14-Day Rapid Fat Loss Eating Blueprint PDF eBook

Post on 25-Jul-2016

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James Kerrison : 14-Day Rapid Fat Loss Eating Blueprint™ PDF-Book ➽ Click "SHARE" » "DOWNLOAD" to read the document offline.

Transcript of 14-Day Rapid Fat Loss Eating Blueprint PDF eBook

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Designed By James Kerrison

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BEFORE YOU START….. You must get your doctor’s approval before beginning this nutrition program. These recommendations are not medical guidelines but are for educational purposes only. You must consult your physician prior to making any changes in your nutrition. This program is designed for healthy individuals 18 years and older only. The exercises and dietary programs in this book are not intended as a substitute for any exercise routine or treatment or dietary regimen that may have been prescribed by your doctor. See your doctor before starting any exercise or nutrition program. If you are taking any medications, you must talk to your doctor before starting any nutritional program. You must have a complete physical examination if you are sedentary, if you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes, if you are overweight, or if you are over 30 years old. Please discuss all nutritional changes with your physician or a registered dietician. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You will learn a lot about your habits, your mind and your body in the next 14 days. Along the way try to recognize which of the following works for you:

• If eating more frequently makes it easier to control/reduce calories, it will help you to lose weight/fat.

• If eating more frequently makes it harder to control/reduce calories, or makes you eat more, you will gain weight.

• If eating less frequently makes it harder for you to control/reduce calories (because you get hungry and binge), it will hurt your efforts to lose weight/fat.

• If eating less frequently makes it easier for you to control/reduce calories (for any number of reasons), then that will help your efforts to lose weight/fat

Have a plan, follow it, assess it, tweak it, follow it, assess it, tweak it……… ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Girls: Follow the plan as prescribed below. Weight loss will follow, quickly :) Guys: Increase the portions 1.5x to 2x. Use your energy levels as the main guide here and weight loss second. You need enough energy to train and recover, the weight loss is the easy part :)

Any questions? Shoot me an email ---> james@getfithobart.com

Seriously, any questions, concerns, comments, send me an email.

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14 Day Rapid Fat Loss Blueprint

Example of how your day might look like when eating at regular intervals.

UNLIMTED GREENS Green Beans, Broccoli, Asparagus, Spinach, Lettuce or any other leafy Green, Cabbage, Celery, Cucumber, Peas and Zucchini.

Say “NO” To Anything not recommended in the above menu or the recipes

provided. Alcohol, starches, processed carbs, packaged goods (bag, box, can) and liquid calories. If you’re not sure of anything just ask!

Meal Time Menu

1 7am

• 2-4 cups of water/green tea • Multi Vitamin and Fish Oil Tablets

• Choice from Rapid Fat Loss Breakfast Meal

2 10am • 1-2 cups of water/green tea • Choice from Rapid Fat Loss Snack

3 1pm • 1-2 cups of water/green tea • Choice from Rapid Fat Loss Lunch Meal

4 4pm • 1-2 cups of water/green tea • Choice from Rapid Fat Loss Snack

5 7pm • 1-2 cups of water/green tea

• Choice from Rapid Fat Loss Dinner Meal

6 Optional if needed.

• 1-2 cups of water/green tea • Choice from Rapid Fat Loss Dessert

Workout Before or During

Workout • ¼ Cup Whey Protein

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Rapid Fat Loss Meals - Breakfast

Super Ultimate Blender Bomb

• ¾ cup water/green tea • 1 teaspoon peanut butter • ¼ cup Whey Protein (Vanilla with a banana, banana with cottage cheese) • 1 teaspoon Maca smoothie blend • 1 Handful spinach • ½ banana or ½ cup low fat cottage cheese • ½ cup berries of choice

Put all of the ingredients into the blender in the order they are listed. Blend for 30-60 seconds or until desired consistency.

Easy Eggs

• 2-3 eggs (poached, scrambled or boiled) • 1/2 cup of diced tomato • 1/4 cup diced onion. • At least one cup of ‘Unlimited Greens’

In a non-stick pan, spray some olive oil and lightly cook the onion and tomato. Add your eggs to the mix if they are going to be scrambled, or serve on the side for poached or boiled.

Berry Surprise

• 1/3 Cup Low Fat Cottage Cheese • 1/2 Cup Strawberries • 1/4 Cup Whey Protein (Banana) • 6 Walnuts

Place all the ingredients into a food processor and give it a blast until its all mixed in together.

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Rapid Fat Loss Meals – Breakfast cont.

Super Quick Shake

• 1/4 Cup Whey Protein • 1/4 Cup mixed nuts • 1/2 cup berries or small apple.

Two options here. Either add the mix together with 200mL of water and blend together or have them separately.

Strawberry Shake

• 1/4 Cup Whey Protein Powder • 1/2 Cup Strawberries (Frozen or Fresh) • 2 TBSP Walnuts

Add ingredients plus 1-2 Cups water and 2- 3 ice cubes in a blender. Blend on high until smooth. Using frozen strawberries will make the shake thicker.

Cinnamon Soy Shake

• 1 Cup Lite Soy Milk • 1 TBSP Peanut Butter • 1-2 tsp Cinnamon

Add ingredients plus 2-3 ice cubes in a blender. Blend on high until smooth. (Choose the one with the lowest carbohydrate levels, typically the malt free variety, Vitasoy is good also)

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Rapid Fat Loss Meals – Breakfast cont.

Feta & Spinach Eggs

• 2 Cups of Spinach • 1/4 Cup Feta Cheese • 1/2 Cup Tomato (diced) • 3 Egg Whites • 1 Whole Egg

Over medium heat, lightly coat a non-stick pan with fat free cooking spray. Add spinach, tomatoes, salt and pepper. Cook until spinach is wilted and remove from pan. Mix egg and egg whites in a bowl. Re-spray the pan and turn up the heat to medium-high. Add eggs and stir until completely scrambled. Mix in spinach and tomatoes. Portion onto a plate and top with feta cheese.

Peaches and Cream Omlette

• 3 Egg Whites • 1 Whole Egg • Pinch of Cinnamon • Sprinkle of Stevia (pinch or two) • ¼ Cup Low Fat Cottage Cheese • 1 Diced Peach • 1/8 Cup Crushed Pecans • ¼ Cup Plain Yogurt

Mix the eggs, cinnamon and Stevia together, probably with a whisk. Cook on low to medium temperature in a no stick pan, bubbles should appear on top which means it's time to flip. Flip and cook until both sides are golden brown. Less is almost more here and you don't want to cook it too fast. Mix the cottage cheese, peaches, pecans and yogurt together. I like to get rid of the cottage cheese consistency (lumps) so you can blend this with the yogurt first if you are the same (then add the pecans and peaches). Plate the omlette, place the yogurt mix in the middle and fold over.

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Rapid Fat Loss Meals – Lunch

Tasty Tuna Salad

• 120 Grams tuna • 1/2 Cup Diced Tomato • 2 Cups Spinach • 1.5 Tbsp Full Fat Mayo or 3 Tbsp Avocado • Seasoning

Mash the tuna and mayo (or avocado) together with a fork. You can also add some seasoning for more flavour if you like. Mix in the tomato and side with the spinach.

Mexican Chicken Salsa

• 150 Grams chicken breast • 1/4 Cup Salsa • 1/4 Cup chopped Onion • 2 Tbsp Mashed Avocado • 1 Tbsp Shredded Parmesan • Seasoning (chili works well)

Season, grill and dice chicken breast. Lightly sauté onions. Combine all ingredients into bowl, mix lightly and serve.

Super Ultimate Salad

• 1 Handful spinach • 1 Chopped tomato • 3 Chopped mushrooms • ¼ Cup chopped capsicum • 15 grams cheese or 1 egg • 1/4 cup red kidney beans

Throw all of the ingredients into a large bowl and mix together. Add some Nandos Hot Sauce or other very low calorie sauce for extra flavour.

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Rapid Fat Loss Meals – Lunch cont.

Broccoli & Beans

• 1/2 Cup shelled edamame (soy) beans • 1/4 Cup canned chickpeas • 1 Cup Broccoli (Fresh or Frozen) • 2 tsp Toasted Sesame Seed Oil • 1 Clove of Garlic (minced)

Add garlic, sesame seed oil, edamame, chickpeas and a pinch of salt and pepper to a non-stick pan over a medium. Saute on medium heat until edamame beans begin to soften (approx 5 minutes). Add broccoli and continue to saute until broccoli softens. For an extra kick top with Thai Garlic-Chili hot sauce.

Meatless Steak with Peppers & Onions 2 slices (approx 1/5 package each) Extra Firm Tofu 1/2 Medium Sized Red Capsicum (sliced) 1/4 Onion (sliced) 1 TBSP Extra Virgin Olive Oil 2 TBSP Soy Sauce 2 TBSP Steak Seasoning Coat tofu ‘steak’ with soy sauce and sprinkle with steak seasoning. Add olive oil to a non-stick pan over medium heat. Add peppers and onions and saute until onions begin to discolor. Then move pepper and onions to the edges of the pan, placing the tofu ‘steaks’ in the pan. Cook 2-3 minutes on each side letting the peppers and onions continue cooking in the pan as well.

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Rapid Fat Loss Meals – Lunch cont.

Mediterranean Tofu Salad

• 1/5 of a Package of Firm Tofu (cubed) • 2 Cups Chopped Cucumbers • 1 Cup Chopped Tomatoes • 2 tsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil • 2 TBSP Balsamic Vinegar • 3 TBSP Fresh Basil Leaves (Chopped) • 1/2 oz Goat Cheese (crumbled)

Place olive oil, tofu, and basil in a non-stick pan over medium and saute until tofu is heated through. Combine in a bowl with salt, pepper (fresh cracked is best), cucumbers, tomatoes, goat cheese, and balsamic vinegar.

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Rapid Fat Loss Meals – Dinner

Classic Steak and Veggies

• 150 Grams Lean Steak • 3 Spears Asparagus • 1/2 Cup Broccoli • 1/2 Cup Cauliflower • Seasoning

Season steak and cook on cast iron grill. Place vegetables in a covered dish with a small amount of water. Microwave for 3 minutes.

Full of Flavour Chicken

• 150 Grams Chicken Breast • 1/4 Cup Chopped Onion • 1 Cup Broccoli • 1 Tsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil • 2 Tbsp Low Fat Feta Cheese • Seasoning

Saute onion in a non-stick pan. Season chicken and add to the pan. Microwave broccoli for 2 minutes and serve by topping with the EVOO and feta.

Coconut Fish with Nut Salad

• 150 Grams Fish (or Green Prawns) • 1 Tbsp Coconut Oil • 1/2 Cup Cauliflower diced • 1/4 Cup Carrots diced • 4 Snow Peas chopped • 1/4 Walnuts chopped • 1 Tsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil • Seasoning (Salt, pepper, chili)

Season and pan-fry the fish with the coconut oil. In another non-stick pan, lightly saute the vegetables and walnuts. Once served lightly cover vegetables with EVOO.

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Rapid Fat Loss Meals – Dinner cont.

This Can't Be A Diet Chicken

• 150gms Chicken Breast • 2-4 pieces of short cut, lowest fat possible, bacon • 1 Cup chopped tomato • 2 TBSP Avocado mash • 1-2 tsp real egg mayo • 2-3 TBSP parmesan cheese

Grill chicken and season as desired (salt, pepper, chili, garlic all work well)

Grill bacon, less is more here. Get fancy now, layer the avocado, tomato, chicken mayo, bacon, parmesan. Put in the grill to melt the cheese

My Famous Beef Chili This recipe will make enough for about 4 guy serves and 6 girl serves. Roughly.

• 600 grams lean beef mince • 750 gram can of kidney or mixed beans (give them a good wash) • 1 medium onion chopped • 1 medium tomato chopped • 2 large carrots chopped • 1/2 green , red and yellow capsicum chopped • 2 cloves of garlic or equivalent crushed • 750 mL V8 vegetable juice or equivalent • 1/4 Cup cashew meal • 1 teaspoon chili powder • 1/2 teaspoon cumin • 1/2 teaspoon pepper

Brown the mince with the onion and garlic and spices mixed through. Put all the other ingredients into a large pot with a lid and add the mince mix when it has browned. Bring the mix to a boil and then simmer for 30 minutes. Depending on how much fluid or juice there is in the exact ingredients you have used, it may take a bit longer. The other option would be to use a slow cooker for the simmer or to take a large portion of the fluid off the top 10 minutes before serving.

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Rapid Fat Loss Meals – Dinner cont.

Not Your Average Veggie Chili

• 1/4 Cup Textured Vegetable Protein • 1/2 Cup Canned Diced Tomatoes (No Salt Added) • 3 Stalks of Diced Celery • 1/4 of a 250gm Box of Frozen Spinach • 1/4 Cup Diced Onions • 2 tsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil • 1 Clove of Garlic (Minced) • 1-2 TBSP Chili powder

Add garlic, olive oil, onions, and celery to a saucepan. Cook over medium heat until onions become translucent. Add tomatoes, textured vegetable protein, chili powder, and a dash of salt and pepper. Cook for 3 minutes. Add 1.5 cups of water (or for more flavor use vegetable broth) and frozen spinach. Bring to a boil. Once boiling, turn down heat and simmer for 30 minutes. The longer you simmer the better it will taste. If you don’t have 30 minutes, 15 will do. 1 hour would be even better.

Black Bean & Portabella Cakes

• 2 Portabella Mushroom Caps (diced) • 1/2 Cup Canned Black Beans • 1/4 Cup Textured Vegetable Protein • 1 Whole Egg • 2 Green Onions (chopped)

With a fork mash up the black beans into a paste. Add black beans, diced mushroom, textured vegetable protein, green onions, egg, salt and pepper into a bowl and mix thoroughly. You can add a splash of soy sauce for added flavor if you like. Form into burgers and saute in with non-stick cooking spray over medium heat until cooked through (2-3 minutes per side).

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Rapid Fat Loss Snacks and Desserts

Chocolate Pudding

• 1/4 Cup Blueberries • 1/4 Cup Whey Protein (Chocolate) • 1 Tbsp Smooth Natural Peanut Butter

In a small dish or cup, mash blueberries. Add peanut butter then protein powder. Mash and mix all together with a spoon. You might need to add a drop or two of water depending on the juiciness of the blueberries

Blueberry Cheesecake

• 1/4 Cup Low Fat Cottage Cheese • 1/8 Cup Whey Protein (Vanilla) • 1/4 Cup Blueberries • 15 Grams Low Fat Cream Cheese • 1/2 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract

Get all the ingredients and blast them in your food processor. You may want to make a double batch and have half now and half later.

Raspberry Blender Bomb

• 200mL Almond Milk • 1/2 Cup Raspberries • 1/4 Cup Walnuts • 1/4 Cup Whey Protein (Banana)

In a blender, add the almond milk and walnuts. Blend them so there aren’t any big bits left. Then add the raspberries and powder and blend for 60 seconds.

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Rapid Fat Loss Snacks and Desserts cont.

Blueberry Blender Blast

• 200mL Chilled Green Tea • 1/2 Cup Blueberries • 1/4 Cup Raw Cashews • 1/4 Cup Whey Protein (Banana)

In a blender, add the green tea and the cashews. Give them a good blend so there aren’t too many big bits left. Then add the blueberries and powder and blend for 60 seconds.

Too Easy Berries and Yogurt

• ½ cup natural unflavoured yogurt (96% + fat free) • ¼ cup berries of choice • 20ml coconut milk

Place all ingredients in a bowl, mix and eat. Too easy!

Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream

• 2 Cups Ice • 1/4 Cup Camp Whey Protein (Chocolate) • 1 Tbsp Natural Peanut Butter • 1 Teaspoon Cacao Powder • 1/2 Cup Almond or Regular Milk

Put all of the ingredients into your blender. Make sure it can handle ice before you start. Blend in short bursts until you have a nice consistency. Too much blending will turn it into soup!

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Rapid Fat Loss Snacks and Desserts cont.

Blueberry Ice Cream

• 2 Cups Frozen Blueberries • 1/4 Cup Whey Protein (Vanilla) • 1/2 Cup Almond or Regular Milk

Thaw the blueberries for 5-10 minutes, or microwave for 15 seconds. Get all the ingredients and blast them in your blender. If the berries are too frozen it wont blend and if they are too soft you’ll end up with soup!

Blueberry Ice Cream 2.0

• 2 Cups Frozen Blueberries • 1/4 Cup Whey Protein (Banana) • 1/2 Cup Almond or Regular Milk

Thaw the blueberries for 5-10 minutes, or microwave for 15 seconds. Get all the ingredients and blast them in your blender. If the berries are too frozen it wont blend and if they are too soft you’ll end up with soup!

Sally’s Raspberry Ice Cream

• 2 Cups Frozen Raspberries • 1/4 Cup Whey Protein (Vanilla) • 1/2 Cup Almond or Regular Milk

Thaw the blueberries for 5-10 minutes, or microwave for 15 seconds. Get all the ingredients and blast them in your blender. If the berries are too frozen it wont blend and if they are too soft you’ll end up with soup!

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Q: Where do I get the ‘Whey Protein’ from?

A: If you are in Hobart come and talk to us. We have our own brand of whey protein and there are samples available to try. If you are interstate or overseas then you can get it from Prograde -->> http://www.jameskerrison.com/goto/prograde-whey

Q: Where do I get Maca Smoothie Blend from?

A: http://www.powersuperfoods.com.au , they also have lots of other cool things too!

Q: Do I have to eat everything on there, it seems like too much food?

A: No, as long as you have enough energy to train and recover, then you can decrease the portions or the snacks. I bet you never thought you’d be asking to eat less on a ‘diet’! Have a look at my articles on eating a whole lot less

here -->> http://www.jameskerrison.com/my-24-hour-fasting-journal/

Q: Can I do this for longer that 14 Days?

A: Yes you can. The longest we have done it for was six weeks and this was with regular training etc. The trick is to get the 14 days done and then incorporate some other foods back in if you wish. Then you can always come back to the eating plan when you need to refocus or lose extra weight for a special event.

Q: Will I regain weight after the 14 Days?

A: If your eating habits caused you to gain weight before the 14 days then they still will after the 14 days. If you can make an overall improvement in your eating habits after the 14 days then you can still lose weight.

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FAQ cont.

Q: How much weight will I lose?

A: Following the plan will result in you losing on average 2-3 kilos per week. That’s 4-6 kgs in two weeks, that’s why it’s called a Rapid Fat Loss Blueprint!

Q: I’m getting hungry….

A: There are foods you can each an unlimited amount of. Have you eaten that much yet? Get back to me when you have :) Plus often hunger is a sign of dehydration. Grab a drink or water, tea, coffee etc and then see if you are still hungry. Also have a look at my Fasting Journal (http://www.jameskerrison.com/my-24-hour-fasting-journal/) which is a very interesting look at what hunger really is.

Q: Can I eat breakfast for dinner, or dinner for lunch?

A: Yes, feel free to mix and match the meals regardless of the category. You might like steak for breakfast!

If you have a question, any questions relating to the eating plan, send me an email.
