11 McCaffrey EVE EPO -...

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Transcript of 11 McCaffrey EVE EPO -...

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    EVE EPO Toolkit1.EUV FAQ2.Google Earth Ionosphere3.UV Activities4.Space Weather Monitors5.EVE EPO Website6.GEMS Science Kits (LHS)7.All About EVE DVD8.SDO EPO Slidedeck9.Tips for EPO10.Discussion

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    EPO Tips1. Know Your Audience2. Keep it Simple3. Minimize Text - Maximize Images4. Be a storyteller5. Use Humor6. Use Repetition7. Use Repetition8. Be Interactive9. Emphasize just a few key points (- less is


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    The very high energy radiations are absorbed in the upper atmosphere and do not penetrate to the earth’s surface.

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    The visible and infrared radiations reach the earth and determine our climate, create our weather, warm the earth’s surface, and, through re-radiation, warm its atmosphere.

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    But this portion of the spectrum remains unchanged year after year, varying at most only by fractions of one percent.

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    The portion we cannot see-- the radio waves, X rays, and otherhigh frequency and particle radiations-- do change markedly, according to solar activity.

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    By observing these changes, scientists learn much about the sun and earthand their relationships.

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    Putting a satellite into orbit is simply an extension of rocketry…

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    It may say aloft for years instead of only a few minutes, and it covers a wide range of latitudes or longitudes, or both.

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    Within less than an hour it can obtain data on both the day and night sides of the earth and the summer and winter regions.

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    …Satellites have already helped us make more precise measurements of the density of “empty”space.

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    They have encountered a band of intense solar radiation that appears to double every 60 miles above 250 miles to the greatest height yet reached.

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    So far, it appears that the radiation is trapped in this region by the earth’s magnetic field.

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    EVE EPOPast

    •Pilot Project with MESA St. Vrain School District,Skyline High Cchool, Longmont, CO•Semester-long space-weather program for English Second Language Learners•Include the use of Sudden Ionospheric Disturbance (SID) Monitor

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    EVE EPOPresent

    •Expanding into other MESA Schools (after and during school)•Developing and testing a space weather education kit•Materials available online•DVD with tour of LASP, interviews with scientists, overview of space weather

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    EVE EPOFuture

    •Sharing EPO materials with other SDO programs on and after launch•Collaborating with LASP on Space Science Education Summit (June 08) and Journalist Workshop (Pre-launch)•Expand the network andemphasize best practices

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    The Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) is the first Living With a Star NASA mission.http://lws.gsfc.nasa.gov/

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    It will use telescopes to study the Sun’s magnetic field

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    The interior of the Sun

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    And changes in solar activity.

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    The primary goal of the SDO mission is to understand the solar variations that influence life on Earth

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    And humanity’s technological systems.

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    How is the Sun’smagnetic fieldgenerated andstructured?

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    How is the sun’s stored magnetic energyconverted and released into space?

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    RESEARCH QUESTIONSHow are solar wind, energetic particles, and variations in the solar irradiance formed?

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    SDO Provides HD Resolution Information

    What information can you obtain from this image?

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    Versus this image?

    • 50 times better spatial resolution

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    SDO Team

    • NASA and three Instrument Teams are building SDO

    – NASA/ Goddard Space Flight Center: build spacecraft, integrate the instruments, provide launch and mission operations

    – Lockheed Martin & Stanford University: AIA & HMI

    – LASP/University of Colorado: EVEAtlas V carries Rainbow 1 into orbit, July 2003.

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    SDO Data and Science

    Images of Sun’s surface (photosphere)

    -measuring magnetic field and probing the interior

    Chromospheric & Coronal Imaging-pictures of the sun’s corona (outer layer)

    Spectral Irradiance- -measuring specific intensity of Extreme

    Ultraviolet (EUV)

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    • Mass: 3000 kg• Power: 1000 W• Width: 6 m• Height: 4.7 m



    Instrument Module

    S/C Bus & Prop. Modules

    Solar Arrays

    Antenna Booms


    SDO Observatory

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    SDO Investigations:• Extreme Ultraviolet

    Variability Experiment (EVE)


    Solar Arrays

    Antenna Booms

    SDO Observatory

    Measures the solar extreme ultraviolet (EUV) irradiance to understand variations, such as flares, that impact Earth.

  • Extreme Ultraviolet Radiation Extreme Ultraviolet Radiation






    Surface Magnetic Field


    2×106 K

    8×104 K

    6×103 K

    11-year solar cycle

    … varies continuously,by 50% to


    … emerges from the Sun’s outer layers (chromosphere, transition region, and corona)


    From Judith Lean

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    EVE Data & Research

    Measure Changes in Extreme Ultraviolet

    EUV &X Rays Create Earth’s


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    EVE Data & Research

    All of the radiation measured by EVE is absorbed above 75 km, most above 100 km.

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    SDO Investigations:Helioseismic Magnetic

    Imager (HMI)HMI

    Solar Arrays

    Antenna Booms

    SDO Observatory

    Images the Sun’s magnetic fields to understand the Sun’s interior and magnetic activity.

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    SOHO/MDI, January 14, 2004

    HMI: “Seeing” Magnetic Fields

    The Sun’s magnetic field.

    One ‘day’ in the life of the Sun’s magnetic field (January 2004.)

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    Solar Cycle at the Poles

    Potential to observe the solar polar field reversal

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    HMI: An Ultrasound of the Sun

    Measuring Velocities Inside

    the Sun

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    HMI: An Ultrasound of the Sun

    Observing Solar Weather!

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    SDO Investigations:Atmospheric Imaging

    Assembly (AIA)

    Solar Arrays

    Antenna Booms


    SDO Observatory

    High-resolution images of the corona over a wide range of temperatures.

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    AIA: It’s the Time Dependence

    • HD images of the corona

    • High-resolution & high-cadence views of solar activity and flares.

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    • Launch Date:January 2010

    • Possible option : June 2009



    Instrument Module

    S/C Bus & Prop. Modules

    Solar Arrays

    Antenna Booms


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