11 Tishrei - 12 Kislev October/November 2017 Bulletin ... · Oneg sponsored by Dr. Nathan & Lisa...

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Transcript of 11 Tishrei - 12 Kislev October/November 2017 Bulletin ... · Oneg sponsored by Dr. Nathan & Lisa...

Highlights in this IssueRefugee Update ........................................ 2Encounter RVA ........................................ 3Adult Ed .................................................... 4Artist in Residence Joshua Nelson ........ 5Cooks Night Out ...................................... 6CARITAS .................................................. 7Religious School News ............................ 8B'nei Mitzvah ............................................ 9Legacy Initiative ..................................... 11


11 Tishrei - 12 Kislev October/November 2017

Service ScheduleFriday, October 13 10:00 a.m. Simchat Torah Service followed by Honorees’ Luncheon sponsored by Sisterhood 6:00 p.m. Erev ShabbatSaturday, October 14 10:00 a.m. Yom ShabbatFriday, October 20 6:00 p.m. Erev ShabbatSaturday, October 21 Bat Mitzvah of Maggie Hessberg 10:00 a.m. Yom Shabbat Kiddush sponsored by Lisa & Michael Hessberg, M.E. & Ted Hessberg, and Nancy WalterFriday, October 27 6:00 p.m. Erev ShabbatSaturday, October 28 Bar Mitzvah of Aaron Falik 10:00 a.m. Yom Shabbat Kiddush sponsored by the Falik FamilyFriday, November 3 6:00 p.m. Erev Shabbat Oneg sponsored by Dr. Nathan & Lisa ZaslerSaturday, November 4 Bat Mitzvah of Maia Zasler 10:00 a.m. Yom Shabbat Kiddush sponsored by Dr. Nathan & Lisa ZaslerFriday, November 10 6:00 p.m. Erev ShabbatSaturday, November 11 10:00 a.m. Yom ShabbatFriday, November 17 6:00 p.m. Erev ShabbatSaturday, November 18 Bar Mitzvah of Meyer Kaplan 10:00 a.m. Yom Shabbat Kiddush sponsored by Bart and Laurie KaplanFriday, November 24 6:00 p.m. Erev ShabbatSaturday, November 25 10:00 a.m. Yom Shabbat

The Road We've Travelled by Rabbi Michael Knopf

In the waning hours of the year, I find myself reflect-ing on the journey I have been on with my congre-gation over the past year, and over the past 3 years

since I came to Richmond. I usually do a "state of the shul" address on the 1st Day of Rosh Hashan-ah, but world affairs have pulled me in other direc-tions this year. Nevertheless, I can't help myself from sharing some of Temple Beth-El's incredible accomplish-ments from the past year: 1) We have made welcoming, embracing, and teaching non-Jewish seekers a cornerstone of Beth-El's work. We've brought Judaism into the public square with programs like "Pop Up Rabbi" and our Jewish New Year Celebration at the Rich-mond Folk Festival. And we are constantly focused on connecting people to Jewish wisdom in ways that are relevant and meaningful for people in to-day's world, holding classes, lectures, workshops, and opportunities to learn and grow on an almost daily basis. 2) We've restored Tikkun Olam to the heart of Jewish communal purpose. We hosted dozens of Iraqi, Afghani, and Syrian refugees, as well as 100s of others from across the religious spectrum, for a truly unique Passover Seder, shining a light on the refugee crisis. We "adopted" and supported a newly arrived family of refugees from Iraq. We've partnered with the IRC and Reestablish Richmond in this sacred work. We've been organizing to pro-vide assistance to local immigrants, regardless of documentation or status, and have been closely partnering with the Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy to do so. We are involved in racial reconciliation and anti-racism work in partner-ship with Initiatives of Change, Cities of Hope, and Richmond Clergy Against Racism. Our involve-ment in the latter organization led to our congre-gation's participation in the "New Shoes for Back to School Ministry" in partnership with Third Street Bethel AME Church as well as a dozen other congregations, in which we helped give out new shoes to 4,000 children in need. We are participat-ing in cross-cultural dialogue, understanding, and partnership. Partnering with the VCIC, we helped

launch the "Standing Together" coalition and pro-gram series, which unites local faith communities in standing shoulder to shoulder against hatred, particularly Islamophobia, and I have striven espe-cially to address and push back against Islamopho-bia in the Jewish community. 3) We are on the cutting edge of organizational and Jewish communal transformation. We've ex-plored and developed creative new approaches to Jewish worship (like "Rosh Hashanah Live" which utilizes rock and pop music - played by Susan Greenbaum and Chris Parker - to make the themes of the holiday come alive for contemporary, He-brew-averse, God-optional worshippers), and we continue to innovate in this space (see our recent creative Selichot ritual, which was wholly unique, bringing many to tears - in a good way). We've re-envisioned our approach to youth education, making it more like Jewish summer camp and less like "school," leading to incredible growth in our Religious School and youth programs for the first time in years. We overhauled our organizational structure, ratifying a new Temple constitution this past spring. We've also developed innovative ways to transform a congregation of dues-paying mem-bers into a true, deeply interconnected, commu-nity of relationships. We are particularly proud of The Havurah Project, in which hundreds of mem-bers of our congregation are gathering in each oth-ers' homes for monthly Shabbat dinners. 4) We are a leader in millennial engagement in the Richmond Jewish community. "The Bridge" is helping connect affiliation-averse millennials to the benefits of Jewish communal life in ways that make sense for them. Of course, we will never rest on our laurels. There is still much to do. "The day is short, and the task is great, the reward bountiful, and the Mas-ter insistent!" as the Mishnah teaches. Neverthe-less, we are marching inexorably forward in our mission to connect people with Judaism, nurture sacred community, and inspire tikkun olam. I am proud of where we've been and what we've accom-plished, and I am excited to see where we will go together in the coming year.

L'shanah tovah! Rabbi Knopf

October/November 2017 Page 2

Welcome New Members!Nicholas & Allie Dollins

Richard Berkowitz & Conceicao Ricardo-Berkowitz

Nancy & Courtney Millhouse

Lizzie Drucker-Basch & Russell Basch

Michael & Luan Doniger

Juan & Sara Villalona

Elsa Freiman

Barbara Rubin

Esther & David Fratkin

Beth-El Refugee InitiativeUpdate from Task force co-chair Linda Price As we write this bulletin article we are beginning a new year, and of course, reflecting on the year that has passed. I am confident that as members of the Refugee Task Force evaluate the past year, we reflect on the amazing journey of our dear refugee family, the Safars. In only five short months they are becom-ing entrenched in a new life in Richmond. Both parents are working full time jobs. The oldest daughter is also employed and attending night school. The younger children are enjoying the excellent Henrico County Schools. We continue to provide transportation, tutoring, budgeting assistance and, most importantly, friendship. But the journey is not exclusive to the Safar family. All of us who have engaged with them continue to experience a journey of personal growth and enlighten-ment.

We invite you to become involved with our group. A pressing need is a vehicle! Can you imagine living in western Henrico County without a car? The dad, Hussein, independently stud-ied and received his driver’s license, but has nothing to drive. If you have any ideas to assist in securing a car, or if you have an extra vehicle that you wish to donate before the end of this tax year, please contact us!! Linda Price lindap36@hotmail.comBeth Edelstein bethedelstein@gmail.com

From left: Hussein Safar, his son, Jaafar and our con-gregant, Jim Plotkin, celebrating Jaafar's birthday

October/November 2017 Page 3

Temple Beth-El introduces

GuestJim SomervillePastor, First Baptist Church

bridging divides in these troubling times through public conversations with diverse local leaders

first session

Wednesday, November 8 › 7:00 pmThe Hof | 2818 West Broad Street (Scott’s Addition)

HostMichael Knopf

Rabbi, Temple Beth-El


RSVP at bethelrichmond.org/event/encounter

All sessions include an audience Q & A portion. Ask us in advance!email Rabbi.Knopf@bethelrichmond.org or through social media using #EncounterRVA

Wedding AnniversariesOctober

Sarah and Hyim CantorRegina and Howard Coplan

Roben and Karen FarzadMelanie and Stuart Feldstein

Susan and Robert HeffronMeggie and Ari Hirsch

Melody and Brian ImburgJessica and Brian LynnJoan and Neal Menkes

Lauren and Michael PlotkinSamuel and Allison RevensonKrysta and Michael SchwartzBarbara and Evan SilversteinMeredith and Andrew Sisson

Traci and Alan SnydermanAudrey Schumacher and Glenn Turner

Bonnie and Glen Wilensky

NovemberLois and Richard Backer

Stacey and Franklin BaumJudith and Charles BeckerMerrill and Melinda Gold

Christine and Marc GreenbergLisa and Michael Hessberg

Jayme and Lee KraussLauren and Robert Oscar

Heather and Aaron RosenbergSuzanne and Hilton Rubin

Renata and Jeffrey SampsonMary and Robert Siegel

Clifford and Michael SingerSandra and William SrokaMitchell and Sara Waskin

Margaret and Fred WeinbergBetty and Sherman Weisinger

Halina and Alan Zimm

Holiday Family TableIn an effort to bring people together during the holiday

seasons, and give those who may not have a place to celebrate or want to learn more about holiday ritual, we are excited to introduce a concept called “Family Table.” Each holiday season, the goal is to put people together.

There’s no long-term commitment and the format will be potluck for communal meals between those who sign up

and have matching preferences or profiles.

Please fill out the form at the following link and you will be

contacted by the Family Table organizers. (April Williams and Leah Bondy)


Form will close Mid-November in time for Hanukkah.

October/November 2017 Page 4

Adult Education2017-18 THeme The Dignity of DIFFERENceMonday MidrashEvery Monday Beginning Oct. 23 with Rabbi Knopf 12:15- 1:15 p.m. at Grove Ave. KR, bring a dairy/veggie lunchAccording to tradition, the Torah has “70 faces.” Every word calls for interpretation. No one interpretation can claim to be the right understanding. The rabbis called this cre-ative interpretation of Scripture “midrash,” and they left us a treasure trove of diverse opinions about the Torah. Join Rabbi Knopf for a journey through Midrash Rabbah, a classic collection of these teachings. We’ll start with Genesis and learn a little bit each week. No prior experience necessary. Bring an open mind and an inquisitive heart! Come to any or all sessions; RSVP for the first session on Oct. 23 at bethelrichmond.org/event/midrash

Rounds with the Rabbi Third Thursdays (next one Nov. 8) with Rabbi Knopf 6 - 7 p.m. in the Blue Room (top floor of admin. building) Grab a drink with the guys on your way home from work as we discuss what Judaism has to say about juggling work, marriage, & young kids. RSVP at bethelrich-mond.org/event/rounds

Talmud Every Tuesday (except Jewish and secular holidays) with Rabbi Emeritus Creditor 12:15-1:15 p.m. at Grove Ave. KR

Adult B’nei Mitzvah 2 Tuesdays per month thru May Fall dates Oct. 9, 23 | Nov. 6, 20 | Dec. 11, 18 with Hazzan Marian 7:30 p.m. at Grove Ave. KRAre you an adult who did not have a bar or bat mitzvah? Are you interested in taking part in this Jewish milestone? If you answered yes, why not be in touch with Hazzan Marian about participating in this year’s *brand new* adult b’nei mitzvah class. You’ll study with Hazzan Marian during the year and celebrate your adult b’nei mitzvah with other class participants on June 9, 2018.

Shabbat D’var Torah Guest Speaker Series Saturdays 10:00 a.m. Grove Ave. during Shabbat Services Join us as we learn from various guests as they connect our daily life with the week’s torah portion. Sign up to be a speaker at bethelrichmond.org/speakers

Encounter: Wednesday evenings, monthly with Rabbi Knopf at 7:00 pm, locations and panelists vary (details previous page)

Temple Beth-El's

Historical Bus Tourof Jewish Richmondsponsored by The Bridge

a private, customized tour from the 1700s to mid-20th Century led by a historian from the Valentine Museum

Sunday, November 19 • 1- 4 pmWe will visit Shockoe Bottom, Church Hill, Downtown, Shockoe Hill Cemetery, Jackson Ward,

Monroe Ward, the Fan and near West End. Meet at Temple Beth-El at 12:45pm

bus provided by James River Transportation$18 per person

plus optional $5 suggested donation for Beth Ahabah Museum of Archives

Limit 55 people-- sign up now! bethelrichmond.org/event/tour

October/November 2017 Page 5

December 8-10 3330 Grove Ave.

Temple Beth-El presents

Kosher Gospel is the marriage of Jewish religious lyrics and meanings with the soulful sounds of American gospel music. While the word “gos-pel,” Greek for good news, is usually associated with African-American Christian churches, these African rhythms predate the West Africans’ in-troduction to Christianity. This sound has been retained in the musical cultures of Black Af-rican Muslims and Jews. Such soul-inflected vocalizations filled the black synagogue Joshua attended as a child with his family, observant Jews who traced their lineage back to Senegal.

Sponsored in part byTruth, RAcial Healing, & Transformation Richmond |initiatives of change

Tickets & Sponsorship opportunities

bethelrichmond.org/event/joshua or Contact faith Kallman 804.355.3564 ext 104

Friday6 pm Service featuring Joshua Nelson (with music)7 pm Dinner & Panel Discussion (sponsorship package)The Universal Language: Understanding Race & Religion through Music

Saturday7 pm Concert $20/person; VIP tickets starting at $180

SundayPerformance for Religious School students and their families

Joshua Nelson

“Prince of Kosher Gospel”

Joshua Nelson has performed for former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and has appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show.

October/November 2017 Page 6

News from Sisterhood Thank you to everyone who attended Bubbles and Brunch on the first day of Hebrew School. We had a won-derful turnout. Thanks to Beth Rubinstein for hosting us in her beautiful home for the third year! Also, thanks to Fran Broeder, Susan Beller, Gail Schwartz, Melanie Feldstein, and Cathy Soffin for helping to plan, shop, cook and setup for the event and to Arlene Slutzah for collecting membership dues and showing a sample of what we have in the gift shop. While we wish to congratulate all three Simchat Torah nominees, we especially congratulate our Sisterhood honoree, Frances Goldman. We encourage everyone to honor these three wonderful ladies by making a donation to the temple at bethelrichmond.org/form/SimTorah We would like to welcome our new school families by treating them to dinner at our first Cook’s Night Out of the year. We’ll be serving flatbreads and other goodies on Wednesday October 25th at the Parham building. Please join us for tasty food and help us welcome these families to our Beth-El community.Save the Date for a special VMFA Luncheon and Tour on Wednesday November 29...more details to follow!

Wednesday, October 25 Cook’s Night Out, 6:15 Parham

Wednesday, November 29 Luncheon 11:30/Tour 1:00 VMFA

Wednesday, December 13 Chanukah Party Parham

Wednesday, February 14 Game Day, 10-4 Grove

Wednesday, February 28 Purim Celebration/Megillah Reading Dinner Parham

Sunday, March 11 Sisterhood/Bridge Speaker Brunch Parham

Wednesday, April 11 Cook’s Night Out, 6:15 Parham

Sunday, May 6 Installation/Annual Meeting – 10:00am Parham Followed by End of Year Picnic

Sunday, June 3 Donor TBD

invites you to

No time to grocery shop? Too tired to cook dinner?We cook it for you!

Wed. Oct. 25 | 6:15 pm Brown Religious School • 601 N. Parham Rd.

Immediately following Religious School Everyone is welcome!

OUT!Cook's Night



pay at the door

Welcoming our new school families!

October/November 2017 Page 7

Silver $500- $749Adam & Debbie Falik

Willa Kalman Jay & Elly Ipson

Steven & Marci Linas Neal & Joan Menkes

Toby Rosenthal Milton & Sarah Rubin Robert & Mary Siegel Martin & Lynn Zinder


Bronze $360 - $499Irving & Rhona Blank Alan & Frona Colker

Edith Glock Ben Lehman

Joel and Gail Lewis Richard & Pearl Lieb

Arnold & Barbara Lowenstein Barbara Shocket I. Norman Sporn

Nancy Walter Roy & Barbara Zeidman

Diamond $5400 and upJim & Gail Plotkin

Double Chai $3600 - $5399Michael & Beth Edelstein

Mark & Susan Sisisky

Platinum $1000 - $1799Arthur & Susan Davis

David & Marguerite Ruby Anonymous

THANK YOUPatrons of 2017

Patron gifts are in addition to annual dues and are welcome throughout the year.

There are more ways to give!Yom Kippur Appeal • Temple FundsKiddush & Pre-Neg Sponsorships

Special Event Sponsorships Contact Faith Kallman

f.kallman@bethelrichmond.org | 804.355.3564 ext. 104

Gold $750 - $999Jack & Bari Cohen Harry & Lois Hirsch

Helen HorwitzSandy Sisisky

Franklin Wolf & Gini Blostein-Wolf

SATO's biggest event is coming!Do a mitzvah!

Help us host homeless men in our Roseneath building behind the temple.


Lunch Preparers Shower and Laundry escorts

sleepover supervisors also need people to wash guest clothing at home

Please sign up to volunteer here:

signup.com/go/DYZsQtRNeed 1 DVD PLAYER for 8 days

If you can lend us one, please text Ben Lehman at 734-395-0319

Can't volunteer?Monetary Donations welcome!

donate online at

bethelrichmond.org/event/caritasor mail a check (use CARITAS in memo) to

Temple Beth-El 3330 Grove Ave.

Richmond, VA 23221

Please consider becoming a member of Temple Beth-El's exciting SATO committee! Meetings onsist of a conference call at 7:30 pm on the 4th Wednesday of each month to plan and coordinate activities. To find out more about this very exciting and gratifying committee please email us:

Ben Lehman - wooglehman@shareyourgifts.net Franklin Wolf - frnklnw@aol.com

October/November 2017 Page 8

News from Brown Religious School Ramona Brand, Director of Youth LearningReligious School opened on September 10 to familiar and new friends filling the classrooms with excited chatter and smiles. We have almost 90 students, from pre-K through Confirmation and teen Madrichim engaged at the Reli-gious School. We welcomed 11 new families to our school community. It was wonderful to welcome everyone back to school and begin another new year

of learning together. It was been a very busy summer at the school campus, reconfiguring rooms to accommodate expanded programs and turning an old office into a new Teen Lounge! The lounge looks great and our teens are really enjoying having their own space. We will be celebrating Simchat Torah and Consecration at our first Family Nesiyah Program on Thursday, October 12. Ruach and Kadima kicked-off to a great start, with 13 participants at Bowl America on Oct. 8. Our incredibly dedicated and knowledgeable teaching staff have really made the start of the year fun and interest-ing for our students. Kol Hakavod!

Chugim Begin November 5:Back by popular demand! The Chugim (camp-style electives) will have a fall and spring session this year, so that your student can enjoy more than one Chug this year. Beginning Sunday, November 5, our students will become Chanuchim (campers) and will choose from elective sessions that will have them learning through doing. We have great electives planned for this year: Adventures in Archeology, Into the Woods, Mural Makers, Good Sports, and Techno Wizards! Each Chug will begin with a learning session and will then dive into hands-on activities to support that study. Kids will be able to pick a fall and spring option to double their fun and learning. The fall session runs November, 5, 12, and 19 and the spring session runs April 15, 22, and 29. Kef, kef, kef!! Fun, fun, fun!!!

OCTOBER/NOVEMBER RELIGIOUS SCHOOL CALENDAR Sundays, all grades, 9:00am – 12:00pm Oct 8, 22, 29, Nov 5, 12, 19

Thursday: Oct. 12, Family Nesiyah Program/ Consecration/ Simchat Torah

Wednesdays, grades 3-7 4:15pm – 6:15pm Oct. 18, 25, Nov 1, 8, 15, 29

Pre-school class: Oct 8 and 22

Pet Blessing: October 22: 11:30am – 12noon

Cook’s Night Out: October 25: 6:15pm

BET Midrash: Oct 8 and 22, Nov. 5 and 19

Confirmation class: Oct 8 and 22, Nov. 5 and 12

Youth Lounge and Madrichim opportunities open throughout the morning

CONTACT RAMONA BRAND 804.355.3564 ext. 111



Nov. 4 Dec. 2

11:15 a.m., 3330 Grove Ave. Kiddush Room

Join Temple


music, stories, movement & more!for families with children up to 5 years old

October/November 2017 Page 9


Maggie hessberg

October 21, 2017 Margaret Arielle Hess-berg is the daughter of Lisa and Michael Hessberg. She is the granddaughter of Nancy Walter of Richmond and of M.E. and Ted Hessberg of

Charlotte, North Carolina. She is sister to Nathaniel and Grace. Maggie is in the 7th grade at Holman Middle School. She loves travelling, volleyball, summer camp, and hang-ing out with her friends. Maggie and her parents and grandparents invite you to join them for a Kiddush lunch in the Social Hall immediately after services.

aaron Falik

October 28, 2017 Aaron Foster Falik is the son of Debbie and Adam Falik. He is the grandson of Dr. Jonas Falik of Queens, New York, Ms. Maralin Falik of Kings Park, New York, and of Dr. Steven and Mrs. Karen Metzger of Welling-

ton, Florida. He is brother to Becca. Aaron is a 7th grade student at Moody Middle School. He enjoys tennis, rollercoasters, biking, reading, and roll-erskating. Please join the Falik Family as they honor Aaron at a Kiddush lunch directly after services in the Social Hall.

Maia Zasler

November 4, 2017 Maia Sigal Zasler is the daughter of Dr. Nathan and Lisa Zasler. She is the granddaughter of Richard and Vivian (OBM) Murad of Richmond and of Joyce and Moshe Zasler (both OBM) of

Glen Allen. She is sister to Aaron, Anya, and Maytal. Maia is a 7th grader at Collegiate School. She en-joys figure skating, playing piano, sewing, basketball, volleyball, creative writing/poetry, languages, and Judaic studies. Please join Dr. Nathan and Lisa Zasler as they hon-or Maia at an Oneg following Friday night services and a Kiddush lunch following Saturday services.

Meyer kaplan

November 18, 2017 Meyer Robert Kaplan is the son of Bart and Laurie Kaplan. He is the grandson of Hilda and Morris (OBM) Kaplan of Richmond and of Kenneth and Rosalind Meyer of Henrico. He is brother to Rachel.

Meyer is a 7th grader at Pocahontas Middle School. He enjoys baseball, basketball, and 2K18. Meyer and his family invite you to join them at a Kid-dush lunch directly after services in the Social Hall, spon-sored by Bart and Laurie Kaplan.

October/November 2017 Page 10

Kiddush & Pre-Neg SponsorshipsDo you have a birthday, anniversary or social event coming up? Cele-brate with a Kiddush or Pre-Neg! Your sponsorship will be announced in the Shabbat handout, the Good Shabbos email news, and the Tem-ple Bulletin. For prices please contact Faith Kallman: F.Kallman@BethelRichmond.org | 804-355-3564 ext. 104

Recent & Upcoming EventsSeptember 9 - Kiddush sponsored by Debbie Minden & Gary Goldberg in loving memory of Debbie's mother, Anne Kitt Minden

September 23 - Kiddush sponsored by Jay and Elly Ipson to celebrate the naming of their great-granddaughter

October 13 - Kiddush sponsored by Sister-hood to honor Simchat Torah Honorees Debbie Falik, Helen Horwitz, & Frances Goldman

October 21 - Kiddush sponsored by Lisa & Michael Hessberg, M.E. & Ted Hessberg, and Nancy Walter to celebrate the Bat Mitzvah of Maggie Hessberg

October 28 - Kiddush sponsored by the Falik Family to cele-brate the Bar Mitzvah of Aaron Falik

November 3 - Oneg sponsored by Lisa & Nathan Zasler to celebrate the Bat Mitzvah of Maia Zasler

November 4 - Kiddush sponsored by Lisa & Nathan Zasler to celebrate the Bat Mitzvah of Maia Zasler

November 18 - Kiddush sponsored by Bart and Laurie Kaplan to celebrate the Bar Mitzvah of Meyer Kaplan

A Message from the new president My name is David Isenberg and I’m taking over leadership of this group. If you’ve been a part of Men’s Club in the past we welcome you back, if you have never been a part of Men’s Club before we welcome you to experience a Techiya (rebirth) of the organization! Moving forward, we are creating a new three-pil-lar mission: Sports, Social/Networking, & Community Service/Religious School. We hope this new format is more engaging to all and offers something for everyone, whether you get involved in sports because that’s your thing or you love to network with other Jewish Men in the community. We are creating an organization that gives you the freedom to choose what you love to do and bring us all together at the same time. Harry Baron, new VP, along with myself will be leading these new initiatives.

New meeting structures10 meetings per year - 1 hour in length to be held at the Brown Religious School (601 N. Parham Rd) on the second Sunday of every month starting at 9:15am Sept. - May. Join us to discuss club business. Come for a bagel, lox and coffee and enjoy getting to know your Jewish brothers.

We encourage anyone and everyone to come out to an event and get introduced to Men’s Club 2.0. Please reach out to either Harry or me for more information:David Isenberg, (804) 387-1371 isenbergdavid@hotmail.comHarry Baron, (404) 323-4390 phbaron@gmail.com

I’m excited for what the year has in store and am looking forward to Men’s Club 2.0!!!

Shalom, David

Congrats Beth-El Men’s Club Softball!After a few rough years in the league, the Beth-El Men’s Club Softball Team managed to take home the Silver Medal!

October/November 2017 Page 11

Thank you to those who have made a legacy commitment to Temple Beth-El

Celia Brown (OBM) Jacob (OBM) & Selma Brown

Eva Brummer Jake & Margie Clayman (both OBM)

Susan Marks Cohen (OBM) Judy Crocker

Ron & Benita Felmus Marilyn Lipstiz Flax & Robert Flax

Edith & Eugene (OBM) Glock A. Lawrence & Frances F. Goldman

Christine Greenberg Carolyn Weiss Guertin Florine Sue Harowitz

Harry Hirsch Margaret & Kurt Hirsch (both OBM)

Hal (OBM) & Helen Horwitz Brian & Melody Imburg

Malcolm (OBM) & Willa Kalman Amy & Nat (OBM) Krumbein

Dara Hirsch Kurtz Ben & Laura Lewis

Neal & Joan Menkes Debbie Minden & Gary Goldberg

Ruth Rosenberg (OBM) GD Rothenberg

Joan & Arlon (OBM) Ruby Mark & Susan Sisisky

Martin & Arlene Slutzah Gladys Tatarsky (OBM)

Nancy C. Walter Franklin Wolf & Gini Blostein-Wolf

Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous




Birthdays October

Carissa AkyeampongRic Arenstein

Zoe Andrea-Renee BelleZachary Ryan Bendheim

Neil BerkowitzXavier BeverlySandra CantorGillian Cohen

Julia DavisSelma FaymanJillian Fratkin

Elliott FriedmanGail GendersonDora Goldberg

Denise Goodman-KeilShelly November Gouldin

Marc GreenbergLorraine Hecht

Margaret HessbergSheila HollandHelen HorwitzWendy Jaffe

Beverly JonesMeyer Kaplan

Neil KesslerBlanche Kornfeld

David KravitzLisa Krieg

Marley LangsamSamantha Lapkin

Melissa LightRichard Low

Barbara LustigJoan Menkes

Alina Brik OvrutskiyRowan Eli PassmanSandler PassmanShana Passman

Marcia PeckChristopher PecoraJonathan Revenson

Thad Ribner Mitchell Rosenbloom

GD RothenbergAdam Sachs

Marilyn SagerHerbert Schoenes

Mara SharnoffBenjamin ShermanMichael Silverstein

Samantha Lauren SisiskyAndrew SissonIsaac Skromne

Bruce SlaterEllen Slater

Martin Slutzah

Jessica SternHarvey Stiles

Lucas VillalonaMeir WaltnerSara Waskin

Charlotte WeinbergAnnie Weinberg

Charles WeitzenhoferAdrienne Winkelmann

Ralph WogalterEllyn Zeidman

November Michael Akyeampong

Ashley AbadyPhilip Abraham

Lauren AbrahamFrances Amernick

Susan ArkinStacey BaumMyra Beller

Elissa BergmanRoberta Birmingham

Leslie BurkeDeveney Burke

Siliah BurkeShira Cantor

Dena Elizabeth CantorGary Creditor

Cynthia CurlStewart Deutsch

Luan DonigerBen Donohue

Lauren EdelsteinBethany Ellenbogen

Jerome FeldsteinStuart Feldstein

Marilyn Lipsitz FlaxEsther FratkinElsa FreimanJoshua FrostJoshua Frost

Howard GendersonCarly Gerring

Emily GoodmanMichael Goodman

Misha GulakLaurie Halpert

Florine HarowitzArthur Harrow

Lila HautTracey HorwitzCory Horwitz

Randy HowardMelannie Huber-Cohen

Eleanor IpsonGeri Isenberg

Alan KatzDoris Katz

Fred KesslerFay Kessler

Shemaya KnopfCynthia KrumbeinJason Krumbein

Iris KrumbeinNathaniel Krumbein

Sharon LapkinHarriet LapkinBarbara LevinArthur LewisRachel LewisLisa Looney

Naomi LowensteinNathan Maizels

Pearl Karp MarkhamDaniel McGreal

Lisa MendezBarbara Miller

Courtney MillhouseEllen NovemberKevin O'Holleran

Madeline O'HolleranBrian Padow

Joel PeckSofia Piracha

Robert PustilnikHarris Raskind

Samue RevensonAllison Revenson

Ethan RifeNorman RosenbaumHeather Rosenberg

Toby RosenthalSarah RubinJason Sager

Krysta SchwartzBarbara Shocket

Stuart SiegelGrace Silverstein

Morgan SilversteinBarbara SimonArlene Slutzah

Anna SoffinDavid Sporn

Matthew SpornDavid Stein

Rubin UnowitzFred WeinbergGlen Wilensky

Samantha WinkelmannFloyd WittenDavid WittenMaia ZaslerEllen Zinder

October/November 2017 Page 12

General FundTRIBUTES

IN HONOR OFRhona & Richard Arenstein on Sarah’s engagement to Bram Levy Eddy & Lou Gelrud Dale Moes

Max Comess' Birthday Patricia & Barry Comess

Elliot & Debbie Friedman On your son Jeremy’s marriage -Neal & Joan Menkes

Edith Glock's 90th Birthday Eva Brummer Sonny Zinder Betty Anne & Michael Soffin Roy & Barbara Zeidman Diane Banks Stewart & Myra Deutsch Jay & Lisa Rosenthal Rabbi Michael Knopf Inge Horowitz Sonia Zinder Toby Rosenthal Leo & Mary Cantor Karen Deutsch Betty Weissbecker

Noah Benjamin Hirschfield's Bar Mitzvah Susan & Art Davis

Rabbi Gary Creditor Seth & Hannah Forman

Rosh Hashanah Henri Maizels

Jay & Elly Ipson Mazel Tov on the birth of your great-grand-daughter! -Franklin Wolf & Gini Blostein-Wolf -Neal & Joan Menkes Rabbi Michael & Adira Knopf on the birth of their son, Akiva Stefanie Papps & Rabbi Patrick Beaulier The Gouldin Family Beth & Michael Edelstein Welcome to the world sweet boy! -Brie Stammer & Thad Ribner James & Gail Plotkin Kristin & Gabriel Gorin Howard & Linda Price Jay & Eleanor Ipson Nancy Walter Nancy & Courtney Millhouse Rita Stein Samuel & Gail Genderson Michael & Betty Anne Soffin Micki Spector Elizabeth Thalhimer Smartt Hattie Shocket Franklin Wolf & Gini Blostein-Wolf Neal & Joan Menkes GD & Susan Rothenberg

Debbie Falik, Simchat Torah Honoree Michael & Betty Anne Soffin Bette Rose & Gary Webne Howard & Linda Price Harry & Lois Hirsch Ron & Benita Felmus Stacey & Frank Baum David & Rita Ruby Neal & Joan Menkes Doris Katz GD & Susan Rothenberg

Frances Goldman, Simchat Torah Honoree I. Norman Sporn Richard & Ellen November Michael & Betty Anne Soffin Bette Rose & Gary Webne Howard & Linda Price Harry & Lois Hirsch Ron & Benita Felmus Stacey & Frank Baum Barbara Rabhan David & Rita Ruby Neal & Joan Menkes Doris Katz Katie & Arnold Rosenbaum GD & Susan Rothenberg

Helen Horwitz, Simchat Torah Honoree Richard & Ellen November Barbara Shocket Michael & Betty Anne Soffin Bette Rose & Gary Webne Shelley & Win Gouldin Howard & Linda Price Harry & Lois Hirsch Ron & Benita Felmus Stacey & Frank Baum Barbara & Arnold Lowenstein Toby Rosenthal Barbara Rabhan David & Rita Ruby Lynn & Jay Schwartz Neal & Joan Menkes Doris Katz Jeff & Bobbi Levin GD & Susan Rothenberg

John & Judith Levy on Bram’s engagement to Sarah Arenstein Eddy & Lou Gelrud Dale Moes Alan & Lynn Katz

Our wedding anniversary Patricia & Barry Comess

Jim & Gail Plotkin & the High Holidays Alice Adams

Welford Wedding Anniversary Edith Glock

WELCOMINGNancy Millhouse Welcome to the Beth-El family! Shalom! Neal & Joan Menkes

IN APPRECIATION OFJudith and John Levy for hosting us for Yom Kippur -The Geller/Noparstak Family

CONDOLENCESSharon Metz Sharon was the aunt of our member, Jennifer B&as. She is survived by her brother, Jerry Metz (Lois), step sisters Arlene Anthes (Scott) & Bar-bara Brand (Norman), as well as nieces Jennifer, Amy & Sandy Bandas; Jessica & Jamie Brand, Lauren Shumaker, & nephew Jimmy Metz.

Anne Kitt Minden Anne was the mother of our member, Debbie Minden. Anne is preceded in death by her husband of 64 years, Dr. Joseph Minden. She is survived by many family members, including her children, Sarah (Stephen), Mark (Mary), Debbie (Gary), Ruth (Ed), Judy (Kirk) & Jon (Deb); her grandchildren, Alex (Jillian), Michael (Shanying), Ben, Ariella, Sam, Miriam (Jeffrey), Margot (Dani), Jessica (Aleta), Gillian, Hannah, Ben (Lau-ren) & Jake; & 3 great-grandchildren, Eugene (Geno), Phil & Orin.

IN MEMORY OFBeloved husband, Father & Grandfather Dale Moes

Jim Blumberg John Jay & Gail Schwartz

Julius Brandeis Edith Levin

Karl Deutsch Harry Deutsch

Frank Feibelman, brother of Joan Menkes Joan & Neal Menkes

Stuart Gary Peter & Ann Goodman

Dora Geneslaw Richard & Pearl Lieb

Herb Gubow Marsha Feldstein & Marc Pennington

Estelle Finer Russell Finer

Rose Frishtick Risa & Jay Levine

Alice Feibelman, mother of Joan Menkes Joan & Neal Menkes

Malcolm Kalman Charles Kalman

Al Katz Doris Katz

Lotte L. Luebke Sheryl Luebke

Harold Merriam Edith Merriam

Lois Menkes Neal & Joan Menkes

October/November 2017 Page 13

Anne Kitt Minden, mother of Debbie Minden Bob & Mary Siegel Betty Anne & Michael Soffin Gail & Jim Plotkin Ron & Benita Felmus Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom, Richmond chapter Fern & Jeffrey Frost Gail & Jim Plotkin Doris Katz Michael & Betty Anne Soffin Stephen Frost Franklin & Gini Blostein-Wolf

Bertha Newman Edith Levin

John Penn Marcia Penn

Samuel Perel James & Gail Plotkin

Barry Plotkin Alan & Lynn Katz

Jacob Plotkin James & Gail Plotkin

Samuel Plotkin James & Gail Plotkin

Harry Rosenbloom Steven & Donna Rosenbloom

Ernest Rosenthal Toby Rosenthal

Rabbi Tobias Rothenberg GD & Susan Rothenberg

Leah Schachman Mark & Laura Schachman

Ralph Shapiro Carol Shapiro

Samuel Sinker Frances Berger

Barry Spector Micki Spector Kevin Spector

Frieda & Bernard Tonkon Micki Spector Kevin Spector

OBSERVANCE OF YAHRZEITSelma Woll Benita & Ron Felmus

Jim Blumberg John & Gail Schwartz

Julius Brandeis Edith Levin

Karl Deutsch Harry Deutsch

Rose Frishtick Risa Levine

Siegmund Goodman Edith Levin

Harry Hoffman Edythe Hoffman

Ted & Sylvia Katz Barbara & Roy Zeidman

Malcolm Kalman Charles Kalman

Yetta Brown Lowenstein Arnold & Barbara Lowenstein

Harry Rosenbloom Steven & Donna Rosenbloom

Leah Schachman Mark Schachman

Janice Scherr Marilyn & David Beck

Ralph Shapiro Jack & Virginia Shapiro Carol Shapiro

Barry Spector Kevin Spector

Edythe Cohen Laurie, Neil, Mindy & Marissa Halpert

Thank youI am truly grateful to all my friends & family for their good wishes in honoring me for my 90th Birthday with the dedication of a Rock for the Tree of Life. I appreciate your thoughtfulness, & this kind gesture will always be treasured - Love, Edith Glock

TRIBUTES General Fund (cont'd)



Edith Glock Betty Weissbecker


Judy Gary Lynn and Alan Katz


Mary C. Cohen Nancy Walter

Noah A. Hessberg Nancy Walter


Baby Knopf Betty Weissbecker The Dranoff Family


Ben Lehman My friend, always helping me strengthen my faith - Nancy and Courtney Millhouse


Edith Glock In honor of Edith Glock's Special Birthday! from Barbara Rubin


Rabbi Michael & Adira Knopf Congratulations on the birth of your son! -Elliott & Hilary Bender


Louis Frankel Dale Moes


Baby Boy Knopf Andrew & Meredith Sisson


Akiva Betzalel Knopf Welcome! from Ron and Benita Felmus


Clara Steinberg from Ephraim Steinberg


Akiva Knopf David Perry & David Sachs


Mark Brown John Jay & Gail Schwartz


Stuart Gary Rose & Joseph Clayman

October/November 2017 Page 14Y October & November ahrzeitsOCTOBER 1 / 11 TISHREISylvia KatzBlanche F. ResnicoffBernard CohenJulian ShapiroMorton L. BuckbergLewis BlankNettie ImburgHyman Clayman

OCTOBER 2 / 12 TISHREIGeorge BeckElla BassVictor ZinderSidney KatzSamuel LevineMiriam BanksSamuel Savage

OCTOBER 3 / 13 TISHREIJason AbadyYonna GlennEleanor SilversteinAlbert ResnickHermann StraussSarah Yetta BernsteinHyman W. BieglerDavid Harry Feldman

OCTOBER 4 / 14 TISHREILester ArkinSamuel KravitzMary RodriguezSam GreenbergNat HorwitzLjalja RgovaRose BloomNathan J. Feldman

OCTOBER 5 / 15 TISHREIIsadore "Eddie" SchwartzEstelle FeinsteinWolf ShrenskyIda RoundJacob RoundAnnie Wolf

OCTOBER 6 / 16 TISHREIBeatrice MendlowTillie S. NadelPhillipp WindmuellerRachel KocenSophia Arenstein

OCTOBER 7 / 17 TISHREIHenry GuerinBernard HurowitzCelia BerkmanBen KaminskyIda Klaff

OCTOBER 8 / 18 TISHREIEugene GlockDorothy Walters

Jerome Allen GordonIsaac KanukAlexander SharoveSeymour GordonNathan BaronEdward Gray

OCTOBER 9 / 19 TISHREIMorris Moxie MerkleShirley RostovEvelyn A. GarcySylvia Segal KrellLillian B. MillerBerta ChernjahovskayaNatalie G. EpsteinSiegmund Goodman

OCTOBER 10 / 20 TISHREIBernard FifeHarold SchwartzFred Siegel

OCTOBER 11 / 21 TISHREIGladys TatarskySylvia Rosenbloom PeckJulian LipsitzSam UnowitzAlbert WeissbeckerLeon FleishmanAbraham Waskins

OCTOBER 12 / 22 TISHREIJennie S. KraftHerman BuckmanFannie HorowitzHelene Berz BonnieLouis StrausSarah Ladin

OCTOBER 13 / 23 TISHREIFloyd ShermanCharles Melvin CooperRudy StahlDora AptakinJill Andrea PeckAlbert KravitzSigman FrankelNathan BarerSolomon CoplanSarah PassamaneckHyman Klaff

OCTOBER 14 / 24 TISHREIJacob H. LevMinnie Drexler KaminskyBenjamin GoldbergMinnie Novick

OCTOBER 15 / 25 TISHREIJoseph LevineHenrietta MangerTheodore Ross ForemPearl Cantor

OCTOBER 16 / 26 TISHREIMargaret Howard MastersHarry B. RosmanCarrie AronsLeonard H. JacobsFannie LevinJacob Aaron Zasler

OCTOBER 17 / 27 TISHREIMorton WeimanLaura Gonick WogalterAlbert CornLucille KesslerDr. Donald StilesBarbara H. Grossman

OCTOBER 18 / 28 TISHREIAlvin WittenIrvin Samuel StraussHyman BrennerM. Paul RogersWalter Silberman

OCTOBER 19 / 29 TISHREIJacob MuradMichael KaplanBertie SpectorLena ImburgEsther Ruth MeyersMario NegrinSylvia FriedmanNatan Mordecai Friedman

OCTOBER 20 / 30 TISHREIAnne SachsHerbert FlaxSeymour NogiA.Donald Freedman

OCTOBER 21 / 1 CHESHVANHarry H. KleinkopfLeon WilksIrving LaxSam BiglerHarry RuthLena Kline

OCTOBER 22 / 2 CHESHVANTheodore KatzIrving Joseph MeyersLeon J. GrossmanMorris PeckAudrey Miller SampsonSarah F. WaranchEsther PassamaneckIsaac A. Wasserman

OCTOBER 23 / 3 CHESHVANAlfred OpengartEva SlaterAnna Siegel RaskindHerbert WindmuellerHarry SchneiderLouis Cantor

Martin HarowitzCharles BlankSarah AdelanskiHerman GoldsmithLouis SteinbergSolomon CantorAaron Kutakoff

OCTOBER 24 / 4 CHESHVANLaurence H. LevySelma G. BeckAllan David LondonSadye R. PassamaneckJ. N. HudsonBen KatzSolomon AlbertManuel ShocketBenjamin S. Engel

OCTOBER 25 / 5 CHESHVANShirley PlotkinRose S. GrossmanReva Lehman HoffmanMildred Meyer EskelesStanley Jack SchapiroCharles Ernest HerzbergBenjamin ShapiroSamuel Joshua FreedJessie Katchko

OCTOBER 26 / 6 CHESHVAN Alan Howard RosenbloomArlyn M. CohnJules WasserbergErnestine Rosenbloom

OCTOBER 27 / 7 CHESHVANIris ElkinsAdeline F. PollackRhoda RubinsteinJesse LickerSarah Kruger CartonSimon PassamaneckYale J. JurinIsrael RichmanAnna Frishtick

OCTOBER 28 / 8 CHESHVANEleanor Schwartz SternfieldFannie GoldbergMorton GaryRuth Newman CohenRose PolicoffBlanche S. RosenLawrence M. FisherFlorence R. BrownIsadore Cohen

OCTOBER 29 / 9 CHESHVANHarris Morton GriffCaryl PutchatHoney ShapiroCelia Soffin

Sandra L. Grandis FrankEthel WolfsonEsther May WeinbergAnita Freeman MarkelLibbie PeckPaul PeckAbraham Silver

OCTOBER 30 / 10 CHESHVANRuby PriceLily Barer FrankelBernard LevittBertha SussMaurice TillisCharles ScherJohn Adams

OCTOBER 31 / 11 CHESHVANGladys NusenkoAlbert David RaderLarry Alan MaierAdele EisenbergNat WienerMeyer H. FriedmanErnestine Kahn

NOVEMBER 1 / 12 CHESHVANWilliam RichmonIsaak GorbatySylvia GordonMark NovickSolomon ZeidmanAbraham BenskyBetty J. Gordon

NOVEMBER 2 / 13 CHESHVANManuel ImburgMildred ZaleskyMartin Wm. HarowitzAlvin AbramsJerry Lee KirschEdward CohenJoseph DavidsonRose Kazman

NOVEMBER 3 / 14 CHESHVANSamuel BerkmanMaurice A. BernsteinHilda PetersielBessie RudlinEsther Abramson WeimanJohn Richard EdwardsHenry J. Schrieberg

NOVEMBER 4 / 15 CHESHVANPhilip TatarskySamuel Maurice MorewitzCelia Goodman Watts

NOVEMBER 5 / 16 CHESHVANFlorence J. HarrisRivka Rachel ZaslerAaron AdinEdna Ipson

October/November 2017 Page 15

NOVEMBER 6 / 17 CHESHVANMorton Nathan GaryMorris FeibelmanAnna D. Feldman

NOVEMBER 7 / 18 CHESHVANLouis PerlsteinMichael GlickHerman Zimmerman

NOVEMBER 8 / 19 CHESHVANAnnie SilverAmelia DreilingerRoberta C. JacobsJerome BellerPhilip J. CohenMadelyne David FriedbergLucille Bellamy MonroeMax Marder

NOVEMBER 9 / 20 CHESHVANEva CantorAlbert BleicherManny Max SchwartzEthel SiffShirley Rita KramerIda Smith LaxMax FratkinMartin LubmanSarita Parker GersonLillian K. CohenEleanor SolomonM.Herbert WeissSylvia KesslerJoseph RothenbergLibby Romm Meyers

NOVEMBER 10 / 21 CHESHvanMark Alan KatzSamuel P. KayneJack FaymanS. Sidney MeyersMorris LipsitzMildred S. PhillipsRona MirmelsteinSylvia Hoffman LevinMary S. RosenbergNechenia Yowell

NOVEMBER 11 / 22 CHESHvanNorbert GreenebaumOra Porcher DennisBetty HalpernSadie Cohen DavidJean Lily FlaxRuby Sibony CansinoKatie GordonEdwin Margolis

NOVEMBER 12 / 23 CheshvanMary S. KaminskyAllan F. CohenLeon Arthur MerkleHannah C. RudnerMuriel Schapiro

NOVEMBER 13 / 24 CHESHvanSarah MenscherMax RudlinRaymond SakowitzIrwin Artis

NOVEMBER 14 / 25 CHESHvanLibbie M. SteinbergRose SlutskyNorman WogalterSaul RobinsonAnnie PfefferMaurice Weinstein

NOVEMBER 15 / 26 CHESHVANSamuel Jacob MollenHarry SachsStanley TesslerArthur PinesShirley Romm LefkowitzAbe M. KaminskySamuel David BridgeKatie S. Jacobs

NOVEMBER 16 / 27 CHESHvanShirley GreenbaumPamela S. FinerRobert PerlmanHyman Kaminsky

NOVEMBER 17 / 28 CHESHvanCelia SchneiderHarry F. PerlsteinLila Meizell

NOVEMBER 18 / 29 CHESHvanKenneth A. CohenMorris S. BandasHerman GoldbergHarry Aaron MaritzerOscar LewisFlora G. CahanDora E. YedinakIrving Lester LevinPearl Hyman

NOVEMBER 19 / 1 KISLEVLouis A. RudmanLena KatzSamuel Larry LevineNathan MeyerAbraham M. BoginRobert D. LapkinRose M. Bloom

NOVEMBER 20 / 2 KISLEVFlorence SiegelMarcella WeitzenhoferBertha Lasky GoldbergIsadore FishmanLena M. HorwitzMargaret Genter Cain

NOVEMBER 21 / 3 KISLEVJoseph RudlinHarold FreemanIris Wasserman Smith

NOVEMBER 22 / 4 KISLEVPearl DavidsonGilbert KatzMorris Jacob DranoffRae Lipsitz JacobsIda J. Cohen SteinerRose ShrenskyElliot LewisNorman StrumLillian Nerden

NOVEMBER 23 / 5 KISLEVWerner H. LuebkeMorris SilversteinNathan GellerIda H. EdisonSarah KittenplanMorris Kruger

NOVEMBER 24 / 6 KISLEVJeannette SorensonFlorence LevinEsther KarpTerri Schuman HirschMorton N. GoldmanDavid H. "Bud" BlochLubah Peck RubenGerald Gene PlotkinLudwig "Lou" WeissbeckerDr. Robert Goodman

NOVEMBER 25 / 7 KISLEVRobert Paul GoodmanWalter Eisenberg

NOVEMBER 26 / 8 KISLEVPaul RosenbergJean Katz Sporn ScherrMollie D. RothenbergMinna L. PollackRose PottsLillian EdwardsJerome Imburg

NOVEMBER 27 / 9 KISLEVMarvin JanusKalman SchwarzRose NazdinJean Ershler HarrisSuzanne Rosenbloom LevetClara GrunwaldRose Greenberg

NOVEMBER 28 / 10 KISLEVJerome ImburgHarry HorwitzCelia S. StilesMuriel SandlerSarah AgressYetta Marko RubinWilliam Markowitz

NOVEMBER 29 / 11 KISLEVIsaac WatskeyBetty S. SilverLouise Bloom WeissSelma BergerAnne SternHilda S. Goodstein

NOVEMBER 30 / 12 KISLEVBennie PerlinJoseph PetersielHarriet Kravitz KatzIda BrennerJacob SlutzahMartin SeidmanRose ZaleskyBertha Kaminsky RichHerman GersteinRebecca BortonPhyllis NordinArthur Leonard SlaterMillie Segal

Yahrzeit Plaque Dedications

Shemini Atzeret October 12, 2017

Ruth KirschVivian Murad

Ruth PasternakLouis Paul

Joyce ZaslerMoshe Zasler

October/November 2017 Page 16

Calendar is subject to change. For the most up-to-date version, alw

ays refer to the online version at


Temple Beth-El

October 2017

Printed Oct 16, 2017 02:03pm





Saturday1 11 Tishrei

Morning M

inyan 9:00aSukkah Building Party 10:00a

2 12 TishreiM

orning Minyan 7:00a

Baby Knopf Brit Milah 4:00p

Evening Minyan 5:45p

3 13 TishreiTalm

ud Class 12:15pEvening M

inyan 5:45p

4 14 TishreiErev Sukkot

Evening Minyan 6:00p

Candle Lighting 6:31p

5 15 TishreiSukkotOffi

ces ClosedSukkot Services 10:00aEvening M

inyan 6:00pCandle Lighting 7:29p

6 16 TishreiSukkotOffi

ces ClosedSukkot Services 10:00a

Erev Shabbat Service 6:00pCandle Lighting 6:28p

Southern in the Sukkah 7:00p

7 17 Tishrei Chol H

amoed Sukkot

Anniversary Blessing 10:00aYom

Shabbat Service 10:00aSippin in the Sukkah 5:30p

Havdalah 7:34p

8 18 TishreiChol H

amoed Sukkot

Morning M

inyan 9:00a

9 19 TishreiChol H

amoed Sukkot

Columbus Day

Morning M

inyan 8:00aAdult B'nei M

itzvah Class6:15p

10 20 TishreiChol H

amoed Sukkot

Talmud Class 12:15p

Evening Minyan 5:45p

11 21 TishreiH

oshana RabahEvening M

inyan 6:00pCandle Lighting 6:21p

12 22 TishreiShm

ini AtzeretYizkor

Offices Closed

Morning M

inyan 10:00aSim

chat Torah Service 6:00pCandle Lighting 7:19p

13 23 TishreiSim

chat TorahOffi

ces ClosedSim

hat Torah Service andHonoree Luncheon 10:00a

Erev Shabbat Service 6:00pCandle Lighting 6:18p

14 24 Tishrei BereshitShabbat M


Shabbat Service 10:00aHavdalah 7:24p

15 25 TishreiM

orning Minyan 9:00a

16 26 TishreiM

orning Minyan 7:00a

Evening Minyan 5:45p

17 27 TishreiTalm

ud Class 12:15pEvening M

inyan 5:45p

18 28 TishreiEvening M

inyan 5:45p

19 29 TishreiM

orning Minyan 7:00a

Evening Minyan 5:45p

20 30 TishreiRosh Chodesh CheshvanErev Shabbat Service 6:00p

Candle Lighting 6:08p

21 1 Cheshvan Noach

Rosh Chodesh CheshvanYom

Shabbat Service 10:00aKiddush Lunch sponsored byM

ichael & Lisa Hessberg, M.E.

& Ted Hessberg, and NancyW

alter 12:30pHavdalah 7:15p

22 2 CheshvanM

orning Minyan 9:00a

23 3 CheshvanM

orning Minyan 7:00a

Monday M

idrash 12:15pEvening M

inyan 5:45pAdult B'nei M

itzvah Class6:15p

24 4 CheshvanTalm

ud Class 12:15pEvening M

inyan 5:45p

25 5 CheshvanEvening M

inyan 5:45pSisterhood Cook's Night Out

6:15pSATO Conference Call 7:30p

26 6 CheshvanM

orning Minyan 7:00a

Evening Minyan 5:45p

27 7 CheshvanErev Shabbat Service 6:00p

Candle Lighting 6:00p

28 8 Cheshvan Lech LechaBirthday Blessing 10:00a

Yom Shabbat Service 10:00aAnne Benear 10:00a

Aufruf of Anne Benear &M

egan Victor 11:00aHavdalah 7:06p

29 9 CheshvanM

orning Minyan 9:00a

30 10 CheshvanM

orning Minyan 7:00a

Monday M

idrash 12:15pEvening M

inyan 5:45p

31 11 CheshvanTalm

ud Class 12:15pEvening M

inyan 5:45p

October/November 2017 Page 17

Calendar is subject to change. For the most up-to-date version, alw

ays refer to the online version at


Temple Beth-El


ber 2017Printed Oct 16, 2017 02:05pm






1 12 CheshvanEvening M

inyan 5:45pIsrael Trip Info Session 6:30p

2 13 CheshvanM

orning Minyan 7:00a

Evening Minyan 5:45p

3 14 CheshvanPre-Neg spons. by Nathan &Lisa Zasler in honor of M

aia'sBat M

itzvah 5:15pCandle Lighting 5:52p

Erev Shabbat Service 6:00p

4 15 Cheshvan VayeraAnniversary Blessing 10:00aYom

Shabbat Service 10:00aTot Shabbat 11:15a

Kiddush Lunch sponsored byNathan and Lisa Zasler 12:30p

Havdalah 6:59p

5 16 CheshvanM

orning Minyan 9:00a

Wedding of M

egan Victor &Anne Benear 4:00p

6 17 CheshvanM

orning Minyan 7:00a

Monday M

idrash 12:15pEvening M

inyan 5:45pAdult B'nei M

itzvah Class6:15p

7 18 CheshvanTalm

ud Class 12:15pEvening M

inyan 5:45p

8 19 CheshvanSpeaker Luncheon 12:00p

Evening Minyan 5:45p

Encounter with Rabbi Knopf


9 20 CheshvanM

orning Minyan 7:00a

Evening Minyan 5:45p

10 21 CheshvanCandle Lighting 4:45p

Erev Shabbat Service 6:00p

11 22 Cheshvan ChayeiSara

Veterans DayYom

Shabbat Service 10:00aHavdalah 5:52p

Global Jewish M

usic 6:00p

12 23 CheshvanM

orning Minyan 9:00a

13 24 CheshvanM

orning Minyan 7:00a

Monday M

idrash 12:15pEvening M

inyan 5:45p

14 25 CheshvanTalm

ud Class 12:15pEvening M

inyan 5:45p

15 26 CheshvanEvening M

inyan 5:45p

16 27 CheshvanM

orning Minyan 7:00a


District AnnualM

eeting 5:30pEvening M

inyan 5:45pRounds w

ith the Rabbi 6:00p

17 28 CheshvanCandle Lighting 4:40p

Erev Shabbat Service 6:00p

18 29 Cheshvan ToldotShabbat M


Shabbat Service 10:00aKiddush spons. by Bart &

Laurie Kaplan 12:30pHavdalah 5:47p

19 1 KislevRosh Chodesh KislevM

orning Minyan 9:00a

Valentine Museum

Tour ofJew

ish Richmond 1:00p

20 2 KislevM

orning Minyan 7:00a

Monday M

idrash 12:15pEvening M

inyan 5:45pAdult B'nei M

itzvah Class6:15p

21 3 KislevTalm

ud Class 12:15pEvening M

inyan 5:45p

22 4 KislevEvening M

inyan 5:45p

23 5 KislevOffices Closed

Thanksgiving DayM

orning Minyan 8:00a

24 6 KislevOffices Closed

Candle Lighting 4:36pErev Shabbat Service 6:00p

25 7 Kislev VayetzeiCARITAS W

eekBirthday Blessing 10:00a

Yom Shabbat Service 10:00a

Havdalah 5:44p

26 8 KislevCARITAS W


orning Minyan 9:00a

27 9 KislevCARITAS W


orning Minyan 7:00a

Monday M

idrash 12:15pEvening M

inyan 5:45p

28 10 KislevCARITAS W


ud Class 12:15pEvening M

inyan 5:45p

29 11 KislevCARITAS W

eekEvening M

inyan 5:45pSATO Conference Call 7:30p

30 12 KislevCARITAS W


orning Minyan 7:00a

Evening Minyan 5:45p

October/November 2017 Page 18



Mother in law of Mr. & Mrs. Bri-an Earle from Mr. & Mrs. Joey Clayman

Anne Kitt Minden, mother of Debbie Minden from Rita Stein


Mr. Joel David from Mr. & Mrs. Joey Clayman

Rita Stein from Judy Petock, Mr. & Mrs. John Jay Schwartz


Grandson of Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Baum from Mr. & Mrs. Howard Coplan


Mr. & Mrs. Joey Clayman from Mr. & Mrs. Frank Stahl, Mr. & Mrs. John Jay Schwartz


90th of Edith Glock from Rita Stein, Reggie Levet, Mr. & Mrs. William Sporn, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Messler, Mr. & Mrs. Milton Rubin, Nancy Walter, Hattie Shocket


Dr. And Mrs. Peter Goodman on the marriage of their son from Mr. and Mrs Joey Clayman

SISTERHOOD FLORAL FUNDMalcolm Kalman by Willa Kalman

H. Ben Smeyne by Toby Rosenthal

David Joel Marcus by Gail & Sam Genderson

Morris Katz & Al Katz by Doris Katz

Dennis Gordon by Muriel Gordon

Leivy Smolar by Marcia Penn

Chaim Geneslaw by Pearl & Richard Lieb

Fannie Gould by Anne Gordon

Sol Wise by Michael & Barbara Wise

Lena Shapiro, Edward Shapiro & Hyman H. Hyman by Ruth Hyman

Jack Pustilnik by Bob & Mimi Pustilnik

Carl Robins by Stacey & Frank Baum

Mary Plotkin & Terry Simons by Susan Clayman & Frank Starks

Janice Scherr by Beverly Jones & Lynn Bowles

Grandfather by Lynn & Marty Zinder

Rose Genderson, Dorothy Marcus Swetlitz & Da-vid Marcus by Gail & Sam Genderson

Evelyn Kirson by Margaret Weinberg

Harry Rosenbloom by Steven & Donna Rosenbloom

Martha S. Thomas by Patricia Comess

Paula Reiman by Beth & Michael Edelstein

Robert Kramer by Irma Rosenbloom

Grandmother by Ed & Mary Mollen

Father by Elaine Grandis Peck, Children & Grandchildren

James Cohen by Marcia Penn & Family

Harry Rosenbloom by Irma Rosenbloom

Mollie Kaufman by Gloria Hoffman

Roberta Cohen Neblett by Jack Cohen

Sylvia G. Sperberg by Frank Grossman

Theresa MacConnell & Albert Waskin by Jeffrey & Fern Frost

Mother-in-law by Reggie Levet

Michael Sporn by Norman Sporn

Sylvia G. Sperberg by Sid & Sally Sperberg

Mother & Father-in-law by David Ovrutskiy & Ira Ovrutskaya

Sylvia R. Grandis by Elaine Grandis Peck

October/November 2017 Page 19

WELCOMING FUNDS Both of these funds provide economic assistance to prospective members or members who cannot afford Temple dues or activities

Horwitz-Perlin Welcoming FundMargie & Jake Clayman Welcoming Fund

STUDENT FUNDS for events, Camps, Reli-gious School activities, travel to Israel, or other needs

Beller-Jackson College Mother Fund Send holiday packages to College students twice a year

Celia Brown Fund Aids youth activities at Jewish camps such as Ramah and furthers Jewish education for the children of Beth-El members

Hannah & Philip Kittenplan Fund For students of TBE Religious school for summer study or religious enhancement programs, or for Beth-El graduates for Jewish Theological Seminary study. Includes support for Jewish camps, trips to Israel, etc.

Margaret & Kurt Hirsch, MD Student Education Fund Provides funds for students of Brown Religious School for activities designed to strengthen their Jewish education

Robert G. & Mildred Meyer Eskeles Religious Edu. Fund Provides support for religious educ. at Beth-El

Stanley J. & Sidney S. Schapiro Education Fund Benefits individuals for educational purposes, tuition grants, travel, organizational activities

Cantor Morris & Helen Okun Youth Music Scholarship Fund Assists children of Temple Beth-El members in developing their musical talent

Mary & Alex Cohen Education Fund Provides teacher training for Temple Beth-El’s Religious School including in-service training, attendance at CAJE, class-es for teachers to enhance religious school program-ming, and similar training opportunities

Charlotte Sobel Licker Memorial Scholarship Subsidizes+ travel to Israel for a full-time college student who is currently attending school and has satisfactorily completed one college year

Susan & Mark Sisisky Summer in Israel Scholarship Fund Provides funds for a confirmand whose parents are Temple Beth-El members with an interest in Judaism and a desire to learn

New School Fund For capital repairs and improve-ments for Parham Road Religious School building

LEGACY FUNDS Non-restricted funds to support TBE operations annually

Lily & Louis Frankel Fund Fanny & Joseph Rudlin Fund

ADULT EDUCATION FUNDSSarah & Meyer Vitsky Memorial Lecture Series Fund To promote Adult Education through lectures, activities, etc.

Susan Marks Cohen Memorial Fund A perpetual endowment for the benefit of all Temple Beth-El Libraries, including but not limited to the pur-chase, housing and maintenance of all forms of printed and other educational materials

DESIGNATED FUNDSArk Fund To maintain or replace ark curtains

Kalman Library Fund To support purchases of books, media, etc. for all Temple Beth-El libraries

PlayPen Pals Fund Provides care & equipment for infants & toddlers during all services

Prayer Book Fund Replenishes all types of prayer books used at Temple Beth-El

Rabbinic Book Fund for purchasing books for the Rabbi's teachings

Ritual Objects Fund To maintain and/or replace ritual items needed for services

Senior Services Fund Facilitates programs for our seniors including transportation to synagogue events, programs and the purchase of special materials for programs.

Siegel Torah Fund To maintain, repair and pur-chase all Torahs and ritual objects owned by Temple Beth-El

Temple Beth-El values your contribution to any of its funds. Your kind generosity will be acknowledged in the Bulletin and the recipient(s) will be promptly notified. Simply complete and return this donation form together with your check made payable to Temple Beth-El. The minimum for each donation is $18.00. 



In honor of Speedy recovery of Marking yahrzeit of

In appreciation of In memory of

Your Address:


Your Name:

Your Phone:

Please make a contribution to the following fund:


For (Bar Mitzvah, wedding, etc.):


$400 Simcha Tree Leaf $75 Lev Shalem High Holiday Prayer Book (Large Print)

$18 Contribution

$50 Lev Shalem (Mahzor) High Holiday Prayer Book

$800 Simcha Tree Rock $500 Memorial Plaque $5000 Large Yahrzeit Tablet Other, please specify:

Please send acknowledgement card to:





$50 Siddur Lev Shalem Prayer Book

Credit Card No.

Temple Beth-El Donation FormUse the form below OR go online: bethelrichmond.org/payment.php

Temple Beth-El3330 Grove Avenue • Richmond, VA 23221

Phone: 804-355-3564 Fax: 804-257-7152

Brown Religious School601 N. Parham Road • Richmond, VA 23229

Phone: 804-740-0820 bethelrichmond.org

Michael Knopf .....................................................................................RabbiMarian Turk ...................................................................................... HazzanFaith Kallman ..................................................................Executive DirectorRamona Brand ....................................................Director of Youth LearningBenita Felmus..................................................................................PresidentSara Waskin .............................................................................Vice PresidentBonnie Wilensky .....................................................................Vice PresidentDeborah Minden ....................................................................Vice PresidentMarci Linas .....................................................................................SecretaryChris Greenberg ............................................................ Sisterhood PresidentKrista Fidlow ......................................... Communications & Bulletin Editor

Temple Beth-El Bulletin welcomes submissions of articles, photos, and artwork.

Submissions are generally due by the 15th of the month prior to the month of publication and may be edited.

Display advertisements are available. Contact k.fidlow@bethelrichmond.org


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