106681 Sr. No•••.. , Serial No.ofAnswer Sheet · 106681 Sr. No.....••...•.. Seal...

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Transcript of 106681 Sr. No•••.. , Serial No.ofAnswer Sheet · 106681 Sr. No.....••...•.. Seal...

106681Sr. No........••...•..

Seal of Superintendent of ExaminationCentre & Signature of Invigilator

by candidate by6all-Point pen onlySerial No. of Answer Sheet,... ,

t-------...,.-----------1 Declaration: I.have read and understood the directibns given below.

Signature of Invigilator ....................•.... Signature of Candidate: ; Date: .

Number of Pages in Booklet : 4$Name of Invigilator Name of Candidate :

No. of .Questions: 100Time: .

INSTRUCTIONS TOCANDIDAJE§1. (a) Candidates are allowed 10 minute. to fiUup the basic.

information about themselves in the OMR answer sheetsuch as Name. Roll No .• etc.

(b) After this. question booklet will be given to the candidates.they are required to do the follOwing :.(i) Examine the booklet and to see that paper seals at

the edge of the booklet are intact. Do not acceptthe question booklet if sticker seals are not intact.

(ii) Tally the number of pages/along with no. of Questionsprinted on cover of the booklet.

(iii) Check that question booklet contains the Questionsof all ,elevant subjects/topics as required and statedin the Note and no repetition or omission of qustionsis evident. . .In case of. any discrepancy please get the bookletchanged. This should' be done within 5 minutes ofreceiving the question booklet, after which neitherthe question booklet will be replaced nor extra timewill be' given.

(iv) After examining the question booklet please enterthe Serial No. of the question booklet at the appropriateplace in the answer sheet and the correspondingcircles be darkened with Black ball-point pen.

(c) Candidates are not permitted to mark answers in theAnswer Sheet in these 15 minutes. 2 hours more will begiven to marking all the answers. . .'

2~ (a) On paqet of Answer Sheet in upper half portion. writeName. Roll No .• Name of Exam. Name of Exam Centre,Date of Exam andSr. No. of Question Booklet supplied toyou. Put your signatures also. On the lower half portion ofthis page fill in the boxes 0 of the first topmost line incapital letters; your surname and name (in English). Write

. one letter in each box D. Below each letter darken withBlack ball-point pen the circle 0 bearing same letter. .

(b) On page 2 of Answer Sheet fill in your Roll No., etc. by writingin the 0 and below it by darkening corresponding O.

(c) On page 2 of Answer Sheet only the answers to questionsare to be marked. The mstruonons for this are availableon the back cover page of this question booklet.

(d) All entries to be made by Black ball-point pen.3. Optical Mark Reader (OMR) machine prepares the result by

reading the entries made in the circles 0with the Black ball-point pen on page 1 and 20f the Answer Sheet. hence thecandidate must be extremely careful in marking these entriesand must not commit errors. .

4. Please do not write anything extra except what is asked for.5. USE OF ANY CALCULATOR. LOG TABLES OR ANY OTHER

ELECTRONIC GADGETS, MOBILE PHONES ISPROHIB.ITED.6. f'lough work should be done on the blank pages provided

after each section or Subject. Extra paper wHi not be supplied.(For instructions regarding marking the answers please

see the back cover page 0.' this Question Booklet.)

~<i~~ .1. «fi) 3l~?f<ff<fil .m.~.am:.~-mz if ~ ~'fJl'J,

~-:i.~'R'f<t~10~'tiT~~~tl .~) ~10fiRc<t~3Mf~q;)w-T-~~~ 1~

~~~t: ... '.'. (I) m-~if"IIUtR'li~wft~~q;'hfl~~~If.fn

. ~<t>'hi\~wft~~~m-~~"1.fil1(ii) w-T-~ <t ~ (I~ m ttT·~ q;j ill'8A ~.~

"TO'R ~ ~ ~alT.~ ~ ~ 1(iii) w-T-~if~~~/~~fct;~iffl;m

~t <tw-T~f~w-T~ ~tIt-mf"qfw-T~m--mf~Cfit~~~~~1~Jri1l>1f~1l"M~'W"f-~~~1~~~~-~flR;A<t5~<f;~q:;vfit 1F<fi ~"'{ tit "lI'R-~~~ afR"'{m- 31fufu:RI ~ ~ ~ I

(iv) ~-~ttT*<t~w-T-~q;j'Sfi1'liq; Wffi~-meif affimI~1!;Ci Blackban-point-~<l~"tTiffi<fil~ I . .'

on -qU~"llR'It~ ~ 15 ~ Cfit~ 3lOIf~if ~ ~~ <tt'~-:mtl ~·~q;B<t~·2 ~q;j·~.alR·~~I· .

2. «fi) ~~~-me~"TOl <t~ ~~if 3ltAl"'{fq.~-:i.,• -qUfl:1T'tiT"'{fq.-qU~ ~ q;j'"'{fq.-qUfl:1Tfufl!lv:ci R'\- ~<ttifilI ~ affimI~ I'am ~PiR ~~ I~ "TO<t~~.~ if mm ~ Cfit~ if oR 0 "IID'ii if a:ffi;;ft <t~ if 3l'f'IT~ 1!;Ci"'((t! ~ I tl."i 0 ~ if tl."i m-3lPiRfulj. ~ ~ 3lPiR<t~ om 3lPiR"IJIffi~ 0 <fil Blackball-point ~ ~ -rmr CfiR'IT C!i\<f; ~'I

~) 'O'iR-me <t "TO2 'R ~ oj. ~ 0~ if fulj ~ .r.ntmo ~ <filBlack ball-point ~ ~ CfiR'IT ~ I(Tf)-am:-m <t lfliO 2 'R -g-v-ff <t-am: a:if.mf ~ f I ~

~~ if ~.~ 1ffi-~ <tw~ l!il" t I('I) ~.~ alack ball-point ~ ~ <ttfl f I

3. 3lTf~qi~P:"T<t~ (OMR) lfWl'-am~me <tt Black ball-point ~<l ~ lTtffi 0 <tt ~ <fil~ W~ .~ CIi«ft t. 3l(f:-qU~ q;) 00 ~ ~ t ~ ~-am-me <t "TO 1 tI 2~.<fil 'Il"ffl ~ lff-lff~· ~ ~ C!iW ~"'{ q;'{1

4. ~-~"tf".~lR-.m~~~<t~xm";1rfiIrR5. f~i~:ihftwm~~<Wte~;"(W'pr~til~lITar.q~~Ii"at~~.))

~q;);f~?5f~~tl .6. ~"CIil'f~WA-~<t"lMffilJ'l<i';;i\fcl;~~~~~

~.~ ~ f.:riiifuI ~ 'R.q;'{ 31fufu:RI ~-m ~ -;;nWr I


fI .

8-77 A-Set


II. 11


( 13/MPKT JTime for marking all 100 Questions: 2:00 H.~ursIJ

.N 100 ri q;f affifm cnR q;rWflI' : 2:.80 ~I:


[Maximum Marks: 100



1. This paper has Two sections, Section-A: General Science: Q. Nos. 1-50 and Sectlon-B : GeneralKnowledge: Q. Nos. 51-100 ..,

2. This question booklet contains 100 questions numbered from 1 to 100 and each question carries 1mark ..All questions are compulsory. There is no negative marking.

3. Tally the number of pages along with no. of questions printed on cover page of the booklet. Also check

that question booklet contains the questions of all relevant subjects/topics, as required and statedabove and no repetition or omission of questions is evident.

4. If any discrepancy is found in the Question Booklet, the same can be replaced with another correctQuestion Booklet within first 15 minutes.

5. Before answering the questions please read carefully the instructions printed on the back cover page of

the question booklet and strictly follow them. Indicate your answers by blacking circles carefullyonly on the O.M.R. Answer Sheet provided.

- 6. Use of any type of calculator, mobile phone or any other electronic equipment and log table etc. isstrictly prohibited.

1. ~~nl~-r-1l?I~GT~'t,'l9U6-3{: ~~: 'Sf.9Fl.1-50~'l9U6-6{: ~~: 'Sf.9Fl.51-100 I

2. ~~-1l?I~~ 100~~ 1 ~ 100i'fCfl%~~~ 1 ~CflI~1 'B'Ift~ ~'tl ~ 5liOIi,"'IGfi

'i~iGfi1-rm ~ I

3. ~-~ ~ ~ tf2iT '!PAl q;1 ~ CflI f1:ffiR ~"T'O"tR ~ ~'~3TI ~ em: B I m~m ~-~ ~ 'B'lft

~ fcr;rt;r/wr ~ fi.n ~ ~ 1l?:fTt~~ Bfhifcl('1 't<rr~ ~ ~"ffi -rm %<rr~ ~ m -rm %31lR cn1~~~~~I

4. ~-~ ~ fcfim"5l'ffi q;1Wl11rii ~"tR ~ 'Sf?fl115fl:rR ~ ~ ~ ~-~ ~ ~ I

5. ~-1l?I~~~~~-~~ ~"T'O"tR ~f.$TIq;) blIl1'lcfGfi~~61"GfiT~~~~ I

ri cii ~ <n lTl aU.v:r.3lR. a'i'twne 1R flIClQI41'leiq; ~ q;ffi Cfi{ m 3ifcnff ~ I

6. ~ 'Ift"5l'ffi ~ ~('1<:f!(?k<,~ 1:fi1-r<rr~ ~ ~ cf; 3Ft $t.1i'f\{ff1"h ~ ~ 'ffirT ~ 3lTfu: CflI ~ 'ChBTw .


A"'Set· •• ,._ •. < •••• '.''' •••. ,.-


" .•






. II••'.••






(flllOf I~ rq~:1I1),----------- ~ J










1. Nuclear model of the atom was given by :(A) Thomson(B) Rutherford(C) Bohr(0) Ds-Broqlie~ ct fu"o: ~cqcn ~ ~ ?.IT :

(A) ~~(B) <~<q,14,~(C) ~~ .».

(D) "it-~~

2. , The number of protons present in the nucleus of an atom is called:(A) Atomic number of the element(B) Atomic weight of the element(C) Valency of the element(0) Mass number of the element~ ~'-B -;:nfcqcnct ~ ~ >ftiR CfiT ~ Cfl$<11C'11 % :(A) mq.ctt~~(B) mq (fiT ~ ~

(C) mq Cfft fi<fl;J1Cfldl

(0) mq Cfft 5::&110111~

3. Whichof the following symptomsof nutritionaldeficiencydisorder is specific toVitaminC deficiency?(A) Cracks on lips(B) Spongy bleeding of gums(C) Pale conjunctivae(0) Rashes on skinf.:p:;:J"B"it ~ ~ 3l'qlq fcrcfiR-C'fa:fUT fqc:iflOJ1 C~ ct 3l'qTEf ct"CflWJT mm % ?(A) mat (fiT ~

(B) ~ "it ~ <Cffi~ICI

(C) "1'fm ~?l1? <?i6I=J(11

(0) ~ (fiT C!Oe}U41

-A-""!'-S·-et-·· ~-....,. ..-."' ..,...,..,,....,... , ....•.••.....•.•..•...•.•.• -----. --------~S-:;:V~; '7-,;lUlt'.R~:r-+P~.!




, - ., ---,~- .....•...••.--------- .•.•.---'

4. The following elements present in human body, the maximum quantity is of:(A) Iron(8) Sodium(C) Phosphorus(0) Calcium~ mR it -qyit ~ ~ f.:p:;:J -m=cIT it ~ fcflflC{lllfl?IT ~ m:rrGT t ?

(A) "ffim(8) filf6lflOJ

(C) tfiTM<fl

(0) ~f~lflOJ

5. Leprosy is caused by :(A) Virus

(8) Bacteria(C) Micoplasm(0) Protozoa~ WI CfiT Cfffi1JTmm t :(A) fcf5rroJ(8) ~(C) IOJI~Cfll'"<1I~1OJ

(0) ~31T

6. Refrigeration helps in food preservation by :(A) kiHingof germs (bacteria)(8) reducin~ the rate of biochemical reaction(C) destroying enzyme action

. (0) sealing food with a layer of ice~ (9fM 'tfft{~ it lJGG Cfi"«n ~ :

(A) ~3TI q;). -;p;c; CRcfi

(8) ~ <lflllfHCh 31f~3TI qft ~ Cfili ~

(C) C{;:\lIl~1OJ~ -;p;c; ~

(0) (9fM 11GT?f q;) ~ qft "tffif ~ ~ ~


I' ,

7. Which of the following gases is e$Senfialfor photosynthesis?(A) Carbon monoxide(B) Carbon dioxide(C) Nitrogen

(0) Oxygenf.Fr -q ~ ~ Th1~ 4~~tStol ~ ~ ~ 3W~~4Ch 't ?(A) ~ lOj'111<:R"i1$$

(8) ~ ~anCR4;~$(C) . 11$41\l11(0) ~TCffil\l1'1 :t


8. Which of the physiological process 'thrombin' is associated with?(A) Excretion'

(B) Reproduction

(~) Blood clotting(0) ·Growth~ ~1I~lRCh·~-q ~Cfil~t?

(A) ,:kfl41

(8) ~

(C) ~~

(P) ~

9. The angular speed of the second's hand of awatch is :(A) 1 rad/s

(B) 60 rad/s

(C) 7t rad/s(0) n/30 rad/s~ ctt ~ Cfi~t'~ Cfil~ ~ men t :

(A) 1 ~/~(B) 60~/~(C) 1t m<:A/~

(0) n/30~/~




10.. A oyclist is running at a speedof 10 rn/s.Hthe radius.ofeechwheel of the bicycle is·45

cm, the angular velocity of the wheel is :

(A) 22·2 rad/s

(8) 44·4 rad/s

(C) 11·1 rad/s

(0) None of these

~ '(Oi1~fCfl(1~ 10 ~/~ Cffr 'Tfu ~ ~ m ~ I <:ffu: '8\~fCf)(1~ ~ ~ Cffr ~ 45 "Wftt aT ~ q;r cnTufr;r ~ mrn :

(A) 22'2~/~

(8) 44'4~/~

(C) 11·1 ~/~

(0) ~~~"%1.

11. A constant force is applied on a mass m initially in the position of rest. The velocity

acquired by it in a given displacement will be directly proportional to :

(A) Jm1

(8) rm(C) m

1(0) m

~ ~ ifWn: m !::oq41'1~ ~ 0/ ~ f1F.<Tild ~ W1171T TJ?TI~ l1J:cn f.lW-1Ofn fcr~l1tR'm0/ a#iffi ~ 't"i41j)QIct1Wn :

(A) Jm1

(8) rm(C) m

1(0) m




.12. If the kinetic' energy of a body becomes four-times, its'momentum wiRbecome:

(A) three times its initial. value

(8) four times its initial value

(C) two times its initial value

(0) remains unchanged

~ fct:im ~ Cfftll"fu\lf ~ ~ "Tfi m \ifRft t m ~ ~ mrrr :(A) am ~ llR em:ffi;; 'Tn

(8) am~llRem~'~

(C) ~ ~ llR emGl"TIT .

. '

13. The unit of Pressure is :(A) N/m2(8) N/m(C) J(0). J/s~. Cfft ~ mmt" :(A) ~/~2(8) ~f1:iW:(C) ~(0) ~/~

i .

. 14. A body is.moved" along a straight lin~ by delivering constant power, The di~tancemoved by the body in time t is proportional to :(A) t3/2 . (8) t 1/2 . .

(C) t3/4 (0)t2 .

.~ Wr.iflJfu ~ ~ furQ: ~.~ CfiT PiP-li:fd ~ eft \lIT mt"1 t ~ if ~~.~ C1Jft~ ¢~'"l114Iffimm :(A) t3/2

(C) t3/4(8) t 112

(0) t2


13/MPKT-page ....l1A-Set


(8) . 2n~

15. Work done by a simplependulum,in one complete oscillation is:

(A) ,Zero,

(C) Infinity,

(0)" None of these


'(A) ~,

(8) 2n~

,(C) 3FRf

(0) ~-B,~~


16. A machine does 20 Joules of work in 5 seconds. Its power is:1r,

(A) 100W,

(8) 0'25W

(C) 4W

(O) None of these ,


'~~5~-q20~~,Cfi"citt-I~.m :

(A) 1·00cffG

(8) 0·25 q'fc

(C) 4 q'fc

(0) ~-B~~

I, t



17. The water at high altitudes boils at temoerateres less than 100°C because:" .

(A) the atmospheric pressure is reduced and the boiling point decreases _(8) the gravitational force is less(C) the air is dense

(0) none of these

~ ~ 1R 1Wft 100° i\f~lHi "B Cfi11mtf 1R ~ t~ :(A) cn1'1osci1lf ~Cfil1 ~ it.CfCf~ Cfil1 m \ifRIT ~

.'. . ,(8) ~('qICfitSfol ~ Cfi11m ~ ~

- (C) ~ er-:it mm~(0) ~"B~~,

18. When an object is heated, the molecules that make up the object:(A) begin to move faster

(8) loose energy(C) gain weight

(0) loose weight~ ~.~ q;) llti M ~ t -aT~ ~:m' :(A) -qftTrfu~m ~ t"(8) -qft ~ q;qm \i'fRfi t -e-

(C)"CfiT 'qR.~ \jfffir t(0) CfiT'qR Cfil1m~ t

.19. The temperature ofan ide"algas i~an indic~tor of its molecules:. ~ " . '. , .

(A) total energy

. (8) average. energy

. (C) total 'Velo~ityI

(0) average "kinetic energy ." ~:fm Cfi1 mtr Wm Cfi«JTt ""3B :fmc6 3TOJaTI -qft :(A) "Wf.~(8) am:m~(C)WfWr(0) almo~.~ .)t .

13''APKT -pa"e"1'3... 1


. ,

The temperature of the.human body is:

(A) 32° F;.------.,

(8'~7° C(C) 320 C

(D) 1000 C~ ~ ~CfiT "ffi1:J mm ~ :(A) 32° F(8) 370 C(C) 320 C

(D) 1000 C

21. Fahrenheit and Celsius scales of temperatures show equal readings at :

(A) -400

(8) 00

(C) 1000

(0) 320

"ffiq cfiltiR'1~I~c"t{Ci :8f~lI'8 ~ ~ l1R ~ ~ :

{A) - 40° "tI1:

(8) O°"tl1:

(C) lOO° "tI1:

(0) 320 en:

22.- Pencill~ad is made of:.(A) Lead

(8) Lead oxide

(¢) Graphite

(O) Manganese oxide~WTmBPRTmm~ :{A) m-ft~(8) -mB cfi 3iTCf8,~:gir(C) ~ir(0) ~ 3iTCf8I~'5 ~.

13/MPKT -pa.ge•.14 A-Set


23. The percentage of solar radiation reaching earth thai is lost by reflection is about:(A) 35

(8) 50

(C) 75

(0) Zero1Jzcit 1R ~ "B ~ c:rffi fClfCh{OI CfiT~ \lIT Q{ICld1 ~ -ifcn ~~ t ·mm t ~'o/f :

(A) 35

f (8) 50(C) 75

(0) ~


24. Ozone layer present in atmosphereabsorbs:(A) infrared light arriving from the sun

. (8) ultraviolet light arriving from the sun(C) visible light arriving from the sun(0) charged particles reaching earth~ qj(1j<iHOj .q dQf~ ~ 'tffif ~;~t :(A) ~ "B a1A crR9T 3rcroRf ~

(8) ~ 'B a1A crR9T q<j~ll;fl ~

(C) ~"B a1A crR9T ~ ~

. (0) 1Jzcit 1R ~ c:rffi ~ CfiUT

25. The minimum height of a plane mirror to see the full.sizeimage of a person is equalto:

.(A) the height of the person(8) half the height of the person

"', -c,

(C) one-fourth the height of the person(0) double the height of the person ...~ &rfcRf.CfiT"'iU ~rnf~~~ ~ ~ ~ Gtfur Cfit ~ ~ ~ :

(A) &rfcRfCfit~~~

(8) &rfcRf Cfit ~ Cfit mm(C) &rfcRf Cfit ~ Cfit ~-;:fi~(0) &rfcRf Cfit ~ Cfit 5r "TiT


26. Sky appears blue because:(A) Blue light is scattered most. (B) Red light is scattered most(C) Blue light is absorbed less in atomosphere(0) Blue light is absorbed more in atmosphere~-;f\c;rr~~%,~ :(A) ~ ~ CfiT S1c,,})011 aTI'ttCfimm %(B) ~ ~ CfiT S1Cfll0T1 aTI'ttCfimm %(C) ~ ~ CfiT cllctlcHOI if 3iCf:{ntS(OI Cfil1 mm %(0) ~ ~ CfiT CflctICf{OI if 3iCf:{ntS(OI aTI~ mm ~

27. Sound above what level (decibel) is considered hazardous noise pollution:

(A) 30 dB

(B) 50 dB

(C) 65 dB

(0) 80 dB~ m (>%fI1iSl<:1) "B aTI'ttCfi cn1~ QIRCflI{Cfl ~ ~ CflQ<:1lffl ~ ?(A) 30 dB

(B) 50 dB. (C) 65 dB

(0) 80 dB

28. The specific resistance of awire depends on its:

(A) radius-(B) length .

(C) cross-section

(0) material~ (ff{ CfiT ~ >rfuU~ f.:r'lh: 'Cfi\(ff ~ :

(A) ~~~(B) ~~1R

(C) . ~ ~-cnR: ~(0) ~ 11GT~1R


S ..lT] " A-Set





f .

29. The maqnetic susceptibility of diamagnetic substances is :(A). small and negative

(8) small and positive

(C) large and negative

(D) large and positiveSlHl'9jk'4Cfl14w?t q:ff 1k'4Cfl14 ~ mm t- :(A) ~ q\!IT =;fi0rrC'Gq:) •

(8) awq q\!IT ~

(C)· ~ q~ =;fi0nC'G<:f)

(D) 3lf~q~~,

30. 'The excess of gas which in earth's atmosphere causes 'green house effect' is :(A) Carbon dioxide(8) Oxygen(C) Nitrogen

(D) Argon"I~ ~ ClI~l"'lO~~Wl.q f-;m. ii'B q:ff 3lf~ ~ CfiRUT l.~ft1'~ >f'q]Cf' men t~t- :(A) ~ ~31'fCR"1I~E)

(8) 31'fCRft\31'1

(C) 11~4'\3I'1

(D) am

31. The oceans cover of the earth's surface is :(A) 50% .,

(8) 25%

(C) 71%(D) 10%

1~cn1~'R~~t :(A) 50%

(8) 25%(C) 71%([) 10%



32. Mirage is an example of :

(A) Polarization

(8) Total internal reflection

(C) Dispersion

(D) DiffractionJtII<j6011'3Glt,(OI % :(A) ~(fiT

(8) ~ 3"1H1 f<Cfl q {I CId1 cnr )

(C) fcfm(fiT

(0) fcfcRA (fiT

33. Which one of the following is not amixwreR I.

(A) Air

(8) Mercury(C) Milk

(0) Cementf.p:;r if "B mWJT -;:@ % :(A) QCI1

(8) -qm(C) ~'tl

(D) miruz

34. Acid rain is caused by pollution of environment by :(A) Carbon dioxide and nitrogen

(8) Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide

(C) Ozone and carbon dioxide

(D) Nitrous oxide and sulphur dioxide~ ~ ~ &m qllfCl{OI ~ il~ mm % :(A) CfiT<if;:r ~3iTCfflI~'5 Cf~ 11~?l\J11

(8) CfiT<if;:r l-j'I1">ICfflI$'5Cf~ ~ ~3"lTcf8I$'5

(C) ~ Cf~ ~ ~3"lTCfflI$'5

(D) ~ 3iTCfflI~'S Cf~ ~ ~3"lTi:R"Il~'5


35. Chemical used to preserve food material is :(A) Caustic Soda

(B) Barium Sulphate

(C) Sodium Benzoate(D) Sulphuric Acid~ "11GT~~ 1lfu:a:ruT ~ furQ: w.ITrr -B ~ ~ lifTffi ~ ~ :

(A) ChlfROCh~

~. (B) ~~

(C) *i'If:g44 ~;:;Jfi'«"(D) TT~ CfiT ~

36. Which one ls not the isotope of hydrogen?(A) Protium(8) Eritium(C) Deuterium(D) Tritiumf.1l:;f -B ~ ~1$~\3I1 CfiT fl4~IRCh (3iI~*il21q) 1'tf ~ :(A) si)f2044(B) ~RFc1/4(C) ~12.1R44(D) fs;fc44

37~ pH value of neutral solution is: .

(A) 8(B) 5

(C) 7(D) zero~ ~ CfiT pH l=fFf mm ~ :(A) 8

(B) 5(C) 7

(D) ~



38. A mixture of water and NaCI can be separated by :

(A) Sublimation

(8) Evaporation

(C) Decantation

(D) Filtration-qr;ft v:ci NaCI ~ fi:rSW'T en) ~~ fcI:i7;rr \lIT ~ % :(A) ~~·mu(8) ~mu ~(C) R~(D) ~


39. The amorphous allotrope of carbon is :/

(A) Diamond

(8) Graphite

(C) Fullerene

(D) CokeCfi'TGR q;y ~f!il~<ffi;q ~ t :(A) mu(8) ~

. (C) '"11(9(11(D) qi-)q;

40 .. Which of the following vitamins is necessary for coagulation of blood?(A) Vitamin A

(8) Vitamin 812(C) Vitamin K(D) Vitamin Df;:p:;:J ~ ~fc421rA1 ~ ~ %TI 3"l16Il?;qCfi% ?(A) fcelfA"1 A(8) Fc:r21fA1 812(C) fc:r2If"l1 K(D) Fc:r2If"l1 D I



41. Light year is a unit of :(A) Distance (B) Time(C) Mass (D) Intensity of light.~qt;f~mmt:

(A) ~Cfft (B) ~Cfft(C) ~&l41'1 Cfft (D) ~ Cfftmmrr Cfft

42. General name of the star group arranged in definite pattern is :(A) Milky Way (B) Constellation(C) Andromeda (D) Solar System~mu ~.~ r~~:qi.1 ~ ~ &lqr~G mm t Cfl~(11i.11t: .(A) ~ 1jTrr (B) 4'apr

(C) Q0l'f4is( (D) ~ ~ .

43. According to Big Bang Theory the age of the universe is :(A) 13·8 x 106 years(B) 13·8 x 107 years(C) 13·8 x 108 years(D) 13·8 x1 09 years11m fclf\h)C: fflO&Hl (Big Bang Theory) ~ ~ ~ Cfft a:rrq t :(A) 13·8 x 106 qt;f

(B) 13·8 x 107 qt;f

. (C) 13·8 x 108 qt;f

(D) 13·8 x 109 qt;f

44. The first satellite of India sent into space was:(A) Bhaskar ,.(B) Rohini(C) Aryabhatt(0) Apple3RfRSJ ~ ~ Gro ~ 7p:fT ~I!;p'f~ ~ :

(A)·~(B) frfuuft(C)· aw4~

(D) ~.

A-Set,····· 1:.s1M,*T -page-2.1 S-TJ





45. One micron length is equal to:(A) 10mm

(8) 10-4 cm

(C) 10-4 m

(0) 104cm

~ JOII$SflT1~ ~ mm % :(A) 10 fl:p:ft(8) 10-4 W:ft(C) 10-4 +fT •(0) 104W:ft

"46. Absolute zero of temperature corresponds to:

(A) -273° K

(8) 273° C(C) -273° C

(0) -273° F1W1~ 'ffi1l ~ % :(A) -273°~

(8) 273° flf<:'ft£ffl(C) -273° flf<"8£ffl(0) -273° CflI{1QI$c



47. The surface area of a cube is 384 m2.lts volumewill be :

(A) 512 m3

. (8) 516 m3

(C) 1032 m3

(0) 216 m3

fcFim er=rcnT ~ ~ 384 q1TJOl16( % I ~ ~,mrrr' :(A) 512 er=r~(8) 516 er=r~

(C) 1032 er=r~(0) 216er=r~



48. One barrel of oil is approximately:(A) 131 litres

(8) 159 litres

(C) 179 litres(0) 200 litres~~W1~'qTfmmt- :(A) 131 fuv:(8) 159 ~

(C) 179 ~'(0) 200~

49.' The fourth state of matter is called:

(A) Solid(8) Liquid

(C) Plasma(0) Gas1tGT~qft ~~ ~ 'Nkflffi t- :(A) -am(8) ~(C) ~(0) ilB

50. 'The chemical symbol for the element sodium is :(A) S

(8) Na

(C) Sr

(0) Sm«ifs4'"l (Rq CfiT <1fI14HCfi .~ mmt- :(A) S

(8) Na

(C) Sr

(0) Sm

A-Set 5....77131MI?KT-page-23

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I .

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SPACE FOft,ROUGH WORK~~ ..t;~ ...~







r-~-------------------------------,I II II I. ! Section-B !I I


'@I 0\5-<Sf(flll=fl~ ~)


. III~ J



51. Which is the National Animal 0'; India?

(A) Elephant

(B) Lion

(C) Tiger

(D) Bull

mmctil~~~% ?(A) m~(B) m(C) -aneJ

(D) ~

. .

. 52. The Indian Oonstltutionqives which type of Citizertshiph1 the following :

(A) Double Citizenship

(B) Single Citizenship

(C) Both (A) and (B)

(D) None of these,~. m~ f.p:;f -B -B fcIJB >lCfiRCf11 'ijJIRGfidl~'q;"{ffl% ?(A) .~ 'iIlIRGfidl

(B) ~ 'iIIIRCf1dl

(C) (A) aW(B) ~

(D) ~-B~~

53. Sakhya Sagar lake is in :

(A) Panna National Park(B) Madhav National Park

(C) Sanjay National Park

(D) Bandhavgarh National Parkm&J-mTR~~~~-B% ?(A) 'F.lT~~

(B) l1T~~~

(C) ~.~~

(D) ~~~~


5-77 13/MPKT-,age"'28 A-Set



54. Which of the following rivers isnot a tributary of Chambal?(A) Parvati(8) Kalisindh(C) Kshipra

(0) Wardhaf.tl:::r.q~~~~.q~~% ?(A)' ~

(8) Chi ffiffi ¥:T

(C) farnr(0) ~

55. For how many years Jndian··PresidEmt.iselected?(A) 6 years

(6)' 5 years(C) 4 years

(0) 3 yearscqro:r ~ U~qfc1 Cf;T~ fcncR ~ ~ ~;mm% ?(A) 6~(8) 5~,(C) 4~

(0) 3~

56. Which is the biggest High Court of India ?(A) Chennai High Court

(8) Kolkata High Court'

(C) Allahabad High Court

(O) Mumbai High Court'cqro:r Cf;T~ ~ ~ ~llIIW'l t :(A) ~ ~ ~llI'{114

(8) ci){1ChJ<11 ~ ~1141{114

(C) ~ctl~I4SfIG ~ ~llIl(1l1

(0) ~ ~ "4141ctll'




• art. « • e c. c ss.:::

ce •• psi

59. Number of Rajya Sabha seats from Madhya Pradesh is :

(A) 10

(B) 11

(C) 12(0) 13H~ ~ "it ~ ~m qft ~ fcm:RT ~ t ?

(A) 10

(B) 11(C) 12(0) 13

--"-' -' .~~'7 131MPkT~p8;ge..30 A-Set

57, The tenure of Governor is:

(A) 3 years(8) 4 years(C) 5 years(0) 6 years{1'*-lqtiH CflT CflI4CflIt1 men t :(A) 3 cr;f(B) 4 cr;f(C) 5 cr;f(D) 6 cr;f

58. 'The State Sports of Madhya Pradesh is":

(A) Kabaddi

(B) Mallakhamb

(C) Wushu

(0) ChessIf'tZl ~ CfiT ~ ~ t :(A) Cfici4:S,-sl

(8) tjt'H§I~

(C) ~(0) ~


60. The Density of population (per sq. km.) of Madhya PraQesh is:(A) 382(B) 282

(C) 336(D) 23611~ ~ CfiT ;jHB&41 ~ (m cpf ~) t :(A) 382

r (B) 282

(C) 336

(D) 236

61. Whose signature is there on the ten f~pee,/,)<i>Je-:.;?"•(A) Finance Secretary of India(B) Chairman of Indian Bank(C) Governor of Reserve Bank

(D) Finance Minister of India~m~~1R~8Rmf :(A) m«r~'~fcrn~~(B) ~~~ ~tH~1 ~

(C) ft¥f ~ ~"llCFR ~

(D) m«r ~ ~ fcrn lF5ft ~

, .::~i

1 '

62. For the first time Mutual Fund was.illtroducedtly,;.,~. ;1-... " ,.-' _ " ,','';' -~


(C)" UTI(D) SBI~ ~ ~3R'f ~ ~ fcfi7;rr :

(A) , ~. ~. m. ~(B) ~.~. m. ~(C) ~ it.~. ~(D) ~.m. ~.~ t=, "

. A-Set -, -',3:~f1K-li--.pagefJl ',~

63. Oil India Ltd. is an organisation concern with:(A) In oil export(B) In oil synthesis(C) In oil research(U) In oil filtration~~fefC\~s~~t"it~t :(A) ~ f.rmf it(8) ~"ii'r'1Ffit(C) ~~it(0) ~ fi~~ISfOI it

64. IndianCarpet Technical Institute is situated at:(A) Nagpur(B) Patna(C) Bhadohi(0) Jodhpur~~ ~wrl$'~.~~t ?(A) ~

. (B) 1R1T

(C) ~

(0) ~

65. ~BokaroSteel Plant' was set up by the help of :(A) Russia(B) France(C) Britain(0) America,~~·~'~~~~~~~t ?(A) ~(8) "5fiR1

(C)'~.~Q) ~.' )

S-77 131MPKT-page-32 A-Set



66. Which place of Punjab is famous for Hosiery lndustry ?(A) Gurdaspur

(8) Amritsar

(C) Jalandhar

(D) Ludhiana~if~~~~~fuQ:~~ ?(A) ~Glflg;<

(8) ~(C) ~

(D) ~

67. In the following the ISI mark is not given to which product?

(A) Electric goods

(8) Hosiery products

(C) Biscuits

(D) Clothes~.~if·~~ ISI (~.~. ~.) ~·~~~~·t ?(A) ~~(8) ~ q)fl=JWr

(C) .~

(D) ~

. .68. Indian production of tea in the world stands:

(A). Second

(8) Third

(C) Fourth

(D) First"'CJP.T.~ if mm q)f ~ if ~ ~ ~ ?(A) ~(8) ~

(C) ~(D) "5f?lll



69. If a door of running refrigerator is kept open in a closed room, what will happen to theroom?(A) It cool the room(8) It will heat the room(C) It will make no difference on the aye rage(0) It will make the temperature go up and down~~ CfilR ~ "t@ fcFim ~ ~flh~2< cnT~ 7ffi:: ~ ~ ~ \lfRfT %, en CfilR 1R ~ >rmcr ~

WIT ?(A) ~CfilR Cf1T~ q){ ~

(8) ~ CfilR Cf1T"Tfll q){ ~

(C) ~~#>rmcr~~

(0) ~Cfr:rlfR Cf1T~-~ ~

70. The blackboard seems black because it :(A) reflects every colour(8) does not reflect any colour(C) absorbs black colour(0) reflects black colour~4Iqq{,2 CfiR'IT 'f~.~ ~ t~ :(A) ~ ~ ~ cnT q<ICld'1 q){ ~ %(8) ~ fcFim ~ cnT Q<ICld'1 ~ ~ %(C) ~CfiR9" ~ cnT 3"tCl~n6(OI ~ %(0) ~ CfiR9" ~ cnT QUCld'1 ~ %

71. Which one of the following is correct with regard to butter?(A) a supercooled oil(B) an emulsion(C) a molecular solid(0) a gel (jelly like)Fll:4"ff<1f@ct~ "B ~ Cfi"~ ~ ~ ~ 00 % ?(A) 3"tfu~flfdct m-r %(8) wm%(C) ~<h:r%(0) ~ ~ (~"@WI) %




72. The rusting of iron nail :

(A) decreases its weight

(8) increases its weig~t

(C) does not affect weight but iron is oxidised

(0) does not affect weight but iron is reduced."ffi%"q:ft "CffRvr-q '*r wR 1R :

(A) ~'qR-q~m~%

(8) ~ 'qR -q ~ m ~ %(C) 'qR -q ~ qRcHf1 -;;@ mm, fcf;;q "ffim3iTem'~H' mm %(0) . 'qR -q ~ qRqJ1 -;;@ mm, fcf;;q"ffim 3iqT:lP"4C1mm %

73. If a limestone piece is dipped in water, bubbles evolve. The bubbling is due to:(A) Hydrogen

(8) Oxygen(C) . Water vapour(0) Carbon dioxide7:ffu: "ifTI- -q-~ rt ~ Cfll w.fi -q ~ ~, aT ~ ~ mf I it ~ fcrir CfiRUT ~ f ? .(A) ~1~11\l11

(8) 3iTCR"ft\l11

(C) \l1("jqI6q

(0) ~~31TCRiI$'S

74. The largest river flowing in Madhya Pradesh is :

(A) Yamuna

(8) Narmada

(C) Ghambal. (D) Kalisindhl1~~-q~qrffi~~"9Gl% :(A) <1lfIT

(8) ~(C) ~(0) Cfilctlru'l-l

A..:..Set ·S..771.3/MPKT-page":3.5


- - - - - ----~~-----------....•...•~

75. Which of the following freedom fighters belongs to Madhya Pradesh?(A) Chandra Shekhar Azad(8) 8hagat Singh(C) Sahdev

. (D) Rajguruf.p:;:r -q "B ~ ~d?lijnt.n-;:ft11~~ "B ~ ~ ?

(A) ~-s::(l@l{~(8) 'q1ffi~

(C) ~

(D) ~

76. Madhya Pradesh has the largest reserves of the following minerals:(A) Diamond and Copper(8). Diamond and Iron(C) Gypsum and Copper(D) Gold and Copper~~-qm~cn1·~l11?TT~t ~~:(A)mrcr~(8)mrcr fflT

.. (C) ~crman(D) :m.n crman


.n..Th~ numbe.f'of National Parks situated in Ma:~ya Pradesh IS :(A) .3··(S).5. (C) 7

(D). 9~~.q~·~·~cn1~t:(A) 3(e) 5,(C) 7(D) 9

. ~ ,.·A-Sel




78. Water of whichdwnis shared by th~ftwo StCJ;tesRaja$than and Madhya Pradesh :,(A) Rana Pratap Sagar Dam(B) "Ban Sagar Dam(C) Gandhi Saqar Dam

,(D) None of these

m~~~~CfiTmm Gl ~. {I\lItell"f Cf ~ ~ ID'Um.fcf;t:n \lffifT t ?(A) 'UUITVffitJ ~ m~(B) GRWR~

-. (C) TJlm~m~(D)',~~~~ ,

. ~

79. The most tribal populated districts of !VIadhya Pradesh are:(A) Dhar, Jhabua, Mandla

(B) Gwalior, Mandla, Dhar(C) Jabalpur, Bhopal, Gwalior(0) None of theselJ~ ~.q 3lf~ 3fIRcfl4l· ~ ~ f :(A) ?:tR,~31T, .~

(B) Jqlf~PH,~,?:tR·

: (C) \lIi\1(19;<,~, Jqlf~PH

(D) ~~~~

80. The GDP of Madhya Pradesh recorded in financial year 20,11-12was:. (A) 12%(B) 3·5%(C) 8%(D) 10%f?;reCflSf 201t-12.q~~~ ~ aifcnofcf;t:n~~~~ *tf¥.fliefi ?;Jf :

(A) 12%(B) 3·5%(C) 8%(D) 10%

. . .. .

.tl.3lMPIO'-page~~,7'. . S-1'1

81. Which was the third major party in the asse'mblY'election in Madhya Pradesh in 2008 ?

(A) 8ahujan Samaj Party(B) Samajvadi Party

(C) Communist Party

(0) Congress~~~of; 2008 of;fq~~~-ijmmT~~m~ m ?(A) ~~11Tif

(B) fP""II\l1C1I<;i11Tif

(C) Cfi'"1f~eo 11Tif

(0) cnlfu:r

82. Which of the following has been recognised as world heritage site by UNESCO?

(A) Bhim Bettka Caves(B) Khajuraho Temple Monuments(C) Buddhist Monuments at Sanchi

(0) All of thesef.:p:;,-ijit fcfiit ~ &m ~ ~ of;~ -ij~ ~ Tf<lT. t ?

(A) ~~~

(B) @'~:<I?l~ ~(C) ~of;~~.

(0) ~ ~'ijt

83.· Who among the tollowinq was the first Chief Minister of ,Madhya Pradesh?

(A) Ravi Shankar Shukla "-.

(B)' Mishrilal Gangwal

(C) Kailashnath Katju

(0) None of thesef.f8 -ijit ~ ~·rir~ 'Cfil >T~ ~ lV?ft 2ft ?(A) &:t~iCfi< ~ .(B) fB~-rfircm1(C) ~(1I:{I1I9.l ~

(0) ~it~m

S-77 13/MPKT-page ..38 A-Set



84. Which wildlife,sanctuary has been establis/ledJor reintroduction of Asiatic Lions?(A) Kuno wildlife sanctuary(B) Chambal sanctuary(C) Sardarpur sanctuary(0) Ghatigaon sanctuary~~14I{ -mt ~ "9:f~ ~ Wro:~ 3l~.~ ~ CfiTTPft ?(A) ~31~

(B) ~31~

(C) fHGR9){ 3l~

(0) €Ilillliq 3l~

85. 'Pachmarhi' a place in Madhya Pradesh is famous for:':,_,. - , 1.. ,'

(A) Rock-cut temples of Pandvas(B) Wall. Paintings(C) National Parks(0) Jain Templesl1~~"B'~'~~% :(A) ~ -q CflI2Cfl{ ~ ~ ~ ~ ..~ ~ Wro:(B) f<qfu ~ ~ Wro:(C) ~~~Wro:(0) ~~~Wro:

86. Pan Singh Tomar a renowned athlete of M.P. was seven time National Champion inthe game of:(A) 200 m race(B) Hammer throw(C) Steeple chase(0) Boxing11~ >r~ "Cf)"f<§4IR1'114~~ 11R ~ ~f<tB ~ 11 llffiEm: ~ ~?IT ?(A) 200 1TI.~(B) ~Wfi

(C) ~~

(0) 1j%'i4I\l1l

,A-Set '5-77

In Madhya Pradesh the Sanjha Geet, Vasdeva, Bhopa and Kalgi Turra are the stylesof:(A) Folk dances(B) Folk singing(C) Classical dances(0) Local paintings11'lcJ:f~-B, ~Tftq,~, ~or~g;"d~>fCfiR% ?(A) ~~(B) ~"llP11'

(C) 1<1If?Il~~(0) ~ fcr5roT


88. Which among the following are State animal, State bird and State tree respectively ofMadhya Pradesh?(A) Barasingha, Oudhraj, Banyan(B) Cheetal, Sonchiriya, Peepal(C) Tiger, Oudhraj, Neem(0) Lion, Oudhraj, Banyan

. f.p:;{ -B ~ ~ ~: 11'lcJ:f~ ~ {1\J1Cf)1~~, -qaft or ~ % ?(A) ii4Rrf~jll, ~~, ~ .

(8) ~,«l1f-qR~I, ~(C) "'ifurr, ~~, -;fil1(0) m,~~,~


189. Famous Bagh Caves of Madhya Pradesh are known for their special.. .

(A) Mural paintings(B) Rock cut temples(C) Shelter of Buddhist Monk(0) None of these~~in1~<iWl~ 3ltRT~ M-~CfiRUT~~%1

(A) m-f;=.r?r .(B) ~ cnl ChI2Ch{ ~ ~ ~

(C) ~ mn crft "WJT ~

(0) ~~~~.~;.;:o..J';•..1f:..• ~.'I'~':''''''~,=:----------------:-~~--''''''''-----------....-.-'.:S'-7713/MPKT!:."p'age-4o "A~Set


90. Who among the following are the two cricketers who scored centuries for last wicket

partnership in first class cricket matches?

(A) Chandrakant Pandit - Chandu Sarwate

(B) Chandu Sarwate .,..Shute Banerjee

(C) Bishan Sihgh Bedi - Chandra Shekhar

(D) Roger Binny -- Kapil Oev

f.rl:;r ~ ~ fcn;f Gl~ r~(1If~4i~ "5r?ll1 R fif;cR:itq1if ~ fcWR Cfil ~ ~.ft;m ~ ~


(A) :q~Cfiid ~ .~ ~ ~

(B) ~~-~~

(C) MR ~ ~ - ~~:(l~<

(D) ~~.-~~

91. The 'Chanderi' and 'Maheshwari' are related to :

(A) Holy places

(B) Historical places

(C) Brand of Saris

(D) Brand of Marble Stone

'~'~'~~*iCHl'~~-m~ ?

(A) -qfcr;r ~

(B) ~Rl~lr~Cfi ~

(C) ~~~


92. As per the provisional dataof Censu~...,-2011,the percentage decadal populationgrowth rate during 2001-2011 is:(A) 17·6(8) 20·3(C) 21·9(0) 24·7\S11'IOHI-2011~ 3Fifcp:r ~ ~~, 2001-2011 ~11~~ G'8cttsff4 \S11fi&l 1~~w~: '(A) 17·6(8) 20·3(~) 21·9(0) 24·7

93. Approxirnately what percentage of water found on the surface of Earth?

(~) 51%(8) 61%(C) 71%(D) 81%"'t~ ~ CR1 q:;r "WT'lllT ~ ~ 'qf1T l1fft -q~ ?(A) 51%(8) 61%'(C) 71%(0) 81%

94. As per the provisional data of Census-201tthe district of Madhya Pradesh, whichhas lowest population is :(A) Harda(8) Sheopur(C) Umaria(0) Oindori\311'IOHI-2011~ ~ ~~.~, .q~~:cnT~nwrr, ~ \311fi&l1~t ~:(A) ~.

(8) ~(C) ~(0) fiim


95. The Chief Information Commissioner of Madhya Pradeshi§:(A) Iqbal Ahmed

(8) Padmapani Tiwari(C) Mahesh Pandey(0) None of these


(A) ~CflalIR1 ~

(8) qG:'lqlfOl 'fucrrU(C) ~~

(0) ~~~~

96. Which of the following States does not borders Madhya Pradesh ?(A) Rajasthan(8) Bihar

(C) Gujarat

(0) Maharashtra~ -q ~ ~ ~ qftm.n l1'eZf~ ~ ~ ~t··?(A) {J\3I~I"l

(B) ~.

(C) :pRffi"

(0) l"iE?RIb?

97. The maximum Coffee Producing State of India,s:(A) Maharashtra

(B) Karnataka

(C) Tamil Nadu

(0) Kerala'qffif -q ~ m~ q;'fqft~. ~ qwrr~;(~T-rnJ,t.?->(A) l"iE?RIb?

(B) CfI"lf2:CfI

(C) !jrl4(1"lI~

(0) ~


•.. t br.7 > b bbsb'"bb'b 't'. e:. to', • , trl:

,98. Where the wheels and axles manufClctud~ r.~ilwayunit is situated?(A) Chittranjan(B) Bangalore(C) Chennai(0) Kanpur"qfuQ: afn: ~ ~ CfI"ffi ~ ~ cnm ~ ~ ?(A) f:qtt(\l11

(B) ~

(C) ~,

(0) ~

99. Acid rain is caused by :(A) due to Sulphur and Nitrogen Oxides(B) due to Boron Oxides(C) due to Carbon Oxides(0) due to Fluorine Oxides~ CfISIf cnr crnur ~ .:(A) ~ -q:ci 11~?l\l11 ~ 3iICRiI~:S

(B) ~ 3iICRiI~,g

(C) Cf;l$r ~ 3ilcrul~:S

(0) ~~ ~ 3ilcrul~:S

100. The number of recognized scheduled tribes in Madhya Pradesh is :(A) 46(B) 48

(C) 50(0) 5111'&f ~ -B l=I'Pl 3i::wf-qtt \l11\l1IRp'i'ictft ~ ~:(A) 46(8) 48

(C) 50(0) 51


A~Set '< ••


SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK.~ q;p;f cfi'~. ~

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...........-... ·A.-Set

A-Set 131MPkT -page"47




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~ ~ ~-;;.m:~1-1Tfcffi~ t~ ~~"tJ:Cfi~

~.% Im <tiT~ dW 3ifcmr ~ ~.~ #F ~

~ I ~ ~ ~ 31f~ ~"ifi"ffi fci;it ~f"ffi 'WllPff

~ ~ "W&1T?fT en)m<tiT-mft ~ ~";ffl % am:

W CfiT{ 3lcli ";fflm·~ I

3. ~ en)m-m q;r;:rr -.:rr ~ :

~ ~ 1:f[f.r«o~~ ~"ifi"ffi~~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~.f.mA en)~ ~";ffl ~ I am: ~ <tiT


4. ~-vfR:eit~en)~:

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OO~, m:<rraR, m-~ <tiT~ ~

f.:r~~1R~-~ ~~fl

(ii) -qfta:n~lfit~en)~-~ ~m?f ~"\i\"R cnl ~ t I

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