16 Letter to Genola Town Hall

Post on 02-Jun-2017

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Transcript of 16 Letter to Genola Town Hall

We're here to urge council mennbers to hire our own policeman, as that person would have a vested interest in our community working with our citizens not against them. Next we would urge council to consider contracting with the Sheriffs dept. as they are a very professional law enforcement agency unlike the Santaquin police. The notion that the Sheriff's dept have a slow response time is no longer valid as they patrol West Mountain, Alberta, Goshen and past our house. Also the SherifTs contract offer was originally low bid almost by half. We ourselves have been targeted and harrassed by a neighbor who was a part time Santaquin policeman and full time Orem policeman. He and his family have maiciously harassed us because we got his close friend John Savage in trouble with his fire chief because John was speeding down Center st. way above the speed limit while our kids were on the road, on their way to the bus stop. John is now an Orem policeman. This Santaquin policeman used half the Santaquin police to harass us showing us no professionalism, in fact Danny Throckmorton had to intercede on our behalf to protect us. We had to have the Sheriffs Dept step in to also help protect us. Sgt Packer of the SherifTs dept conducted a thorough investigation of our complaint and concluded and told us we do need to fear this policeman's actions and intentions. Al Acosta is Utahs head of all law enforcement certifications and is currently investigating this matter as we speak. I r. Acosta told us, after we related our story of how the Santaqiun police delt with us and what they told us, that they had violated several of our constitutional rights. This Santaquin policeman has been told to leave us alone by the Mayor Danny, by Dennis Howard-Santaquin police chief, by Mike Larsen-Orem police chief and by Sgt. Packer of the Sheriffs dept. and his deputies, all to no avail, as he still continues to harass us as we speak. Dennis Howard-Santaquin police chief, had an unbiased internal investigation done by the Sheriffs dept. ( deputy Lewis) and he concluded and told us we were being harassed by this Santaquin policeman and his report stated this and was turned over to the county attorney. Deputy Lewis also recommended charges be brought against this Santaquin policeman. Sgt Packer kept this ball rolling best that he could to help prevent this policeman from harassing us. There is much more information and detail concerning these disturbing actions that continues to this day. We will provide any and all information if requested and please speak to Danny Throckmorton as well, he has much detail to enlighten you with. Do you really want the Santaquin police to continue to disrespect the Mayor and Genola citizens? Like giving tickets to Genola residents for stray dogs or farm animals, instead of helping and their animal control is known to use meat to lure dogs off their property to ticket the owner, all this illegal activity on behalf of the Santaquin Police Department, to make up for the smaller dollar amount contract The Santaquin police got which matches the Sheriffs offer. The Santaquin police and animal control are not servers, but are manipulators and abusers breaking the law as they wish. Unfortunately this policeman's attitude and actions does personify the Santaquin police and this policeman's actions can be turned on anyone in Genola as he see's fit.The Mayor deserves better and certainly the citizens of Genola deserves better.