12th February,2015 Daily Exclusive ORYZA Rice E_Newsletter by Riceplus Magazine

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Transcript of 12th February,2015 Daily Exclusive ORYZA Rice E_Newsletter by Riceplus Magazine

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      Daily Exclusive ORYZA Rice E-Newsletter



    Daily Exclusive ORYZA Rice Newsletter

    Volume 5, Issue I

    February 12, 2015

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    Guyana Releases Two New Hybrid Rice


    Feb 11, 2015

    Guyana's Ministry of Agriculture and the Guyana

    Rice Development Board (GRDB) have released two

    new hybrid rice varieties - GRDB 14 and Maria's

    Delight aromatic rice - on February 11, 2015 at the

    Guyana International Conference Center.Both the

    varieties are developed at the Burma Rice Research

    Station (BRRS) situated in Essequibo. While GRDB

    14 is a high-yielding variety and is resistant to

    lodging, Maria's Delight is the country's first aromatic

    rice variety and is resistant to pests and disease attacks, according to the Chief Scientist and

    Plant Breeder at the GRDB. They are developed by cross-breeding local rice varieties and are

    aimed at boosting productivity of the country. Particularly the aromatic rice variety is capable of

    yielding 45 bags per acre (around 113 bags per hectare) and has excellent milling and cooking

    qualities apart from having a uniform expression of aroma, he said.

    He told local sources that Guyana has been striving to develop more pest resistant rice varieties

    and will continue to put more efforts in that direction. He added that BRRS and GRDB, through

    development and marketing of newer rice varieties, would play a major role in Guyana's efforts

    to find new export markets.Guyana's President, who launched the two new varieties, noted that

    Guyana is currently a very small player in the international rice market and have to achieve a lot

    more to prove their visibility in the market. He stressed that the future of local rice industry

    would depend on their efficiency in developing more aromatic rice varieties and increasing

     production. He assured that the government would provide requisite support for the continued

    growth, development and prosperity of the rice industry.Guyana has exported around 501,208

    tons of rice in 2014, up about 27% from around 394,000 tons exported in 2013, according to theAgriculture Minister

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    California Rice Sector to Hit by Port


    Feb 11, 2015

    Problems of dock workers and terminal

    operators in the U.S. West Coast ports are

    having a ripple effect in the economy.

    Especially agriculture exports, including

    those of rice, are being affected

    significantly.Nearly 80% of the rice

    grown in California is medium-grain rice

    and is exported through the port of West

    Sacramento and Oakland port to the

    countries in the south Pacific. But strikes

    and closures by the dock workers and

    terminal operators due to some issues over

    contract terms have been delaying the shipment of rice to destination countries causing severe

    losses to the exporters.

    Some exporters told local sources that many of their rice containers are having to wait at the

    docks idly. For every one day their rice containers wait at docks, they need to pay extra fees,

    they added. They expressed concerns that though authorities tried to settle the ongoing labor

    disputes shortly, it is not certain when the operations would return to normal. Similar port

    lockouts due to labor disputes occurred in 2002. They came to an end with the involvement of

    the then U.S. President.

    California rice sector had been impacted by drought last year. The state's paddy rice acreage in

    2014 had declined to around 420,000 hectares, down about 25% from around 525,000 hectares

     planted in 2013 due to prolonged dry conditions and water shortages. California is the second

    largest rice producing state in the U.S. after Arkansas, and contributes to around 2 million tons of

     paddy rice annually or about 25% of the total rice grown in the U.S. The state's rice sectoremploys about 25,000 people and most of rice grown here is exported.Currently, export prices of

    the U.S. medium grain rice stand at around $905 per ton, down about 1% from around $915 per

    ton in the beginning of this year.

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    Brazil Exports 69,913 Tons of Rice in

    January 2015

    Feb 11, 2015

    Brazil has exported

    around 69,913 tons of rice

    in the first month of 2015,

    according to data released

     by the Rice Institute of

    Rio Grande do Sul(IRGA). Cuba remained

    the largest importer of

    Brazilian rice in January

    2015 with around 36,967

    tons, or about 53% of

    Brazil's total rice exports

    during the month.

    Switzerland accounted for

    around 16,471 tons (about

    24% of Brazil's total exports during the month); Bolivia accounted for around 7,927 tons (about

    11% of Brazil's total exports during the month); Trinidad Tobago accounted for 1,836 tons

    (about 3% of Brazil's total exports during the month); and the U.S. and Chile accounted for 2%

    and 1% of Brazil’s total rice exports during January 2015 with 1,491 tons and 1,001 tons


    Angola, Panama, Belgium, Saudi Arabia, Cape Verde, Namibia, Barbados, Uruguay, Antigua

    and Barbuda, Guinea, Netherlands Antilles, Lithuania. Bahamas, Portugal and Paraguay

    accounted for the remaining 6% or around 4,220 tons of Brazil's total rice exports in January

    2015.Brazil exported around 1.24 million tons of rice in 2014, up about 2.4% from around 1.209

    million tons exported in 2013, according to data from IRGA.

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    Iran May Lift Ban on Rice Imports in March

    2015, Say India Commerce Ministry Officials

    Feb 11, 2015

    Iran, which imposed a temporary ban on rice imports in November 2014 citing excess stocks as

    reason, is likely to lift the ban in March this year, local sources quoted the officials from

    Indian Commerce Ministry as saying.As Iran is an important destination for India's basmati rice

    exports accounting to over 30% of India's total basmati rice exports, Indian exporters as well as

    the government have been trying to negotiate with Iran over resuming the basmati rice imports.

    A team of Ministry officials who visited Iran recently told local sources that Iranian authorities

    have assured them that the ban on rice imports would be lifted shortly as the supply glut in their

    domestic market has eased substantially.

    “Iranian officials have indicated that they will resume the

     process of re-registration of Basmati suppliers. The

    country is supposed to come up with its notification (on

    lifting curbs) on March 21," a Commerce Ministry

    official was quoted as saying.However, Ministry sources

    noted that the volume of basmati imports to Iran may not

     be as high as before as the Middle East nation is still

    carrying a good amount of stocks. The Ministry is

    expecting that Iran would import around 800,000 to one million tons in 2014-15. India exported

    around 1.44 million tons to Iran in FY 2013-14 (April - March), up about 33% from around 1.08

    million tons exported in FY 2012-13, according to data from Agricultural and Processed Food

    Products Export Development Authority (APEDA). 

    India exported around 3.76 million tons of basmati rice in FY 2013-14, up about 9% from around

    3.46 million tons exported in FY 2012-13. India exported a total of 10.78 million tons of rice

    (including basmati and non-basmati) in FY 2013-14, up about 6% from about 10.15 million tons

    exported last year.

    Thailand, Pakistan Rice Sellers Lower Their

    Quotes Today; Other Asia Rice Quotes


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    Feb 11, 2015

    Thailand rice sellers lowered their quotes for Hommali rice by about $5 per ton to around $920 -

    $930 per ton today. Pakistan rice sellers lowered most their quotes by about $5 - $15 per ton.Vietnam and India rice sellers kept their quotes mostly unchanged. 

    5% Broken Rice 

    Thailand 5% rice is quoted at around $405 - $415 per ton, about $55 per ton premium on

    Vietnam 5% rice shown at around $350 - $360 per ton. India 5% rice is quoted at around $395 -

    $405 per ton, about $50 per ton premium on Pakistan 5% rice quoted at around $345 - $355 per


    25% Broken Rice

    Thailand 25% rice is quoted at around $365 - $375 per ton, about $40 per ton premium on

    Vietnam 25% rice shown at around $325- $335 per ton. India 25% rice is quoted at around $360

    - $370, about $55 per ton premium on Pakistan 25% rice quoted at around $305 - $315 per ton,

    down about $5 per ton from yesterday.

    Parboiled Rice 

    Thailand parboiled rice is quoted at around $405 - $415 per ton. India parboiled rice is quoted at

    around $390 - $400 per ton, about $5 per ton premium on Pakistan parboiled rice quoted at

    around $385 - $395 per ton, down about $10 per ton from yesterday.

    100% Broken Rice 

    Thailand broken rice, A1 Super, is quoted at around $320 - $330 per ton, about $15 per ton

     premium on Vietnam 100% broken rice shown at around $305 - $315 per ton.

    India's 100% broken rice is shown at around $295 - $305 per ton, about $20 per ton premium on

    Pakistan broken sortexed rice quoted at around $275 - $285 per ton, down about $15 per ton

    from yesterday.

    Oryza Overnight Recap – Chicago Rough

    Rice Futures Look to Recover Following two

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    Sessions of Steep Losses and as Traders

    Digest Yesterday’s S&D Update

    Feb 11, 2015

    Chicago rough rice futures for Mar delivery are currently listed 7.5 cents per cwt (about $2 per

    ton) higher at $10.310 per cwt (about $227 per ton) during early floor trading in Chicago. The

    other grains are seen trading mostly higher: soybeans are currently seen about 0.5% higher,

    wheat is listed about 0.3% higher and corn is currently noted about 0.2% lower.U.S. stock traded

    mixed on Wednesday as investors focused on developments in Greece's negotiations with the

    euro zone finance ministers.

    Blue chips and the S&P 500 traded moderately lower. All eyes will be on the outcome of the

    Eurogroup meeting that begins at 11:30 a.m. ET. Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis is

    expected to ask for a "bridge program" to cover the government's funding needs while a new

    debt pact is agreed. European equities traded lower ahead of the Eurogroup meeting of finance

    ministers. Little economic data is expected aside from the release of the monthly Federal Budget

    statement at 2:00 p.m. ET.

    With slightly higher interest rates, weekly mortgage applications were down 9% on a seasonally

    adjusted basis, the Mortgage Bankers Association said. The Dow Jones Industrial Average traded

    down 63 points, or 0.36%, at 17,807. The S&P 500 traded down 3 points, or 0.14%, at 2,065,

    with utilities the greatest of seven laggards and consumer staples leading advancers. The Nasdaq

    gained 6 points, or 0.13%, at 4,793. Gold is currently trading about 0.7% lower, crude oil is seen

    trading about 2.6% lower, and the U.S. dollar is currently trading about 0.3% higher at 8:30am

    Chicago time.

    Uganda to Receive Korean Support to Boost

    Upland Rice Production

    Feb 11, 2015

    The Korean Rural Community Corporation (KRCC) will guide the Ugandan government to

    increase rice production in upland rice areas as well as effectively make use of the modern

    farming technologies, according to local sources. The President of the KRCC who visited

    Uganda met with a team of officials from the Agriculture Ministry led by the Agriculture

    Minister and decided on the plan of action.

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    Uganda's Agriculture Minister noted that the two sides

    identified certain upland regions such as Pallisa, Kibuku

    and R.Mpologoma where rice production could be

    enhanced. He also noted that the two sides have agreedon new areas of cooperation, including the introduction

    of information communication and technology (ICT)

    tools in rice production.  The Agriculture Minister also

    stated that Korea has agreed to support Uganda in

    coordinating roundtable meetings in East Africa, which are aimed at framing strategies for rural


    Uganda produces only 65% of the rice needed for its annual consumption and imports the rest.

    Like other African countries, Uganda is also aiming to increase local rice production and reduce

    imports. USDA estimates Uganda to produce around 150,000 tons of milled rice and importaround 120,000 tons in MY 2014-15 (May - April) to meet a consumption demand of around

    230,000 tons.

    ABARES Forecasts Australia 2014-15 Paddy

    Rice Production at 684,000 Tons, Down 18%

    from Last Year

    Feb 11, 2015

    Australia's paddy rice production in MY

    2014-15 (April 2014 - March 2015) is

    estimated to decline to around 684,000

    tons (around 492,000, basis milled),

    down about 18% from an estimated

    833,000 million tons (around 600,000

    tons, basis milled) in MY 2013-14,according to data from the Australian

    Bureau of Agricultural and Resource

    Economics and Sciences (ABARES).In

    its February crop outlook report, the

    ABARES attributes the decline in paddy

    rice production to a decline in planting area during the marketing year reflecting reduced

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    supplies of irrigation water in the main rice producing region of New South Wales. It also

    expects the yields to return to normal from the above average yields last year.

    2014-15 paddy rice planting area is expected to decline about 6.5% to around to 71,000 hectaresfrom an estimated 76,000 hectares in the previous year. It estimates the country's paddy rice

    yield to decline about 12% to around 9.63 tons per hectare from around 10.96 tons per hectare

    last year.About 99% of paddy rice is produced in New South Wales. In its February crop outlook

    report, the ABARES estimated the paddy rice production in the region at around 680,000 tons

    (around 490,000 tons, basis milled) from around 70,000 hectares of planted area. The region is

    expected to produce a yield of about 9.71 tons per hectare during the marketing year.

    Australia mostly grows short/medium rice varieties that are suited to its dry temperate micro-

    climate. Some of the popular rice varieties grown in Australia include Amaroo, Reiziq, Quest,

    Jarrah, Koshihikari, Opus, Illabong, Langi, Doongara and Kyeema. According to ABARES, allcropping areas of Australia received average rainfall from November 1, 2014 to January 31,

    2015. However, the Bureau of Meteorology forecasts a slightly warmer temperatures from

    February 1 - April 30, 2015.

    USDA estimates Australian paddy rice production to decline to around 700,000 tons (around

    504,000 tons of rice, basis milled) in MY 2014-15 (April - March), down about 15% from an

    estimated 833,000 tons of paddy rice (around 600,000 tons of rice, basis milled) produced last

    year. It estimates Australia to produce a yield of 10 tons per hectare during the marketing year,

    down about 9% from around 10.96 tons per hectare produced last year.

    Global Rice Quotes

    February 11th, 2015

    Long grain white rice - high quality

    Thailand 100% B grade 415-425 ↔

    Vietnam 5% broken 350-360 ↔

    India 5% broken 395-405 ↔

    Pakistan 5% broken 345-355 ↔

    Myanmar 5% broken 410-420 ↔

    Cambodia 5% broken 430-440 ↔

    U.S. 4% broken 480-490 ↔

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    Thailand A1 Super 320-330 ↔

    Vietnam 100% broken 305-315 ↔

    Pakistan 100% broken stxd 275-285 ↓

    Cambodia A1 Super 365-375 ↔

    India 100% broken stxd 295-305 ↔

    Egypt medium grain brokens NQ ↔

    U.S. pet food 380-390 ↔

    Brazil half grain NQ ↔ 

    All prices USD per ton, FOB vessel, oryza.com

    Oryza Afternoon Recap - Chicago Rough

    Rice Futures Bounce Higher as Market

    Attempts to Establish Price Floor; Grains

    Recover Despite Continued Weakness inCrude

    Feb 11, 2015

    Chicago rough rice futures for Mar delivery settled 14.5 cents per cwt (about $3 per ton) higher

    at $10.380 per cwt (about $229 per ton). Rough rice futures bounced higher today as the market

    continues to attempt put in a firm bottom before a true recovery can get underway. Market

     participants appear to be taking a wait and see attitude when it comes to increasing buy orders ina meaningful way. The recent pattern of back-and-forth trading is indicative of a market that is in

    the process of forming a low and indicates that a recovery to the upside should soon follow. The

    other grains finished the day mostly higher as the market looked to shake off losses sustained

    yesterday in the wake of the release of the USDA’s S&D update; Soybeans closed about 0.9%

    higher at $9.7775 per bushel; wheat finished about 0.8% higher at $5.2575 per bushel, and corn

    finished the day about 0.6% lower at $3.8575 per bushel.

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    U.S. stocks traded mostly lower on Wednesday as investors focused on developments in Greece's

    negotiations with the euro zone finance ministers. The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell more

    than 100 points before recovering to trade about 80 points lower in early afternoon trade in the

    absence of official announcements out of the Eurogroup meeting. Greek and European officialsin Brussels discussed on Wednesday what could constitute a “bridge agreement'' for Greece once

    its bailout expires on Feb. 28, a Greek government official told Reuters. The meeting took place

    "in a very good climate'', the official added.

    The Eurogroup meeting will likely be just part of the continuing negotiations as euro zone and

    Greek leaders have several scheduled discussions over the next few days. The Dow Jones

    Industrial Average traded down 100 points, or 0.57%, to 17,766. The S&P 500 traded down 8

     points, or 0.37%, to 2,061, with utilities leading declines and information technology and

    consumer staples the only advancing sectors. The Nasdaq traded down 1 point, or 0.03%, to

    4,786. Gold is trading about 1.1% lower, crude oil is seen trading about 2.2% lower, and the U.S.dollar is seen trading about 0.3% higher at about 1:00pm Chicago time.Tuesday, there were

    2,340 contracts traded, up from 795 contracts traded on Monday. Open interest  –  the number of

    contracts outstanding –  on Tuesday decreased by 103 contracts to 10,443.

    Vietnam's Dong Thap Province Proposes to

    Adopt Paddy Stockpiling Policy

    Feb 11, 2015

    The Dong Thap provincial government in Vietnam's Mekong

    Delta region has proposed to the Central government that it

    would adopt paddy stockpiling policy to curb price falls during

    the harvest time of the winter-spring crop, according to

    Bloomberg.The provincial government plans to buy around

    350,000 tons of rice from now to March 15 and stockpile it for

    four months to protect prices from falling. Paddy prices are

    understood to have declined since the beginning of February. However, the price at which it is

     planning to procure paddy is not known.

    The province harvested only 35% of the winter-spring crop and the output from the harvest is

    likely to peak in March 2015.Vietnam government introduced the paddy stockpiling policy last

    year and encouraged traders and millers to buy paddy from farmers and stockpile it but it could

    not effectively control price falls as many traders and millers were not ready to procure paddy

    due to storage problems.