12 tips to write an excellent college application essay in a jiffy!

Post on 14-Feb-2017

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Transcript of 12 tips to write an excellent college application essay in a jiffy!

12 Tips to Write an Excellent College Application Essay

in a Jiffy!

“You may delay, but time will not!” – Benjamin Franklin

With the dark clouds passing overhead, you have just realized how neck deep

you are in trouble. Only a few days are left before application process hits, and

you still have no clue about where to begin. Your stress level has reached its

zenith and the panic alarm isn’t going off. Calm down, take a deep breath. You

will feel a little relieved to know that you are not alone in this holy mess. There

are many like you who have been procrastinating all this while. It’s time to stop

lazing around and start working on the application essay.

To help you get your college application essay done, we have compiled some of

the most effective last-minute tips that will help you overcome the struggling

phase. This blog will hopefully help you to create a masterpiece and get into

your dream college!

1. Adopt the Right Mindset

Before you begin with the actual process of writing, get yourself into the right

mindset. You may be experiencing panic attacks, but you need to push aside

these negative feelings. You need to relish the challenge and adopt a ‘can-do’

attitude. A pep talk can help you in getting motivated to finish the essay in

record time.

2. Switch off your Phone and Avoid Distractions

You are already running late and the last thing that you want is to get distracted

by your phone and social media, which has a habit of feasting on your time

without you even realizing it. You have procrastinated for far too long, now it’s

time to keep yourself away from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp and

anything and everything else that may distract you. You can use some browser

apps that block social networks for a limited time frame.

3. Avoid Clichés

When you are brainstorming topics, look at your list of ideas and ask yourself

whether anyone else will write an essay like this. Your essay should be

exclusive, so whenever you opt for a topic, make sure that it can be customized

so that nobody can create a piece like yours. Even the most clichéd topics can

be given a different angle through effective use of details. You can include

details that are unique to your experiences.

4. Address the Prompt Directly

There are many applicants who fail to address the prompt of the essay

correctly. Make sure that you directly address the prompt instead of going

round and round about it. If you have already written the essay and are worried

that it has moved away from the prompt, consider going through other prompts

to see if a different prompt might suit your essay better. You may also consider

rewriting your conclusion; a new conclusion may make your essay suit the

prompt better.

5. Don’t let too much Creativity Spoil your Essay

Creativity is good as long as it doesn’t obscure your thoughts and you don’t lose

clarity. If the application committee fails to comprehend what you are trying to

convey, then no amount of creative storytelling will save your essay from

getting flatly rejected. Think out of the box but not so far out of it that it

becomes invisible. Make someone read your essay to see if it’s comprehensible.

Don’t take help from people you are close with; they know you well and can

read between the lines.

6. You need a Good beginning, Middle and End

The application committee goes through hundreds of application essays

everyday that start with a powerful introduction and go downhill from there. A

good introduction is crucial to an application essay but the middle and end will

have to be equally good. In fact, one of the most important parts of an

application essay is its conclusion because a reader will always remember the

beginning and ending of a thing they have read. After creating the final draft for

you essay, go through it again. Does the conclusion appeal to you as a reader or

is it merely a list of lessons that you have listed down?

7. Your Application Essay is not a Resume

There is a separate section in your application where you get the opportunity to

list down your achievements and awards. An application essay is not the place

where you should brag about them. You need to show the application

committee that you are a three-dimensional human being with an enigmatic

personality and emotional intensity. It’s a plain boaster and conveys nothing to

the committee about who you are as a person. When you proofread your essay,

make sure to eradicate any part that seems like a list of accomplishments. There

are many students who write a good application essay but end it with an

endless list of their accomplishments.

8. Don’t just Rant, make them Feel

Instead of simply spelling out every single thing for the reader, you can share

your story to illustrate the ideas within your essay. For example, instead of

writing sentences like, “I was relieved when the speech ended” you can show

how you felt: “With the speech coming to an end, my heart started resuming its

normal rate and blood rushed back into my frozen hands.” While proofreading,

try to replace some phrases that could be exhibited through story telling. Make

use of such phrases like “I felt” or I remembered” as they indicate that the

experience could be shared in a better way through storytelling.

9. Make use of your Senses

Including imageries in your content can give life to it. To make your story more

alive, you can share details of what you hear, feel, taste or see. For example,

instead of making a flat statement like “The water was cold” you can say “As

soon as my skin hit the freezing water, my senses became numb and I could

literally feel each goose bump form.” Adding such sensory details in your write-

up gives it an extra dimension.

10. Don’t Stretch it Unnecessarily

You need to know where to cut short while writing your application essay.

There are many students who unnecessarily trim their essay just to fit it within

the specified word limit, but chopping off unnecessary phrases and words is

important, no matter what the length of your essay is. A good writers shares

his/her story and feelings succinctly. Making the sentence repetitive sends

negative message to the committee. While proofreading, highlight words and

phrases that are continual. Try rephrasing sentences or paragraphs and express

the same idea in fewer words.

11. Use Sophisticated Words

This does not imply that you will stuff your application essay with SAT words,

but your choice of words should reflect sophistication and an enhanced

vocabulary. You can use some software that provide sophisticated synonyms for

simple words like ‘good’, ‘bad’, ‘stuff’ etc. Also make sure that the alternate

words suit the context.

12. Avoid using ‘I’ too Much

An application essay should be written from first person point of view, but that

doesn’t mean you will stuff your essay with only ‘I, me, myself.’ It leaves a

negative impression on the committee and makes you sound a bit narcissist.

While going through your essay, highlight ‘I’ wherever you have used it. If they

seem to be located at close proximity, rephrase those parts of the essay to

reduce the volume of ‘I’.

Phew, now that the essay has been completed, it’s time to treat yourself to

much deserved relaxation. You can hang out with your friends or indulge in your

favorite dessert, spend an entire week sleeping or do whatever else appeals to

you. You deserve to pamper yourself after making it through the fatiguing

process of college application!

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