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puly l O, 18!)(l.]

IJIT'l'LE, fOl' tito COllllllission:

Tite JJlec!uu"¡c, an Amcl'icau schooncl', fly illg the flag of tilo U llitc(l Rtntes, Ta uúr, mas tor , sni lcd f1'OI11 Hayalla, .-\pl'il 17, 182-1, with fl geucral ca rgo, bOllll'l fol' '1'a lllpi co, :\f cxi<:o, 'l.'irt

K ey Wcst, .r\. prtl't of tho ca rgo consistcd of goo, ls yrt !uctl a t Il ('a r :::20,000, shippocl fmm tilo (Juhan pOl't hy JOftf]llim

H 01'I1:\I\llo7. Soto, " hy 01'(101' :1.11<1 on accollllt amI l'isk of UolJcrt Barl'y, of Bnltirnol'o, an Amc1'i.cftu citizcn," and con­s ig ncd to " Aut. 1\1. l\Iil'anda, Pueblo "iojo, 1\[cxieo, 0 1' his ass ig u8, 110 01' tiJO) p:1.y illg fl'cight 011 tIJ o saÍ{l goods.;'

The \'osse}, with Soto auo:\ rd , mTi"od nL 1\0\- "'ost in duc • OOUl'SO, i\ud dopndod thoroÍl'olll :\1:\)' 4-, with hel' son papol's in pl'OpOI' fOl'lll . '1'\\'o days out silo "'as cap tu red by a pl'iyatecl', the Gen.e1'al Santan'¡er, Chnse, maste r, lindel' COlllllliss lon of t he ]{cpnhlie o f Colombia agaius t Spa in, al1(l llctaillod nuele!' a cha l'ge oC eal'l'y illg enemy's gootls, Colombia beillg thcll at Wn.l' witb Spain, fu L' iJl(le pendellec, Soto, ",ith sorne cight othcrs, hcing tnkcn from tho vessol, she was scnt in ehargo of a prizc erow to a Colomhia)) port fo l' adjl1<1icatioll of tho gooc1:; scizcd, llOfore t hc propol' tribunal. In duo seasOI1 libel pmccollillgs wel'e itlstitutcd agninst tho cargo he fo ro the ColOlll uinn prizc eourt nt Puerto Cnbello, :lucl Oil tll e 9th of Jnly, alter henring, tIte Soto iuvoiee was found to lJo encJUy's property, nlld cOlldmuuecl as good prir.e.

l\1ny 14, Barl'y procured iusurallce Oil tlle gooc1s ngnillst

a.H 105s, illeludillg IOHs by capture, pasl aud pl'ospedi\'C', occl1l'l'ing dUl'ing that tr ip, in t",o Nc\\' York companies, to

wit : :::12,000 in tite AtI:lIIti c Insl1 n1ncCl Co, allcl ~7 ,OOO iu tlle H ope III ~ ni ' :ltl cú Co" ol lhat cit.)' , In .1au11al')' , 1825, tile Atlanti c paid it r; poli c,)" iJl r1111J :llhl in .June foll owing ll! e Ho po paitl it's , wi i h ::: 175 iutt: L'cst , 1I.1 :'lk ing ilJ aH Sl!),175, rf)\'úJ'illg tile f1111 \' :11I1C of ihe g:oo(1 ~, Soto m:1I1c a forllla l n~sig:nIllCll1t, allo11t Uds tim e, of fi ll illld si llg ula r ¡Ii rig ht ~ per­tai ni ng lo S3 ¡II goo<ls. n 1111 g ron' illg Ollt or t110 en ptnrc lIlcreof, lo li le' inRllfl1 l1 Cl!' co mpau ies,

Tt cloC's 11 01. np pc!lJ' t1li'\t hc made au)' elerli o ll to Sfi \'O th cm from cnplnn', hy th ú n ~se rti oll o f OWllCl'sh ip n~ a J) ' utml, ('i tile l' ili ell 0 1' n ft erw:lnls, iu Lile pri ~c COlI l' t , n s cms he ab;\1l11oncc1 til (: [)J ni capture, r\ YPllr Intc)', \\'hen t.il e illSUI'­

nntC C'olllp:l1li S ",e re pl'cpAl'ing lhe ir caso for pI' scntt\ti o ll herore tito Colomhi:1II \'O\'OI'llIll Ol1l, he Illad l" anilbvit lililí h "'as n nalivc f , 'pni l1 , hllí a citi zcu of Mep: ico, n ~lged 111 IIICI'Calltilo lJIIsillc¡,;s th{'l'c, ami Lad IJce ll bine UHCJ; th ni 110 ill\'oi(>('(l lll o gootls i ll lh E:s nn..ru e o f n n)'I'Y 10 1' saf ty, n lld lhnt 110 S pa llis lJ sl1 bj l'd hnd illlJ ¡lIle rest ",h:üo\'or in th ol11 al lito tilll c o f s hipJll Cll l, 0 1' afl I' wfll'ds, lI ley he illg his Role :lI1U exc1usi \'() propcrly ,

1' 11 l S2fi , Ll l!J G O\'C I'III IlC lli or l ho l ' uilcd . ' lales pI' sout d tbo ('lailll of th inRtII';J.II CC cOll1pnnirs rOl' iJl(1rltl llity, in lho pn'llIiscs, nguinsl t ll e (:o\'enllllcul of CololIJbin, i t he illg nl­lcgcd lI la l ti. goolls \\ ere nell il'a l, nud nol, as fOUla1 hy th cOll l'i, cllC'm.r·s propPl't.\', R ul l10lhing wns nllowccl by thnt Cm'cm Ill cn t.

r\.rlC I'- llp \\':\I·d~ uf 2,j ,rcars aIter-ll! di::-,olnlioll o f Co­IOlJlbia (l ftiO) :\1 1(1 tho ndjn -tm enl f he!' linlJi liti s hctw{'('n tito cOllstit llCIIL Slalo~, lift.r po r CClllull1 lhel' o f (allillg lo N \\' Grft llnda, tia' ill!'ll l'lI l1 CO cOUlprlllips t\Rsign d thnL pOI'­ti o ll (lf lhe ('lfl ill1 \\ hj (' h WilS ag:l. i us lIulÍ Stalc, uame}", 0 110-

hal[ of it, t i) ti lO pI' sClI l cla illl :l ll t , Amos H, (' 1' \\'1 11 , '

J r" prosc('lllc' tl tllt' pOl'tio n ~o :I!isiguC'd ngn ill ~ í lh llL 10\'­(' I'I1 I1 I(' lIt hefol'c lh C' )Ii x('(] 'O llllll ish io ll ll11C1t ' l' lll ' lr :Jly, bc­l\\,(it ' l. Xl' " (:I':wada il lltl tlh' l ·lIill'd StnlC's, of t 37, nlld M't'll l t'l1 nll a \\ ,tI't1 fol' lhc' 01ll01111 t lh '!'l'or. lo " il, ti. 11I1.1f o f

::: ]~). 1 7;j . with intl'J'c:-;t to Lhc date oi' tll c nlJowH uce, l SG'J, it lll O lllllill g ¡JI ¡\1I to $--.

111 l Sü;J, til O Amcricftu :;\liuistcl' <1.t Cal';\~:t ti atila .. d t lJ e YCll­oz nclflll C: O\"l) rUJl lcnt, il! lJcll tt!f (11' CO I',," ill , lo pn.y its propor­t iou o f ti lO illsllraucc d aiUl, to wit. 2S~ per cc ll t U11I .

T ia! l' lai 111 fOL· Lh¡ü pro portiou was presentcd to t he Caraca!'; COlll llliss illll o í .I SG7-'li8, wh ich Hw¡.nlcd I.i lll 8I Ü,G2D.S7. lt is 110 \\" 1l1,ul e beforo n 8 ,1lid ;Ll llOUllts witl! iu te rest to 1lear 830,000.

IL is \\"e ll tic ttlcd t lJat \\' lwl"c t l H~ rc i:-; alJaudOll 1l1Cll t of pl'Op­erLv unde l' c il't~ nJtl st:1 llcCS lilw t lwsú, nmI tl lU cutil'C 1055 i::;

)J :).id . tl lU iwm rcl' succccds to all the I'ights of ti lO i llsured , oí ", lw tcycl' kill(l , I"cspect illg tile propert,," . ati of t il e t.ime of alJa l.l dOUlll cllt (I 'hill ips ou lus. , ~ líl~ et Se']. H oll brook, n.~l lll ' r , v. l luited State~, 21st et. Cla il11s, 4:-1S). Thc coun'!yauce uy Soto to t ito insuranco CO lllp iUli~'~ , in 18:!5, waS th e l"efol"O CJu ite S\l pel"t111 ous. T he cOlll pa uius wt.' re s111Jl'oga te(1 to his rigltts llnd lo thcm oll ly. A qllcst ioll suggests itsúlf, whethcl', in I"e:-i p oct to this t l'onLy, snpposiug Soto to han) b úC II a Mox­¡onu, tile cOUlpall ics rlo lIot sllcl:úed SilllJlly to tlte I'ights wlt ich IIU \\"o llld han :, if lil"iug, lm t fUI" tho pn)"l lloll t of tIJ e 1I1SIIJ"a ll(;O. Ir so, t ilO.)' calluot clai lll ¡Iore, for hu, llo t uúiuJ..{ a. ci ti zou of t lle U ll itCtl Sta tCli, \\"o nl \l have 11 0 s t:\IHliug llllder

tilo trúaty. "'0 thiuk, howc l"e r, that it is 110t t bcil' statas. To hoJel so, would be to say thcre llla.r he iUl";lSiou of ll ouLl'nl rights withont rclUC<.1y. Mux ico refl1ses to iutcrfcre ill Súto's uuhalf, fO L" he. is iUtlÚllIu ifiúd . U rcfusús t il e COlll ­

pitui es, I D!' thcy a re A meric:\l1s. T il o lTuitetl Sta tes re fu ses t lJe lu uecu usc thcy lw.\"c ull l)' t lJe l'ights oí Soto, ¡), lId he has UD c1aiul OH ¡ts se n ·ices, fOI" he is a Mex ican.

'rile truo viow a~ it seelllS to 11S is, t)¡ ¡~t thc cO\Jlpan ies a re to be l'egal'd C!cl :lS haviug succcec1eLl to Sot,o's rig hts at the 8ciz­ure o [ t he goods, Mil)" (j, ;\ml, o í course, cmn 07/81'13. Ir t hc capturc was wmug[ul, tilo ",ron:; was úousummatci.1 :.tucl tltelJ

fil'st m¡lllo :1ppnreut by Ule judg:ment oC t he prize CO IlI ' t, and COllS lllUlIl¡ÜCtl (lS <lfld i nst ti/cm. The)' therefo l'e sbt lld in rC­

spad of tll e Wl'Oug, not i n Soto'!) shoos, out in tl lCir own. TI I )' cOII!:ieqll cllUy Iiaro n, standing bef e in tbci l' 0\\' 11

o riginal l'ight. Are t]¡ey bOl1 lld by t hc juc1g ment o [ liJe prizc courl ? It has uceu s lIggcsted ¡tI nrgu motIt whelhcl', as indoed i t

8coms lo h:'L\'c uecll cIl1 il.tlcd hy til O Am crican ]linistcr :tt 130g ta in 182-1· '27 lhat, Colo mbin, !J:niog IJCC Il Spauish LCJ'­rito l')' at th e t imo, \n \s bo uml a.s lo lile U uilo(l Sbtes by tlJ e tl'ca ty uctwceu ti lO l:üler aud S p:\in o f 17!J5, which CLubod ied U/o tlodril1 llmt {{ free Rhi ps lil a}\(} [roo goods," lll:1k illg its

violnti oll nu act of p il':\cy i nll ll t.b nt s uc IJ o hlign ti oLl cou­tinued duri lJg lior stl'uggle fo /' illtlepoudellce. 1\[1'. Cl lic(­JU8tico 1\I:11'5h :111 , {) lranch , lU! , sajd:

' ''l'11c Ullitc<1 StnteR unviug fon llcd II po.1't. of t11e Hri tish ElUpirc, lL cir pr iz(l Inw wns ours ¡ 1'1111 w!l rll we Reparntod it. contillucrl lo be Otl rs , 80 rn r o.s nllRplcd to Ol1 r circlllUstnuccs , Ilud " ns lIot vari ad 1))' Lil e powc r wlJ i ch was Cll¡JlI. lJ!e o f chaugins it."

It is lik lJ.w ise prouably 1ru ' tll ilt t ile Sp:tllish prize ln.w, i lll­

presscd, ii mar bo, with s ucil cOllveut ionnl Ulolli fi caLio lls as lo parf icnJa.r Stat s :\8 \r oro from timo to timo Ill ade, UCC:lIlhJ

t ll e pl'i zo la", of lIJe Spnnis l. -A mol' iC:l1I COIUlli cs, !oi ubjccL to th e lj ualif ic ;Ltiom¡ 11:\111 0\.1. CU ll ced il.lt; ils up raliull as lo 00-100ubia at inde púlldeucc, it co nllnued, nlld e r l IJe prin cipio stalcd, only so Ioug ns :\daptcd to he r coudü io ll , a.nd 11 0, of cOtll'Se, was the jlldg o f lbal. Tito \·c ¡-)' :lcl o f sandin:; o ut privntecl's lo pro)' upou Spnll ish comm orce was !\t ouco a c1clcnniu:ltion tha t lllo . 'pauis h pl'izc law, ",itlt il COJlVO I.l ­

tioual JIIod ificati llS as to tlio Uuiled Sl:ttos (ir boforo ill forco), was BOt adupt 'd to he!' drcumslnllce, ami :ü tlJO sa mo timo n (locro (1 vnryi ug it 1Ji' he r pow r," in courol'u liLy with iutema iOllal la\\'.

T]¡ o Cju sti oll aroso iu the cnso o f Lhe ci/OJ'a, [1. pauish "csscl cn ptnrcd b,rn a rthagou inn ]>l'iratoc r,nnd lakcu :\gni l1 uy un America. n cn tiscr, sl1pposiug iL J3rili h, d llri ng tbo wn.1' of '1 12,

'1'11 .. : UN ITlm STATEó ANII V":NEZU EI ./\N ()U;\DIl S~ IU:\ _ 1 ~3

TlJe S lIpromo COlll't of the U nitctl Sb\lcs srdd : .. '1'110 trenly witL BJ!niu eftu Lnve no be.\riuS' on tlJ e en."c , ns tui", Cou r t

cn llll o1 f tll:oguize IIUCU cnplorii [ liJe ClLrlhnsc ll iall~J lI '1 j,imtcM¡ nmI t1U! L';lp_

l nrc Wtlll uot lUnll tl withiu our jurilldictiounl limih. iu tbo.'lo two CMO!' on ly tlOCI> t1lc trcnly cujoiu r cstitntiulJ." ( .1 Wllcntuu, ·1\.)7.)

Sa id t ilo sumo OOl1l't in c:lSO or tllLl 1 ~/¡.,101',l, H S pallish ,'osscl ca ptul'e(l by a pl'h-alocl' 11Iltlor t lle lIag o f La Pinta, ~ Whcatoll , D3, pe>' ;1('\1'Shall , C. J.:

' ''l'bc Cl\~ of tIle Uuitecl SlatcK 1) . Palluer, :1 Wbcnloll , GlO, establisbe8 t!J tI pri ncipie ibnt. lhe GO \'crmuell t of tilo Ulli ted Stntea Lnviug rccoguüo:ot! tLc ex ist e uee or n civ il wJ\r uc tweeu :-ipa iu nud Le r eolo uicti, uut. rClllniu:llf,; IIctltrnl , the courts of (h c L' ui oll nl'o boullil to cou¡.¡¡¡h,-r nI! lawfnl those nch whie l! wll r aut bori1.es, 1\1l~1 whi el! lbu He\\' GO\'C I'lll1lClllli of Solltb Amer iCII lila)' clllploy ngniu'it th cir cucllIy."

lt SCCIIIS lo liS, t1l c l'C'foJ'c, cica!' thnt Spaill '¡;; t!lIgagclllculs tI) t ilo Ullitc\l S talcti, lludor t hc t l'caty oC 17U5, (lid llot cx­

loud lo Il ll cl hilHl Colomuia iu l'CSpcct oC t ilO (loetrino s tate\.l , aL Ic:u4 at tlJe timo oC lhis capturo. alld lhi\t tilO Inw oí !lations ill th il:i I'ogan'! w:u; th oll huI' 11l1ly g uillo, 8110 1I0t as j'ct havillg uo uwl hÚl'self coutrnriwisc hy ll'l.mty.

'f ilO scizul'o ur tilo Santa.nder o[ lile J1/eclHlllic, :\lHl tllC sClld illg oC II cr to rued o Cabollo for n.llthol'ilati\'o dccisioll :lS lo )¡cr c:u'go, Illltl CI' a. clailll oí ¡lo:; uc iug c uclIIy's (Spalli~h )

pl'o pc rtj', amI t·l1 u mlj utl icatiou tllel'o by tilo OolomlJian pl'izc court oC tiJa qucst iull, ",el'C. as is cOllce¡led, authorizcd by

ti lO law oC lIatiol1s, 13 l1t it is cOlltell(le(l tIJo court [O Ull tl tll.lt. Soto was :\ Spr~ui¡~nl , w)¡ cl) he "'as in í:tct a l' l ex icuu. amI that its jlldgmcllt beillg I'rc¡licatCll ou thaL el'l'ol' of fact, is

Ilot lJimling on tiloso comp:\ui es as ' l'eSpCf'ü~ theil' tlclIl:\uds n.gn insL tlle gO\'Cl'll IlHH1t o[ th e captor.

U 1Hlotlbtcdly n. Wl'oug done by a gO\'Cl'U Ill Cll t th rough its p ri :r.e courts is l'utll'essible iti a propcr case tlle samo as ir tl OllO Lhl'Ol1 g h ils oth cl' CO lll'ts 01' agencies. Dut tll e Wl'oug 11111SL bo sbowl!. .

Although a p r i:r.c co nl'L is SllU1lllil.l'Y in pl'ocoocling, itctillg

in timo of wal' ",hcLl ilu¡xutiality iu procedure aud tlccisioll

is Ilot, ju jn'ucticc, gcucmlly thol1ght to be att...'tiuecl; yet its

jn<lgmollt;, a 1'O in tlJO eyos of t il o public la", l'cspectcd lUlleh ns jlldgmcnls of Ul ullicipal courts arc. MI'. " ' hentou says:

•• '['be lhrory of 1111 lJlic Inw I renta prizo I ri lm uala t:s lnLJisu od by Rud ,hlioS iu ti .. !) bclligcrollt. coulllry cXRCtly u ir luey wero clltablished IJ)' RUll ll ittiug iu th e neutral COll nt ry. Rud 1\5 ir tlJe~' al wuys Rd jndic:::atcll couforllllLbl y 10 lli o inte r­nntioulIllRW commou lo both."

Tilo Supremo Courl of lbe Un it ed Stntcs declared a prizc tribllual-

•• A cOll ri or lh e ln1\' of untj olls, "nd tnkes noilhe t ita chnracler nor its ru l08 frolU the muuic ij)a I IR\,.:' (Schoonu Adtlilll',!) CrnuclJ, !? II. )

,,'11011 the Unilod Statcs co olplni nccl to D nrnnrk boeansc oC tha scutouces of her pl'ize conrts atrectiug citi zo lls o r lll o [uitcd Stntes during tbo wa r ueiwoeu L1 H\t Powcr alld Groat Dritain , iL \\'a.S Dol t ll aL L1JOSO sonicue S \\' ro Ilgni usl th e woigbl oC tue oddonce :\11l1 prOU:lbly wt'o llg; uní 11lnL lbcy, beiu~ aITirmod by t ll o court of losl I'C orl, tl lllOunlcd to . r a denial oj'juslice."

:Uro '\' hcnfoll , quotin.' "ilh :lppI'O\'nl frO!ll tllc 110lnbl 1' ­

port of S il's Ooorgo Lec, Dudl oy :Hitlor, I 1'. P nul, (tlld Alr. Mllrr"y to tlle ]3Jitis ll Oo\'emlllellL, 1753, Il Lhe r prisal" by Pl'tlssia 011 ncco ulI l of capt ures by BI'itisl l cruiscrs ullCl co n­demílutiOlJS by British rullllira l1y COUl'ts, 8ft ys j i pluiul y ¡, "ows :

.. T OOl iu lhe opiuiou of tbe emiueul persOOJ by ",bOlO that l>npc r 1\·tLI ll rnwn up, if jlUtiOf bt tf~,j i,(¡1 ;/1 (f ck"r CIW b!l "Ji tlIe l rWtlllllú, Rnd nft ~n\'lI.rda 1.Iy t he prince, it forros t\ l~",fu l grotlud of repd .. .iJ a,ral nl t lbe uul u by whosc cowmi8Sioncd cruiserB aud tribunal. lile injllry i comwi u ed."

lt is 0 111.", Baj'S Yaltol, H iu cns S wll r j "Slice i61 'dr'18~tl or pal)Jf.l.bt~ (llhl ev;'¡clil 1·I'.iUbtice ill doue, 0 1' rnlcs aud forms 0pcll ly ,<iolated ," L)",L ti fillil sOllle" es hOIlI <l noL 00 r ')leel 1.

11 Tlw llritish 'HI'l," J¡ says, 11 cslnlJlishrc1 Uds UH\X IIll

with grcat 81n .. ' llg1h oi c \'idOIl C OIJ 1h OCCl\SiO Il oC tho l l l' tlS­

¡,UUI \e J¡, &cizcll nnd clcdn r el Inwful pri1. dul"i ur; tb Just \\'fll' . "

ronstl 1u et al, V. f-"coIHlI',l -1 "mll 'h .J04 · \ 'aH J , " I

Uk. 2, ~ .J j '/ '/,e J /f,ry.!1 rn uch, 14 ... ; 1 \rh _.lloII, _3 -. udiloit,ut '/'1'1I1ill«l/, I 131'0 k ,nOino tl in 7 \\"lico l., 2 3.)

Say::) BllllJt::)chli :

" Til o ¡, .. lIi Ho rt:u t \I'hi ch couAlil ll l 02d ilto pri7.e COlll'tJJ iR nl \\'n)"9 respOlIRiUle lv nentral alnteij Cor c \'cry 11I (/¡/ IJe., \'iollltioll or ¡ut tllllt iounl IR\\' conlluittcu to the préj ll llico oC lile uoutrnl lj by tlmt courl."

\Vo d o Jl o t imdoJ'sLtulll UIO \loctril lllall1101l1lc.ell by t.ilo Com­WiSS10 ll Ul'S ltllllo1' tll e t rC' a ty of 17!I·l ) uctwcOIl the l ¡nitetl Stat.cs amI G ront B J'itaiu , to b~ at \'nria llcc ",ith the forcgo­illg. ,,'hile t lley l'e rl1süll nCl(uiescenco to the contcll tiol1 that a pl'izo sClltcnce ntlinl1cd by thc LOl'ds l 'OllllUi 'is iollcl's was conclusi\'o 011 thc partícs (except as to t IJe ,·elll.), tbey seemotl to pInce it (othcl'wise) aloll g' with otho!' jlldgllHlll tS. Thcy saiel :

.. A ~o,' c rc ig ll ie ne Uluch linlJ le for wroug fnl nct ioll of prizo courtli Re he is Cor t he ",rouCfn l nc tiou oC nuy othcr co urt. "

TIJei!' illsistOllCO Illny 1JO {,OllfleIHwcl in nlmo!;;t tll cil' exnct wOl'(ls: Pl'i zc jUl'isd ictiou 1I111St be 1'iyhtflllly uscd uy ti lO stato that clnillH; i t. .F wm thi !:! no OIlC will ,1isscllt.

COlluscl fo l' Yellozudn: thcu, is qnito r ig:ht in s:l)' ing, fI ti lO qu cst ioll fo 1' 118 is 1I0L wh atIJ ol' UpOll t}¡e (uds hefore t hc jJl'i ze court we lrouhl hayo CUIIl C Lo a. Ili lrll l'Cll t COUClllSioll. " tt is ",hotiJo!' tiJo proccotlings a mI jutlglucllt o í Lhat conrt Wcl'C 1lwn irCb·tly alld "f! }'{"inly \\'ron;.;, to tilo pl'~jlldi ce oC t ll e daim allt.

,r t) [l r c 1l0t COI1 \'illccLl oC thoir wrougfullJ css.

Thc Colomuian prizc COl1l't wns llulJ estaLlis h ell iu pllrsu­IlIl CO o f n. law of tho Colomui:lII Cougl'CSS, passc(l OotOUCI' 1-.1 , 1821. Thnt la", <tlllhorizccl t hc Execnti\'e p o wor to estnb­lish prizc courts iu tIl O Hopuulic) aucl proUlulgatc r ules :\Ilcl rognlati olls fol' thoir p rol:cllul'O aud go\'crume llt. This wns clOIlO uJ l-:xecnti\'c dacme, l\Inl'ch 30, 1822, iu which ti lO rigllts a1ll1 d uti cs oC partias Ulld oJlicers iu pri ze ma.tterl'i al'C soL (o rth rull.)' ) nn tl ",itb pr~cjsion , fMu1 , so mI" as \\'0 are I1d ­viscd , in couConuity with t1l0 }'C<lnircllIeuts oí t iJ c publi~ In\\'

0. 11 (1 tho usagcs oC natiolls in this re.go.rd.

~eJle }JrizQ conrt co usislecl oC tho S enior Coulluaudn ul oC t il o D Cpl\1tlllCIIl, \\"ith nn US6W)1' lenrllCll itl tho lit\\". An ap­

penI IHj' (1'0111 its llccisioD to t he ,'npl'OlilO 'ou d oC J lIst,iee, '\'e see in thoso laws no uas is ro r tite compbiut, thercCol'o,

o f one oC th e l llsllrn llee cOlllpnni c~, lo lUI'. c.1:1.r. in 1825, agaillst lIJe Colombiilll 11 orc1inance " es l.:lblis lliug tll e COll l't.

Tile procecd iugs be(oro tbe tribunal seeUl to ha\'e beoll regula.r :\IId ¡u .:l ccol't1allce with usage.

Oll tile IJcll l'ing, July O, 1824, ue foro til e ti S eniol' Com­mnndanl-Gcneml o ( tlJe , 'ecollcl l\[nriu D epnrlmc uL Jiml il1g bimself [ts~ocilllcc1 \\'l tll bis Asesor in tho Hall oC lh e Tri­buual," lo (Iuote tite Inugnago oí tho l'ecol'c1. tl.w following pl'ooís as app Úfi l'S fl'olU lile l'ecol'd-g i vlug its tonus- wcrc otrere,1 :

.. DocuUlenta nre rcenpi tult\ted NOQ. J i o .

.. No. 8. T cu siguc~l lcller6 \,.bicb fi tnlo lbnt. n.l llhe enrgo;a ~pnDi9b pro!)· ert)", whic h it \\";\8 emleavoretl to proteet Oeue/l.th the AU:lC r iertn fl ag .

.. No. n. Pon r declaration8 reJnting to the "eL or cl e ten tiou lJy tue eOIl~ig uce

eu plni u [ II.lnster(?»). passengers. l'Iu pe rcArgo. Rml pilol . "Cnptain [master] decln res Ih:\l tbe o llly tl l"l iclea whi cb be kuowiJ to ue

AUle r iCl\Il proper ty ure tbose lsclooging lo lJr. Gouticbc, 8upo rcnrgo. " J oolluiu lleflltlndc1, SOtO, uud or CotullJ.:uce autl pl\88Ou!;cr , dee lared IJ im.

fielt to be n olLt i"e of the ki usclom of Castillo, iu Sllnin ; tbat Le d id not kuow ",bo o.rc tlle owner. al tbe en rgo, Altbongh in part owner Rud oollsiguee !:lilu_ self. ",LieL por tian Le .6b lJlpecl cm bonrd RIl Amencnu TeMeI for grOl\te r curity tueroof .

"'l 'be cnptll.i n 01 tbe 8cbooncr AlccJumic IIl l\kea tll e followiug reptCaC ula. liou: That tLe Ilci al huieg tlclo.inod t.bis ¡CliOODer evineed tb"l tbe ca rg<' sbc uncl 01l bonrJ W¡\¡ 1l0 t. cODHidereu to !Je AlUcl"ican propcr ty, e%cel't t.liat pa rl bclougiug lO GO\llllehe. Co r nlllhe r(l8t. WAS ab ippcd by 11lerehnets oC Hil­vana, Iln~l Le Lelieves it is th eir elcJush'o pro) rty; IhA!. he kno w8 lbnl a lmost al! the ruerebnub 01 II ftVRu:\ end 6l1vor to ~lI R rd their intcrcslB lInder tbe Americ:\n lbg in orde r to escApe Cll.pt ur6 by the Colow bino )lr ivlll era; tblll be n 8S nothing lo stale iu favor ol sníd cargo, aud jUdgC8 tbtt.t il ill good pri ze. "

\\' Imi the SU pCI'Ca rgo 01' th pnssengcl's sn id is ti L iuii­Ulat d, UI111 t1l re i& Jlothil1g in tlle caSe t.o s ilo\\'. TIH.~ l ' lle rs al' 11 0 t h re, IJOI' a ll th cigltt (s ldp) doculll Il is, nncl all we kuow oí lhoir coulcnh; is s al '(l in tIJe l' corcl. FrOIH lid:;

fragmcntar)' ShO\\"1ug, aH tb ltt has COIl IO to liS, so far (l'om filldin g thü pl'izo judgmout mnuifes tly wl'ong, it seem!:i to liS

jns tifioll. The lcttcrs \re re sniil to sltow (tU tita cargo was Spanish.

TIl o captnin sail1 it \\"lIS ship pntl by ill crchauts of H~waua. He :mpPosotl it Spull ish pl'upcd .\' 1llHl goo,l prizú. H e kuo,,­thosc lJle rchnl.lts wOre accustolllcIl to scnd th eir merchauIlise nade r til e Áln erictt ll Hag. Soto clailUcd to Lo a nativo of Spain, but did uot prctc ud to au)' ono 0 11 Loan1 to be a. :l\1exl­cn.l1 j ttl lll tlisclaiull'tl knowledgo nf tho owu ers llip of tho goo¡ls. rrhorc Wll!:; no showillg of Il úll{ral propúrt,r befare tho COH L't,

asido from tlw tim;¡J1 aUW\1Ilt acqnittcd , autlnutlcr the law tI lO unnlcll \ras upon hill1 who n.sscrtcLl II cutralit.r of p roperty tú P1"O" o it. 'rIlo L'o utlnct of Soto ,,'as si ugnlar, to say tlle Jell st. If ho we re n RprUlianl, oue ca Jl r('iu1ily seo why he shippctl

tLc pl'opcrty ¡JI Bnl'l'y 's ll tllU C aJltl IliiiO\\' ll Od ¡t 011 tiJe s hip. 13ut wby Rhonl(l he do uithcr , if 11 0 Wl! l'e n. J[oxit':\Il? Tltore would oc a rcason tOL' tl!lS if tltú propol'ty !l<ul uccn s nbj cct to capturo in a.u AU lOl'h.:a.n vcssul by a Spani!Sh cru iscl', fol' )'Icxico \\'! l S a lso at wal' willt Spai u. Bllt nude r tite trcaty oí 1705, jt wa!:i llo t ~o :::iuujcct to captnrc. 'fo nttempt it ,,"ouId have LcCIl n,n {Id o f pÜ'acJ, snbjl'ctiug tho (Japton5 ro eXCC l1-li ou, (tull tht:li r gO\'Cl'lllrl úut to fun il1(lc llluilicabou.

Hls ex plallatioll, tlwJ'üforc, of shipnwut in 11nrry's 1H1.1U O fol' g rc¡\tol' safcty {loes uot cxplnill- il he WftS n.l\Icxicllu ci ti­ze u, Tilo cin:: ullls tauoes all poiut to his ueiug n Spnuish subj ect.

Apl'opos to tito qncstioH oí tIlO rúgularity ILlHl sullicicncy of tl Jl s pl'oof, nttcutiou is \lil'ectcd lo this passage iu tile

Opi lli oll of J'udgc Story ill tlie cn.se oí t Ite IsaócUct, G " ' hcatou, 1, tlccj tlct1 llot l1lauy j'Cfll'S uetore 182-4: :

" 1t is to be rccollcctcd," be Sl\id, H that by tLe settled rul c iu prize conrts tbo O/W& 1)/'O!xwdi of n uelllrnl illtercst. rcstH 011 thc CllliIUIlUt.. 'fbi¡¡ 1'ule is tOUlpcrcd l,¡y Iluolbor. ",hose liborn lity \ViII 1l0t be denied, tbnt tbe evidellco lo IlL'«u i lor cOlldClllu sball in tb o lirst iu stnucc como fl'OUl tbo iiu ip pnperR nud

the pnsscllgcrs on bonrl!."

Tilia jmlglllout waB, iu 011 1' opini Oll , in Ilcconbuco willt th o puulio la w. Soto, otile r Qwn ol'S of t1l u cll rgo,ll ud tiLO iusuranco t:o Lllptwics througl.L th o llI n¡:¡tor of l]¡o shi p, \\"01'0 partiúfi lo titO procoed illg~ <1l.1d uOllltcl by tholll uuloss ill \'oldllg: Illauifosl illj ustico. (Cnso of Jlai'!I, ~'1 'lJ)¡ '(l, Crolludcu el. ul, v, T.JcolJard , <1 'ranch,3·1.) rr ho unkod a flid:Hi t 01 . oto, a yea .. nrtcl'­wf\nls, cauDol n "flil ngllillst it.

Alld lIJ a :tflid,I\' it tnkcll at its faco \\'n~ /ti lensi oC q 11 0S­li ouablc sunicic l.lcr, \ludo1' t)¡o doctrine ]aid dOWll ill t he case of 1'1,il'ty lIog,lrc«'(s of "yar en Cmuel. , 328j, by CI.iof­,ruslico ~Jnrshn.ll J q uoting n liko ollllll ciati 11 uy , ir \rilJi nll1 ·cult. fu Lhnt ('tlSO, Bcntzou \Yn a s lIbj cct nll(l rosid cnt. of

DOJllll tl l'k, O\\' lI illg and opcmLing: a ll laul:ltiou iu anta CI'I1Z

isltl.1H1, thc l..I in possc8sioll r tilo 13rit ish, 'l'hiJ'ty hogshc'llls or sllga r llltlBu lach1l'c(l rrom tho p l'odnc(s of 8nic1 plautnlioll uy Dcntzou's agou(f) ll ll el COI' Lim, \\"01'0 Sllipp el fl'o!"}} t ho islnud on a nl'i li ~h \' 's .. "ol, cOUSiC'DCcl to a Il o l1so in LOlHl oll COl' ílCC01l ut of Bontz 11, n lhcir Wflj' (dtll'lllg til o \\"a r of 1812) Lhe r OS50J wn!;, capt1l rod by nu AlUol'icn n pri\'iü ec l', flml bronght to 13al tiUl ol'c, ",hore it and tilO cargo \\'ore liuoll el aS OIlCIU j"S prop rt,r, Holl . \Yero cousid"rod as gooel p rizc, :llth ongh tho r uilcd !-ilaLcs wns al poacc with Dcllma l'k, '1'IJo grollud of lllo dc('is iou as to tilo sngar "'as tbat it lo k il" clwl'itcter, "0/ ft'ulIl t1 lnl of tho 0 \\'1101', btl i fl'o lll tl. nt f t ilo :,o il o11 \\'h icL tho cllno \\"::tS pl'od ncecl. Ho\\' f::tl' 0 1' wh Ih l'

tllO goods o f 'oto 111:\.)' llf\\"O booll of hi l:l 0\\' 11 IIl Ulluf:\(;lnl'o ¡JI lub:\, Rl'is iug (!'Oltl pl'o<lncts ' 1'0\\'11 lllOl'o 011 bis 0 \\'11 Ifl1H1, lh el'o ii::; IJ oth illg lo ill tli cal ,

'rllerc is stilJ aIJotilor objcd iou to tlLi!:i c1aiul, 0\'011 if ti lO }u-izo s 'utCllCC was arrOIlOOUS. 'rl .i is 1101 n cnso, it mar he IJI'IJllliEied, whel'u ils pri u '¡plcs 11Il.\' beclI td '<11>y tite C~ lll't of ]:18t I'CSOl't, alJd nJI 1'0 :111 aflinuall 'e ",oul l follon' as a mnll 'J' r COll J'80 b callao of 'uc l! fOl' lllol' j ud icin l 80ltlCl ll 'ut. TII t 'u \\a ' in\·oh'·d n simple qu ,L:ttioJl of ract, to wit : WJ¡dh 1 lll ' 80lo ill \'oic(' \\ :lB CIlClIly'S pro!> I'ty.

It is l11 I'ougloly \\clJ octllcd thut i" s ueh " cas ns iud el

is trne o f judicial scnt.e nccs gClle l'nll )", ",i1ere npponls aro ron801l:\l;ly nttainnblc-a Slrtto 's lia.l lili Ly b cgins only when th u CO llrt uf {(l~t l'c8ort, accesgil,! (> by reasollf\ )¡Ie !U('nns, hns '\ct,CfI 011 iL.

rl' ll c doct.l'inc · is well stnLccl ),)' HIlLhOl'ronl, Inst., \'01. '1 , ch. H, * i D, qnoL(.'l l nppl'o"illgly ns;¡ pal't of ]Iis OWIl tf'xt 11)' i\fr. '''ll ento ll, IlIl! .. :/, ·JGG, Gth Am. Ellitioll. H e says :

" In arder to d etermine WhCll tLeir dgbt to np ply- [ lLORO illjurerl by wrongfnl sentellco of prize eo urtJ- to th eir 0\\' 11 State begius. we nmst in .. quiro wlu'll the cxchlRi\'e right oC th e 011lc r Slute lo j utlge itl th is COnl rO\'ersy oml",. Al; this c :<c1 u;,i\' c r ight iR 1l0tl1iUg dse but tL o right oC the Stnte to wLich t1u:! caplorlO belo ng to exn mino tbe condllct of its 0\\' 11 lI1eulbers beCare it bceollleR nll lO\\'crtthl c Cor \\'hnt tlle)' Ln\'e (lone, AllcL e :< clllRi\'c rigLt enlluot elld Ill.ltil til eir condu cto hns bee n UH)r,mghlyelfLlllilled. Nntnrnl e'luit y ",ill 1I 0l fi lio\\' tLnl liLe Sl",te sLould be fLns wernble ror thei r neis, nlltil those nets nre exru ni ncll h:r :1.11 tlle wnys whiel! t he Slnte has nppoiut ell (01'

lbis purpose. Sillce, therefore, it is u!lunl iu Illnritilll tl CQl1utri('s to cstnl,lish lIol 0111 )' infc,'ior eO nl'ls of Illarine, lo j lillge II'h8t. is Illlll what is not. In wrnl

pl'ize. h nt li ke wi se superior comt!! oC revicw, to ",hieL the pnrties mil)' nppenl , i f I hey 111 ink Ulc \Ilscl \'e~ nggrievctl by t be iuferior con rt,.: t.hc sll bj ccts oí n IIcutral Stntc cnu Iin\'e no ri~ht. to appl,y to IlJeir OIl' U 8t,:l t e Ior n remctly Ilgnim;l nlJ crrOlleO Il S SOlltellC'C oC (1.11 inCcrinr eonrt till tLey hn\'c nppcnlcd lo tbe supe rio r cOllrt. or lo tbe severa) slIlwl'ior conrb, if the re fl re more eOllrts oC th is Súrt. Ih nn oue. nn d till luo scutence Ilns Leeu confirmed in n1l of tb clIl. F'or Il lose courl s nro 1\0 mnlly /IleAI.)!'! r\ppo inlecl by tha S tnle, lO whieL tha cnptors be )oll¡:;. lO ex:\mi ue iuto thcil' eOllll\l cl; 1\lJ(1, liII tb ci r comlnel hl\s hcclI c Inllliu ctl 1>y nl! tb esc IIlcnus, tllc :-5latc's exclusive dgllt. oC jllllgiug

cout ¡uues."

Tilo la\\' of Colo mbia provido(l for appcals fl'om its pri zc COlll'ts t o th e Supl'e mo COll rt o f the RcpulJli l! , as sceu, yet tltere was no :lttCillpl. at appNLI. In fn.d, tIle cnptniu of tito vessl' l ~ú(;Jll ccl io a e<) ni esco iu t.he seutcnce-nt lcast , h e th o llght" as lIe stated 1,0 the cOllrt, ti lO goods eOllflemncfl goocl prize. TiJ erc is no renson to Rnpposo he not,ecl di s llOlWS Uy 0 1' colll1s iycly. TIJ e COlJllllct of Soto W:lS s l1fli. cieut, with the othcr [ads statc(l , to jnRtify llis l'omnrk. Ir Soto alH\udoncd tlle gooc1~ to lhúi l' fnte, why shonlil the captnin [nrthor liti­gato? H e , of COlll'Se, knc \\' notllillg o f t his p articular insnr­

r~II CO , fo l' it was olfeclcd cight clnys artol' th e capt.ul'e.

tilill ho wQnId ronsouably n SS Ulll O insllrfincC, alld ti lO Inw mado Itim , beiug the master 01 tite sh ip, th agonlol Lit e compnnics, io Lh oir nbsence, lo protcct Lhcil' intorosts in tlüs rcp;n l'cl, Hi rnilul'c to appenI, ir sucl, uUllor tI! ci rcum­St.'\ Il CCS b came his c1nty, was Ilot Lho fan lt of Colombin..

Th 1'0 is sti ll , nppnrontly, anothcr objcction lo lhis clnim aS it 18 prescnted on th e pape rs tr:l.llslllillcct !lB, H i5 proso­culccl by OOI'\\' i 11 , 'rho pap rs Ite re fni! lo s )¡o w lhnt ho ' \'or IIIu1 otil or ~ il1lc l' ('sl in lI lo iuslll'lluc el mauc1s LLau Lh porti on proso lItcd :tgainst N w (ircll fUl ll ..

rrh c tmn sfcr to bitn by lhe Atlnutic Ca mpan)' \\'as, to wit:

" For lUI) prOl>ortiou o f I08Ji said GO\' CfLIIlICUl [N e\\' G rolll\Cila l is Ij¡tblc to pny by rOI'iOtI of tbc scizu re of tlle cnrgo of t ilo _choouer .lltclw /lit in u;,t'l by tLe COIOlllbill.u pri"lI.teer Cmtral Santllfl(Ur, ,,'ho Hnld S IR te o f Ne\\' Grelllulft boioS linbl o to pn.y lbe ouo-hnH pa rt. o r tIJ o 10'\.\1 8ustaiDod by lit\id cow))!\.ny by rel'lson o r 8ueb seizure, o r the ImlO of noout S ,~, with , Itlterest. '1'0 bavCl\ wl lO hold t ilo said hereo." HOltll'lucI f\!J8ig uod p remiso8 unto 8Aid A1I1~ B, Corwin. hi8 hoirs slllllUlSig ll8 , ro revcr, "

'J~ h o lrn ns( r hy tI! Hopo COmpf\.lI~·, mnde nl lile sn mc time, i8 in snbslanlinlly ' th e Sfilll lerm~. Sn\'e as to tllI ' nmollut o f th e iutcl'csl h't\ns ícl'l'e<l ,

Bllt lhis half so t\ss ig ned to lI i ul \\'as nll owecl " lItirc hy thc Dogoln Coml1l ission in 1 G2, filld , so f:t l':lS nppct\ l's, scUI ('(l hy Xc\\" ,rcnn.(ln,

Corwill 's pl'escntntion through :\I inislcl' Onl\'o1' oí n cla iln in b is hc ilnlfllpo lI tllC YcncZ1lClnn Go\' m m nt , in l Sna, fol' h r 2S ~ pe l' ccnt. o f lile insurnll ce, "'as BO I..mscc! tlpOIl any ilJ ~ loresl b Id uy iLim so far as di scloó .1 1, r. H e ,, :\s IIOL:\ c1ailllunL o f thnL podion oí tilo n ll p(~cd illd bt.<-dnrss ""thin lllC menlling of Lhe Ireat} so far as "Jlpea,·.. 11 is 1 I"OJl r lo say, howe'·cr, tiJUI 1\" sllOl1 l<1 /J O be di 1'08011 lo rest lhe rlc­c is ion lIJlolI lh e pI' scnt showi ng iu tllis rcgnrd witltout fmlll r inquir.r, if tll clnitO \\'efeg el olh<' r\\ i to o ltlllny b o

lile e1iplomnlic cOITcsJl nelence ,,"ol1le1 SI1Jlpl.r lh e el fi i 11 y .

.t\gnin , r' ''CII i r lile orwiu el Illnlltl ill 1 G:j cO llld b


s huwn to ha.yo bccn :luLllor izcd, it scems to tlS it camc too late, Hudcr O Ul' nnllOU nCOI1lCll t in CflSC No. aG, if thnt "'as its fi l'st prescntation, VCllczuchl hac1 thcll becn :lo ~tn.tc 33 y C:U 8.

Th o dCIlIf\ud ",as 39 yenl's 0)(1. It had b ccn prescnted to the olt1 Ucpuulic Illld not allowcd . Venezuela 1l0W coulel not ue s llpposed lo ha \'e anticip:tted its l'CS ul'l"cction. 'rho witncsscs to tIJ e trn.IHmctiou in 182·' hacl , prcsllUlnbl)' , passod i\Way, allcl otlier lIIoans of defcncc becolU e t1issipatcd. 13l1t owiug to the possibl c in completeness of thc record in tlli s l'egal'd, wc pi'cfol' to uase OH I' oOllclnsion upo u tlJ o oth cr grounds s tntcd, nssulllillg pl'opel' :\nc1 timoly pl'cscntati ou o f th c clnill1 ngainst Y c llczucln,

rrlJ u clnim is disallowcd.