12th March, 1993 - Gujarat NRE Coke Ltd.Hemant Karkare felled him because … Some “patriotic”...

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Transcript of 12th March, 1993 - Gujarat NRE Coke Ltd.Hemant Karkare felled him because … Some “patriotic”...

12th March, 1993

India experienced the bloody nexus of corruption and terrorism that

haunts us even today

• Serial blasts

• Hijacking of aircrafts

• Loss of innocent lives

• Attack on the Parliament

• Defiling places of worship

• Gun battles …

26th November, 2008 Was the last nail in the coffin

Did shake the conscience of many upright Indians

As an Indian

I am outraged

at the way

the Nation’s sanctity

was violated at the

Taj and the Trident

I am pained beyond words

The same pain

that is today

prompting so

many of us to

talk of

“extreme measures”

• Hot pursuit

• Surgical strikes

• Precision bombing

• Collateral damage

• National pride

• War on terror

• Obliteration of a wayward neighbour

All this and more from a people

Who taught the world

the power of


the spirit of

Non co-operation !

The Mahatma had rightly understood

The need to strike at the very heart of British imperialism …

the result was the clarion call to

boycott British goods

and promote Swadeshi

The mighty British empire

On which the sun never set

Was forced to it’s knees

Today, the time has come

• To salute those who laid down their lives in the dastardly attack and promise their departed souls retaliation.

• We will fight this war the Indian way

• And win

Independent India has to take a vow

“We pledge not to do business with any entity that has business relations with Pakistan”

The Toyotas, the Fords, Microsoft, Coke and Pepsis of the world ,

Read our lips “you can choose only one market.

You may choose Pakistan

if you may,

but the doors of India

will be closed to you forever”

Let every Indian take the vow

Not to use any goods or services that originate in


Not to use any entity’s goods or services that also

does business in / with Pakistan


It was a plundered and pillaged India, shackled to slavery that had taken the route of boycott

to shake the very foundations of the Raj


We, as a Nation, are among the front runners having achieved our place in the sun

And can therefore

Impose our will, our sanction on the errant

On a rogue state which the international community has repeatedly failed to rope in

Join me

It is time we starved terrorism and its purveyors

In the way shown by our ancestors,

for if we do not act even now,

history will not treat us kindly

I call it

‘CSR with a Difference’

• To me, the entire premise of CSR is defined on different terms…..

• The take is far more fundamental…

Mr Arun Kumar Jagatramka

Chairman and Managing Director

Gujarat NRE Coke Ltd

Gujarat NRE’s experience in CSR –

creating a social impact on the

community and society

We have designed our CSR policy

• Guided by a principle of growing

with the community

• By engaging with the community

• By understanding the needs of

the community,

– Through discussions and

deliberations with local village


– By creating an awareness among

the local populace on what is good

for them

A Hindi High School in Jamnagar

Bus service for children of nearby

villages to reach their school

Safe drinking water for villages

adjoining our plants

Support to the local hospital and


Building toilets and solar street

lights in villages

Partnering government in

development of an ITI in


Instituted a centre of

excellence ‘Gujarat NRE

Knowledge Application

Facilitation Centre’ at CII,

Ahmedabad (Gujarat NRE

- CII-Government of

Gujarat initiative)

But, There is something more to it

It has been my passion and a belief of

my organisation that the youth in

particular needs to be sensitized

against corruption

We have been involved in doing our bit in

engaging the youth to build a

better India

Why such a mission for ETHICS and INTEGRITY?

Why did I chose a subject like CORRUPTION –

which Corporates would rather like to avoid

A Brief Background

What ails India?

SIX years ago when we first embarked on this mission…..

• Anachronistic laws (Fortunately the present

government has taken cognizance and started working on

it today)

• Crony Capitalism – A few corrupt businesses bending

the rules for their benefit which maligns the entire

corporate world

• Corrupt law enforcers and Politically motivated

law makers

For too long, we had focused on

• The severity of punishment

as opposed to

• The certainty of punishment

Leading to mega scams like Coalgate, 2G, Commonwealth etc

Law breakers had the impunity

• As with easy money comes

the opportunity to buy the

way out

• Maintenance of status quo

ensures the continued

support of the “System”

• The safety of numbers

• The perpetuation of injustice

Had become one section of the society, who have the “system” to safeguard their interests While the rest of India are forced to tow their line

The man on the street does not have access to his rights as a citizen

• His means of earning a livelihood is illegal

• The home where he stays is illegal

We too have sinned….

As we believe that for getting ahead in life, it is best to take the path of

least resistance

It is ok to grease the odd palm in the way

It is alright to jump the traffic signal when the

cops aren't looking

Because we believe

that greasing the palm is the way of life

that by refusing, we will attract the wrath of the system

that we cannot fight the system as it is all powerful

As the “system” does not allow individuals to raise their voices

against it

We refuse To nip a problem in the bud, allowing it to


All the while trying to fish in troubled waters

And then, when the problem hits the ceiling...

We raise our hands in surrender

The bullets of terror that tore into ATS squad



Hemant Karkare

felled him because …

Some “patriotic” Indian had signed his death warrant by ordering sub standard

bullet proof vests

Its the small bribe that “we” pay

That let them buy the guns that are trained on us

The Hawala route that we take

To evade a few Rupees … is

used by them to finance their operations around the


Let us not forget

• That the bullets that are making us bleed are fired by enemies

• But the enemies that are bleeding the Nation through corrupt means are equally guilty

• The insiders are the ones who are emboldening those that are outside

• We must therefore, fight the war on both fronts

Individually We are up against a

“system” that is naturally averse to change,

for maintenance of status quo ensures :

equitable distribution of bribe,

thriving of vote banks, continuity of personal fiefdoms,

reign of the corruption

Why me ? we all ask As it is easier to shrug,

pay the price

and move on,

than be the victim of “the system”

Is there no hope then?

There is The hope is in the future

Young, impressionable minds

That can take up the cause


We today start the onerous task of

planting the seeds

Our Aim was to

Take the fight to the campuses to the temples of learning

So that a deep aversion can be created against all forms of

corruption -

Long before …….

the crusade against corruption caught

the fancy of people in 2011

We had raised the issue and made an

attempt to create an awareness

Established Gujarat NRE – AMA Centre for National Integrity at Ahmedabad in 2009

And having regular programmes / seminars /contests since early 2009

Centre established at



Association in May 2009

Organizes regular

programs on Ethics and

Integrity involving youth

Publishes books on

Ethics and Transparency

Engaged with the youth at college


Organised seminars and youth

programs on the topic of integrity

and ethics

The response has been


The youth of today wants to break

free from the current system –

have innovative ideas

• At NIRMA University and IIM Ahmedabad

• Topics include:

– India of my dreams

– Does Corruption feed Terrorism? How can we get rid of such Corruption?

– Trust based compliance as against Enforced compliance – Which is more effective?

Youth Seminars

Youth Seminars on • No bribes, No illegal moves,

no out of way favours- Can

we pledge?

• Is doing business a crime in

India: Are corporate

compelled to flout rules?

• Removal of Extortionary

Corruption – Key to

Empowering the Indian Citizen

Initiatives engaging the Civil Society

Worked closely with Foundation for Peace, Harmony and Good Governance

Engaged with Civil Society to come out with recommendations on:


– Good Governance

– Police Reforms

– Black Money

Initiatives engaging the Civil Society

The Economic Times, 17th August, 2009

Articles in Press

The Economic Times, 14th November, 2011

The Economic Times, 3rd May, 2012

Articles in Press

The Economic Times, 28th January, 2013


• Published during

a contest held in

Goa in February


• Topic : Ethics or

Ethical Law, which

comes first?

• Published at I-Fest

2010 at NIRMA


Ahmedabad in

September 2010

• Topic of

Presentation : Draft


Strategy Paper


• National Conference

on Integrity in January

2011 in Delhi

• Topics of


• Enforcement Agencies

– Friend or Foe?

• Corruption and Role

of Media


Published at the

National Seminar

on Black Boney in

May 2011 at Delhi



Published at I-Fest

2011 in NIRMA


Ahmedabad in

September 2011


• National Conference

on Governance in

January 2012 in Delhi

• Topic of presentation:

Trust based

compliance or

enforced compliance –

which one is more



• Published during I-Fest

2012 at Nirma

University, Ahmedabad

in October 2012

• Topic of Presentation:

Removal of Extortionary

Corruption – Key to

Empowering the Indian


Publications • National Conference on Police

Reforms in Feb 2013 at Delhi

• Topic of Presentation : Change

the absurd & antediluvian

Laws of the Land; To Build the

India of our Dreams

• We congratulate the current

government under the

dynamic leadership of Shri

Narendra Modi for taking

steps in this direction

All procedures, laws and regulations that breed

corruption and come in the way of efficient

delivery system will have to be eliminated

There is severity of punishment in our laws, but

there is no certainty. Harsher punishment is

accompanied with higher payout. Certainty of

punishment is the only deterrent

Need for making the laws contemporary and

delete the archaic ones

Need to break the status-quo of no trust and

less compliance

Trust your citizen and if he betrays your trust,

punishment should be certain and exemplary

Need to make vigilant oversight bodies independent

The will to take responsibility and deliver

should come from top

It is the quality of governance that separates

success and failure in economic development

“We must learn to Trust. For several centuries, Indians

have been brainwashed to distrust other Indians. This

saps national energy. Distrust kills initiative. Distrust

compels people to maneuver and manipulate. Trust and

transparency stimulates entrepreneurship.”

Let us all Build a Society

on the Foundation of TRUST