1032.432.urban.13.publish copy

Post on 03-Jul-2015

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Transcript of 1032.432.urban.13.publish copy

URBANIZATION: Centre, Periphery, Territory

Zurich CIRPAC meeting, July 1939

Le Corbusier, From The Radient City

CIAM 3, Brussels, 1930 Top left and right – Rationelle Bebauungsweisen exhibition. Planning proposals for Abo Finland, by Alvar Alto and for Utrecht Holland, by Gerrit Reitveld Bottom – Book cover Rationelle Bebauungsweisen, Stuttgart, 1931

Walter Gropius, model of an eleven-story steel-framed slab apartment building with sixty small units, from Rationelle Bebauungsweisen

Le Corbusier, From The Radiant City; Ville Radieuse s

Alison and Peter Smithson, “Urban Reidentification” grid from CIAM 9, 1953. Aix-en-Provenance. Revision and challenge to Le Corbusier’s CIAM Grille

Nigel Henderson’s photographs of Bethnal Green, East End, London

Alison and Peter Smithson, Panel from “Urban Reidentification” grid, “London Street, decorated with flags and text,” from CIAM 9, 1953. Aix-en-Provenance.

Abercrombie Plan for London Expansion The Greater London Plan (1944) Became the new towns movementsatellite towns to be located in territory surrounding London

Gordon Cullen drawings of Townscape From the Architectural Review

Gordon Cullen drawings representing townscape as published in Architectural Review

ABOVE: Ludovico Quaroni, Mario Ridolfi Tiburtino Housing Estate Rome, c. 1950-54

LEFT: Photograph published as example of working class or peasant habitat; considered natural and authentic compared to architecturally designed housing, c. 1950.s

Ludovico Quaroni, Mario Ridolfi Tiburtino Housing Estate Rome, c. 1950-54

L. Quaroni, M. Ridolfi Tiburtino Housing Estate Rome, c. 1950-54 As published in Casabella 1957 Photographed January 2012

L. Quaroni, M. Ridolfi Tiburtino Housing Estate Rome, c. 1950-54

Matera, Southern Italy c. 1950

Ludovico Quaroni La Martella New Housing Matera, Southern Italy c. 1952

Ludovico Quaroni La Martella New Housing Matera, Southern Italy c. 1952

Town planner & architect, Giovanni Astengo Housing Quarter La Falchera, Torino Italy, c. 1952

Town planner and architect: Giovanni Astengo La Falchera, Torino Italy, c. 1952

ABOVE: The opening of the Autostrade del Sole, Italian national highway LEFT: advertisement for the new FIAT 600

LEFT: Film stills from Rocco e i suoi fratelli (1960) Luchino Visconti

ABOVE: Newspaper clipping from l’Unità 18 June 1964 (a Left wing newspaper)

From Aldo Rossi, La città e la periferia (The City and the Periphery) Casabella 253 1961

Photographs from Aldo Rossi, La città e la periferia Casabella 253 1961

From Aldo Rossi, La città e la periferia Casabella 253 1961

From Aldo Rossi, La città e la periferia Casabella 253 1961

From Aldo Rossi, La città e la periferia Casabella 253 1961

Elisse, Michelangelo Antonioni, 1962

Stills from Pier Paolo Pasolini’s Accattone, 1960

From Aldo Rossi, La città e la periferia Casabella 253 1961

2 or 3 things I know about her Jean-Luc Godard, 1966

2 or 3 things I know about her Jean-Luc Godard, 1966

Newspaper clippings from : L’avanti 20 May 1964; Rinascita 30 June 1962. Above article discusses a new law number 167 which will benefit urban development of unused lands; Below: Article discusses the law and the lack balance in planning that brings about social and economic disequilibrium; Right: Article discusses clashes between factory workers and management at FIAT, and the new boss’s management style in relation to neo-capitalism or what would later referred to as post-Fordism.

Un progetto per la periferia nord di Milano, A Project for the Periphery of Milan, 1960 Milan Triennale section ambiente periferico (The periphery environment) Gian Ugo Polesello, Aldo Rossi, Francesco Tentori Published in Casabella 241, 1960.

Casabella 1963 issue devoted to the Competition for the Central Business District for Turin (Torino) Publishes competition review by Paolo Ceccarelli, Urbanistica “Opulenta” which cites the term“terziarizzazione “ or becoming a service society. ABOVE RIGHT: map of competition site in central Turin.

City of Torino Italy, 2001 View from the hills (upper right_ View across the Po River View of Piazza dello Statuto

Via Roma Torino Arcaded street, c. 1940 Galleria Subalpina, Torino

19th century

Plans of the city of Turin (Torino)

Planning maps prepared for the competition for the new business district in Torino, 1962

Planning maps showing proposed circulation routes through and around the city; map showing the zoning of uses. Maps prepared for the competition for the new business district in Torino, 1962

Akropolis, First Prize Bianca neve e i sette nani, Snow White & the 7 Dwarves Second Prize

Akropolis, First Prize

Akropolis, First Prize

Bianca neve e i sette nani, Snow White & the 7 Dwarves Second Prize

Bianca neve e i sette nani, Snow White & the 7 Dwarves Second Prize

Carlo Aymonio and team ‘Badeba’ Third Prize

Carlo Aymonio and team ‘Badeba’ Third Prize

Sitting Bull, Honourable mention

Sitting Bull 12, (Toro Seduto, 12) Honourable mention

“Gears” (l’ingranaggio) Honourable Mention

“Gears” Honourable Mention

Incentive 1970. Honourable Mention

Locomotiva 2 (locomotive) Honourable mention Aldo Rossi, Gian Ugo Polesello and Luca Meda

Locomotiva 2 (locomotive) Honourable mention Aldo Rossi, Gian Ugo Polesello and Luca Meda

Locomotiva 2 (locomotive) Honourable mention Aldo Rossi, Gian Ugo Polesello and Luca Meda

Urbanistica 32, 1960 From L. De Luigi, Townscape e tradizione pittoresco nella cultura urbanistica inglese.

Refernced to American planning theorist Kevin Lynch published in Urbanistica 32, 1960 From V. Calzolari, Il volto della città americana. (The face of the American City

Examples of drawings representing British Town design, townscape re-printed in Urbanistica

Example of book documenting a conference on town planning and urban design; this conference entertained various positions related to theories on the way to design at the large or territorial scale.

Review of L’architettura della città Carlo Aymonino, Rinascità, July 1966.

Aldo Rossi’s L’architettura della città published in 1966.

Article on the Convent of La Tourette written by Aldo Rossi, published in

From images and citations from Kevin Lynch’s Image of the City, 1960 The book was translated into Italian c. 1963 Above cited in the Italian urban design and town planning review Urbanistica, 1962

Townscape design drawings as published in Italian review Urbanistica after the British magazine Architectural Review, 1958

Louis Kahn’s proposal for reorganization of traffic in downtown Philadelphia, c. 1956 reported in Casabella continuita, 1960s

Above: Map showing arterial traffic system around Boston during the 1950s Right: Photograph of raised highway being constructed through central Boston (c.1955); now mostly replaced with underground system

Government Centre & Boston City Hall, Kallman, McKinnell, Knowles, completed 1968

Government Centre & Boston City Hall Photographed c. 2000

Kenzo Tange, Plan for Tokyo c. 1961

Cover of Manfredo Tafuri’s book on Japanese architecture. LEFT: Kenzo Tange Project

New Town of Cumbernauld, Scotland, 1954 – c 1970s Copcutt and Architects

New Town of Cumbernauld, Scotland c. 1954 – 1970s

From Casabella 270 1962 The City Territory. Towards a new dimension Giogio Piccinato, Vieri Quilici, Manfredo Tafuri

Le vie di comunicazione, il territorio The way of communication, The territory

Images from the article Towards a New Dimension depicting pedestrian use, city centres, housing on the peripher and a drawing (lower right) typical of new town design philosophy.

Above: Photo of LAX airport and film stills from Francesco Rosi’s film “Smog” as published in The City and the Territory;

La città territorio projects, 1962-63 Student work from experimental architecture studio held at the University of Rome, 1962-1963

Above: photograph of the opening of the Milan segment of the Autoroute del Sole, the Italian national highway; Right: FIAT 600 in photograph promoting the highway as a means of unifying the economic and social discrepancies between the south and the north.

Pages from the Italian architectural review Superfici, 1961 On problem of crowding and city expansion, the problems of mobility and congestion

Autogrille Pavesi Pasta Company c. 1947

Pavesi Advertizing campaign showing happy family life and the extension of their empire along the Italian highway network

Advertisements for Pavesi autogrille restaurants depicting various aspects of family life c. 1950-early 1960s

The autogrille restaurant as closed circuit for consumption. The arrival of a consumption based society and consumer based economy

Sven Backstrom, Lief Reinius, Rosta Housing Estate, 1946,

Orebro Sweden

Mario Fiorention, San Basilco Housing estate, Rome c. 1954

Mario Fiorentino et. al. Corviale Housing Estate periphery of Rome 1970- 1984

Corviale Housing Estate On the periphery of Rome Mario Fiorentino, head architect of a large team of architects and planners. Photographed 2012

Aldo Rossi The Gallaratese Housing on the periphery of Milan c. 1969- 1972 -

Aldo Rossi The Gallaratese Housing on the periphery of Milan c. 1969- 1972

Gallaratese Housing Quarter, Milan, 1969-72

Plan of the Gallaratese Housing Quarter, Milan, 1969-72

Aldo Rossi Entry to the Competition for the central business district of Florence

AboveVittorio Gregotti Associati University of Calabria, c. 1967 - Left: new city in China