11 weddings. Chinese Wedding West Wedding Weddings in The United States Weddings in the United...

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Transcript of 11 weddings. Chinese Wedding West Wedding Weddings in The United States Weddings in the United...

11 weddings

Chinese Wedding

West Wedding

Weddings in The United States Weddings in the United States vary as much as

the people do. There are church weddings; there are weddings on mountain-tops with guests barefooted; and there have been weddings on the ocean floor with oxygen tanks for the guests.

Before a couple is married, they become engaged. And then invitations are sent to those who live nearby, their close friends and their relatives who live far away. When everything is ready, then comes the most exciting moment.

The wedding party enters the church. The bridecarrying a bouquet of flowers enters last with herfather who will "give her away". The groom enters the church from a side door. When the weddingparty is gathered by the altar ( 教堂内的 ) 圣坛 , thebride and groom exchange vows. It is traditionalto use the words "To have and to hold from thisday forward, for better, for worse, for richer, forpoorer, in sickness and in health, to love and tocherish 珍爱 , till death do us part". the coupleexchange rings. Wearing the wedding ring on the fourt

h finger of the left hand is an old custom.

New Words1.blossom 2.symbolise

3.invitation 4. conduct 5. afterwards 6.

Indonesian7.entrance 8. contribute 9.Greek 10. crown 11.ribbon 12. link 13.

smash 14. pin

1. 花,花开的状态 2. 象征 3. 邀请 , 请柬 4. 引导 , 管理 5. 然后 , 后来 6. 印度尼西亚

的7. 入口 8. 捐献 . 贡献 9. 希腊的 10. 王冠 ,

花冠11. 缎带 , 丝带 12. 连结 13. 打碎 14. 大头针 ,


True or False? ( ) 1.If you don’t get an invitation to a wedding, you can’t go.

( )2.You shouldn’t go to the wedding ceremony if you are not a member of a close family. ( )3.Not everyone can go to attend the wedding reception. ( )4.Indonesian women have to cover their heads. ( )5.You should contribute some money if you go to the wedding party.

Greek Weddings

True of False?

( )1.In Greece the groom can’t get the bride’s hand without asking her father on the day of weddding ceremony. ( )2.A long silk ribbon is used to link the crowns on the couples’ heads, wishing them a long and happy life. ( )3.At the wedding reception, guests can enjoy themselves until mid-night.




On a Greek Wedding ceremony, the groom

has to ask__________ for her daughter’s hand.

The groom’s ________ goes with the couple

to the church, he helps the priest to put _____

made of ___________ on the heads of the

bride and groom. A long _______ links the

crowns to symbolise a _________life for the

couple. After the ceremony, the guests can

attend a _________________.Guests can

smash ______ on the floor and pin_______ to

the bride’s _____________ for good luck.

the bride’s father

best man


orange blossoms

silk ribbon

happy and long

wedding reception

dishes money

wedding dress

Useful Phrases1. 一份婚礼的请柬 2. 收到邀请 3. 婚礼庆

典 4. 穿传统的衣服 5. 在接待的入口处 6. 丝带 7. 象征幸福生活