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Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report

Project Location: 1300 Gordon Street

Guelph, Ontario

Prepared for: Carousel Estate Homes Inc.

100-16 Marilyn Drive Guelph, ON N1H OB1

Prepared by: MTE Consultants Inc.

520 Bingemans Centre Drive Kitchener, ON N2B 3X9

November 18, 2016 Revised May 30, 2017

Revised June, 19, 2017

MTE File No.: 41062-100


1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 1 2.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS ...................................................................................... 1

2.1 Existing Servicing ............................................................................................... 1 2.1.1 Water ........................................................................................................... 1 2.1.2 Sanitary ....................................................................................................... 4 2.1.3 Storm ........................................................................................................... 4

3.0 PROPOSED GRADING AND SERVICING STRATEGY ...................................... 4

3.1 Proposed Grading .............................................................................................. 4 3.2 Proposed Servicing ............................................................................................ 4

3.2.1 Water ........................................................................................................... 4 3.2.2 Sanitary ....................................................................................................... 5 3.2.3 Storm ........................................................................................................... 5

4.0 CONCEPTUAL STORM WATER MANAGEMENT DESIGN ................................ 7

4.1 Stormwater Management Criteria ...................................................................... 7 4.2 Water Quantity Control ....................................................................................... 7 4.3 Water Quality Control ......................................................................................... 8 4.4 Infiltration………………………………………… ...... ……………………………….8 4.5 Erosion & Sediment Control ............................................................................. 11

5.0 CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................. 12


FIGURE 1.0 SITE LOCATION PLAN ......................................................................... 2 FIGURE 2.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN ............................................................ 3 FIGURE 3.0 CONCEPTUAL SERVICING DESIGN ................................................... 6 FIGURE 4.0 PRE-DEVELOPMENT SWM CATCHMENT AREA ............................... 9 FIGURE 5.0 POST-DEVELOPMENT SWM CATCHMENT AREA ........................... 10


TABLE 4.1 CATCHMENT PARAMETERS.............................................................. 7 TABLE 4.2 SUMMARY OF FLOWS ........................................................................ 8



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1.0 INTRODUCTION MTE Consultants Inc. was retained by Carousel Estate Homes Inc. to complete a Functional Servicing Report in support of the Zoning By-Law Amendment Application for a new residential development to be constructed at 1300 Gordon Street (herein referred to as ‘the Site’). The Site is located on the north side of Gordon Street, approximately 200 metres west of Arkell Road. The property is bounded to the north east by parking lots, to the south east by the Salvation Army Guelph Citadel, to the south west by Gordon Street, and to the north west by a residential development. For the exact location of the Site refer to Figure 1.0. The proposed development for the Site is the construction of a 6-storey, 32 unit, residential building complete with one level of at grade parking. The purpose of this report is to document the opportunities and constraints for the subject property with respect to servicing, grading and stormwater management in support of the Zoning By-Law Amendment Application. The property is currently zoned as R-1B and is being proposed for R-4 General Apartment Zone. Pending approval of the Zoning By-Law Amendment application, detailed design of the Site will commence and be submitted to the City in support of Site Plan Approval. 2.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS The Site encompasses an area of 0.24 ha and is currently a single family residence. The property consists of one side-split brick house, a driveway, a brick patio, a small retaining wall along the rear of the driveway, a framed shed and several mature trees with minor vegetation. In the existing condition, surface runoff from the Site generally flows from the north to the south. There is approximately 5.5 metres of elevation difference between the north and south property corners. 2.1 Existing Servicing

2.1.1 Water The existing building facing Gordon Street is currently serviced by a 19mm diameter water service off of a 400mm diameter municipal watermain located on Gordon Street. The service enters the property from the right-of-way approximately 12 metres from the centre of the driveway. The closest municipal fire hydrant is located across the street from the neighbouring property at 1320 Gordon Street, to the south of the Site. There is also a municipal fire hydrant located across from 1270 Gordon Street, approximately 95 metres from the south west corner of the Site.

Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report 1300 Gordon Street

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FIGURE 2.0 JUN.13/171:400


2.1.2 Sanitary The existing building is serviced by a 150mm diameter sanitary service off of a 200mm diameter municipal sanitary sewer located on Gordon Street that drains south east towards Arkell Road. The service enters the property from the right-of-way approximately 12.5 metres from the centre of the driveway and is assumed to be approximately 2.0 metres in depth. There is one existing manhole in the Gordon Street right-of-way along the frontage of the Site. This manhole is approximately 3.5 metres deep from the top of the casting to invert.

2.1.3 Storm There does not appear to be any municipal storm infrastructure currently servicing the site. There is one SICBMH located across Gordon Street from the Site that is connected to a 750mm diameter municipal storm sewer that flows south east towards Arkell Road and drains at the Arkell Road Outlet. 3.0 PROPOSED GRADING AND SERVICING STRATEGY Preliminary grading and servicing strategies for the proposed development have been developed based on available plan and profile information provided by the City of Guelph, the conceptual Site Plan prepared by James Fryett Architects Inc. dated April 14, 2017, and the topographical survey prepared by BSR&D dated October 29, 2008. Based on the conceptual Site Plan, the building and driveway will occupy 53% of the site. 3.1 Proposed Grading The proposed development is a 6-storey, 32 unit apartment building complete with a basement and one level of at grade parking. Vehicular access to the parking garage will be off of Gordon Street. The proposed grading strategy will respect the existing grades along all property lines and generally slope from the north and east property corners to the south and west property corners. Barrier free access from Gordon Street is provided through the main building entrance. 3.2 Proposed Servicing

3.2.1 Water A new connection to the existing municipal watermain along Gordon Street will be required. The required water service size will be determined during detailed design; however it is anticipated to be 150mm diameter. The Site will require the installation of a private fire hydrant as the building will have sprinklers installed and the existing municipal hydrants do not meet OBC spacing requirements. The existing 19mm diameter water service will be disconnected at the watermain and the main stop shut off. Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report 1300 Gordon Street

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3.2.2 Sanitary A sanitary flow design sheet was prepared to determine the anticipated peak flow rates to be generated by the proposed development. The Site will be designated as the urban development type “Apartments – 150 units per hectare”. Per the City of Guelph Sanitary Sewer Design Criteria, the maximum anticipated peak sanitary flow generation rate is 6.0L/s/ha. Based on a site area of 0.24 ha, the resulting peak flow is expected to be 1.45L/s from the Site. From the original sanitary capacity analysis report prepared by Civica in 2014, this property was the smallest contributor to the existing sanitary system. It should be noted that the site area used in the Civica report was rounded down to one decimal from 0.24ha to 0.2ha. This reduced the expected peak flow rate presented in the report from 1.45L/s to 1.2L/s. Based on recent correspondence with the City of Guelph from May 16, 2017, the City is currently completing an updated sanitary capacity analysis on the existing municipal sanitary sewer along Gordon Street. The existing 150mm diameter sanitary sewer that services the existing house is assumed to be at a minimum slope of 1.0% from the property line to the mainline and therefore has a minimum capacity of 15.2L/s. Refer to Appendix A for detailed calculations. As the anticipated peak sanitary flow for the proposed development is well below the expected capacity of the existing service the existing service can be utilized for the proposed development and no new service is required. The slope and depth of the existing service will need to be verified prior to construction.

3.2.3 Storm A private storm sewer system will be installed on the Site to collect overflow from the proposed bio-retention swale. This storm sewer system, which will include 150mm diameter piping and a cleanout, will convey flows into the existing municipal storm sewer on Gordon Street. Run-off from the frontage of the property and the green space will flow overland to the Gordon Street right-of-way.

Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report 1300 Gordon Street

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FIGURE 3.0 JUN.13/171:400


4.0 CONCEPTUAL STORMWATER MANAGEMENT DESIGN 4.1 Stormwater Management Criteria

The City of Guelph was contacted to determine the stormwater management (SWM) criteria for the site. The following is a summary of quantity, quality and infiltration objectives established for the property:

i) Control of the post-development peak discharge from the site to pre-development levels for the 5 and 100 year storm events;

ii) Minimum of normal level quality treatment (70% TSS removal); iii) Infiltration (maintain or enhance groundwater recharge); and iv) Implementation of erosion and sediment control measures.

4.2 Water Quantity Control In order to successfully complete the preliminary stormwater management design for the site, the following specific tasks were undertaken:

i) Calculated the allowable runoff rates using MIDUSS NET (Appendix A); ii) Determined the percent impervious of the site and catchment parameters for

inclusion in MIDUSS modeling; and iii) Calculated post-development runoff hydrographs using MIDUSS NET (Appendix

A). The following table summarizes the catchments used in the modeling of the Site. The post development condition was separated into three (3) catchment areas; the roof area, the roof terraces and the uncontrolled area. Figure 3.0 illustrates the limits of the pre-development catchment area. Figure 4.0 illustrates the limits of the post development catchment areas.


# Catchment Area (ha)

% Impervious

Pervious CN

Impervious CN

Slope (%)

Flow Length


Pre-Development Catchment Areas

101 Grass Area and Building 0.242 21 75 98 7.0 70

Post Development Catchment Areas

201 Roof Area 0.106 100 75 98 2.0 10

202 Uncontrolled Area 0.136 13 75 98 7.0 55

A preliminary geotechnical investigation was completed by V.A. Wood (Guelph) Incorporated, and is dated December 2015. The investigation revealed that subsurface conditions generally consisted of brown silty sand to brown silty sand till. Therefore, a conservative value of 75 was used for the pervious CN value. Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report 1300 Gordon Street

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In order to achieve the stormwater management requirements for the site, runoff generated from the roof area and the roof terraces will be controlled using flow control roof drains. The following table summarizes the expected flows that will be generated by the whole site. TABLE 4.2 – SUMMARY OF FLOWS

Modeling Condition 5 year Storm Event (m3/s)

100 year Storm Event (m3/s)

Pre-development 0.015 0.048

Post Development 0.014 0.038

4.3 Water Quality Control A majority of the impervious areas on the proposed development is building roof, which is considered to generate ‘clean’ runoff. Therefore, no on-site quality control measures are proposed. All parking associated with the development will be situated inside the building. 4.4 Infiltration The Site is located within the Hanlon Creek sub-watershed and therefore infiltration measures are required onsite. A water budget analysis has been conducted for this site to examine the impacts of the proposed development on infiltration. The Canadian Climate Normals for the Guelph Arboretum provide an average annual precipitation estimate for the property of 923 mm/yr. The average annual precipitation of 923mm/yr can be broken down as follows: annual evapotranspiration (ET) is 562mm; annual runoff is 162mm; and, annual infiltration is 198mm. These values were calculated per section 3.2.3 of the MOE Stormwater Management Planning & Design Manual (2003). Factors such as topography, soils and cover were considered. Based on an existing infiltration rate of 198 mm/yr, the annual amount of infiltration is calculated to be 428m3/yr. Development increases levels of imperviousness that in turn reduces the amount of infiltration. If not mitigated, the net result of development would be a reduction of infiltration. The development of this property will increase imperviousness from 21% to 51% resulting in a 218m3/yr reduction in passive infiltration. In order to provide an infiltration balance on the site post development, roof drainage will be conveyed to a Bio-retention Swale located at the rear of the proposed building. An overflow from the Bio-retention Swale to the onsite storm sewer network will be provided to mitigate any possible flooding. Refer to Figure 2.0 for the proposed swale location.

Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report 1300 Gordon Street

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FIGURE 4.0 JUN.13/17 1:300




FIGURE 5.0 JUN.13/16 1:300





Based on the groundwater elevations presented in the preliminary geotechnical investigation by V.A. Wood (Guelph) Incorporated (December 2015), a minimum of 1.0 metre of separation can be provided between the bottom of the Bio-retention Swale and the groundwater table. The Bio-retention Swale is expected to provide a total annual infiltration of approximately 246m3/yr based on published data in the LID Manual (2010) suggesting 30% runoff reduction efficiencies. Combined with the landscape area, the net expected result is a total post-development annual infiltration volume of 480m3, representing a net gain of 51m3/yr on the site. Design details for the Bio-retention Swale will be provided at final design. Refer to Appendix ‘C’ for the water budget analysis calculations. This analysis will be further refined during detailed design. 4.5 Erosion & Sediment Control

In order to minimize the effects of erosion during the grading of the site, sediment control fencing will be installed around the perimeter of the site and around any stockpiles and catchbasins during construction. Any sediment that is tracked onto the road way during the course of construction will be cleaned by the contractor. To help minimize the amount of mud being tracked onto the road way, a mud mat may be installed at the primary construction entrance. These measures will be shown on the detailed design drawings.

Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report 1300 Gordon Street

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M:\41062\100\Reports\MTE Reports\41062-100 Micro Drainage Analysis_2017-06-16


Project Number: 41062-100Date:Design By: NPM/JNJFile:

Hydrologic Cycle Component Values Annual Precipitation (mm) 923 ET Infiltration Runoff

(mm/yr)Landuse Parameters Existing Site Conditions 562 198 162

Pitched Roofs 133 Excess water = 790Pitched Roofs to Grade 198 592Flat Roof/Driveway 150 Excess water = 773

232 541 Bioswale (30% RO Reduction)


ha mm/yr/m 2 m 3 /yr ha mm/yr/m 2 m 3 /yr ha mm/yr/m 2 m 3 /yrCatchment 101 0.191 198 379Catchment 101 (Roof to grade) 0.025 198 50Catchment 101 (Drive) 0.026 0 0Catchment 202 0.118 198 234 0.018 0 0 Landscaped area & DriveCatchment 201 0.106 0 0 Roof

0.106 232 246 Roof to bioswale (30% RO reduction)Total 0.242 428 0.118 480 0.124 0

Net Gain of Infiltration 51 m 3 /yr

Infiltration Volume

Area Draining to Location

Infiltration Rate

June 16, 2017

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Draining to Location


Pre-development Post-development

CommentsArea Draining to Location

Infiltration Rate

Infiltration Volume


Infiltration Volume

Infiltration Rate