1451 1454 Ruzgiene Others

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  • 8/12/2019 1451 1454 Ruzgiene Others



    The 8thInternational Conference

    May 1920, 2011, Vilnius, Lithuania

    Selected papers

    ISSN 2029-7106print / ISSN 2029-7092 online

    ISBN 978-9955-28-829-9 (3 Volume)

    ISBN 978-9955-28-827-5 (3 Volumes)


    Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, 2011




    Birute Ruzgiene1, Qian Yi Xiang

    2,Silvija Gecyte


    1, 3Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Saultekio ave.11, LT-10223 Vilnius, Lithuania.

    1Klaipeda state college, Bijn10, LT-91223 Klaipda, Lithuania.

    E-mails:1Birute.Ruzgiene@vgtu.lt; 3silvija.gecyte@vgtu.lt2School of computer science and technology, Soochow university, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China.

    E-mail: goodcat110@139.com

    Abstract. The rectification of high resolution digital aerial images or satellite imagery for large scale city mapping is

    modern technology that needs well distributed and accurate defined control points. The digital satellite imagery,

    obtained when using widely known software Google Earth, can be applied for accurate city maps construction. The

    method named Five control points is suggested for imagery rectification introducing Prof. Ruan Wei (Tong Ji

    University, Shanghai) algorithm. Image rectification software created on the base of suggested algorithm can correct

    images deformation with required accuracy, is reliable and keeps advantages in flexibility. Experimental research for

    testing applied technology has been executed using GeoEye imagery from Google Earth over city Vilnius.

    Orthophoto maps at scales of 1:1000 and 1:500 are generated referring to Five control points methodology.

    Reference data and rectification results are checked comparing with results from digital aerial images processing

    using digital photogrammetry approach. The image rectification process applying investigated method takes short

    time (about 45 minutes) when using only five control points and accuracy of created models satisfies requirements

    for large scale mapping.

    Keywords: digital photogrammetry, satellite imagery, image rectification, city mapping, orthophoto maps.

    1. Introduction

    The modern digital photogrammetric technology

    combining with image processing techniques allows to

    determine the position of an objects in a three

    dimensional space from aerial photographs or remote

    sensing imagery recorded in digital representation. The

    digital image processing has possibility to increasemapping efficiency because almost all procedures are

    automated (Ruzgiene 2007). Therefore, the

    photogrammetric processing of images becomes easer

    and provides required precise data for Geodesists,Cartographers, Geographers, Forest Engineers,

    Geologists, GIS users, etc.The digital orthophoto maps are one of broadest

    used product and successfully can be incorporated as

    background information in GIS (Konecny 2003).

    Nowadays a very popular virtual globe map from Google

    Earth and geographical information obtained fromsatellite imagery is widely used for various survey

    applications, Earth surface mapping, monitoring of

    environment disasters, etc.

    The integration of data from aerial images or

    satellite imagery with appropriate resolution in most

    digital maps, cartographic and geographic data sets is

    very desirable (Ewiak and Kaczynski 2010). Raw digital

    images contain internal geometric distortions that results

    from the image acquisition process. These distortions canarise from the sensors plane tilt, variations in sensor

    altitude, Earth curvature, lens distortion, terrain relief and

    others. Therefore original (row) imagery needs for

    rectification and transformation (Manual 2004, Wolf and

    Dewitt 2000). A correctly processed digital map is free of

    significant geometric distortion and transformed to thelocal used projection and coordinate system.

    Professor Ruan Wei from Tong Ji University,

    Shanghai, China has been introduced the reliable and

    practical method (Five Control Points Rectification of

    Digitized Image) for creating city map at scales of 1:1000

    or 1:500.The one of methods for generation of reliable

    rectification model for city maps construction is

    announced in Japan patent P2000-298430A (Ruan 2008).

    There images rectification processes requires more than

    nine control points and the accuracy cant satisfied the

    need of the mapping at a scale, e.g. 1:500.

    The aim of research is to perform the comparison test

    integrating data sets from aerial photography at a scale

    1:6000 and satellite imagery from Google Earth

    investigating the potential and accuracy of the suggested

    Five control points method for getting highest citymodeling efficiency.

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    2. Methodology, algorithm and software description

    The effects of camera tilt raise the images geometric

    deformation. Such effect can be eliminated applying

    appropriate digital images rectifying method for precisely

    and reliably correction the image planes to object plane.

    Using the suggested method "Five Control Points"can be constructed varied scale city map and follows the

    digital photogrammetric method for rectification of

    digitized images with correction of deformations.

    The theoretical basis applied in algorithm is the

    interpolation using surface splines. Image rectification

    results fits very well for large scale maps, under of only

    five rectifying points. The accurate digital rectification,

    which gradually corrects the deformation avoiding

    deviation that results from surfaces translating or rotating,

    can be performed. Results shows that using high

    resolution imagery any survey staff can create city map

    accurately. Presented method is reliable and could be

    used in practices.The image of various deformations, including

    coordinate conversion, scale deformation, spin and

    translation, is rectified using the one of a formula for

    corrections (Ruan 1988). For each point on the digital

    image, use the following formula applicable to calculate

    the independent points x and y component of weighted

    deformations (Ruan 2008):






    iii rrFCyBxAyxW (1)

    where 222 )()(iii

    yyxxr += , .5N

    Formula (1) is applied in calculation ofA, B, C, F

    (i = 1, N), where total unknowns quantity in rectification

    model isN+3. Deformation ofNcontrol points is known.

    Therefore Nequation could be constituted. Adding threebalance equations all the unknown variables can be

    solved out.

    Characteristic of the software. The software, based

    on "Five Control Points algorithm and created by author

    Qian Yi Xiang, is simply in operating, only a little pick

    and data inputting are need for rectification an image, aswell as not very skilled operator is required. The

    rectification can be completed within a short time. For

    example, only 510 minutes needs for a photo of size4050 cm.

    The image processing steps are: scanning image into

    computer, input control point coordinates identification(recognition) of rectification points on the photography,

    supplying mapping scale, rectification process and

    obtaining the corrected images.

    Mapping process involves: getting data from

    measurements of the rectification points identified inaerial photograph, digitization according to the scale with

    the help of Photo Rectification software, construction the

    photo map and drawing map using advanced software

    Southern CASS 4.0.

    The operating process for samples rectification is asfollowing: choosing the needed aerial photograph

    (images format *bmp), opening the original map file,

    choosing the control points area and precisely

    identifying control points (Fig 1, a), inputting the data (x,

    y) to fileframe (Fig 1, b), setting mapping data (scale,

    coordinates system) and start the image rectification

    process (Fig 1, c). The procedure is following up

    construction of drawing (measurement of topographicfeatures) having rectification photograph and creation a

    map referring to raster images using Southern CASS 4.0


    Fig 1. Sample mapping process: a) identifying of control

    point, b) framing, c) obtaining of rectification data

    3. Experiments and evaluation

    The experimental photogrammetric procedures have

    been performed using GeoEye satellite imagery from

    GoogleEarth over northern part of city Vilnius (Fig 2).

    Fig 2. Experimental area fragment of satellite imagery

    over city Vilnius from Google Earth

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    The next step of the investigation has been based on

    analysis of rectification results geometric accuracy.

    Reference and rectification data are checked comparing

    with results from digital aerial images processing using

    digital photogrammetry approach. Digital Photo-

    grammetric Workstation LISA has been applied for

    checking results from images rectification measuring of

    about 120 points. Digital photogrammetric softwareLISA

    with extensions of LISA FOTO and raster GIS software

    LISA BASIC developed at the Hannover University,

    Germany has a lot of possibilities in image processing

    (Linder 2009).

    The image rectification results for accuracy

    evaluation were compared with results from stereoscopic

    measurements of the same points. The geometric

    accuracy Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) ofinvestigated rectified images at different scales (1:500

    and 1:1000) have been received 6 cm and 15 cm

    respectively. Such results fulfil the requirements fortopographic mapping at scales of 1:500 1:2000.

    4. Conclusions

    The digital satellite imagery from Google Earthcanbe applied for accurate city mapping when rectification

    of imagery has been processed using technology named

    Five control points introducing Prof. RuanWei (Tong

    Ji University, Shanghai, China) algorithm.

    The image rectification process takes short time

    (about 45 minutes) and using only five control points.Satellite or aerial images needs well distributed and

    accurate defined control points. There arise difficulties

    for finding points well seen on imagery. Control points

    with significant height differences are not desirable (e.g.

    points on buildings roofs, etc.).

    The accuracy of created models satisfies

    requirements for large scale mapping.

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    Konecny, G. 2003. Geoinformation Remote Sensing,

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    Linder, W. 2009.Digital Photogrammetry.A Practical Course.Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg. 226 p.

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