1204(5-9) taiwan trip 2

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Transcript of 1204(5-9) taiwan trip 2

  • 8/2/2019 1204(5-9) taiwan trip 2


    Family Trip to Taiwan

    5th9th April 2012 (5D4N)

    1) Ximending


    is easily the shopping district in Taipei. Thats about all, haha.


    Anyway, has those shops selling celebrities items. You could easily it compare it

    to the idols section in Comics Connection in Singapore, but only cheaper, and a whole

    lot more products. I bought a few items, but was sad to not see stuff, and I

    am sure I am not mistaken about this popularity levels haha.

    2) Keelung


    is a satellite city, or thats what I read about. I suppose you can think of it as Johor, in

    Singapores terms. My deepest impression of is that itss hometown.

    Historically, is a famous port town and all. From, we booked a cab and from

    there, visited and.


    We enjoyed our visit to, and I think its pretty much worth the visit especially if you

    are staying in like us. And the more exciting part is this I took a photograph in

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    front ofs school in! Okay, this is as introduced by our driver and I have no

    idea what he studied there though. Cool enough for me, in any case.

    3) Yehliu


    is probably some famous geological feature, and probably because I have neverheard of it before I went there. And it is amazing how forces of nature can form such

    interesting and intriguing landforms over time. Oh, and it has been reported that is

    going to disappear over the years, due to the constant and accelerating weathering

    processes and all, so theres the talk about visiting this place soon before its lost.


    I suppose I was more amazed by the physical aspects of, than the beauty of science

    aspects. Then again, its not like I can understand the specific weathering and erosion

    processes that took place. But I think can be a great case study for physical

    geography, like I dont mind learning it. And my dad raised a point that I found true the

    rocks there are different. The photograph above shows the rock undergoing more than 1

    kind of weathering process; see the straight-lines grid-like kind of weathering and the

    depressions-like kind. And its really interesting and although I cant remember if this is

    the difference between physical and chemical weathering or something, but I am sure

    this is something not exactly common.

    And the amount of mainland tourists there were overwhelming. We were trying to queue

    up to take photograph with this renowned feature there and they were cutting queue

    very unabashedly, and I was just feeling plain disgusted at them. Sometimes, I would like

    to think the best of China; with the rise of China and personally knowing some Chinese

    friends, but its just so deterring when such encounters happen. You cannot blame me for

    not wanting to be associated with China at times, like how we are easily mistaken as

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    Chinese foreigners and theres this urge to inform others that Im sorry but I am from

    Singapore, not China.

    4) Jiufen


    was previously some old town, with the old housings. It probably underwent some

    rejuvenation of sorts, so its now some tourist attraction with a lot of shops and food.


    It was super crowded, and our cab driver shared with us its something of a March

    holidays for the students there that week. We ate a lot of things, which I will probably talk

    more about later.

    5) Miaokou Night Market


    is probably the most famous in. And it feels different from other s

    because it feels a whole lot neater, like 2 neat rows of, and every shop has 1 or 2

    benches for their customers as well.


    We visited the temple there, which I am sure the is named after, and also tried the

    local food, which I will again talk about later.

    6) Yangmingshan National Park

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    Okay, I am reading only about on the Internet now, and I seriously didnt expect

    the place to be so big. It says that is kind of like a mountain range, so there are a

    lot of things there, with many trails and several hotels.

    The building is famous because once stayed there, as his military base or

    something. But the whole interior is like just retail now; they should have preserved hisrooms and something you know.


    Anyway, maybe its because we didnt look at anything like a trail, we just wanted to walk

    around and go back to the same carpark to take the bus back, thus we saw a few areas.

    Half the times, I am wondering the reason for the popularity of, but my mum sure

    enjoyed this place a lot; the flora. And my parents were trying to figure out if this or that

    plant is whatever they think or hope it is. But I think we were like a week or 2 late for the

    blooming season for one of the plants, and I think we didnt manage to see the flowers or



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    is like this far end on the Taipei Metro, think of Punggol, or Joo Koon. It is well

    known for its hot springs, and the hotels there basically market themselves with their

    facilities and all.was once occupied by Japan, I think, and I think I saw a

    pamphlet introducing all the military forts in the area.


    Anyway, is famous for this and theres this straight path leading the way there.

    On the way, theres Beitou Hot Spring Museum and the

    Ketagalan Culture Centre which we also visited. The museum was pretty cool and shares

    with us about the formation of hot springs, and theHokutolite that made this area

    such a prime location for hot springs. On the other hand, is a museum

    showcasing the different in Taiwan.

    8) Beitou Thermal Valley


    Its really cool, and pretty. My dad was saying it was only recently that the government

    has stricter regulations at that place, because local people used to go there and cook

    eggs or something. I dont know but it feels pretty amusing to me.

    9) Shilin Night Market


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    Probably the most famous in Taiwan, here is the. According to my dad, it

    moved to a new compound recently and is now within a building, and in the basement.


    Okay, I personally dont really like because its too crowded and I think the fact

    that its indoor just made it seem a little more suffocating or something. And now, I am

    wondering if is just famous because of the size and location near centre Taipei,

    or the food there is really better than all the other.

    10) Taipei City Hall -


    is a station on the Taipei Metro, and there is basically the shopping malls and

    office buildings there. We went to, which my mum heard of, and which I

    conclude as Singapores Kinokuniya. But is a way bigger enterprise, like OG with

    many outlets, and selling many products. And at some of the outlets, they then have the

    . I think my mum also loved this place, because its all Chinese books, and I also

    bought 2 English non-fiction books. I actually do want to read them, which feels like a

    first, perhaps I should go to Kinokuniya to check it out once in a while haha.


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    The funniest thing about this place was that we thought we came here before, but we

    eventually conclude that we didnt and there are more than a few in Taipei with

    regards to.

    And there was some change of guards at that time so it kind of gathered an audience. We

    watched the proceedings and it was quite okay, I guess I was less interested than the

    average audience there.



    We almost didnt go because it is described as a, but I am so glad we did.

    In Singaporean terms, its Bugis Street, but way cooler with more stuff; you know how

    some clothes are just sold in every few shops in Bugis Street. Also, I guess it depends on

    the period of the year you are visiting, as it happened that they were selling clothes that

    were suitable for Singapore.


    This is the first time I regretted not buying more stuff, really. I actually recommend this

    place for shopping, instead of. The price is not any lower than Singapore, about

    the same I would think. And of course there are the bargain deals as well, but some

    promotional items have no prior fitting available. But simply based on the range of

    clothes, and some uncommon shirt designs, I kind of love this place.

    13) Longshan

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    Longshan Temple is where we alighted on the Taipei Metro, and from there, we

    visited, and, made famous as the filming location after the 2010



    This is really random, but we were saying its some there, like seriously. My mum

    didnt like the place though, like I think theres this people-lazing-around aura, and

    perhaps it may be a little unsafe for young pretty or rich ladies or something. But as

    tourists, visiting with my dad, its still nice and quite a place with a different feel.

    14) Hwahsi Night Market


    This is the coolest ever, and not in the very positive sense. I didnt expect anything

    like this, but checking the Internet now, its known as the Snake Alley and noted for its

    bizarre delicacies and many Taiwanese have a negative view of Snake Alley, which was

    once a legalred-light district.Comments

    feels a little darker, and broodier, but still as bustling and rowdy haha.

    Compared to other, I think there are less youngsters there too. And while snake

    delicacies are not unheard of, its still blatantly glaring how there are snakes placed in

    cages at the front of several restaurants. Then, theres also this restaurant with this notice

    that it was the filming location for this scene inMonga, and while the fact is cool, the

    act of putting up the notice is funny.

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    You know after walking through, my dad was saying that this area must have

    ties to triad members. I find it cool how he seems so convinced about it simply by

    observation, and yet, I dont feel surprised if its really the case.



    Now that I am writing the name out, I have a serious problem with both the Chinese and

    English name of the shopping mall. The official names are and Shin

    Kong Mitsukoshi New Life Square. My mum knows as the famous shopping mall that

    the wife of the ex-Taiwanese president patronizes. And I previously only know as

    the Taiwanese show haha.

    Anyway, the wow factor of this mall is that, well, its made up of 4 shopping malls, each 5-

    7 storeys high. See the guide in the photograph, basically, it tells you the mall directory

    of each 4 blocks, like theres supposed to be a great difference. I think there was 1 block

    that specialized in international boutiques and restaurants but I suppose you knowladies wear can be found in all blocks or something.


    The only thing that went through my mind, Singapore lost.