15 Facts About Invisalign You Need to Know

Post on 14-Jan-2017

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Transcript of 15 Facts About Invisalign You Need to Know

Do you need braces?

Are you curious about Invisalign?

Here are 15 facts that will help you decide if Invisalign is the best orthodontic treatment for you.

Fact #1- Invisalign braces generally cost more than regular braces.

Fact #2- Even though the technology is constantly improving, there are some cases that aligners cannot effectively treat or correct.

Fact #3- Invisalign braces are no more or less uncomfortable or painful than metal braces.

Fact #4- It generally takes the same amount of time to treat and correct your teeth, whether you choose Invisalign or traditional braces.

Fact #5- Invisalign is a specialized tool, success will depend on the skill of your orthodontist.

Fact #6- An orthodontist trained in Invisalign treatment is likely to have success.

Fact #7- Over 1,000,000 patients have been treated with Invisalign.

Fact #8- Invisalign trays are removable, so you can eat and drink whatever you want and brush and floss as you normally would.

Fact #9- There are no wires or metal brackets with Invisalign, eliminating the need for these types of adjustments at your office visits.

Fact #10- Invisalign controls both the force and timing of the force application.

Fact #11- Invisalign is made from thermoplastic material, and look similar to teeth-whitening trays.

Fact #12- You should choose an Invisalign treatment provider based on your own personal comfort and confidence levels.

Fact #13- Just like traditional braces, many patients require retainers after using Invisalign.

Fact #14- You are required to wear Invisalign aligners for between 20 and 22 hours every day.

Fact #15- Invisalign aligners are changed about every 2 weeks.

Invisalign is a great option to consider for orthodontic treatment.

Feel free to contact us to learn more about Invisalign, our care providersand sample treatment plans.

(425) 822-0435info@kirklandteeth.com

1715 Market Street, Suite 104Kirkland, WA 98033
