11/7/12 Oriole Pride

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Springville, IA sports newsletter

Transcript of 11/7/12 Oriole Pride

An Independent Newspaper Serving the Athletes of the

Springville Schools and Area Community

Wednesday, November 7, 2012, Volume 3>>Issue 13>> An Independent newspaper serving Springville, Iowa

ORIOLE PRIDE “When You Find Your

Opponents Weak Spot—Hammer It”

~ John Heisman



Springville Junior, Samantha “Fish” Fitzgerald has the ultimate nickname, and appropriate too. As a swimmer for the Linn Mar Lions, Fish spent her fall working out with the Lady Lions, winning meets and setting and breaking her own personal bests. And for a repeat performance? She took her floaties, swim cap and nose plug to Marshalltown last Saturday for another state competition. Ok, maybe no floaties and the nose plug is a stretch too—but Samantha and her team mates qualified in the 200 Medley and the 200 Free Relay. Linn Mar took 10th place at the meet and had plenty of post season recognition as well. Fitzgerald, the daughter of Patricia and Dave Fitzgerald received a 1st team nod on the All-Metro Swimming team and I’m told, she spent her first free Sunday getting a little crazy—she ate a candy bar. Congratulations Samantha, another great season in the books. (photo’s courtesy of Patricia Fitzgerald)

Well Springville fans, there is a Heisman winner among us. Senior Jake Hulett was selected as an Iowa recipient of the prestigious award. The program, sponsored by Wendy’s, originated in 1994 when efforts began to identify and recognize high school athletes who exhibit excellence in athletics, academics and community service. Jake has been a standout student for Springville and earns the right to move on for a chance at National recognition. The Wendy’s panel will choose 12 finalists, from six geographic regions to move on for further consideration. Those 12 finalists will be invited to New York City in December and the winners, one male and one female will be announced at ESPN’s College Heisman Trophy presentation on December 9. Fellow Senior, Angie Hoogland was a female finalist in the state of Iowa. High School’s are able to nominate one female and one male and a panel evaluates the applicants to determine a top 10. Angie was in that final pool of 10 female student athletes. Both Jake and Angie have received Wendy’s gift cards, a Heisman Patch and a medal to honor their selection. Jake Hulett is the son of Alexis and Kevin Hulett and Angie Hoogland is the daughter of Sandy and John Hoogland. Congratulations to both students, their families and Springville schools and coaches. This is a great honor for all of us to share. Best wishes to Jake as he moves on for further consideration. Now, how about a Frosty? Jake? Angie? You buying?

DID YOU KNOW? It wasn’t until the 1960’s that a 2 piece swim suit was cut to show the navel on a woman. Men’s suits were also 2 piece until around the 1940’s when WW2 and rationing caused a cutback on fabric.

Wednesday, November 7 Oriole Pride 2


3rd Grade, 4th Grade, boys, girls—it doesn’t matter the level, Springville kids are keeping busy on Saturday’s. Last week had teams playing at several tournaments. Coaches Rich Blakely and Scott Nealman entered the 3rd grade girls in the Springville tournament and the little Lady O’s won all 3 games. Two wins came over North Linn teams and the third win was over Marion. Coach Blakely reports that “six of the eight players scored and all had great defensive plays”. The 4th grade boys played up at North Linn on Saturday and went 1-1 on the morning. Coach Raquel Bragg says they “started out a little nervous, but by the end of the day were playing as a team and looked good”. In 5th/6th grade action on the boys side, returning coach Beau Zaruba also took his squad to North Linn. They dropped a heartbreaker to East Buchanan, 18-16 and then lost to Center Point 30-12. “The kids are learning and we are hoping to get better as the season progresses” said Zaruba. And he added “Zach March had a number of good steals and lay ups, and Kyle Koppes made some nice shots as well”. Barb Hennings coached a group of 4th/5th grade girls who made their debut in Springville Saturday as well. While they fell to the likes of Alburnett and Marion, Barb said “the girls played very well together for their first match ups against more experienced teams. They showed heart and dedication and we expect to see great strides from them this season”. Returning girls coach Mike Swayze had his 6th grade girls squad appearing in the Oriole tournament as well and finished 2-1 on the day. They fell in game one against a North Linn team but rebounded to pick up a win against a second North Linn team. Their finale was a decisive 30-14 win against West Delaware. Coach Swayze says the girls still have things to work on, “but it should be a good season”. Great job to all of our youth coaches and the athletes they are developing.

WEEKLY PICKS: Make your picks—who will win this week-end in College football?

Oregon State at Stanford Northwestern at Michigan Princeton at Yale Grand Valley State at Saginaw Valley Here’s what you do, choose your winners AND for the tie-breaker—predict the point differential in the Oregon State/Stanford game. Send your picks and name to oriolepride@gmail.com with “Weekly Picks” as your subject, and catch next weeks issue to see who won bragging rights. Congratulations to Springville’s Larry Riley for winning last weeks contest.

Find us online at http://issuu.com/oriolepride E-mail; oriolepride@gmail.com

DID YOU NAME THIS “O”? No one was able to name this week’s Springville School staff member. I thought the smile gave it away… This is Assistant Volleyball Coach Claude Howard!

Junior High girls basketball is in full swing and Monday was their home opener. The 7th graders kicked it off in style as they annihilated the visitors, 63-4. Do not adjust your bifocals, that is not a misprint, they won it, 63-4. After that pummeling it is impressive the Ed-Co 8th graders would even take the court and they fared better, taking one from the O’s, 22-13. You can catch these girls at home next Monday at 4pm in Machovec Gymnasium when they take on North Linn—but don’t wait that long. They are in action Thursday at Central City. You will not be disappointed. (photo’s courtesy of Angie Gloeckner)



Back for his 3rd season, Coach Nate Sanderson is one brave man. Not for returning so to speak, but the Oriole veteran has the Lady O’s facing 2-a-day’s this week and it all started at 6am on Monday. 6am, as in 0-600, as in EARLY. Teen-age girls at 6am? Have at it Coach Sanderson. The Lady O’s open up at home on Tueday, November 27 against Maquoketa Valley. Stay tuned for team profiles.