11.Traditional Sports of Bangladesh

Post on 24-Mar-2015

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Transcript of 11.Traditional Sports of Bangladesh

Sport in Bangladesh is popular and widespread. The most popular sport in Bangladesh is cricket, Bangladesh being the top 9th team in the world, followed by football (soccer), and kabaddi. Kabaddi is the national sport of Bangladesh. Traditional Sports of Bangladesh are still practiced mostly in rural areas. All are not equally favorite now because of the invasion of western games. "Hadudu"(also known as 'kabaddi') is the only internationally recognized traditional sport of Bangladesh. Besides "dariabandha", "gollachut", "satchara", "borofpani", "birinchi", "kutkut", "kanamachi", "tillo", "Sologuti", "Bagh-chagol" etc are still popular in sub-urban and rural areas.

Villagers vs a foreigner ( Hadudu) Jolabati (children’s game) Marble

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