12 Types of Colleagues You'll Meet In Every Office

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Transcript of 12 Types of Colleagues You'll Meet In Every Office

12 Types of Colleagues in Every Office

By Alex Noudelman

12 Types of Colleagues in Every Office

Here are 12 types of people you will meet in every office. Well, maybe not every office,

but plenty have their fair share of these people. Do you know one of them? If not, maybe you’re one yourself. Don’t worry,

there is help for you: HR.

1. The TroubleshooterYou can always pile up a bit of your unfinished tasks on them. And they are too sweet to deny. Also, they can stand for you in crucial times.

Next: Gossip Brewers

By Alex Noudelman

2. Gossip BrewersWhen you go to the canteen, there are always a few co-workers to serve you some spiced up and sizzling news about the office culture. They are like self-proclaimed news reporters.

Next: Potty Talkers

By Alex Noudelman

3. Potty TalkersOne of my pet peeves is when you’re trying to take a dump or go for a pee and someone comes into the bathroom, recognizes you and starts talking to you.

Next: Mr. or Ms. I Like To Stink It Up

By Alex Noudelman

4. Mr. or Ms. I Like To Stink It Up

There’s always one person in the officewho manages to ALWAYS bring in the absolute most smelliest food they can find.

Next: Swamped Thing

By Alex Noudelman

5. Swamped ThingThe Swamped Thing is always too preoccupied with work to chat or help you with a project. Swamped Things answer your e-mails only after an immense amount of nagging.

Next: Oversharer

By Alex Noudelman

6. The OversharerYes, we ask each other how we’re doing in the office. None of us are monsters. Except the oversharer, who uses a pleasantry as an excuse to launch into an in-depth monologue full of details that most of us wouldn’t even admit to our therapists.

Next: The Office Comedian

By Alex Noudelman

7. The Office ComedianThe Office Comedian should really be called the Office Harasser. Since Office Comedians laugh after everything they say, maybe Office Sociopath is more apt. We almost always laugh at them as opposed to with them.

Next: The Social Director

By Alex Noudelman

8. The Social DirectorThe Social Director loves planning group activities for the office, from happy hours to softball leagues. Social Directors are maybe too into it, though.

Next: The Victim

By Alex Noudelman

9. The VictimVictims actively push away any personal responsibility by making every speed bump they encounter into an uncrossable mountain. They don’t see tough times as opportunities to learn and grow from; instead, they see them as an out.

Next: The Manipulator

By Alex Noudelman

10. The ManipulatorsManipulators suck time and energy out of your day using friendship as an excuse. They can be tricky to deal with because they treat you like a friend and ask for favours like doing things for them and running errands.

Next: The Micromanager

By Alex Noudelman

11. The MicromanagerOnly micromanagers seem to enjoy seeing others suffer. They not only want all of the things done, but they also want to tell you exactly how to do it. They want reports, then they want reports of the reports. The micro manager loves bureaucracy.

Next: Happy

By Alex Noudelman

12. Happy I am sure you would never hear a negative sound from the happy go-getters. They are damn cool on handling their jobs. They also love the office environment to the core.

Next: About Me

By Alex Noudelman

Thank you for reading!

About Alex NoudelmanAlex Noudelman is an educator, coach and Digital Marketing Manager with over 5 years of experience. Alex enjoys and strives to motivate others to better themselves professionally and on a personal note. Feel free to contact him if you have any questions or would like a specific topic covered.

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