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100 Greatest Wonders in the World eBook

Release 1.0 (July, 2013) - Mike Kaplan

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Front cover: The Treasury at Petra

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Foreword The earliest lists of travel wonders were made more than 2,000 years ago by ancient Hellenic tourists. The idea of creating a list of architectural wonders arose following Alexander  the  Great’s  conquest  of  much  of  the  known  world  in  the  4th  century  BC,  which gave Greek travelers access to the great monuments of the Egyptians, Persians, and Babylonians. The  Greek  writers  didn’t  refer  to  these  monuments  as  “Wonders”  but  rather  as  “top  sights”  or  “things   to  be  seen”   (theamata).  Each  person  had  his  own  version of a Seven Wonders list. Some lists contain such ancient wonders as the Walls of Babylon and the Palace of Cyrus, King of Persia. The most famous lists of are those of Antipater of Sidon and Philon of Byzantium, both created in the 2nd century BC. Except for the Great Pyramid of Giza the wonders on that list no longer exist. They were destroyed by earthquakes, fires and in one case by an angry mob. Many lists of wonders have been made since than. In this eBook  we’ve  tried  to capture the 100 world’s  most  unique  and  wonderful  destinations.  Besides  man-made  structures  we’ve  also  included  nature’s  top  destinations  as  we  think  those  are  just  as  important  and  amazing  as those created by man. With so many beautiful places on earth, a list of the greatest wonders in the world is unlikely to create a consensus. Albeit subjective, this is our version of the greatest wonders of what we think represent the best of what the world has to offer. The Touropia Team

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Situated on the edge of a 3,000 feet (900 meter) cliff, the Taktsang Monastery or

Tiger’s   Nest   creates   an   impressive   sight,  and is the unofficial symbol of Bhutan. It is about 2-3 hour, totally up-hill hike from the parking lot to the monastery. According to a legend Guru Rinpoche flew to this location from Tibet on the back of a tigress and Taktsang was consecrated to tame the Tiger demon.

The first monastery was not constructed until 1692 at the order of Tenzin Rabgye, the ruler of Bhutan from 680 to 694. It is built around the Taktsang Senge Samdup cave, where custom holds that Guru Rinpoche meditated in the 8th century. In 1998 a tragic fire destroyed most of the original buildings, but these have since been painstakingly restored to their former glory.

Photo by: Kartläsarn

Paro Valley, Bhutan

Taktsang Dzong


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Located in the heart of Downtown Toronto, the CN Tower is   Canada’s   most  

recognizable icon. The communication tower was built from 1973 to 1976 by the railway   company   “Canadian   National”  and standing 1,815.4 feet (553.33 meters) tall was the tallest structure in the world for over 30 years until it was surpassed in height by the Burj Khalifa skyscraper in Dubai. It remains the tallest free-standing structure in the Americas attracting more than two million international visitors per year.

Visitors can look out from behind glass windows or go to an outside observing area to look through a metal screen. Thrill-seekers can walk on and around the roof of the main pod of the tower at 1,168.0 feet (356 m). Called the EdgeWalk, it is the world's highest full-circle, hands-free walk. Visitors are tethered to an overhead rail system and walk around the edge of the CN Tower's main pod above the 360 Restaurant. The attraction is closed throughout the winter season and during periods of electrical storms and high winds.

Photo by: Scarleth White

Toronto, Canada

CN Tower #99

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Located at the base of the Himalayan Mountains in central Nepal, Kathmandu

Valley covers a region of ancient cities rife with historic temples, architecture, monuments and art works. Kathmandu Valley comprises the three chief cities of Bhaktapur, Patan and Kathmandu in addition to hundreds of smaller villages. Originally inhabited by the Newars and ruled by the Malla kings between the 12th and 18th centuries, the region is famous for its magnificent palaces, pagodas and stupas that give testimony to the superb artistic skill of the Newars.

Spectacular sites not to be missed in Kathmandu Valley include the Bouddhanath Stupa, the most popular attraction in the valley, and the Swayambhunath Stupa, which is one of the oldest of its kind in Nepal. Additionally, the Pashupatinath Temple is one of the world's most sacred Hindu shrines. The soaring Dharahara tower offers breathtaking views of the valley while the Garden of Dreams is a historical garden complex complete with sunken flower gardens, ponds, water works and artistic features.

Photo by: neiljs


Kathmandu Valley #98

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The Rock Islands are ancient relics of coral reefs that surfaced to form the 445

islands   in   Palau’s   Southern   Lagoon.   The  islands are for the most part uninhabited, and are famous for their beaches, blue lagoons and the peculiar shapes of many of the islands. Many of them display unique mushroom-like shapes. The aesthetic beauty of the Rock Islands are heightened by the turquoise lagoons surrounded by a complex reef system

featuring over 385 coral species and different types of habitat. The Rock Islands are also home to the highest concentration of marine lakes anywhere in the world, isolated bodies of seawater separated from the ocean by land barriers. One of these lakes is the famous Jellyfish Lake, a body of seawater with millions of golden jellyfish with very weak stingers where snorkelers can safely swim.

Photo by: LuxTonnerre


Rock Islands #97

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The Dead Sea is a salt lake between Israel and the West Bank to the west, and Jordan

to the east. It is said to be the lowest point on Earth, at 1,378 feet (420 meters) below sea level. It is also the world's second saltiest body of water, after Lake Asal in Djibouti. With 30 percent salinity, it is 8.6 times saltier than the ocean and 9 times saltier than the Mediterranean Sea. Its salinity prevents the existence of any life forms   in   the   lake,  hence   the  name  “Dead  Sea”. Due to the hypersalination of the water, one can float with ease in the Dead Sea and it is in fact nearly impossible to sink.

A popular activity by visitors is to have their picture taken while reading a newspaper and floating on the surface of the water. Another popular activity is for visitors to cover their bodies with the dark mud from the shores. The mud of the Dead Sea contain many minerals and is believed to have medicinal and therapeutic benefits. In recent decades, the Dead Sea has been rapidly shrinking because of diversion of incoming water from the Jordan River to the north. All the shallow waters of the southern end of the sea have been drained and are now salt flats.

Photo by: Christian Haugen


Dead Sea #96

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Three of the four atolls in the western hemisphere can be found in Belizian waters, the

fourth atoll lies just north in Mexican waters. Lighthouse Reef is probably the best known of these atolls due to the Great Blue Hole that can be found near its center. The most popular dive site in all of Belize, the Great Blue Hole offers divers interesting observations of limestone

formations that mold its walls. The deeper one dives into the Blue Hole, the clearer the water and the more breathtaking the scenery, as the array of bizarre stalactites and limestone formations become more complex and intense. Divers can also see several species of fish, including giant groupers, nurse sharks, and several types of reef sharks such as the Caribbean reef shark and the Blacktip shark.

Photo by: Belize Tourism Board

Belize Barrier Reef

Great Blue Hole #95

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Attracting nearly one million visitors annually, Milford Sound is one of New

Zealand's most popular tourist destinations. Situated within the Fiordland National Park on South Island, this awe-inspiring natural wonder is more accurately a fjord than a sound because it was formed by melting glaciers. Surrounded on both sides by steep, imposing cliffs and lush rainforest, the Sound features several majestic peaks named for animals and objects that they resemble such as Mitre Peak, The Elephant and The Lion. The frequent rains in Milford Sound enhance the beauty of the place by creating hundreds of

waterfalls that cascade down the steep cliffs and remain even days after the rains stops. A visit to the Sound offer views of spectacular scenery and wildlife such as dolphins, penguins, seals and New Zealand glow worms. Most scenic tours of Milford Sound involve a bus ride through the breathtaking landscape or a boat cruise into the Sound. Tourists also have the option of flight tours to admire the majestic mountains, alpine lakes and rugged coastline from the air. Other ways of exploring the Sound and nearby area are by canoeing and walking the Milford Track, an old Aboriginal trail that offers amazing scenery.

Photo by: lwtt93

Fiordland, New Zealand

Milford Sound #94

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Sigiriya is a spectacular 1214 foot (370 meter)   high   ‘Lion  rock’   fortress  overlooking   the  

green jungle surroundings. t is the most visited historic site in Sri Lanka. The Sigiriya rock is a hardened magma plug from an extinct and long-eroded volcano, similar to the Devils Tower in Wyoming. From about the 5h century BC it was used as a rock-shelter mountain monastery and later turned into a rock fortress by King Kasyapa. During his reign (477 to 495),

Sigiriya was developed into a complex city and fortress. Most of the elaborate constructions on the rock summit and around it, including defensive structures, palaces, and gardens, date back to this period. After his death Sigiriya was turned back into a Buddhist monastery, which lasted until the 13th or 14th century. After this period, no records are found on Sigiriya until 300 years later when it was used briefly as an outpost of the Kingdom of Kandy.

Photo by: Amila Tennakoon

Sri Lanka

Sigiriya Rock #93

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The majestic Chartres Cathedral is an extraordinary example of medieval Gothic

architecture. Part of it was built in 1145, and, after a fire in 1194, it took 26 years to reconstruct this masterpiece of a church. Still in remarkable condition, the large nave that is the widest of any in France at 52 feet (16 meters), the fine sculptures from the mid-12th century, soaring

columns, the elaborate carvings on the doorways, the north portal with its more than 700 figures and the tower with views of the surroundings as well as buttresses and gargoyles make this a marvel. No direct light enters the Cathedral; all the warm glow comes through the spectacular red and blue ancient stained glass windows.

Photo by: Francisco Gonzalez


Chartres Cathedral #92

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Uzbekistan's second-largest and most famous city, Samarkand is an important

cultural crossroad due to its central location on the Silk Road, which linked China to the West. While evidence of human settlement here dates back to 1500 BC, the city developed significantly during the Temurid period between the 14th and 15th centuries, serving as a chief center for Islamic study. As a result of the city's long and eventful history, it is teeming in historic sites that include complexes of mausoleums, Islamic schools and mosques known for

their glazed tilework, mosaics and art works. Most notable of these are Shirdor Medrese, Gur Emir Mausoleum, Bibi-Khanym Mosque and Shakhi-Zinda Ensemble. The city square, Registan Ensemble, is also surrounded by impressive architecture of these historic mosques and medreses, or Islamic schools. Other monuments of significant interest include the Tomb of the Hebrew Prophet Daniel, Ulugbek's Observatory and Afrosiab, an excavated archaeological site of an ancient city.

Photo by: Allan Grey


Samarkand #91

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One of Europe's most beautiful cities, Prague was founded in the 9th century

and has served over the centuries as the seat of Holy Roman Emperors as well as an important economic, cultural and political center in Central Europe. Playing important roles in the Protestant Reformation and the Thirty Years' War, the city became the capital of Czechoslovakia after World War I. Following Czechoslovakia's 1993 division into two separate countries; Prague became the capital of the Czech Republic.

Today, Prague is a magical city of stunning cathedrals, medieval architecture, vibrant culture, fine dining and energetic atmosphere, making it one of the most visited cities in Europe. The city's Old Town is packed with historic landmarks such as the Astronomical Clock and gorgeous churches like the Church of Our Lady before Týn. Outside the historic district are must-see sites like the beautiful Charles Bridge and the huge Prague Castle.

Photo by: Brad Hammonds

Czech Republic

Prague Old City #90

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Situated in Italy's southwestern region of Campania, the Amalfi Coast

is known for its extraordinary beauty. Stretching 30 miles along the southern side of the Sorrento Peninsula, the Amalfi Coast is prized for its picturesque coastline that features shimmering bays, craggy cliffs, lemon tree gardens,

multicolored villas and ritzy resorts. All along the Amalfi Coast, tourists will find enticing villages such as Sorrento, a combination of historic architecture and modern resorts, restaurants and shops. One of the most romantic and posh towns along the Amalfi Coast is Positano with its beautiful pebbled beaches, pastel houses and scenic mountains.

Photo by: Abdulsalam Haykal


Amalfi Coast #89

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The Nazca Lines are located between the towns of Nazca and Palpa along the northern

Pacific coast. Created between 200 BC and 700 AD the giant figures range from simple lines to stylized spiders, monkeys, fish, llamas, lizards and human figures. They were created by removing surface stones, revealing the lighter-colored soil below. The lines were created on such a large scale that it wasn’t until the 1920s,

when Peruvian airlines started to fly from Lima to Arequipa, that they were recognized as figures. The extremely dry, windless, and constant climate of the Nazca Desert has preserved the lines well. Hotels and tour agents in Nazca offer round flights in a Cessna to view the lines. There is also an observation tower along the Pan-American highway with a view of three of the figures.

Photo by: Dennis Jarvis


Nazca Lines #88

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The largest mud building in the world, the Djenné Mosque is built in Sudanese style and

located in Mali. It has timbers jutting out for support and to make the annual replastering easier. The first mosque on the site was built around the 13th century, but the current structure is about a century old. The mosque is situated in the city of Djenné on the flood plain of the Bani River. Djenné was at one time, ancient Timbuktu’s   sister   city. The entire

community of Djenné takes an active role in the mosque's maintenance via a unique annual festival. This includes music and food, but has the primary objective of repairing the damage inflicted on the mosque in the past year from rain errosion and cracks caused by changes in temperature and humidity. The   city’s   colorful   and   varied   outdoor  market is put on at the foot of this mosque and is a must-visit.

Photo by: qiv

Djenné, Mali

Great Mosque #87

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Ko Phi Phi is a small archipelago in the Krabi Province in Southern

Thailand. Ko Phi Phi Don is the largest island of the group, and is the only island with permanent inhabitants while the smaller Ko Phi Phi Leh is famous as the filming location for the 2000  movie   “The  Beach”.  Ko Phi Phi was severely hit by the

Indian Ocean tsunami of December 2004, when   nearly   all   of   the   island’s  infrastructure was destroyed. Redevelopment has, however, been swift, and services are back with building regulations in place to limit the height of new hotels and other buildings to preserve  the  island’s  stunning  views.  

Photo by: Mike Behnken


Ko Phi Phi #86

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One of the largest cities in Morocco, Marrakesh was formerly one of the country's

imperial cities. Marrakesh was founded in the 11th century by the Almoravides, a Berber dynasty who turned the city into an important center of commerce, religion, philosophy and culture. Under Almoravide rule, red sandstone walls, lavish palaces and Koranic schools were built of which much can still be seen today. During the 1960s, Marrakesh was known as a "hippie mecca," attracting famous celebrities such as The Beatles, Yves Saint Laurent and the Rolling Stones.

Comprised of beautiful old architecture and courtyards of orange, palm, apricot and olive trees, Marrakesh today is still one of Africa's most popular tourist destinations. At the heart of the Marrakesh is the Medina, a labyrinth of old walls and narrow passageways packed with historic sites, museums, enticing food stalls and colorful souks, or markets. The focal point of the Medina is Djemaa El-Fna, the main square, buzzing with snake charmers, musicians, acrobats, storytellers, magicians and stalls selling the likes of carpets, leather, pottery, hookahs and spices.

Photo by: Procsilas Moscas


Marrakesh Old City #85

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The Harmandir Sahib, better known as the Golden Temple is the main attraction in

Amritsar, and the most important religious place to the Sikhs. Construction of the famous temple was begun by Guru Ram Dast in the 16th century and completed by his successor Guru Arjan. In the 19th century, Maharaja Ranjit Singh covered the upper floors of the temple with gold, which gives it its distinctive appearance and English name. Some of the architectural features of the Golden Temple were intended to be symbolic of

the Sikh worldview. Instead of the normal custom of building a temple on high land, it was built at a lower level than the surrounding land so that devotees would have to go down steps to enter it. In addition, instead of one entrance, Sri Harimandir Sahib has four entrances, symbolizing the openness of the Sikhs towards all people and religions. It’s  a  stunning   temple,  and  always   full  of  thousands of pilgrims from all over India, excited to be at a place that they usually only see on television.

Photo by: Guilhem Vellut

Amritsar, India

Harmandir Sahib #84

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Mount Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan at 12,388 feet (3,776 meters). The

volcano’s   exceptionally   symmetrical   cone  is a well-known symbol of Japan and it is frequently depicted in art and photographs, as well as visited by sightseers and climbers. t is one of Japan's "Three Holy Mountains" along with Mount Tate and Mount Haku. The volcano is currently classified as active with a low risk of eruption. The last recorded eruption was in 1708.

A popular destination, an estimated 200,000 people climb Mount Fuji every year, 30% of whom are foreigners. The ascent can take anywhere between three and eight hours while the descent can take from two to five hours. The most-popular period for to hike up the mountain is from July to August, while climbing from October to May is strongly discouraged because of the severe cold weather.

Photo by: Daniel Foster


Mount Fuji #83

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The Okavango Delta in Botswana is one of the world’s   great   inland  

waterways. It is formed where the Okavango River empties onto a basin in the Kalahari Desert. The delta is created from the rains that fill the Okavango River during the rainy season, between January and February. The waters arrives at the delta in March and rising to the peak months of July and August. Most of the water is lost to evaporation and

transpiration instead of draining into the sea. The Okavango delta is famous for its wide variety of wildlife. Species include elephant, hippopotamus, giraffe, crocodile, lion, cheetah, rhinoceros and zebra. The majority of the estimated 200,000 large mammals in and around the delta are not year round residents. They leave with the summer rains and make their way back as winter approaches.

Photo by: Joachim Huber


Okavango Delta #82

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Lalibela   is   one   of   Ethiopia’s  holiest cities, second only to Aksum, and is a center of

pilgrimage for much of the country. This rural town is known around the world for its monolithic churches which play an important part in the history of rock-cut architecture. Though the dating of the churches is not well established, most are thought to have been built during the 12th

and 13th centuries by a medieval Ethiopian civilization. The Church of St. George is the most well known and last built of the eleven churches. The dimensions of the complex are 82 feet by 82 feet by 98 feet (25x25x30 meters), and there is a small baptismal pool outside the church, which stands in an artificial trench.

Photo by: A.Davey

Lalibela, Ethiopia

Rock-Hewn Churches #81

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The Shah Mosque (or Imam Mosque) in Isfahan, Iran is regarded as one of the

masterpieces of Persian Architecture. Its construction began in 1611, and its splendor is mainly due to the beauty of its seven color mosaic tiles and calligraphic inscriptions. The Safavids dynasty initiated a renaissance in Persian dome

building and the dome of the Shah Mosque would become the tallest in Isfahan reaching a height of 74 feet (53 meters). The distinct feature of this and other Persian domes was the colorful tiles, with which they covered the exterior of their domes, as they would on the interior.

Photo by: Scarto

Isfahan, Iran

Shah Mosque #80

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Located in the province of Alberta, the Banff National Park is not only Canada's first

national park, but also one of the nation's largest and most visited national parks. Covering miles of forests, mountains, rivers, lakes, glaciers and a few small towns, Banff National Park remains more than 93 percent untouched. The park's breathtaking scenery and wildlife draw

many tourists every year along the Trans-Canada Highway, which passes through the park. Banff National Park's large concentration of wildlife includes mammals like black bears, grizzly bears, bison, moose and wolves. The mountains of the Valley of the Ten Peaks near the crystal clear Moraine Lake are known for providing scenic vistas.

Photo by: Satoru Kikuchi

Rocky Mountains, Canada

Banff #79

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Until recently called Burj Dubai, at 2,722 feet (828 meters) and 160 floors the

Burj Khalifa is the world's tallest structure by a long shot. Already dominating the Dubai skyline, the newly opened tower houses nine hotels and a Las Vegas-inspired fountain system. The visitors'

entrance is located at the lower ground floor of Dubai Mall. There is an outdoor observation deck on the 124th floor. Although the observation deck is called At the Top, at 1,483 feet (452 meter) it's just over halfway up the tower itself. Still it is he third-highest observation deck in the world.

Photo by: Leandro Ciuffo

Dubai, UAE

Burj Khalifa


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As one of the most famous Chateaus in France, the Chateau Versailles draws

more than 3 million visitors annually. This magnificent palace was first constructed in 1624 as a hunting lodge for King Louis XIII and then later expanded to become the residence of the French Royal Family. The   palace’s   many   stunning   features include the Hall of Mirrors, a corridor lined with seventeen mirrored arches. In

the   Queen’s   bedchamber,   visitors   can  view a hidden door through which Marie Antionette fled during the March on Versailles. With its seven salons and painted ceilings, the Grand Apartment of King Louis XVI is a sight to behold. A must-see   is   the   palace’s   250-acre formal gardens, which are designed in a geometrical pattern of trees, flowers and pathways.

Photo by: Moyan Brenn


Versailles #77

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With a history dating back to more than 3,000 years, Varanasi is one of the world's

oldest living cities. Located in North India on the banks of the River Ganges, Varanasi has been an important center of learning for ages as well as a chief pilgrimage destination for many Hindus. Varanasi is regarded as a sacred city among Hindus, Jains and Buddhists because it is believed that dying here releases a person's soul from the cycle of reincarnation, and that bathing in the River Ganges cleanses one's sins. Varanasi offers sights and experiences unknown anywhere else in the world. It is

nicknamed the "City of Temples" because of its thousands of temples. The most famous sites of the city however, are the ghats, the series of embankment steps leading down to the Ganges River, where many people gather to bathe. The oldest and main ghat is the Dashashwamedh Ghat. The Manikarnika Ghat is a burning ghat where Hindu cremations and rituals of death anniversaries are frequently held. Yoga, shaves and massages are some other activities here. The best way to see the ghats is by taking a morning boat ride at sunrise.

Photo by: Nico Crisafulli


Varanasi #76

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One of Italy's most visited tourist destinations, Pompeii is a famous Roman city which

was buried under several feet of volcanic ash for nearly 1,700 years after the cataclysmic eruption of Mt. Vesuvius. Conquered by the Romans in 80 BC, Pompeii developed into an important passage for goods that arrived by sea and had to be sent toward Rome. Researchers today believe that the ancient city had a population of about 20,000 of which 2,000 died from the catastrophe. Excavation of Pompeii began in 1748, and the site is yet to be totally unearthed. A tour of Pompeii offers a fascinating insight into the everyday life of the

ancient Roman world. Visitors can walk along the ancient streets to see the remains of shops, bars, bakeries, brothels, baths and residential homes as well as buildings that served as commercial and religious centers. Some of the most significant structures include the Amphitheatre, the Forum, the Temple of Apollo, the Basilica and the Forum Granary Market, which contains a large number of artifacts and plaster casts of people and dogs that died during the catastrophe. Within the architecture of Pompeii's ancient buildings, there is a large number of art works and frescoes depicting erotica, mythological characters and hunting scenes.

Photo by: Carlo Mirante


Pompeii #75

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The most photographed building in Germany, Neuschwanstein Castle, is

also one of Europe's most popular tourist destinations. Nestled among the breathtaking beauty of the Bavarian Alps near the town of Fussen, this fairy-tale castle served as the inspiration behind Walt Disney's Sleeping Beauty Castle. Constructed in the late 1800s, Neuschwanstein Castle was never built for defense purposes as most castles. Instead, this castle was created as a fanciful retreat for a man dubbed the "fairy-tale king." King Ludwig II of Bavaria had a reputation for abiding in

daydreams instead of reality. He was completely captivated by a German legend surrounding the Swan Knight. After losing complete sovereignty of his kingdom, Ludwig became obsessed in a project to build a castle that materialized his romantic fantasies. However, the project drained Ludwig of his finances. When the banks threatened to seize his property, Ludwig reacted irrationally, causing the government to declare him mad. Shortly thereafter, Ludwig was found drowned in a lake, without ever seeing the completion of his beloved castle.

Photo by: Rob Faulkner


Neuschwanstein #74

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Niagara Falls is a series of three awe-inspiring waterfalls situated on the border of

Canada's Ontario and the United States' New York. Although it is often called the "Honeymoon Capital of the World," Niagara Falls in recent years has also developed as a popular destination for family and adventure vacations. The magnificent beauty and enormous volume of Niagara Falls attracts millions every year from all over the world. The Ontario

side of the Falls is called Horseshoe Falls and offers the best views and most attractions. There are several ways to experience Niagara Falls. One of the most popular is the Maid of the Mist boat tour that brings visitors close enough to feel the spray from the plunging cascades. Visitors can also walk along a boardwalk beside the rapids or enjoy a cable car ride overhead.

Photo by: Montse PB


Niagara Falls #73

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The Ellora Caves are located 19 miles (30 km) from the city of Aurangabad in India.

Ellora represents the epitome of Indian rock-cut architecture. The 34 Buddhist, Hindu and Jain rock cut temples and monasteries were built between the 5th century and 10th century. The Buddhist caves were the earliest structures and consist mostly of large, multi-storey

buildings carved into the mountain face, including living quarters, sleeping quarters, kitchens, and other rooms. The Kailasa Temple, is the unrivaled centerpiece of Ellora. This gargantuan structure, designed to recall Mount Kailash, was carved out of one single rock, and covers an area double the size of the Parthenon in Athens.

Photo by: Kunal Mukherjee


Ellora Caves #72

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The Northern Lights or Aurora Borealis is a natural phenomenon that can paint

the night sky with unearthly, surreal color. Auroras seen near the magnetic pole may be high overhead, but from farther away, they illuminate the northern horizon as a greenish glow or sometimes a faint red, as if the Sun were rising from an unusual direction. The lights often appear as flickering curtains following the earth's magnetic field and can change within seconds or glow unchanging for hours, most often in fluorescent green. The Aurora Borealis is caused by charged particles ejected from the sun during large solar explosions. When the particles meet the Earth's magnetic shield, they are led

towards a circle around the magnetic North Pole, where they interact with the upper layers of the atmosphere. The energy which is then released is the northern lights. The area with the highest probability to see the Northern Lights covers most of Alaska, northern parts of Canada, the southern half of Greenland, Iceland and Northern Norway and the northernmost areas of Sweden and Finland, as well as the western half of the Russian north. There is no guarantee to see the Northern Lights though, even if you are in the best areas. Naturally, the longer you stay in the north the better the odds. Just remember to wrap up warmly.

Photo by: Dan Nordal

Auroral Zone

Northern Lights #71

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The Greek word meteora means "suspended in the air," and this phrase aptly

describes the spectacular cliffs that rise more than 1,200 feet (365 meters) into the air overlooking the villages of Kalambaka and Kastraki in the north central mainland of Greece. What makes these cliffs even more inspiring are the historic monasteries perched along the summits.

Dating back to the 14th and 16th centuries, these monasteries were built by monks who had been living in nearby caves, seeking spiritual isolation and freedom from religious persecution. Out of faith and sheer determination, it took years for the monks to transport their religious materials up the cliffs by way of ropes, baskets and ladders.

Photo by: Takeaway


Meteora #70

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The Valley of the Kings is a valley in Egypt where, for a period of nearly 500 years

from the 16th to 11th century BC, tombs were constructed for the kings and privileged nobles of the New Kingdom. The valley contains 63 tombs and chambers, ranging in size from a simple pit to a complex tomb with over 120 chambers. The royal tombs are decorated with scenes from Egyptian mythology and give clues to the beliefs and funerary rituals of the period. All of the tombs seem to have been opened and robbed in antiquity. Only the famous tomb of

Tutankhamun was spared from the worst of the tomb depredations. The fabulous riches of the tomb are no longer in it, but have been removed to the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. Most of the tombs are not open to the public, and the public ones are closed periodically for restoration work. Tour guides are no longer allowed to lecture inside the tombs and visitors are expected to proceed quietly and in single file through the tombs. This is to minimize time in the tombs and prevent the crowds from damaging the surfaces of the decoration.

Photo by: dalbera


Valley of the Kings #69

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The Republic of Seychelles is a scenic archipelago of 115 islands located northeast of

Madagascar in the Indian Ocean. It claims some of the most beautiful beaches and scenery in the world and is associated with luxury and elegance. Most resorts can be found on the main islands of Mahe and Praslin. A few high end ones, like the North Island, have their own private islands. On top of ultra-luxurious options, the Seychelles has plenty of quaint, affordable self-catering facilities and

guesthouses, most of these are found on the island of La Digue. This island is also home to L'Anse Source D'Argent, one of the world's most beautiful beaches due to the large pink granite rocks studding the coastline, coupled with sandy beaches and palms. The Seychelles is also a top spot to watch birds and giant tortoises in their natural habitat. And a vast living world lies just below the turquoise waters, beckoning divers of all levels.

Photo by: Didier Baertschiger

Indian Ocean

Seychelles Islands #68

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For almost four centuries, the opulent Topkapi Palace served as the official

residence of the sultans who ruled the Ottoman Empire. Sultan Mehmed II started work on the palace shortly after the conquest of Constantinople in 1453 and lived here until his death in 1481. In 1924, the palace became a museum that exhibits an extensive collection of art, porcelain, jewelry and other treasures of the Ottoman Empire. Important artifacts include the jewel-encrusted Topkapi dagger and the 86-carat   Spoonmaker’s  Diamond. The palace is also home to venerated Islamic relics, including the Prophet  Mohammed’s  sword  and  cloak.  

The Ottoman palace has four primary courtyards and several outbuildings. Known as the Janissaries Court, the first courtyard is where elite palace soldiers stood guard. The second courtyard is a lush green space encompassed by the former imperial harem and the Tower of Justice as well as a hospital and kitchens, which prepared thousands of meals each day. Suleiman the Magnificent constructed the entry gate. Entry to the third courtyard was strictly regulated and off-limits to outsiders. The fourth courtyard   served   as   the   sultan’s   inner  sanctum. Known as the Tulip Garden, the buildings are adorned with mother-of-pearl, tortoise shell inlays and exquisite blue-and-white Iznik tiles.

Photo by: Ivan Mlinaric

Istanbul, Turkey

Topkapi Palace #67

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One of Italy's most popular and photographed buildings, the Leaning Tower of Pisa is

known worldwide for its tilting position. Located in the city of Pisa, the famous landmark is the campanile, or bell tower, of the surrounding cathedral and piazza complex known as Campo dei Miracoli, or Field of Miracles. A fine example of Romanesque architecture, the tower was constructed in three stages over a period of 200 years beginning in 1173. Just two years after the initial construction, the tower began to tilt

due to an unstable foundation of soft ground and was left alone for almost a century. When the construction resumed the engineers built higher floors with one side taller than the other to compensate for the tilt and the tower was finally finished in the 2nd half of the 14th century. While the tower now leans at about 4 degrees, it has been stabilized by cement injections in the 1920s. Since 2001, the famous tower is again open   to   those   wishing   to   climb   it’s   296  steps to the top.

Photo by: echiner1

Pisa, Italy

Leaning Tower #66

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One of the world's largest monoliths, Ayers Rock is also one of Australia's iconic

landmarks. Located within the Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park of the Northern Territory, this large sandstone formation stands more than 1,100 feet (340 meters) high with a circumference of five miles (9 km). One of the rock's peculiarities is that it changes colors dramatically at sunset from terra cotta to blue, violet and red. The local Aboriginal tribe, known as Anangu, call the rock Uluru and regard it as a sacred site.

Steeped in Aboriginal legends, the rock formation features caves containing ancient carvings and paintings. The area around Ayers Rock is home to a number of species of wildlife including lizards, emus, bush turkeys, red kangaroo and the Woma python. Although climbing Ayers Rock is permitted and popular among many tourists, this activity is sometimes forbidden during times of bad weather and when the local indigenous tribe performs traditional ceremonies and rituals.

Photo by: rumpleteaser


Ayers Rock/Uluru #65

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Nicknamed   “the   prehistoric  Sistine   Chapel”,   the   Lascaux Caves are a cave complex in

southwestern France decorated with some of the most impressive and famous cave paintings in the world. The Lascaux paintings are estimated to be 17,000 years old. Most of the cave paintings are situated quite a distance away from the entrance and must have been created with the aid of candles. The most famous cave painting is The Great Hall of the Bulls

where bulls, horses and deers are depicted. One of the bulls is 17 feet (5.2 meters) long, the largest animal discovered so far in any cave in Europe. Due to the damage resulting from too many people visiting the caves, the Lascaux paintings have been permanently closed to the public. The French government has built Lascaux II near the site where tourists can see a copy of the original cave.

Photo by: Christine McIntosh


Lascaux #64

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The Moscow Kremlin is one of   Russia’s   most   popular  tourist attractions. It is

conveniently located in downtown Moscow and dominates the skyline of Russia’s   largest   city.   The   Kremlin   serves  as the   residence   for   the   country’s  president. It has been used as a fort, and this fact is made clear by its sheer size. The Kremlin's outer walls were built in the late 1400s. Under Ivan III, better known as Ivan the Great, the Kremlin became the center of a unified Russian state, and was extensively remodeled.   Three   of   the   Kremlin’s  cathedrals date to his reign. The Ivan the Great Bell Tower was built in 1508. It is

the tallest tower at the Kremlin with a height of 266 feet (81 meters). Joseph Stalin removed many of the relics from the tsarist regimes. However, the Tsar Bell, the world's largest bell, and the Tsar Cannon, the largest bombard by caliber in the world, are among the remaining items from that era. The Kremlin has also served as the religious center of the country, and there is a tremendous number of preserved churches and cathedrals here. Those who enjoy the performing arts will want to consider attending a ballet or concert at the State Kremlin Palace. Completed in 1961, it is the only modern building in the Kremlin.

Photo by: Lori Branham

Moscow, Russia

Kremlin #63

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Komodo Island is part of the Komodo National Park, a national park in Indonesia

located within the Lesser Sunda Islands. The park also includes the islands Padar and Rincah, and 26 smaller ones. The island is particularly notable as the natural habitat of the Komodo dragon and consequently named after the island. The Komodo   Dragon   is   the   world’s   largest  living reptile and can reach 10 feet (3

meters) or more in length and weigh over 150lb (70kg). As a result of their size, these lizards dominate the island ecosystems in which they live. Komodo dragons eat mostly carcass of dead animals,but they are formidable predators and will also hunt prey including birds, and mammals. Although attacks are very rare, Komodo dragons have been known to attack humans.

Photo by: Yusmar Yahaya


Komodo Island #62

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Nicknamed   the   “Manhatten  of   the   desert”,   Shibam is a town in Yemen featuring

unique high rise apartment buildings. The tower houses, some 16 stories tall and up to 100 feet (30 meters high) and made out of mud bricks, were built to protect the citizens from Bedouin raids. The mud buildings have to be maintained and frequently renovated by the inhabitants in order to protected them from rain and erosion.

While Shibam itself dates back to the third century AD, most of the city's houses originate from the 16th century. Many, though, have been rebuilt numerous times in the last few centuries. After a flooding in 2008 several buidlings collapsed because their foundation was compromised by the flood waters, eventually leading to their collapse. Іt  wаs  аlsо   the   target   оf   аn   Al   Qaeda   attack   іn  2009.

Photo by: Jialiang Gao


Shibam #61

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The Mezquita (Spanish for “Mosque”)   of   Cordoba   is   a  fascinating building famous

for the forest of pillars and arches inside the main hall. It is unique in that it has undergone several religious changes over time. Construction on the mosque began in 784 AD after the Moors captured Cordoba. It was built on the spot where a 6th-century Visigothic church had once stood. In the 13th century, the Christians took Cordoba from the Moors. At this time, they consecrated the building as a Christian church. During the 1520s, they actually built a church within the mosque. However, they agreed to leave the Moorish architecture in place.

With such a varied past, it is no wonder that the Mezquita of Cordoba is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Spain. From the outside, the Mosque looks similar to many other buildings of the time. However, the inside of the building is what sets it apart from other Mosques in the city. One of the most unique design elements is the use of red and white double-tiered arches within the building. Sculptured pillars, recycled from the Roman temple that previously stood at the site, support these arches. Originally, there were 1,293 columns, made from onyx, marble, granite and jasper, but only 856 remain today.

Photo by: Procsilas Moscas


Mezquita of Cordoba #60

www.touropia.com 45

Table Mountain is a flat-topped mountain overlooking the city of Cape Town in

South   Africa.   It’s   main   feature   is   a   level  plateau approximately 2 miles (3 kilometers) from side to side, surrounded by steep cliffs. The highest point on Table Mountain is 3,563 feet (1,086 meters) above sea level. There is a cableway that

takes passengers to the top of the mountain with views overlooking Cape Town, Table Bay and Robben Island to the north, and the Atlantic seaboard to the west and south. António de Saldanha was the first European to land in Table Bay. He climbed the mighty mountain in 1503 and  named  it  ‘Table  Mountain’.

Photo by: Jim Sher

Cape Town, South Africa

Table Mountain #59

www.touropia.com 46

One of the most famous sites in the world, Stonehenge is composed of earthworks

surrounding a circular setting of large standing stones in south west England. Stonehenge was produced by a culture that left no written records so many aspects of Stonehenge remain subject to debate. Evidence indicate that the iconic stone monument was erected around 2500

BC while the last known construction at Stonehenge was about 1600 BC. The gigantic stones may have come from a quarry, around 25 miles (40 kilometers) north of Stonehenge on the Marlborough Downs. It is not known for certain what purpose Stonehenge served, but many scholars believe the monument was used as a ceremonial or religious center.

Photo by: Natesh Ramasamy


Stonehenge #58

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Nicknamed the Oriental Pearl, Hong Kong is one of Asia's most traveled

destinations thanks to its spectacular natural beauty and man-made marvels. Located off China's southeastern coast, Hong Kong is a glittering, world-class commercial center where Chinese culture, British colonial influences and modern day high-technology blend together. While it contains the world's highest

concentration of skyscrapers and one of the highest population densities, Hong Kong also offers plenty of green spaces, mountain views and beaches. Some of the must-see attractions include the famous Victoria Harbour, which is a spectacular sight at night with all the dazzling skyscrapers and The Peak, Hong Kong's highest peak which offers awe-inspiring views of the harbour.

Photo by: Jim Trodel


Hong Kong Cityscape #57

www.touropia.com 48

The mountain gorilla is the world’s  most  endangered  ape  found only in small portions

of protected forests in southwestern Uganda, northwestern Rwanda and eastern Congo. With less than 900 mountain gorillas left in the world, seeing them in the wild is something only a few people will ever have the chance to experience. There are two populations. One is found in an extinct volcanic region called the Virunga Range along the borders of Rwanda, Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The other is found in Uganda's Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. There are two parks in Uganda, the Mgahinga Gorilla National Park and

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park where travelers are able to go gorilla tracking. Bwindi is home to about half of all mountain gorillas. The park covers a mountainous region of extremely dense rainforest. Visitors can also get to see chimpanzees as well as some spectacular bird life. In Rwanda the Mountain Gorillas can be found in Virunga National Park. The park encompasses six volcanoes. Tracking gorillas in Virunga is slightly less strenuous than at Bwindi since the gorillas move around a little less. The more open terrain also allows more light for better photo opportunities than in Bwindi.

Photo by: Philip Kromer


Mountain Gorillas #56

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Abu Simbel is an archaeological site comprising two massive temples in

southern Egypt on the western bank of Lake Nasser. The twin temples were originally carved out of the mountainside during the reign of Pharaoh Ramesses The Great in the 13th century BC, as a lasting monument to himself and his queen Nefertari. Archaeologists have concluded that the immense size of the statues was intended to scare potential enemies approaching Egypt's southern region, as

they travelled down the Nile from out of Africa. With the passage of time, the temples fell into disuse and eventually became covered by sand until they were rediscovered in 1813 by Swiss explorer Jean Louis Burkhart. The complex was relocated in its entirety in the 1960s to avoid their being submerged during the creation of Lake Nasser, the massive artificial water reservoir formed after the building of the Aswan High Dam on the Nile River.

Photo by: Olaf Tausch


Abu Simbel #55

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The Golden Gate Bridge is a suspension bridge spanning the Golden Gate, the strait

between San Francisco and Marin County to the north. The masterwork of architect Joseph B. Strauss, whose statue graces the southern observation deck, the bridge took seven years to build, and was completed in 1937. The Golden Gate Bridge was the longest suspension bridge

span in the world when it was completed. Since its completion, the span length has been surpassed by eight other bridges but it remains one of the most famous landmarks in the world. The famed red-orange color of the bridge was specifically chosen to make the bridge more easily visible through the thick fog that frequently shrouds the bridge.

Photo by: Bob Dass

San Francisco, USA

Golden Gate Bridge #54

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Angel Falls or Salto Ángel is the  world’s   highest  waterfall,  dropping a total of 3,208 feet

(978 meter) from a cleft near the summit of Auyantepui. The most visited tepui in Venezuela, Auyantepui, which means “Devil’s  Mountain”  in  the  language  of  the  native Pemon people. The falls themselves were named after pilot Jimmie Angel who

accidentally discovered the falls in 1933. During a return trip in 1937, Angel crashed his small plane on top of Auyantepui. It took him and his crew 11 days to descend the mountain. Angel falls are styll located in an isolated jungle region of Venezuela, in the Canaima National Park and the only access is by air.

Photo by: Erik Kristensen


Angel Falls #53

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The Eiffel Tower is a symbol of Paris and France and one of the most famous

landmarks in the world. The tower was built by Gustave Eiffel as the entrance arch for the International Exhibition of Paris of 1889. With a height of 984 feet (300 meters) it was the tallest tower in the world until 1930, when the Chrysler

Building in New York was completed. Since   it’s   construction   more   than  200,000,000 people have visited the Eiffel Tower making it the most visited paid monument in the world. Tourists can ride the elevator to see incredible views of the city or dine in one of the two fine restaurants that are situated within the tower.

Photo by: NonOmnisMoriar

Paris, France

Eiffel Tower #52

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The tiny country of the Maldives in the middle of the Indian Ocean is made up of

about 1,200 tiny coral islands grouped into 26 atolls. The word atoll actually comes from the the Dhivehi (a language spoken  on  the  Maldives)  word  “atholhu”.  With the highest point above sea level being around 6 feet (2 meters), the

Robinson Crusoe life style is everywhere you look. The primary activity on the Maldives is scuba diving and snorkeling. The atolls are all coral reefs hundreds of miles away from any major landmass, meaning that water clarity is excellent and underwater life is abundant. Manta rays, sharks, even a few wrecks, you name it, you can find it in the Maldives.

Photo by: Nattu

Indian Ocean

Maldives Atolls #51

www.touropia.com 54

Regarded as a holy city to the three major religions of Judaism, Christianity and

Islam, Jerusalem is one of the world's oldest cities. Located high in the Judean Mountains, Jerusalem was formerly inhabited by the Jebusite tribe until King David of the Israelites captured it 3,000 years ago and made it his capital city. Over the centuries, the city has been besieged, attacked and captured numerous times by opposing religious and political powers. In spite of time and warfare, Jerusalem's many historic sites

remain well preserved, making it one of the most beautiful and fascinating cities of the world. Divided into several districts, Jerusalem is a remarkable blend of 1st century structures, modern day high-rise buildings and medieval neighborhoods. The Old City is the main attraction with its numerous historic and religious landmarks. Some of the most important sites include the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, the Temple Mount, the Wailing Wall, the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Photo by: israeltourism


Jerusalem Old City #50

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One of Australia's famous landmarks, the Sydney Opera House is one of the world's

most prestigious performing arts centers, located in Sydney's Central Business District and surrounded by the beautiful scenery of the Sydney Harbour and the Royal Botanic Gardens. Visited by several million people annually, this stunning structure houses multiple venues that together host more than 1,500 performances each year. What's more, Sydney Opera House is home to four prominent companies including the Sydney Symphony Orchestra, Opera

Australia, the Sydney Theatre Company and The Australian Ballet. Regarded as a 20th century architectural masterpiece, the Sydney Opera House was designed and built by architect, Jørn Utzon, to reflect the image of a huge sailing ship. The structure is 600 feet long and 394 feet wide (183 by 120 meters) at its widest point, featuring distinctive roof shells that resemble billowing sails. Attending a performance is not required to experience the full splendor of the Sydney Opera House. Daily tours are available where visitors can explore the halls, venues, backstage, dressing rooms and more.

Photo by: Pavel


Sydney Opera House #49

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Located in the Andes Mountains of Bolivia, Salar de Uyuni is the largest salt flat in

the world. It is covered by a few feet of salt crust, which has an extraordinary flatness with the average altitude variations within 3 feet (one meter) over the entire area of the Salar. The expanse of salt creates an unending white landscape during the dry season, but the area is most breathtaking in the rainy season when it is covered in water. The reflection of the blue sky creates an even more

surreal landscape, although some tourists insist on seeing the salt. The Salar contains large amounts of sodium, potassium and magnesium. It also holds about 40% of the world's lithium reserves which is a vital component of many electric batteries. The Salar also serves as the major transport route across the Bolivian Altiplano and is a major breeding ground for several species of pink flamingos during the rainy season.

Photo by: Kris Krug


Salar de Uyuni #48

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Situated in the lowland rainforest of northern Guatemala, Tikal is perhaps

the most breathtaking of all the Mayan sites. Restored buildings are scattered around the area while many more ruined buildings are still hidden by the jungle. Between ca. 200 to 900 AD, Tikal was the largest Mayan city with an estimated

population between 100,000 and 200,000 inhabitants. Tikal contains 6 very large temple pyramids. The largest, Temple-pyramid IV, is some 230 feet (72 meters) high and was finished around 720 AD. Climbing to the top of one of these ancient Mayan temples offers a great experience with beautiful panoramic views from above the tree tops.

Photo by: Piers Canadas


Tikal #47

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Baalbek is a historical town in the Beqaa Valley, located about two hours by bus from

Beirut and one hour from the Syrian capital of Damascus. It is home to the most famous ancient site in Lebanon and arguably the most important Roman ruins in the Middle East. Now home to 72,000 people, most of whom are Shia Muslims, Baalbek was known as Heliopolis, the City of the Sun, during Roman times. It's believed to be built on a site held sacred by the Canaanites some 2,000 years before the Romans.

Baalbek is famous for its complex of intricately carved stone temples, some of which are the largest ever built by the Romans. The renowned Temple of Baal-Jupiter, for example, conflates the Canaanite god with the Roman god of the sky and thunder. It features columns that stand 65 feet (20 meters) tall and a terrace created out of enormous stones. Other popular sights include a finely carved temple in honor of Bacchus, the Roman god of wine, and a round temple dedicated to Venus, the Roman goddess of love.

Photo by: Jan Hilgers


Baalbek #46

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The capital of Tuscany, Florence is often described as a colossal outdoor museum

because of its mass of art and architectural treasures. Internationally observed as the birthplace of Italian Renaissance, Florence is also known as the home of the wealthy and powerful Medici dynasty that produced several kings and popes, impacting the entire world in a number of ways culturally, economically and politically. Florence's hoard of art masterpieces are found all over the city, contained within the large numbers of museums, stunning

churches, like the domed Santa Maria del Fiore, and internationally esteemed art galleries like the Ufizzi and Pitti Palace. The Piazza della Signoria, the main square, is home to beautiful buildings and world famous sculptures like Cellini's Perseus with the Head of Medusa, Ammannati's Fountain of Neptune and Michelangelo's Statue of David. Walking is the best way to see the major sites in the city center. Some of the best places to walk include the Ponte Vecchio, a beautiful bridge spanning the Arno River and featuring a number of high-end jewelry shops.

Photo by: Benson Kua


Florence Cityscape #45

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Situated in the heartlands of the Cordilleras mountains of the Philippines and rising to

an altitude of 5000 feet (1525 meters) are the Banaue Rice Terraces. The terraced fields were carved out by hand without modern tools by the Ifugao tribes and have been producing rice for almost 2,000 years. They are fed by an ancient

irrigation system from the rainforests above the fields. These terraces are so numerous, steep, and compact, that if stretched out end to end, they would wrap halfway around the globe. Lately, these under-maintained rice terraces have been showing their age, as more and more Ifugao tribes people are emigrating to the cities.

Photo by: IRRI Images

Ifugao, Philippines

Banaue Rice Terraces #44

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During the ice ages, water from melted glaciers filled up deep valleys, forming the

prodigies of nature that are known today as fjords. Among the most famous and beautiful of these fjords is Geirangerfjord, located in southwestern Norway near the coastal town of Ålesund. Stretching for more than nine miles (15 km) long, Geirangerfjord is a natural wonder of deep blue water surrounded by majestic cliffs and lush green mountains towering more than 3,500 feet (1,000 meters) high. Adding to the spectacular scenery are several stunning waterfalls and lush countryside dotted with picturesque farms.

A visit to Geirangerfjord offers a variety of attractions and adventures. Not to be missed are the impressive waterfalls that include the Seven Sisters. Jutting out from the cliff sides in seven separate cataracts, the Seven Sisters waterfall plunges more than 800 feet (250 meter) into the fjord, creating a refreshing curtain in which people can actually walk behind. On each side of the fjord, the lush mountains are dotted with quaint farms. Not far from the fjord is the town of Geiranger, home to restaurants, lodging and the Geiranger Fjord Centre, which displays exhibits about the history and culture of the area.

Photo by: Suomi Star


Geirangerfjord #43

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The Alhambra in Granada is the palace-fortress complex where Spanish Moors made

their final stand during the Reconquista led by the Christian monarchs Ferdinand and Isabella. The original fortress was constructed in 889, and a royal palace was added in 1333. The name is derived from Arabic words meaning the red one, which describes the citadel's brilliant façade. The well-preserved citadel is one of the finest examples of Moorish architecture and

engineering. Inside the castle are exquisitely decorated rooms and lavish gardens of the royal palace, such as the Hall of the Abencerrajes. The brickwork, vaulted ceilings, wood inlays, intricate stucco and gold leaf ceilings reflect the grandeur of the period. An exquisite example of Alhambra's symbolism is the Court of Lions that features intricate mosaics, colonnaded galleries and an ornate fountain.

Photo by: Frank Kovalchek

Granada, Spain

Alhambra #42

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A colossal temple complex dating back to the 8th century, Borobudur is one of

Indonesia's most popular tourist destinations as well as one of the world's most important Buddhist temples. Located in the lush Kedu Plain with a backdrop of majestic volcanoes, Borobudur is an awe-inspiring site located 25 miles (40 km) northwest of Yogyakarta in Central Java. Built in the 8th and 9th centuries over a period of 75 years, the temple complex was mysteriously abandoned in the 14th century and left

hidden for centuries under volcanic ash and jungle growth until its unearthing by the British in the 1800s. Modeled like a stepped pyramid, Borobudur is constructed of two million volcanic block stones and consists of six rectangular terraces crowned by three circular terraces. On the top platform, the main dome is enclosed by 72 Buddha statues. Borobudur is decorated with a total of 504 Buddha statues and more than 2,600 elaborately carved relief panels depicting the teachings of Buddha and everyday life in ancient Java.

Photo by: Jean-Marie Hullot


Borobudur #41

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Nicknamed the "Pearl of the Adriatic," the old city of Dubrovnik is one of the

prominent tourist destinations of the Mediterranean. Located at the southern tip of Croatia off the Adriatic Sea, Dubrovnik was established in the 7th century on maritime trade. In spite of constant territorial threats from Venice and the Ottoman Empire, Dubrovnik flourished in the Middle Ages as a center of literature, art, science and education. Today, Dubrovnik is one of the most beautiful cities of Europe, offering

alluring architecture and art works. With orange rooftop houses sitting in contrast to the blue sky, Dubrovnik presents many sightseeing treasures. The historic district, the Old Town, is stuffed with many historic features such as the old, defensive walls, cobblestone streets, magnificent palaces and stunning churches. A must-see is the 15th century engineering marvel, Onofrio's Fountain. At night, the Old Town is illuminated, giving it a romantic ambiance.

Photo by: Dayou_X


Dubrovnik Old City #40

www.touropia.com 65

With its multicolored spires and domes of assorted shapes and sizes, St. Basil's Cathedral

is easily one of Moscow's most recognizable icons as well as one of the world's most photographed landmarks. Located at one end of the Red Square next to the Kremlin, the cathedral was built to commemorate the capture of the Tatar strongholds of Kazan and Astrakhan. Ivan the Terrible ordered the cathedral's construction in the mid-16th century, and legend holds that Ivan put out the architect's eyes so that he would be unable to build another cathedral more glorious than St. Basil's. Designed to resemble the

shape of a bonfire in full flame, the architecture is not only unique to the period in which it was built but to any subsequent period. For various reasons, both Napoleon and Stalin wanted to destroy the cathedral but fortunately did not succeed. Known for its various colors, shapes and geometric patterns, St. Basil's Cathedral houses nine different chapels that are all connected by a winding labyrinth of corridors and stairways. On the lower floor, St. Basil's Chapel contains a silver casket bearing the body of St. Basil the Blessed.

Photo by: Jack Versloot

Moscow, Russia

St. Basil’s Cathedral #39

www.touropia.com 66

Yellowstone National Park was   the  world’s   first  national  park, set aside in 1872 to

preserve the vast number of geysers, hot springs, and other thermal areas, as well as to protect the incredible wildlife and rugged beauty of the area. Yellowstone lies on top of a gigantic hotspot where light, hot, molten mantle rock rises towards the surface. Subsequently, the park   contains   half   of   all   the   world’s  known geothermal features, with more than 10,000 examples of geysers and hot springs. The most famous geyser in the park is Old Faithful Geyser. It is one of the most predictable geographical features on

earth erupting almost every 91 minutes. The largest hot spring in Yellowstone and the third largest in the world is the Grand Prismatic Spring. The vivid colors in the spring are the result of pigmented bacteria that grow around the edges of the mineral-rich water. The bacteria produce colors ranging from green to red. The center of the pool is sterile due to extreme heat. In addition to all the geothermal features Yellowstone is also home to one of the finest megafauna wildlife habitats in North America. Black bears, grizzly bears, deer, elk, bison and wolves can all be found within the park borders.

Photo by: Jim Trodel

Wyoming, USA

Yellowstone #38

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Located in northeastern Italy, Venice is an archipelago of 118 islands all connected by

hundreds of beautiful bridges and scenic canals. Of the canals, the Grand Canal is most famous and divides the city into two sections. Picturesque waterways and historic architecture make Venice one of the most romantic cities in the world. Venice is often crowded and expensive but well worth visiting to see its magnificent landmarks like Saint Mark's

Square and Basilica, Doge's Palace and Rialto Bridge. One of the most popular things to do is to take a gondola ride along the Grand Canal. Every year, Venice hosts one of Italy's liveliest Carnival festivals where the streets are filled with people dressed in colorful costumes and masks, and the Grand Canal is packed with fleets of decorated boats and gondolas. A popular souvenir to purchase in Venice is one of the beautifully crafted carnival masks.

Photo by: Tambako The Jaguar


Canals of Venice #37

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Covering a large region in Central Anatolia of Turkey, Cappadocia is best known for

its fairytale landscape of unusual formations resembling chimneys, cones, mushrooms and pinnacles. Natural processes such as ancient volcanic eruptions and erosion have all sculpted these odd formations over the ages, with some of them rising as much as 130 feet (40 meters) high. However, thousands of years ago, mankind added remarkable touches to the landscape by carving out houses, churches and underground cities from the soft rock. Inhabited as early as 1800 BC, Hittites and other residents chiseled out underground tunnel

complexes, seeking safety from invading Persians and Greeks. Much later in the 4th century AD, Christians, fleeing out of religious persecution from Rome, sought refuge in Cappadocia's tunnels and caves. While much of Cappadocia is located in the province of Nevsehir, some of the main towns in the region are Ürgüp, Göreme, Avanos, Ortahisar and Mustafapasa. Many of these towns offer hotels, restaurants, nightlife options and attractions such as museums, rock castles, fairy chimneys, underground tunnels, old Greek villages, monasteries and handicraft markets. Some of the caves in the region are actually hotels and cater to tourists.

Photo by: Amrit Patel


Cappadocia #36

www.touropia.com 69

It may be the center of the Catholic world, but visitors do not have to be religious to

appreciate the magnificent architecture and art works contained within St. Peter's Basilica. Located on Vatican Hill in Rome, St. Peter's Basilica is a dominating structure that was built over a period of more than a hundred years by some of Italy's greatest artists including Michelangelo and Bernini. Although the original church was built in 349 AD, the current basilica was constructed in the 16th century to replace the former due to deterioration. Catholic tradition says that the present day St. Peter's Basilica is built upon the tomb site where Peter, an apostle of Jesus

Christ, was buried in 64 AD. The church building itself is impressive, sporting the world's tallest dome, which dominates Rome's skyline. Able to hold 60,000 people, St. Peter's Basilica contains several niches and chapels including the Chapel of the Pieta, which houses Michelangelo's statue of the Virgin Mary holding the dead body of Christ in her lap. One of the biggest draws of the church is its lavish interior of marble features, gilding and outstanding art works that consist of paintings, sculptures, mosaics and reliefs. The basilica is fronted by St. Peter's Square, a vast plaza designed by Gian Lorenzo Bernini, featuring decorative fountains, massive colonnades and a 4,000-year old Egyptian obelisk.

Photo by: Doc Searls

Vatican City

St Peter's Basilica #35

www.touropia.com 70

The Mausoleum of the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty (221 BC-206 BC), who

successfully defeated all rival states and unified China, is located near the city of Xi’an.   The   tomb   of   the   emperor   has   not  been excavated yet but his buried terracotta army unearthed nearby has already become one of the most popular attractions in China. It is estimated that in the three pits containing the Terracotta Army there were over 8,000 soldiers, 130

chariots with 520 horses and 150 cavalry horses, the majority of which are still buried. The figures are life-like and life-sized. The colored lacquer finish, individual facial features, and actual weapons that were used in manufacturing these figures created a realistic appearance. Although the weapons were stolen and the coloring has faded greatly, their existence serves as a testament to the amount of labor and skill involved in their construction.

Photo by: Pedro Szekely

Xi’an,  China

Terracotta Army #34

www.touropia.com 71

Ngorongoro Crater is the world's largest unbroken caldera. It is formed from a

volcano erupting two to three million years ago which has collapsed and formed a crater. The crater is about 2,000 feet (600 meters) deep and its floor covers 100 square miles (260 square kilometers). The steep sides of the crater have become a natural enclosure for a wide variety of

wild animals. The crater is home to over 30,000 animals including elephants, lions, cheetahs, wildebeests and buffaloes. It is also presently one of the most likely areas in Africa to see the endangered Black Rhino. Local Maasai people are permitted to bring cattle to graze in the crater but are required to leave at the end of each day.

Photo by: Stig Nygaard


Ngorongoro Crater #33

www.touropia.com 72

Attracting 8 million visitors annually, the Forbidden City is the world's largest palace

complex. Situated in the heart of Beijing near the Tiananmen Square, this enormous palace was constructed in the 15th century during the Ming Dynasty and served until 1911 as the imperial residence of emperors and their families as well as the center of Chinese political and ceremonial functions. In total, 24 emperors reigned over the country for almost 5 centuries from the Forbidden City until the abdication of Puyi, the last

Emperor of China. Known today as the Palace Museum, the palace was formerly named the Forbidden City because entrance to it was strictly prohibited unless approved by the emperor due to its religious significance as the Heavenly Emperor's earthly residence. Surrounded by a 26-foot (8 meter) high wall with several gates, a wide moat and royal gardens, the complex covers a huge rectangle and consists of 90 palaces and halls with courtyards, nearly 1,000 other buildings and 8,700 rooms.

Photo by: Bridget Coila

Beijing, China

Forbidden City #32

www.touropia.com 73

One of the most beautiful and photographed islands in the South Pacific Ocean, Bora

Bora is part of the archipelago of the Society Islands belonging to French Polynesia. About 20 miles (32 km) wide, the island consists of a mainland that is surrounded by several small islets famously known today for their tourists resorts of thatched-roof bungalows and long wooden boardwalks stretching out over a clear blue lagoon. Dominating the center of the island are the emerald green peaks of Mt. Otemanu and Mt. Pahia.

First occupied by Polynesians in the 4th century and visited by explorers like James Cook in 1770, Bora Bora later became a French colony in 1842. During World War II, the island served as a military base for the United States. Today, Bora Bora is a popular tourist destination for many, including honeymooners and adventurers. With its beautiful beaches like Matira Beach, barrier reefs and hundreds of multicolored marine species, Bora Bora is an excellent place to enjoy swimming, snorkeling, diving, deep sea fishing, boating and other water activities.

Photo by: K5 Boardshop

French Polynesia

Bora Bora #31

www.touropia.com 74

Situated on Marpo Ri hill, 430 feet (130 meters) above the Lhasa valley, the Potala

Palace rises a further 560 feet (170 meters) and is the greatest monumental structure in all of Tibet. As the winter palace of the Dalai Lama from the 7th century the complex symbolizes Tibetan Buddhism and its central role in the traditional administration of Tibet. The construction of the present palace began in 1645 during the reign of the fifth Dalai Lama and by 1648 the Potrang Karpo, or White Palace, was completed. The Potrang Marpo, or Red Palace, was added between 1690 and 1694. The Potala Palace remained the

residence of the Dalai Lama until the 14th Dalai Lama fled to India, after the Chinese invasion in 1959. T oday, the Potala Palace is a museum. The White Palace contains the main ceremonial hall with the throne of the Dalai Lama, and his private rooms and audience hall are on the uppermost level. The palace contains 698 murals, almost 10,000 painted scrolls, numerous sculptures as well as a large collection of important historical documents. To the west and higher up the mountain the Red Palace contains the golden burial stupas of past Dalai Lamas.

Photo by: Will De Freitas

Lhasa, Tibet/China

Potala Palace #30

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One of the most densely populated communities in the world, Manhattan also

contains one of the world's greatest concentrations of famous attractions. It may be the smallest of New York City's five   boroughs,   but   it’s  what   people  most  often think of when they picture New York. A small island, Manhattan is probably best known for its dazzling skyline and cityscape consisting of numerous skyscrapers. The borough is made up of several neighborhoods and districts that are all filled with fabulous landmarks, shopping venues, restaurants and

entertainment venues. Some of Manhattan's most famous attractions include the Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty, Times Square, Central Park, the Rockefeller Center and the site of the World Trade Center. Manhattan is also home to some of the most distinguished museums and art galleries in the world such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Guggenheim Museum and the American Museum of Natural History. Additionally, Manhattan's Theater District is world known with its collection of Broadway theaters and other entertainment venues.

Photo by: nosha

New York City, USA

Manhattan #29

www.touropia.com 76

The city of Bagan lies on the shore of the Ayeyarwady River in central Myanmar,

formerly known as Burma. Approximately 13,000 temples, pagodas, stupas and other ruins once stood here, and nearly 2,200 remain today. Some are well maintained while others are overgrown with grass and weeds. Bagan was the capital of the Kingdom of Pagan from the 9th to the 13th century. During the 11th to the 13th centuries, wealthy rulers commissioned the building of thousands of temples. This golden age came to an end in 1287 when the Mongols invaded the Kingdom after refusing to pay tribute to Kublai Khan. Bagan quickly declined as a political center and only a

small group of people, living among the temples, remained. The city became a pilgrimage site, but only focused on the largest temples. The others were left in disrepair and eventually succumbed to time and the elements. In 1998, the small village was forcibly moved to a nearby area and was renamed New Bagan. Bagan’s   holiest   temple,   the   Ananda  Temple, was built in 1091. Four Buddhas are housed here and they represent the four Buddhas that have achieved Nirvana. The fifth one has not yet appeared. Other notable temples include the Shwesandaw Temple, also known as the Sunset Temple, where visitors gather to watch the Bagan sunset.

Photo by: Marc Veraart


Bagan #28

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Located in Istanbul, the Hagia Sophia is a masterwork of Roman engineering, with its

massive dome (102 feet or 31 meters in diameter) that covers what was for over 1000 years the largest enclosed space in the world. Hagia Sophia is the Greek term for Holy Wisdom and refers to Jesus Christ. Constructed between 532 and 537, on the orders of the Byzantine Emperor Justinian, the structure was an Eastern Orthodox church until 1453, except for about 60 years in the 1200s when it served as a Roman Catholic cathedral. In 1453,

Ottoman Turks captured Constantinople and converted the edifice into a mosque, removing or plastering over many Christian relics and replacing them with Islamic features. The building closed in 1931, and the Republic of Turkey re-opened it as a museum in 1935. Through the years, the church suffered damage from earthquakes, fires and riots, making many repairs and restorations necessary, but it remains a beautiful building that some people call the world's eighth wonder.

Photo by: Arild Vågen

Istanbul, Turkey

Hagia Sophia #27

www.touropia.com 78

Although badly ruined, few attractions in Egypt tour are more impressive than Karnak.

It is the largest ancient religious site in the world, and represents the combined achievement of many generations of Egyptian builders. The Temple of Karnak actually consists of three main Egyptian temples, smaller enclosed temples, and several outer temples located about 1.5

miles (2.5 kilometers) north of Luxor. It took millennia to build and enhance the massive Karnak Temple. However, most of the work on Karnak was done by the pharaohs of the New Kingdom (1570-1100 BC). One of most famous structures of Karnak is the Hypostyle Hall, a hall area of 50,000 sq ft (5,000 m2) with 134 massive columns arranged in 16 rows.

Photo by: Son of Groucho

Luxor, Egypt

Karnak #26

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Covering most of Northern Africa, the Sahara is the third largest desert after Antarctica and the Arctica, almost equal in size to the United Stated. It has one of the harshest climates in the world. Daytime temperatures are high, averaging 86°F (30°C) and often over 100°F (37.5°C) while the prevailing north-easterly wind often causes sand storms and dust devils. Heat loss is rapid after dark and from December to February freezing temperatures are not uncommon during the night. Most of the Sahara receives less than 5 inch (12.7 cm) of rain per year on average. Even   in   the   Sahara’s   wettest  areas, it may rain only twice a week and

not rain again for years. Not surprisingly the Sahara is not lush in vegetation, except in the Nile Valley and at a few oases. Most of the people living in the Sahara do not live in cities. Instead they are nomads that move from region to region throughout the desert. Because of this, there are many different nationalities and languages in the region but Arabic is most widely spoken. Contrary to popular belief, large sand dunes (called ergs) form only a minor part of the Sahara. Most of the desert consists of largely barren, hard, rocky plateaus, with very little sand.

Photo by: bachmont

North Africa

Sahara Desert

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The Victoria Falls (indigenous name: Mosi-oa-Tunya meaning   “The   Smoke   That  

Thunders”)   are   located   on   the   border  between Zimbabwe and Zambia. David Livingstone, the Scottish explorer was the first European to view Victoria Falls in 1855. He named his discovery in honour of Queen Victoria but the indigenous name, Mosi-oa-Tunya continues in common usage as well.

The falls are formed as the full width of the Zambezi river plummets in a single vertical drop into a gorge. Victoria Falls is often called the largest waterfall in the world, although it is neither the highest nor the widest. It has a width of 1 mile ( 1.7 kilometers) and a height of 360 feet (108 meters), roughly twice the height of North   America’s   Niagara   Falls.   In  combined height and width Victoria Falls is  rivaled  only  by  South  America’s  Iguazu  Falls.

Photo by: Philipp Schäufele


Victoria Falls #24

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With its aqua-green water and cluster of limestone rocky outcrops rising from the

water like sea dragons, Ha Long Bay resembles a scene from a fantasy story. Located about 80 miles (130 km) east of Hanoi in northern Vietnam, this otherworldly bay features more than 2,000 jungle-covered islands pitted with intriguing caves, grottoes, sinkholes and lakes. Ranging between 160 and 300 feet (50 and 90 meters) high, many of the islands and outcrops have been sculpted over the centuries by natural processes into fantastic formations. The names of these islands reflect the unusual shapes they resemble such as Voi Islet (elephant),

Mai Nha Islet (roof) and Ga Choi Islet (fighting cock). Although most of the islands are uninhabited, some of the larger islands such as Cat Ba offer restaurants, hotels and attractions like beaches and historic sites. Other islands feature lakes, coral and grottoes that are ideal for swimming, kayaking and cave-exploring. Boat cruises are the best way to experience the natural wonder of Ha Long Bay. With hundreds of boats ranging from traditional Chinese junks to luxury cruisers, boat tours can vary from day trips to multiple-night journeys.

Photo by: Jean-Marc Astesana


Ha Long Bay #23

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Chichen Itza is the most famous of all the great Mayan cities. This is somewhat ironic

because its most famous structures do not have a typical Classic Mayan architecture but show strong influences from other civilizations from Central Mexico. The most famous landmark of Chichen Itza is the 99 feet (30 m) high Temple of Kukulkan, also referred to as El Castillo (the castle in Spanish). The temple contains many references to the important Mayan  calendar.  Each  of  El  Castillo’s  four  sides has 91 steps which, when added together and including the temple

platform , equals the 365 days of the solar year. Each of the nine terraces are divided in two, which makes 18, symbolizing the number of months in the Maya calendar. The terraces contain a total of 52 panels, referring to the 52-year cycle when both the solar and religious calendars converge. Chichen Itza is the most developed of the many Mayan ruins and can get crowded. But the combination of grant scale monuments and the mysterious precise astronomical calculation in the buildings make Chichen Itza truly amazing.

Photo by: Brian Snelson


Chichen Itza #22

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Often described as a paradise for its volcanic mountains, green rice terraces and sandy

white beaches, Bali is one of the 17,000 islands that comprise the archipelago of Indonesia in Southeast Asia. In addition to remarkable culture and world-class diving and surfing, Bali is where many people come for weddings, honeymoons and for total relaxation of mind, body and spirit. Bali first became popular in the 1970s as a top surfing and diving destination. Dive shops are located all over the island, and the crystal clear water, coral reefs, colorful marine creatures and sunken ships all present excellent diving and snorkeling adventures.

While Bali encompasses several regions and cities, some of the main tourist destinations include Kuta, known for its beautiful beaches and vibrant shopping and nightlife. Ubud is the island's art and cultural center while the towns of Sanur and Seminyak offer many fabulous beachside resorts. Bali's Hindu culture is among its greatest attractions. The island is dotted with tens of thousands of Hindu temples varying in size, shape and architectural design. With each of these temples hosting festivals at various times of the years, the island is always buzzing with performances of traditional Balinese music, dances, costumes and rituals.

Photo by: Miek Schenk


Bali #21

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There is no destination on earth more animated and exciting than Rio de Janeiro.

Located in southeastern Brazil, Rio de Janeiro is the most visited city of South America due to its famous mountains, landmarks, beaches, Carnival festival and stunning views. Rio de Janeiro is situated on one of the world's largest harbors surrounded by natural attractions that include the Sugarloaf and Corcovado mountains and famous beaches like

Copacabana and Ipanema. Within this sprawling metropolis is Tijuca National Park, one of the world's largest urban forests, teeming in native flora and fauna. The city's iconic landmark is the enormous Christ the Redeemer statue sitting atop Corcovado mountain. Rio is also home to one of the world's largest Carnival celebrations, renowned for its vibrant parades, costumes, dancing, music, fireworks and street parties.

Photo by: mark goble


Rio de Janeiro Views #20

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Consisting of several ancient buildings, the Acropolis is located on a rocky outcrop

above the city of Athens in Greece. In the fifth century BC, the Greek statesman Pericles coordinated the construction of this   site’s   many   historic   buildings.   The  most famous of these is the Parthenon, which has existed at the top of the Acropolis for almost 2,500 years. The Parthenon was built to honor the goddess Athena Parthenos, the patron of Athens, to thank her for protecting the city during the Persian Wars. The construction of this monument began in 447 BC and ended in approximately 438

BC under the guidance of Pericles. Its main function was to protect and shelter the statue of Athena, nearly 40 feet (12 meters) tall, created from gold and ivory by the sculptor Pheidias.   Although   it’s  most important function was as a temple, the Parthenon also served as a treasury, a church, a mosque and a fortress during its long history. Today,  the  Parthenon  is  one  of  the  world’s  most popular visitor sites and it attracts millions of tourists each year. It is a lasting symbol of ancient Greece and many consider it the most important surviving building from that time.

Photo by: Adam L. Clevenger

Athens, Greece

Acropolis #19

www.touropia.com 86

Easter Island is one of the most isolated places in the world. Its closest inhabited

neighbor is Pitcairn Island, 1,289 miles (2,075 km) to the west while the nearest continental point lies more than 2,000 miles (3,500km) to the east in central Chile. The island is famous for its monolithic stone statues, called moai. The statues were carved by the Polynesian colonizers of the island, mostly between circa 1250 AD and 1500 AD. In addition to representing deceased ancestors, the moai were also regarded as the embodiment of powerful living or former chiefs. The tallest moai erected, called Paro, was

almost 33 feet (10 meters) high and weighed 75 tons. The name "Easter Island" was given by the island's first European visitor, the Dutch explorer Jacob Roggeveen, who encountered it on Easter Sunday 1722. By that time the civilization of Easter Island was already in a drastic decline, as a result of overpopulation, deforestation and exploitation of an extremely isolated island with limited natural resources. The statues were still standing when Roggeveen visited the island but by James Cook's visit in 1774 many were reported toppled. Most would be cast down during later conflicts between clans. Today about 50 moai have been re-erected

Photo by: Arian Zwegers


Easter Island #18

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At 29,029 feet (8,848 meters), Mount Everest is the highest mountain on Earth. It is

located on the border between Nepal and Tibet. In 1953, Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay were the first to succesful ascent Mt. Everest. Today, the highest mountain in the world attracts climbers of all levels. Although other eight-thousanders such as K2 are much more difficult to climb, Mount Everest still has many inherent dangers such as altitude sickness, weather and wind. People who die during the climb are typically left

behind and it is not uncommon to find corpses near the standard climbing routes. Mt. Everest has two main climbing routes, the southeast ridge from Nepal and the north ridge from Tibet, Southeast is the most frequently-used route because it is generally considered safer and has easier access. The ascent via the southeast ridge begins with a trek to Base Camp at 17,600 feet (5,380 m) on the south side of Everest in Nepal. At Everest Base Camp, climbers will often spend 4 to 8 weeks, acclimatizing to the altitude before they begin their ascent to the summit.

Photo by: Joe Hastings


Mount Everest #17

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The Taj Mahal is an immense mausoleum of white marble, built between 1632 and 1653

by order of the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his favorite wife. The Taj is one of the most well preserved and architecturally beautiful tombs in the world, one of the masterpieces of Mughal architecture, and one of the great sites of the   world’s   heritage.   Called   “a   teardrop  on   the   cheek   of   eternity”,   the  monument  is actually an integrated complex of

structures. Besides the white domed marble mausoleum it includes several other beautiful buildings, reflecting pools, and extensive ornamental gardens with flowering trees and bushes. Soon after the Taj Mahal's completion, Shah Jahan was deposed by his son Aurangzeb and put under house arrest at nearby Agra Fort. Upon Shah Jahan's death in 1666, Aurangzeb buried him in the mausoleum next to his wife.

Photo by: Dennis Jarvis

Agra, India

Taj Mahal #16

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The Colosseum is the largest and most famous amphitheater ever built in the

Roman Empire. Its construction was started by emperor Vespasian of the Flavian dynasty in 72 AD and was finished by his son Titus in 80 AD. During the   Colosseum’s   opening   ceremonies, spectacles were held for 100 days in which 5,000 of animals and 2,000 gladiators were killed. The Colosseum was capable of holding some 50,000 spectators who could enter

the building through no less than 80 entrances. Spectators were protected from the rain and heat of the sun by sail,s called the   “velarium”,   around   the   top   of   the  attic. The arena was comprised of a wooden floor covered by sand (the Latin word for sand is harena) covering an elaborate underground structure called the hypogeum. Today little remains of the original arena floor, but the hypogeum is still clearly visible. It consists of a series of underground tunnels used to house animals and slaves.

Photo by: Paul McCoubrie

Rome, Italy

Colosseum #15

www.touropia.com 90

Antarctica, on average, is the coldest, driest, and windiest continent on the planet, and

has the highest average elevation of all the continents. Although about 98% of Antarctica is covered by ice, it is technically a desert (the largest on earth) with very little precipitation. Antarctica is colder than the Arctic because much of the continent is more than 2 miles (3 kilometers) above sea level, and because the Arctic Ocean covers the north polar zone   transferring   the   ocean’s   relative  warmth through the icepack. Sea life of

Antarctica include penguins, blue whales, orcas, and seals. Scarcely touched by humans, the frozen land boasts breathtaking scenery, broken by only a handful of scientific bases and a population of scientists numbering only a few thousand. For tourists, Antarctica is accessible only during the austral summer season from November to March, during which sea ice melts enough to allow access. Generally they must brave rough sea crossings aboard ice-strengthened vessels, but those who do are rewarded with beautiful scenery and unique wildlife.

Photo by: Antarctica Bound

Antarctic Circle

Antarctica #14

www.touropia.com 91

One of the most popular destinations in Greece, Santorini may be one of the

more expensive islands but definitely one of the most picturesque. Part of the Cyclades group, Santorini is well-loved for its cliff-hanging villages, Venetian castles, scenic wine country and legendary sunsets. While Santorini consists of numerous villages, the most famous are Fira and Oia, which cling to cliff sides overlooking the turquoise sea. Hundreds of zigzagging steps ascend and wind through these villages of cobblestone lanes and whitewashed houses with blue-

domed roofs. The sunset views from Oia are regarded among the most stunning in the world. From the seaport, tourists can reach these villages by way of a cable car or opt for a mule ride. Additionally, the island is home to two of the youngest volcanic islands in the Eastern Mediterranean, Nea and Palia. A tour to these smoking islands offers views of steaming lava flows. Additionally, the island is home to two of the youngest volcanic islands in the Eastern Mediterranean, Nea and Palia. A tour to these smoking islands offers views of steaming lava flows.

Photo by: Pedro Szekely


Santorini #13

www.touropia.com 92

Angkor is a vast temple complex featuring the magnificent remains of

several capitals of the Khmer Empire, from the 9th to the 15th century AD. These include the famous Angkor Wat temple and the Bayon temple at Angkor Thom. The Angkor Wat temple is the most magnificent and largest of all the monuments at Angkor. It name means “City   Temple”   and   it   is   considered   to   be  the largest religious structure in the world. From the base to the tip of the highest   tower   it’s  669 feet (213 meters) of breathtaking stone reliefs in the elaborate Khmer style. The Bayon temple features a

sea of over 200 massive stone faces looking in all direction. Each face has an enigmatic smile, an instantly recognizable image of Angkor, as familiar as Angkor Wat itself. In fact, many people assume that the faces are an integral part of Angkor Wat but it stands in fact at the center of Angkor Thom, the last great capital of the Khmer empire. During   it’s   long   history   Angkor went through many changes in religion converting between Hinduism to Buddhism several times. It has become a symbol of Cambodia, appearing on its national flag, and it is one of the prime tourist attractions in Southeast Asia.

Poto by: kianjin


Angkor #12

www.touropia.com 93

Teotihuacan is an ancient city in central Mexico that had up to 150,000 residents at one

time. Although it experienced a period of economic prosperity, the city went into decline after 650 A.D. and was abandoned within 50 years. Seven centuries after the demise of the Teotihuacán empire the pyramids were honored and utilized by the Aztecs and became a place of pilgrimage. Today, tourists from around the world visit this part of Mexico to see what remains of Teotihuacan. The city's most famous attractions are its pyramids. The Pyramid of the Moon is

located in the northern outskirts of Teotihuacan. It measures over 110 feet (34 meters) tall and provides an excellent view. The larger Pyramid of the Sun is near the city's center. It was constructed on top of a cave and positioned so that the sun would rise over its peak. The pyramid was constructed in two phases. The first construction stage, around 100 AD brought the pyramid to nearly the size it is today. The second round of construction resulted in its completed size of 225 meters (733 feet) across and 75 meters (246 feet) high.

Photo by: ZeroOne


Teotihuacan #11

www.touropia.com 94

One of the globe's top destinations for underwater explorers and scuba divers is

the world's largest barrier reef system, famously known as the Great Barrier Reef. Located in the Coral Sea off the coast of Australia's state of Queensland, the Great Barrier Reef encompasses a huge area of more than 2,900 coral reefs and hundreds of islands and cays. Formed by millions of living organisms over a period of millions of years, the Reef is now one of the world's most diverse and complex ecosystems. While always known and used by the Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal Australian peoples, the Reef

today is protected by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. It is home to a remarkable array of marine life including 1500 fish species, 360 corals and thousands of mollusks in addition to various species of whales, dolphins, marine turtles, sea snakes and birds, which breed among the small islands. The best way to explore the Reef is by one of the numerous boat cruises that run along the northern coast of Queensland. The town of Cairns is regarded as the main gateway to the Reef, but other towns such as Townsville, Port Douglas, Yeppoon, Mission Beach and Cooktown also offer cruise operations.

Photo by: Sarah Ackerman


Great Barrier Reef #10

www.touropia.com 95

Attracting millions of visitors every year, the Grand Canyon is one of the great tourist

attractions in the United States. Located in northern Arizona, this massive natural wonder was carved by the Colorado River over a period of several million years and now measures 277 miles (446 km) long, over a mile (1.6 km) deep and up to 18 miles (29 km) wide. It is not the deepest or the longest canyon in the world but the overwhelming size and colorful landscape offers visitor vistas that are hard to match. Managed and protected by the Grand Canyon National Park, the Grand Canyon is contained within the national park as well as within the Hualapai and

Havasupai Indian Reservations. Awe-inspiring landscapes, wildlife viewing, historic sites and adventurous activities are just a few of the reasons that make the Grand Canyon one of the world's most famous natural wonders. The Canyon is divided by two main sections, the popular South Rim and the remote North Rim. As the most accessible part for tourists, the South Rim features many historic sites such as the El Tovar Hotel, Grand Canyon Railway Depot and the Desert View Watchtower. Also in the South Rim is the Grand Canyon Village where many tourists can find ample lodging.

Photo by: photophilde

Arizona, USA

Grand Canyon #9

www.touropia.com 96

Petra,   the   fabled   “rose   red   city,  half  as  old  as  time”  is  one  of  the  world most fascinating

archaeological sites comprising what remains of an ancient capital city once ruled by the Nabataean kingdom from the 6th century BC. Located in the desert in southern Jordan, this ancient site is noted for its sophisticated water management system and marvelous architecture carved from sandstone cliff faces. Because of its location on a major trade route, Petra was a leading center of commerce where spices, incense and Chinese silks were once traded. Even today, the enormity and grandeur of the city's ruins bespeaks its wealth and importance. In 106 AD, the Roman Empire took control of Petra. Over two hundred years later in 363 AD, the water

management system was nearly destroyed after a catastrophic earthquake. Petra later was abandoned and remained forgotten until a Swiss explorer by the name of Johann Ludwig Burckhardt encountered it in 1812. A tour of Petra today involves walking through the entrance known as the Siq, which is a long, meandering canyon noted for its odd sandstone patterns and carvings in the rock walls. After the Siq is the magnificent Treasury, which was actually not a treasury but probably a temple or a royal tomb. Other significant ruins include the 7,0000-seat Roman Theatre, the Royal Tombs, The Monastery and the Street of Facades, a huge canyon bordered with the facades of assorted tombs.

Photo by: Pir6mon


Petra #8

www.touropia.com 97

One of the world's most stunning natural wonders, Iguazu Falls is a series of

magnificent waterfalls located on the Iguazu River, straddling the border between Brazil and Argentina. This chain of voluminous cataracts varies between 200 to 269 feet (60 to 82 meters) in height and extends for more than a mile along a crescent-shaped cliff before plunging over a plateau with thunderous roars. Estimated in number between 275 and 300, the waterfalls are divided by

numerous islands. While some of the cascades rush over ledges, creating dazzling sprays of mist and rainbows, others plummet straight down into a long, narrow gorge called the Devil's Throat. The falls in and of themselves are a breathtaking spectacle, but their beauty is all the more enhanced by the surrounding lush forest teeming in exotic wildlife like parrots, toucans, macaws, spotted jaguars, monkeys, butterflies and vivid blooms of begonias and wild orchids.

Photo by: Rodrigo Soldon


Iguazu Falls #7

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Home to 40% of the planets remaining rainforest, the Amazon is the largest and most

species-rich tropical rainforest in the world. The Amazon is mostly contained within Brazil, and stretches into Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, and smaller parts in some other South American countries.As the largest tropical rainforest it has has an unparalleled biodiversity. One in ten known species in the world live in the

Amazon Rainforest. This includes about 2,5 million species of insects, 4,000 species of plants, approximately 2,000 species of fishes, about 1,200 species of birds and some 400 species of mammals. Among the most dangerous animals are the black caiman, jaguar and anaconda. In the river, electric eels can produce an electric shock that can stun or kill a human, while piranha are known for their voracious appetite for meat.

Photo by: CIAT

South America

Amazon Rainforest #6

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The inspiration behind Charles Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection, the Galapagos Islands

are a remote but beautiful archipelago of 19 islands lying on the equator some 600 miles (1,000 km) west of the South American country, Ecuador. Isolated from the continental mainland, these islands are home to unique wildlife not found anywhere else in the world. Some of these unusual species include marine iguanas, giant tortoises, red-footed and blue-footed boobies, fur seals, lava lizards, frigatebirds, colorful Christmas iguanas and the Galapagos Penguin. Claimed by Ecuador and visited by Darwin in the early 1800s, the Galapagos

Islands served as a penal colony in the early 20th century until being declared a national park in 1959. Today, the Galapagos Islands are a popular tourist destination. Some of the most visited include Santa Cruz, which is home to giant tortoises, lava tubes and the Charles Darwin Research Center. Fernandina has a large variety of wildlife from flightless cormorants to marine iguanas, sea lions, dolphins and whales. Isabela is the largest of the islands with many volcano trails while Plaza Sur has a large colony of sea lions. Wolf and Darwin Islands are considered two of the world's best diving destinations.

Photo by: blinking idiot

Pacific Ocean/Ecuador

Galapagos Islands #5

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One of the most beautiful and impressive ancient sites in the world, Machu Picchu was

rediscovered in 1911 after it lay hidden for centuries above the Urubamba Valley. The   “Lost   City   of   the   Incas”   is   invisible  from below and completely self-contained, surrounded by agricultural terraces and watered by natural springs. Although locals have always been aware of the site, the world didn't know about it until the American explorer, Hiram Bingham, officially discovered it in 1911. While many theories abound concerning the site's purposes and amazing feat of

construction, visitors can explore the area and see for themselves the well-preserved buildings that include houses, temples, fountains and baths in addition to agricultural terraces and evidence of an irrigation system. Machu Picchu can only be accessed by hiking along the Inca Trail or by train from the town of Poroy. There are many tour companies that take groups by hiking and by train. Many of these companies operate from Cusco. The journey to Machu Picchu offers spectacular scenery.

Photo by: Pedro Szekely


Machu Picchu #4

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The Great Wall of China built, rebuilt, and maintained between the 5th century BC and the 16th

century to protect the northern borders of the Chinese Empire from the attacks of various tribes. Several walls have been built that were referred to as the Great Wall. One of the most famous is the wall built between 220–206 BC by the first Emperor of China but little of that wall remains. The majority of the existing wall was built during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644 AD). Unlike the earlier fortifications, the Ming construction was stronger and

more elaborate due to the use of bricks and stone instead of rammed earth. About 25,000 watchtowers were to constructed on the wall. As Mongol raids continued periodically over the years, the Ming devoted considerable resources to repair and reinforce the walls. Sections near the Ming capital of Beijing were especially strong. The most comprehensive archaeological survey has recently concluded that the entire Great Wall, with all of its branches, stretches for 5,500.3 miles (8,851.8 kilometers).

Photo by: Severin Stalder


Great Wall of China #3

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The Serengeti Migration is one of the largest mass movement of land mammals on the planet.

One million wildebeest and 200,000 zebra make a 300 miles (500 kilometer) round trip from the Southern Serengeti in Tanzania to the northern edge of the Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya. During their trip, the wildebeests and zebras are accompanied by Grant's gazelle, Thompson's gazelle, eland and impala. The migration pattern is determined by the availability of grazing. At the beginning of the year there is plenty of grass available for the animals in the south eastern part of the Serengeti ecosystem. Around this time, the

wildebeest give birth to approximately half a million calves over a period of 3 weeks. As the rains end the animals normally head north-west to the Western Corridor of the Serengeti and its Grumeti River. Huge crocodiles are waiting for the hesitant wildebeest to stumble at the crossing. From Grumeti, the wildebeest and zebra head north, arriving on the Kenyan border in July. With the start of the short rains in Nobember the migration starts moving south again, usually arriving in December to their breeding grounds and the cycle begins again. The Great Migration is probably  Africa’s  greatest safari spectacle and one of the most breathtaking events in the animal kingdom.

Photo by: Harvey Barrison


Serengeti Migration #2

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The Giza necropolis, situated in the immediate vicinity of the southwestern suburbs of Cairo

is probably the most famous ancient site in the world. The pyramids, together with the Sphinx at the base of the Giza plateau, are the iconic image of Egypt. They were built over the span of three generations – by Khufu, his second reigning son Khafre, and his grandson Menkaure. The Great Pyramid of Khufu is the oldest and sole remnant of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Over 2 million blocks of stone were used to construct the pyramid, during a 20 year period concluding around 2560 BC. The pyramid is an awe-inspiring 455 feet (139 meters) high

making it the largest pyramid in Egypt, although nearby   Khafre’s   Pyramid  appears to be larger as it is build at a higher elevation. The most distinctive feature  of  Khafre’s  Pyramid  is  the  topmost  layer of smooth stones that are the only remaining casing stones on a Giza Pyramid. At a height of 204 feet (61 meters) the Pyramid of Menkaure is the smallest of the three great pyramids. The Great Sphinx lies on the east side of the complex. Current consensus among Egyptologists is that the head of the Great Sphinx is that of Khafre. Along with these major monuments are a number of smaller satellite structures, known as queen pyramids, causeways and temples.

Photo by: Tommy Wong


Giza Pyramids #1

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