13 C.freedom Denied 6.30.13

Post on 17-Dec-2015

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Transcript of 13 C.freedom Denied 6.30.13

  • 13 C

    Freedom denied

    MDP of God

    When I was a childone of my favorite holidays was the 4th of July

    I had been raised- as most of us were to be very patriotic

    So on the 4th

    we celebrated all that it meant to be an American

    We celebrated that we were a free peoplea nation founded on the

    proposition that all people are created equal and have the inalienable rights

    to life- liberty and the pursuit of happinessRights given to us by God

    Almighty Himself

    Especially when we compared ourselves to the poor people who lived

    under the yoke of communismwho werent free

    Or those who lived under some third world tyrant---who werent


    We were free--weparticipated in parades- we went to see fireworks

    and of course we would set off firecrackers

    I remember one timewe would light a cigarette and then light our firecrackers

    from the cigarette--- that way you didnt have to keep lighting matches

    So one time I had the cigarette- and I was lighting a firecrackerbut another

    kid came over and was starting to light a firecracker from the cigarette I was

    holding--- so I started watching his firecracker to see if it was litand

    didnt notice that the firecracker in my hand was lit---

    So as Im watching his firecracker--- the one in my hand exploded

    That really really really hurtwhen youre dealing with something that can hurt

    you should be vigalent

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    I wasnt vigilant--- now it could have been worsemuch worse--- if I had a

    cherry bomb in my handor an M80 I might be missing part of my hand

    today--- I might not have movement in my hand

    My friendsI share that story--- because the founders of our nation said that to

    maintain freedom we need to be vigilant

    And unfortunately as a people we havent been vigilant--- as a people we are

    quickly losing our freedom--- As Catholics we have become 2nd



    What do I mean by that? Let me give you some examples:

    Did you know that there are several states in our country where Catholic Charities

    can no longer be involved in foster care and adoption services for children?

    Thats because Catholic Charities wont place children in homes with

    homosexual couples we wont place children in homes where mixed

    gender couples arent married

    The Catholic Church who for nearly 2,000 years has been involved in

    adoptions and foster care---we cant be involved in those services in what

    was once known as the land of the free and home of the brave--- because we

    dare not put children in homes to be raised by those living in sin

    That cant be tolerated--- how judgmental of the Church so we

    are judged unworthy to be involved in those services

    For many decades the Catholic Church was involved ministering to the victims of

    human trafficking--- as that problem has grown the government has provided

    funding--- and Catholic Charities did so much to help the victims of that--- but no


    Because Catholic agencies will not provide abortion services to victims of

    human trafficking--- we can no longer get government funding

    These kind of things are happening in Canada too- in Canadathe Knights of

    Columbus were sued because they wouldnt rent their hall to a homosexual couple

    celebrating their marriagethe Knights were ordered by the court to pay

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    damages to the couple and to rent their facilities [the Knights werent free to

    uphold our Catholic beliefs]

    And of courselast year the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

    made a rule under the new health care law--- that all businesses (including Catholic

    hospitals, Catholic social service agencies, and Catholic Universities)must pay

    for contraceptives- sterilizations--- and abortion inducing drugs

    So how many Catholic business people are now in the position of having to

    sell or close their businesses--- or be involved in what is mortal sin

    Because the fact is my friends if a Catholic business person chooses to go

    along if they choose to pay for those things they are guilty of mortal sin

    And of courseif we die in the state of mortal sin we go to hell----

    thats not much of an option

    So the United States government has said to Catholics--- if you are going to

    run a big or medium size business in our country you must forfeit your soul

    St Paul in our 2nd

    reading today speaks about freedom- he said, For freedom

    Christ set us free; so stand firm and do not submit again to the yoke of slavery.

    As Catholics were being told we must submit to the yoke of slavery

    As Catholics were being told that we are now 2nd class citizenswe are not

    free to follow our consciences- we are not free to live by the dictates of our

    beliefs--- we will go along or be put out of business --- as Catholic social

    service agencies are being cut out of adoption and foster care service--- as

    they are no longer welcome to help with ministering to victims of human


    I sincerely believe--- unless we turn this around--- that I will not in the not

    too distant future be considered a criminalwhen I refuse to do homosexual


    We are no longer free----how did we get here?

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    Christian values have been under attack for centuries in the western world

    but it really didnt start bearing fruit in the United States until about 50 years


    At that point atheists and secular humanists would say, You need to be open

    minded---as they pushed a moral agenda contrary to the laws of God

    They said, you need to be tolerantyou cant force your morality

    on us

    And of course many of us--- not wanting to cause waveswent along

    We were silent when pornography was pushed--- we were silent as the

    government started handing out free contraceptives--- many Catholics

    have been complicit in the abortion holocaust---because of course we

    cant force our morality on other people

    But have you noticed --- they have no problem forcing their immorality on us?

    They have no problem saying to Catholic business people--- you will pay for

    things that make you complicit in mortal sinor well put you out of


    They have no problem saying to Catholic agencies --- if you dont go along

    with the homosexual agenda- if you dont go along with the abortion

    agenda---you cant be involved in the adoption and foster care- you cant be

    an agent for the victims of human trafficking

    Weve been beaten over the head with you cant force your morality on us but

    the fact of the matter is---all law enshrines someones morality

    The question we need to ask is this--- are we going to be ruled by the

    morality based on the wisdom of God--- or are we going to be ruled by the

    wisdom of the world --- that the bible tells us is foolishness to God?

    And we are as a peoplepeople so incredibly foolish

    My friendsback during the cold war---the leader of the Soviet Union Joseph

    Stalin referred to people in the west who made excuses for communismhe called

    them useful idiots

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    You need to knowthat many of the secular progressives many atheists

    have become useful idiots for Satan--- as they push his agenda

    And sadly many Catholics and other Christians have been complicit in

    going along with Satans agenda [Because we cant force our morality on

    other people]

    The fact is--- if we have faith we know its not your morality or my morality---

    we hold Gods morality

    Jesus chastised the Pharisees who nullified Gods Word with their human

    traditions--- well folks one of the deadliest human traditions today is that we

    make our laws, not based on the Wisdom of Godbut on the wisdom of the


    The secular progressives and atheistsare making hell on earthas they

    promote Satans agenda--- as they allow themselves to be Satans useful


    My friendsI know sometimes I sound like a broken record--- but we are

    forfeiting our freedom

    As weve put our heads in the sand and let the secular progressives push

    Satans agendalook whats happened

    In the 1960s they were going to solve the problem of out of wedlock births--- so

    our government started passing out contraceptives to teenagers and others

    They solved that problem so well that they took us from 5% out of wedlock

    births--- to 42% of out of wedlock births---and those numbers reflect real


    Think of the women who werent able to realize their dreamsthink of the

    children growing up without fathers--- think of the young people without

    fathers who join gangs and the violence that entails--- who end up in prison

    Think of the people who are victims of crime from children who grew

    up without dads

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    Folkswere talking real people real pain real brokenness---real

    heartache--- all of which was so avoidable, if we had based our

    policies and laws on the Wisdom of God

    Think of the sewer your kids and grandkids are growing up in

    Because of the contraceptive mentalitycoupled with the abortion mentality

    and pornography--- many of our girls feel all that matters is their bodies

    Many dress very immodestlymany girls have become bulimic and

    anorexic---many girls feel that if they are to have a boyfriends they have to

    allow themselves to be used by guys

    In a Christian culture men were protectors of women--- in our culturemen have

    become exploiters of women

    Many of our young men dont strive for nobilitymany of them prey on

    women exploit women lie to women----because theyve been told that

    real men sleep arounda real man has many conquests

    Many of our young men have bought into Satans agendawhy?

    Because Catholics have failed to stand up for Gods agenda

    As a result---we are no longer free

    Catholics have become 2nd

    class citizens

    We have forfeited our right to a wholesome cultureas Satans useful

    idiots continue to promote a morality that is condemned by God

    And folksthe consequences arent just the sewer we find ourselves swimming in

    now--- the consequences will be eternal for many

    The secular progressives are trying to lead more and more people to adopt a

    homosexual lifestyle--- well a homosexual lifestyle is mortal sin--- and

    unless repented of--- will lead people to hell

    Living together outside of marriage is mortal sinsex outside of marriage

    and adultery are mortal sin--- but many think nothing of it

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    But it is a slap in the face to God- a rejection of His Wisdomand

    will lead many away from heaven

    Abortionwhich has become the highest sacrament of secular progressives-

    -- it is in their minds the ultimate of freedom and womens liberationwell

    folks its murder--- and murderers unless they repent go to hell

    And dont get me wrongthere are many men and women who have been

    involved in abortion who have repented who have been forgiven who have been

    received Gods mercy--- and I have no intention of trying to lay more guilt on them

    I dont fear for their salvation at all

    But the ones who keep voting for the promoters of abortion--- I very much

    worry about their salvation---they have sentenced millions of children to

    death and millions of women to a life of heartache and pain and regret

    So what do we do?- As tempting as it is--- we shouldnt be like James and John in

    todays gospel who wanted to call down fire from heaven on those who were not

    willing to welcome Jesusit is tempting to do just that

    In the story about the firecracker I began with I was hurt because I wasnt

    vigilant---we need to be vigilantwe need to wake up

    We need first of all to pray---pray that we have the courage to give witness

    to the truth of the gospeland it takes courage because we Christians are

    very much ridiculed today

    Pray that well have the wisdom to hold fast to the truth of God

    Pray that well be able to speak intelligently to others and challenge

    the nonsense that is being promoted in our culture

    Pray for those who have been Satans useful idiots that theyll open

    their eyes to the hell they are creating

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    We also need to study---the secular progressives have ignored the incredible good

    Christianity in general and the Catholic Church in particular have done for our

    world--- we need to make ourselves aware of that so we can againspeak

    intelligently to others about it

    We need to be vigilant--- because as we sat back and remained silent---

    Satans agenda has made great headway --- and as a result many people are

    being incredibly hurtas a result we are in many ways no longer a free


    Lets pray lets study lets stand for the Wisdom of our God