrottleever.ACCELERATION TEST.4. Movethrottlecontrollever from slowtofast position, it enginehesitatesordes,tum idlemixturevalve out (cc_nteml_.k.wise) 1/8turn. Repeat testand cen'_nueto adjust,if necessary,untilengineacceleratessmoothly.Highspead stop is factoryadjusted. Donota_ust - damagemay result.IMPORTANT: Nevertamperwiththeenginegovernor,wNch isfactory set forpropereng_e speed. Overspeeding the engineabove the factory highspeed setting can bedangerous. If you think the engine-governodhigh speed needs edjus_ng, contact aSears or other qualified service center,wNch has proper equipment and experienceto make any necessaryadjustments.Idle_ Throttle

    Wrth Limiter26

  • 7/27/2019 1638 Mower


    ately prepare your tractor forrage at the end of the season or if thector will not be used for 30 days orCAUTION: Never store the tractor withsoline in the tank inside a building

    fumes may reach an open flame orark. Allow the engine to cool beforering in any enclosure.move mower from tractor for winter

    orage. When mower isto be stored forperiod of time, clean it thoroughly,oveall dirt, grease, leaves, etc. Storea clean, dry area.. Clean entire tractor (See "CLEANING"in the Maintenance section ofthismanual).Inspect and replace baits, if necessary(See belt replacement instructionsinthe Service and Adjustments sectionof this manual).Lubricate as shown in the Mainte-nance section of this manual.. Be sure that all nuts, bolts and screwsare securely fastened. Inspect movingparts for damage, breakage and wear.Replace if necessary.Touch up all rusted orchipped paintsurfaces; sand lightlybefore painting.Fully chargethe battery for storage.After a periodof time in storage, batterymay require recharging.To help prevent corrosion and powerleakage during long pedods of storage,battery cables should be disconnectedand battery cleaned thoroughly (see"TO CLEAN BATTERY AND TERMI-NALS" in the Maintenance section ofthis manual).After cleaning, leave cables discon-nected and place cables where theycannot come in contact with batteryterminals.If battery is removed from tractor forstorage, do not store battery directlyonconcrete or damp surfaces.EL SYSTEMPORTANT: Itis importantto preventdoposites from forming in essentialsystem parts such as carburetor,fuele, or tank duringstorage. Also,

    experiance indicates that alcoholblended fuels (called gasohol or usingethanol or methanol) can attract moisturewhich leads to separation and formationof acids during storage. Acidic gas candamage the fuel system of and enginewhile in storage.1. Drain the fuel tank.2. Start the engine and let it run until thefuel l ines and carburetor are empty. Never use engine or carburetor cleanerproducts in the fuel tank or permanentdamage may occur. Use fresh fuel next season.NOTE: Fuel stabilizer is an acceptablealternative in minimizing the formation offuel gum deposits during storage. Addstabilizer to gasoline in fuel tank orstorage container. Always follow the mixratio found on stabilizer container. Runengine at least 10 minutes after addingstabilizer to allow the stabilizer to reachthe carburetor. Do not drain the gas tankand carburetor if using fuel stabilizer.ENGINE OILDrain oil (with engine warm) and replacewith clean engine oil. (See "ENGINE" inthe Maintenance section of this manual).CYLINDER(S)1. Remove spark plug(s).2, Pour one ounce of oil through sparkplug hole(s) into cylinder(s).3. Tum ignitionkey to =START_positionfor a few seconds to distributeoil.4. Replace with new spark plug(s).OTHER Do not store gasoline from one seasonto another. Replace your gasoline can if your canstartsto rust. Rust and/or dirtin yourgasoline will cause problems. If possible, store your tractor indoorsand cover it to give protectionfrom dustand dirt. Cover your tractor with a suitableprotective cover that does not retainmoisture, Do not use plastic, Plasticcannot breathe which allows conden-sation to form and willcause yourtractor to rust.IMPORTANT: Never cover tractor whileengine and exhaust areas are stillwarm.


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    Hardto start

    Enginewill notturn over

    Engine clicks bulwill not start

    1. Out of fuel.2. Engine not "CHOKED"properly.3. Engine flooded.4. Bad spark plug.5. Dirty air filter.6. Dirty fuel filter.7 Water in fuel.

    8. Loose or damaged wiring.9. Carburetor out ofadjustment.

    10.Engine valves out ofadjustment.1. Dirty air filter.2. Bad spark plug.

    1. Fillfuel tank.2, See "TO START ENGINE"in Operation section.3. Wait several minutesbefore attempting to start.4. Replace spark plug.

    5. Clean/replace air r if ler.6. Replace fuel rifler.7. Drain fuel tank andcarburetor, refill tank withfresh gasoline and replacefuel fiflar.8. Check all wiring.9. See "To Adjust Carburetor"in Service Adjustmentssection.10.Contact a a Sears or otherqualified service center.1. Clean/replace air filter.2. Replace spark plug.3. Weak or dead battery. 3. Recharge or replacebattery.

    4. Dirty fuel rifler. 4. Replace fuel filter.5. Stale or dirty fuel. 5. Drain fuel tank and refillwith fresh gasoline.6. 6. Check all wiring.oose or damaged wiring.7,


    Carburetor outofadjustment.Enginevalvesout ofadjustment.

    1. Clutch/brake pedal notdepressed.2. Attachment clutch isengaged.3. Weak or dead battery.

    4. Blown fuse.5. Corroded battery terminals.6. Loose or damaged wiring.7. Faulty ignitionswitch.8. Faultysolenoid or starter.9. Faulty operator presenceswflch(es).1. Weak or dead battery.2. Corroded battery terminals.3. Loose or damaged wiring.4. Faulty solenoid or starter.

    7. Sea "3"oAdjust Carburetor"in Service Adjustmentssection.8. Contact a a Sears or otherqualified service center.1. Depress clutch/brakepedal.2. Disengage attachmentclutch.3. Recharge or replacebattery.4. Replace fuse.5. Clean battery terminals.6, Check all wiring.7. Check/replaca ignitionswitch.8. Check]replace solenoid orstarter.9. Contact a Sears or otherqualified service center.1. Recharge or replace battery.2. Clean battery terminals.3. Check all wiring.4. Checklreplace solenoid orstarter.


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    OUBLESHOOTING CHARTROBLEM CAUSEoss of power 1. Cutting too much grass/toofast.


    nginecontinuese runhen operatoreaves seatith attachmentlutch engagedoorcut-uneven

    2. Throttle in "CHOKE"position.3. Build-up of grass, leavesand trash under mower.

    4. Dirty air f ilter.5. Low oil level/dirty oil.6. Faul ty spark plug.7. Dirty fuel filter.8. Stale ordirty fuel.9. Water infuel.

    10.Spark plug wire loose.11.Dirty engine air screen/fins.12. Dirty/clogged muffler.13.Lcose or damaged wiring.14.Carburetar out of

    adjustment.15.Eogine valves out ofadjustment.1. Wom, bent or loose blade.2. Bent blade mandrel.3. Loose/damaged part(s).

    1. Faulty operatar-safetypresence control system,

    1. Worn, bentor loose blade.2. Mower deck not level.3. Buildupof grass, leaves,and trash under mower,4. Bent blade mandrel.5. Clogged mower deck ventholes from buildup ofgrass, leaves, and trasharound mandrels.

    CORRECTION1. Set in "Higher Cut" position/reduce speed.2. Adjust throttle control.3, Clean underside of mowerhousing.4. Clean/replace air filter.5. Check oil level/change oil.6. Clean and regap or changespark plug.7. Replace fuel filter.8. Drain fuel tank and refillwithfresh gasoline.9. Drain fuel tank and carbure-tor, refilltank with freshgasoline and replace fuelfilter.10.Connect and tighten sparkplug wire.11.Clean engine air screentfins.12.Clean/replace muffler.13.Check all wiring.14.See "To Adjust Carburetor"in Service Adjustments

    section.15.Contact a a Sears or otherqualified service center.1. Replace blade.Tighten blade bolt.2. Replace blade mandrel.3. Tighten loose part(s).Replace damaged pads.1. Check wiring, switches andconnections. Ifnotcorrected, contact aSears or other qualifiedservice center.

    1. Replace blade. "13ghtanblade bolt.2, Level mower deck.3. Clean underside of mowerhousing.4. Replace blade mandrel.5. Clean around mandrels toopen vent holes.


  • 7/27/2019 1638 Mower


    TROUBLESHOOTING CHARTPROBLEM CAUSE CORRECTIONMowerbladeswill 1. Obstruction in clutch 1. Remove obstruction,not rotate mechanism.

    2. Wom/damaged mower 2. Replace mower ddve belt.ddve belt.3. Frozen idler pulley, 3, Replace idler puney.I 4. Frozen blade mandrel. 4. Replace blade mandrel,Poor grass 1. Engine speed too slow.discharge

    Headlight(s) notworking(ifso equipped)

    Battery will notcharge

    2. Travel speed too fast.=3. Wet grass.4. Mower deck not level.5. Low/uneven tire airpressure.6. Worn, bent or loose blade,7. Buildup of grass, leavesand trash under mower.8. Mower ddve belt worn.9. Blades imprepedy installed.1O.lmproper blades used.11.Clogged mower deck ventholes from buildup of grass,leaves, and trash aroundmandrels.1. Switch is "OFF'.2. Bulb(s) or lamp(s) burnedout.3. Faulty lightswitch.4. Loose or damaged wiring.5. Blown fuse.1, Bad battery cell(s).2. Poor cable connections.

    1. Place throttlecontrol in"FAST' position.2. Shift to slowerspeed.3. Allow grass to dry beforemowing.4. Level mower deck.5. Check tires for proper airpressure.6. Replace/sharpen blade.Tighten blade bolt.7. Clean underside of mowerhousing.8. Replace mower drive boll.9, Reinstall blades sharp edgedown.10.Replace with blades listedin this manual.11.Clean around mandrels toopen vent holes.

    1. Turn switch=ON",2. Replace bulb(s) or lamp(s).3. Check/replace light switch.4. Check widng and connec-tions.5. Replace fuse.I. Replace battery.2. Check/clean all connec-tions.3. Replace regulator.. Faulty regulator

    (if so equipped).4. Faullyallernator. 4. Replace alternator.Engine"backfires" 1. Engine throttle control not 1. Move throttlecontrol towhenturnlng set at "SLOV_' position "SLOV_' positionand allowengine"OFF" for 30 seconds before to idle for 30 seconds beforestopping engine, stopping engine.


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    TRACTOR'" MODEL NUMBER 917,271633



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    i i





  • 7/27/2019 1638 Mower


    TRACTOR -- MODEL NUMBER 917.271633

    KEY PARTNO. NO. DESCRIPTION12816212224252627282930334O4142434552

    144925 Battery 12 VOLT 25 AMP74760412 BoltH ex Hd 1/4-20uric x 3/4156417 Case BatteW15,3664 Switch, Inledock Push-In175688 Harness Asm Ught W/4152J4152J Bulb Light #t 1564799J Cable BatleP/6 Ga 11" red146147 Cable BatteW 6 G a w/16 wire red175158 Fuse 20AMP73510400 Nut, Kegs Hex 1/4-20 UNC4207J Cable Ground 6 Ga 12" bl_ck121305X Sv_tch Plunger Nc Gray175566 Switch Ign140403 Key Ign Molded Cra6sman178437 Harness Ign71110408 Bolt B_k. Fin Hex 1/4-20 Uric x 1/2131563 CoverTerrninalRed178861 Solenoid121433X Amrneter Rectangular 6 Amp141940 Protecgon Wire Loop

    NOTE: All component dimensions give inU.S. inches1 Inch = 25.4 mm


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    74 208


  • 7/27/2019 1638 Mower




    PARTNO. DESCRIPTION174619 Chassis176554 DlaV/_al"17060612 Screw 3/g-16 x 3/4155272 Bumper Hood/Dash168337X013 D_sh.81D533710 Bolt, C arriage 3/8-16 x t155927 panel. DaSh, L H.145660 Clip T_nnerrnan Gdlle P/L172107X010 Panel, Asm. SLKSCR Dash R,H.174.90608 Screw Thdret 3/8-16 x 1/2144983X558 Hood Assembly126938X BumperHood19131312 Washer 13/22 x 13/16 x 12 G auge$TD541437 NUt, LockHex W/Ins. 3/8ol 6 UNC178987X558 Grtlle w/Lens Asm.155217X599 Lens, Grille174738X553 Fender139976 Bracket, Fender Support17490508 ScrewT ndrol 5/16-18 x 1/2 TYT175710 Bracket A sm Pivot73800400 Nut Lock w/Insed 1/4-20 UNC19_91416 Washer 9/32 x 7/8 x 16 Ga.145201 Bracket Grille P ickoff LH161464 Screw Hex WSHD 8-1g x 7/8145202 Bracket Gritte PLckolfRH$1D522507 Bolt, Fin Hex 1/4-20 UNC x .75STD533707 BoltRdhdS nk3i8o16UNCx3/4154798 Dash L_er _J1.TSTD541437 NOt,Crowetock 3/8-16 UNC165867 Plate Reinforcement STLT154966 Bracket Swaybar Chassis175582 Bracket Foolreet156524 Rod PIvol Ch asslsJl-lood170165 Bolt Shoulder 5/16-18 "1_17670508 Screw Tndrol 5/8-18 x 1/217670608 Screw Thdret 3/8-16 x 1/2165919 Insert Lens Reflective5479J Plug, Button

    NOTE: All component dimensions give InU.S. Inches1 Inch = 25.4 mm


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    26 27


  • 7/27/2019 1638 Mower



    .... Transaxle (See Breakdown) 62 8883R Cover Pedal BIk RoundDana D4360-140 63 175410 Pulley Eng146682 Spring Retum Brake T/a Zinc 64 71170764 Bolt Hex 7/16-20 x 4 Gr 5123666X Polley Transaxle 13/20" 6res 65 S_51143 Washer Lod< Hvy Hlcl S pr 7/1612000028 Ring Retainer #5100-62 66 t 54778 Keeper Belt Englne121520X Str=zpTorque 30 Degrees 70 134683 Guide BeltMower Ddve RH17660512 Screw 5/16-18 x 3/4 74 10950_X Spacer Split165865 RodShifter Fender STLT 75 121749X Washer 23/32 x 1 t/4 x t6 Ga$3D561210 Pin Cotter 1/8 x 1 Cad 76 S/_581075 E-ring#5133-751(}5701X WaSher Plate Shf 388 Sq Hole 77 123583X Key Square74550412 Bolt 1/4-28unf Gr8 W]Patch 78 t21748X Washer 25/32 x 1-3/8 x 16ga10040400 Washer Lock Hvy HeliCal 1/4 79 2228M Key Woodruff74490544 Bolt Hex FLGHD 5!16-18 Gr.5 80 131488 Arm, ShiftSTD541431 Nut Lock Hex w/Ins. 5/16-18 Unc 81 165594 Shaft AssemblySTD5237"10 Bolt Fin Hex 3/3-15unc x 1 Gr,5 82 165711 Spring,Torsion$1"D541437 Hut Lock Hex W/Ins. 3/8-16 Unc 83 19171216 Washer 17/32 x 3/4 x 16 Gauge106933X Knob Rd 1/2-13 Plstc "FndsBLk 84 166229 LinkTrar_Saxle130804 Rod Brake Btk Zinc 26 840 85 150360 Nut, Ny_ockS1_541237 NutHexJam3/8-teUnc 89 158391X425 Console, Shift, STLT106888X Spdng Rod Brake 2 00 Zinc 90 124346X Nut, Self-Threading, WasherSTD551037 Washer 13/32 x 13/16 x 16 Ga Hdl/4$3_561210 Pin Cotter 1/8 x 3/4 Cad 112 t9091210 Washer 9/32 x 3/4 x 10 Ga175765 Rod Brake Parking Lt/Yt 113 127285X StrapTorque71673 CapBrakeParking 116 S-1_533710 BoltRdHdSqnk3/8-16xlUnc174973 Bracket Mtg Tr&qsaxle 120 739006GO Nut Lock Fig. 3/8-16 UricSTD523107 BoltHexHdS/f6-f8uncx3/4 150 175456 SpacerRetainer175578 Shaft Asm pedal Foot 151 191337.10 Washer 13/32 x 2 x 10 Ga.120183)( Beadng Nylon Blk 529 Id 156 1660(_ Washer Shred 5/161D x 1,125STD5510(_ Washergt/32xtx16Ga 158 165589 Bracket Shift Mount$1D571810 PinRol13/16xt" 159 165494 HubTaperedFtangeShiftLt165936 PulleyComposlte Flat 161 721404(_ Bolt Rdhd Sqnk 1/4-20 x 3/4 Gr.574760648 Bolt FLnHex 3/6-16unc x 3 162 73680400 NUtCrownlock 1/4-20 UNC175461 Spacer Split Steel 153 74780416 Bolt Hex Fin 1/4-20 UNC x I Gr.5175556 Keeper Bert Idler 164 19091010 Washer 5/8 x ,281 x 10 G&19131312 Washer 13/32 x 13/16 x 12 Ga 165 165623 Bracket Pivot Lever127783 Pulley Idler 166 166880 Screw 5/t 6-18 x 5/3154407 Bellcrank Clutch Grad Div STL 168 t654_ Boltshoulder 5/16-18 x ,561123205X Retainer Belt Style Spdng 169 165580 Plate Fastening Lt0 STD523715 BoltHexHd3/8-15uncx1*l/2 170 173898 KeeperBeltT/A1 STD541437 NufCrownlock3/8-15UNC 197 169613 NyllnerSnap-ln5/8"lD2 S'TD541431 NutCrownLock3i16-18 198 169593 WasherNyl7/81Dx,105"3 105710)( Link Clutch 7 66 202 72110614 Bolt Cart Sh 3/6-f 6 x t -3/4 Gr,55 105709X Spring Return Clutch 6 75 212 145212 NOt Hex Flange Lock6 17060616 Screw 3/8-16 x t.0

    7 160855 V-Belt Gd Ddve NO]E: All component dlmens]or_sgive In U.S. inches9 169691 Keeper BeltCenterspan 1 Inch= 25.4 mmt 17060612 Screw 3/6-16 x 3/4


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  • 7/27/2019 1638 Mower


    TRACTOR -- MODEL NUMBER 917.271633

    KEY PARTNO. NO. DESCRIPTION1 139768 Steedng Wheel2 154427 Front Axle Assembly3 169840 Spledle Assembly, LH.4 18583_ Splndte Assembly, R.H.5 856_-I Beating, Race, Thrust, Hardened6 121748X Washer 25/32 x 1-5/8 x 16Gauge7 19272016 Washer 27/32 x 1-1/4 x 19 Gauge9 12(XX)029 Ring, Kllp9 3385R Bearteg, Steerlng Column10 175121 LIr'=k,Drag11 S]_851137 Washer, Lock13 136518 Spacer, Bearing, Front Axle15 145212 Nut Lock Hex Flange17 177876 Shetl Asm. Steering26 128547X Bushing, Link, Drag28 19131416 Washer 13/32 x 7/8 x 16 Gauge29 17(_60612 Screw 3/8o16 x 3/430 STD561210 Pin32 130465 Rod, Tie36 155099 Bushing, Steerlng37 152927 Screw Tf #10-32x 5 x 3/9 Flange38 139799 Cap Wheel Steer OPP BIk39 19133819 Washer 13/32. x 2-3/9 x 12 Gauge40 STD541537 Nut Lock Center 3/8o24 UNF41 100711L Adaptor, Steering W heel42 148554X429 Bout, Steedng Dash P/L MtJBIk43 121749X Washer 25/32 x 1-1/4 x 16 Gauge44 153720 Extension Steedng Non-Adjust46 121232X Cap, Spindle47 8555M Fitting, Grease51 STD541431 Nut Lock Hx W/Ins 5/13-19 UNC54 74780520 Bolt Fln Hex 5/16-18 UNC x 1-1/463 $1_523710 Bolt Fin Hex 3/8-16 unc, x 1 Gr, 565 160367 Spacer Brace Axle67 72140618 BoltRdhd Sq 3/8-19 x 2ol/468 169827 Brace Axle71 175146 Steedng Asm.82 185835 Bracket Susp Chassis Front85 1:33835 Fastener Clvlst_ Tree8_ 175118 Bolt Shoulder 7/16-20 Unc91 175553 Ctlp SteedngNOIE: All component dimensionsgiven In U.S. inches1 inch= 25.4 mm


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    13 4




    KEY pARTNO. NO. DESCRIPTION1 170545 Cont rolThrottle/Choke2 17720410 Screw Hex T hd CLIt1/4-20x5/8 T3 ........ Engine (See Breakdown) BrlggsModel310707-0137-E14 137352 Muffler Exhaust B&S Lt13 165291 Gasket 1 313 Id Tin Plated14 148456 Tube Drain Oil16 $ID551237 Washer Lock Ext Tooth 3/823 169837 Shield BRFUDBR Guard29 137180 Arrestor Spark31 10g_02X Tank Fuel I 25 Fr

    158990 Cap A sm FLbalW/_ym Vente_33 123487X Clamp Hose B4k

    KEY PARTNO. NO, DESCRIPTION37 137040 Line Fuel20"38 148315 Ping Oil Dra_n40 124028X Bustling Snap Nyl Bik Fuel Line44 17670412 S_rew Hexw_h Thdrol 1/4-20x3/445 17(3(30612 Screw H exW_h T hdr 3 /8-16 x 3 /446 19091416 Washer 9/3_ X 7/8 X 16ga$1_)551131 Washer LockHW Hlcl _pr 5/1672 71070512 Screw Hexhd Cap 5/16-18x3/478 17060620 Screw 3/8-16x1 *1/481 73510400 N_ Keps Hex 1 /4-20uncNOllE: A_Icomponent dimer,_ons givenin U.S. inc_ss1 inc_= 25.4 mm


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    TRACTOR -- MODEL NUMBER 917.271633



    117_ 612





    KEY PARTNO. NO.159460159471105767X1200000219211621120163X125631X122365X1 13_8652 139866

    KEY PARTDESCRIPTION NO. NO. DESCRIPTIONWasher Asm Inner Spring W/ 13 STD624006 Retainer SpringPILInger 15 173288 Link FlOntShalt Asm. Uft RH 16 73350800 Nut Jam Hex 1/2-13 UncPin Groove 17 175689 Trunnio_ Front Susp.ERIng #5133-62 18 73800800 Nut Lockwiwsh 1/2-13 UncWasher 21/32 x 1 x 21 G& 19 139868 ArrnSuspenslonMowerBearing Nylong 20 163552 Retainer SpringGdpHandleFluted 31 169865 Beadng, PvL Ufl.Bulton Plunger Read _ 73540600 Nut Cmwnlock 3/8-24Link Asrn Lilt LH. NOTE: All co rnpor,ent dirnensioP,,siven In U.S, inchesLink Asm Ult R.H, 1 inch= 25.4 mm


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    =4\ %

    __1173 12 11


    KEY pARTNO. NO, DESCRIPTION1 140122 Seat 3350 BIk/blk Craftsman2 140551 Bracket Pnt Pivol Seat (blk)3 71110616 Bolt Fin Hex 3/8-16ur_ X 14 19131610 Washer 13/3_ X 3/4 X 10 Ga5 145006 Clip Push In Hinged6 STD541437 Nut Hex Lock w /Ins 3/8-16 Unc7 124181X Spring Seat Cprsn 2 250 BIk ZI8 17000616 Screw 3/8-16 X 1 -1/29 19131614 Washer 13/32 X I X 14 Ga10 174894 pan Pnt Seat (blk)11 166369 Knob Seat12 121246X Bracket Pnt Mounting Switch

    KEY PARTNO. NO. DESCRIPTION13 121248X Bushing Snap BIk Nyl 50 Id14 72050412 Bo;t Rdhd Sht Nk 1/4-20x1-1/215 134300 SpacerSplit 28X 96 Zinc16 121250X Spring Cprsn 1 27 BIkPnt17 123976X Nut Lock 1/4 Lge Fig Gr 5 Zinc21 171852 Bott Shoulder 5/16-18 Unc-2A22 $1D541431 Nut Hex Lock w/Ins 5/16-1824 19171912 Washer 17/32 X 1-3/16 X 12 Ga25 127018X 8olt Shoutder5/16-18 X 62

    NOTE: Allcomponent dimensions givenIn U.S, inches1 Inch = 25.4 mrn


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    TRACTOR-- MODEL NUMBER 917271633

    6 47 2710





    KEY PARTDESCRIPTION NO. NO. DESCRIPTIONDecal, Oper. Instn 10 156439 Decal, FenderDangerDecal, Replcrnnt 12 146046 Decal, V-belt Dr SchDecal, Hood Rh 13 177259 Decal, DaSh, PanelDeck, Hocd Lh 14 160396 Decal, V-belt SchematicDecal, Hp Engtne 20 149516 Decal, Battery Dngr/Psn EngDecal, MaJnt Customer Sears Dorn -- 138311 Decal, Lnt HandleDecal, Hood Side -- 165EOOX428 Pod, Footrest LH STLTDecal Mower -- 165799X428 Pad, Footrest RH STLTDecal, Fender Craltsman -- 179167 Manual,Owner's(English)-- 179168 Manuai,Owner's(Spanlsh)

    EELS &TIRES_ 5,8


    KEY PARTNO, NO. DESCRIPTION1 59192 Cap Va)ue Tire2 65139 SlemValue3 10_.22X Tire F Ts 15 X 6 0 - 6 Service4 59904 Tube Inner Front #350605 106732X427 Rim Asm 6"front White Scrvlce6 2781-1 Fntlng Grease7 _ BearntgFlange8 106108X427 Rim Asm 8"rear White SePvice9 10_268X Tire R Ts 18x9 5-8 Seivlce10 7152J Tube ReaJr9 5 X 8 Service11 104757X428 Cap Axle BIk 1 50 X 1 00- - 144334 Sealant, Tim (t0 oz. tube)NOTE: Allcomponent dlrner,.sio_,sgiven in U.S. inchesI Inch= 25.4 mm


  • 7/27/2019 1638 Mower



    _ lO5106 102 103

    :!_!4 1/06IO2_t



    29 27


  • 7/27/2019 1638 Mower




    165892 Mower Deck Assembly, 42" 52 139888 Bolt, Shoulder 5/16-18 UNC$1_533107 Bolt 53 131845 Arm Assembly, Pad, Brake138017 Bracket Assembly,Sway Bar, 54 133943 Washer, HardenedFront 55 155046 Arm, Idler165460 Bracket Sway Bar 38/42" Deck 56 165723 Spacer, Retainer$1_024008 Retainer Spring 59 141043 GLLard,11JV _dler130832 Arm, Suspension, Rear 67 149846 Knob Custom Oval850857 Bctt Hex 3/8_24 x 1.25 Gr. 8 68 144959 V-BeltSTD551137 Washer, Lock 02 S_o41437 Nut10 140296 We.sher, Hardened 101 136420 Mutcher Cover11 134149 Blade, Mulching 102 71081010 Scow13 137645 Sha0Assembly, Mandrel, Vented 10_ 19061216 WaSher #1014 128774 Housing, Mandrel, Vented 104 $1_551110 Washer, Lock15 1I0485X Beating, Ball, Maedrel 105 160793 Latch Assembly, Bagger16 174493 Stripper, Verlted Mower Deck 106 2029.1 Nut, Weld18 72140505 Bolt, Cardege 5/16-18x5/8 129 19131312 Washer13/32 x13/16 x12 Ga_19 102827 Bolt, Shoulder 130 STD523710 Bolt, Fin Hex 3/8-16 UNC x 1 Gr.50 159770 Baffle, Vodex 131 ST_o33710 Bolt, RdhdSqnk3/8-16UNCx 11 $1_._41431 NutCrownlockS!16_16UNC 142 165890 ArmSprlngBrakeMower2 134753 Stiffener Bracket 143 157109 Bracket Arm Idler42"23 131267 Bracket, Deflector 144 158634 KeeperBolt42"ClutchCable24 105304X Cap, Sleeve 145 165888 Pulley Idler Flat25 123713X Spdng, Torsion, Detlector 146 171977 Bolt Cardage Idler26 110452X Nut, Push 147 131335 SpdngExtenslon27 13C_68X428 Si_eld, Deflector 148 169022 SpdngReturnldler28 19111016 Washer 11/32x,_Sxt6Ga= 149 165898 RetainerSpdngYellowZtnc29 131491 Red,Hinge 150 19091216 Washer 9F32x3/4x16Ga.30 157722 ScrewThdroIWasher Head 151 169670 Bracelet Clutch31 129963 Washer, Spacer 152 169678 Cable Clutch 42 In32 153535 Pulley, Ma.edrel 153 169674 Washer Flat 3/8" Type B33 178342 Nut, Toplock, Ftanged 154 169675 Spring Retainer34 STD533717 Bolt 155 169671 SpringRetentionLever36 131494 Pulley, Idler, Fiat 156 169672 Spacer37 STD551037 Washer 13/32x13,/16xt6Ga, 157 169669 RedClutch40 $1"D541437 NutCrownlock3/_-16UNC 158 17720410 ScrewHexThdCutl/4-20x5i844 140088 Guard, Mandrel, LH. 159 72140614 Bolt Tdhd Sge 3/8-16UNC x 1-3/445 $1D624003 Retainer - - 130794 Mandrel Assembly (Incluhes Key46 137729 Screw, Thd. ROll 1/4-20 x 5/8 Numbers 8-10. t 3-15, 31 and 32)48 133944 Washer. Hardened - - 169583 Replacernent Mortar. Complete49 174284 Roller Assembly, Cam Follower50 131340 Bcff, Shoulder #10-24Grede5 NOLO: AIIcompenentdimenslonsgiveninU.S.Inches5t STD541410 Locknut 1 Inch=25.4mrn


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    2O 2122


    31 32









  • 7/27/2019 1638 Mower


    TRACTOR o- MODEL NUMBER 917.271633- - MODEL NUMBERD4360-140

    EY PART KEY PARTO. NO, DESCRIPTION NO. NO. DESCRIPTION1709812274J1344(X3I(ToS04X16O94O138235108727X1482661482690 2225J1 1347932 1482683 120415X4 1426745 170983

    6 1709867 105909X8 105910)(9 1609420 1609431 1482672 1382363 738105004 1426765 2244J6 105916X7 12047OX8 110070X9 1426770 1426811 124644X2 108980X3 120406X4 1347965 105925X6 2228J7 1709878 1742559 124639X

    Housing,Upper 40 120472X Spacer, .633 X .67 X .755ScTew,Tapping, 1/4-20 X .734 41 105928X Sprocket, 9+1+Ball, Detent 42 170988 Gear, Bevet, 36TSpring, Detent 43 134394 *Asey, Kit, Shim, .750 ShaftScrew, Tapping, No. 10-24 X .482 44 120473X ShaJt, DriveAsey, Kit, Shifter 45 142678 Gear, Spur, 12TV-Ring 46 143697 Gear, Spur, 15TBeadng, Flange 47 124641X Gear, Spur, 20Tseal, Oil 48 1(To589X Gear, Spur, 25TRing, Ret_dnlng 49 120408)( Gear, Spur, 28T+Assy, Kit, Shim, .625 Shaft 50 105937X Gear, Spur, 31TBearing, Flange 51 2226.1 Washer, Plain, .632 X 1,00 X +060Washer , Plain, .632 X 1.38 X .046 52 134401 Washer, NeopreneKey, Woodruff, No. 9 53 2264J Washer, Plain, ,758 X 1.25 X ,031Assy, K_t, Input Shaft 54 160946 Axle, LHPinion, Bevel 12T 55 1_ Gear, Miter, 1 2T, SpllnedRing,Retaining 56 160948 Ring, RetainingChain, 24 Pitches 57 110071X Gear, Spur, 32TCover, Detent 58 120952X Shaft, CrossGear, Spur. 1 2T 59 170991 Gear, Miter, 1 2T, IdlerCollar, Clutch 60 160950 Axle, RHAsey, Kit, Clutch Keys 61 1709_ Housing,LowerNut, Lock, 5/16-24 _ 7294J Disc, BrakeShaft, letermediata 63 108689X Spacer, Brake Pu

  • 7/27/2019 1638 Mower






  • 7/27/2019 1638 Mower



    467_ 971



    404_616t 614P

    [ 1019 LABEL KIT ] ,Jt_I 1058 OWNER'S MANUAL I F



    E62_ '4''

    276_-- 1127_1

    1420 1_-117


  • 7/27/2019 1638 Mower



    (_ 305 _


    _ 287_1 363_



    1006 _ 474 877


  • 7/27/2019 1638 Mower




    NIKKI130A_:)_ll 231A '_ U0+A TA+"Jl

    5__I_A_ 369 II112:: A5,7A

    121 CARBURETOR OVERHAUL KITlo4_ 1270 :,75_ 9879 95_,

    137_ _ 51_-_


    639(__:_ 20_ 2 17_


    51_ 95A_ 276A_)104A_ 127A _+OSA_87A

    137A O 231A_

    977A CARBURETOR GASKET SET"_,137A51_ _'75A


  • 7/27/2019 1638 Mower


    TRACTOR- MODEL NUMBER 917.271633BRIGGS& STRA'I'rON ENGINE-MODELNUMBER310707,TYPE NUMBER0137-E1KEY PART KEY PARTNO. NO. DESCRIPTION NO. NO. DESCRIPTION1 690156 C_linder Assembly 106 690577 Seat-InletKit-Bushing/Seal Valve-Choke (Manual Choke)399265 108 6904643 391086 , Seal-Oil (Magneto Side) 108A 692344 Valve-Choke(Choke-A-Matic)4 494238 Sump-Engine 108B 695419 Valve-Choke

    690188 Head-Cylinder (Nikki Carburetor)692410 *+ Gasket-CylinderHead 117 692408 _ Jet-Main (Standard)8 495735 Breather Assembly 692411 Jet-Main (High Altitude)9 27803 Gasket-Breather 117A 695415 _1 Jet-Main (Standard)10 691666 Screw (Breather Assembly) 695416 O Jet-Main High Altitude)11 691328 Tube-Breather 121 690191 Kit-Carburetor Overhau12 692226 Gasket-Crankcase 121A 695427 Kit-Carburetor Overhaul (,015 Thick, Std) 125 690194 Carburetor692406 Gasket-Crankcase 125A Carburetor Nikk_ (Service(,005 Thick) with Wa bto Carburetor692405 Gasket-Crankcase 127 695005 O Plug-Welch

    ,009 Thick) 127A 690727 _ Plug-Welch13 690360 Screw (Cylinder Head) 130 691750 Valve-Thro_e15 690946 Plug-Oil Drain 130A 895418 VaNe-Throttle16 690136 Crankshaft 131 494379 Kit-Throttle Shaft20 291675 Seal*Oil 131A 695421 Kit-Throftle Shaft22 692125 Screw (Crankcase Cover) 133 494381 Float-Carburetor23 693557 Flywheel 133A 694914 Float-Carburetor24 222698 Key-Flywheel 137 281165 I_; Gasket-Float Bowl25 692271 Piston Assembly (Standard) 137A 695426 O:_ Gasket-Fleet Bowl692272 Piston Assembly (,010 O.S.) 141 495097 Kit-Cheke Shaft (Manual

    692273 Piston Assembly 1"020 O.S.I Choke)692274 Piston Assembly .030 O,S, 141A 495931 Kit-Choke Shaft (Choke-A-26 690162 Ring Set-Piston (Standard) Matic)692164 Ring Set-Piston (.010 O.S.) 141B 695420 Kit-Choke Shaft (Nikk_692166 Ring Set-Piston (.020 O.S.) 142 692412 !_ Nozzle-Carburetor692168 RingSet-Piston (.030 O.S.) 146 691639 Key-Timing27 691299 Look-Piston Pin 167 692297 Air Cleaner Stud Seal28 498319 Pin-Piston (Standard) 176 691917 O-Ring Seal (Air Cleaner)498320 Pin-Pi