1~00 . --· .Col.~ .R at n H'A.P NE-WYE •...

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Transcript of 1~00 . --· .Col.~ .R at n H'A.P NE-WYE •...

. .

H ,6 -( v

Vol. Vl. Pe~ annum-$3.00. I

_JJ_cicmuDic D&snatch.

. '

• ' ...... /

St. John's, N .-F., · Frid '




---------------------------------------------r •

• t

• Single copies-one Cent.

. . I No. o.



. '

A· few Shares jjp V1aT~ruAVI~TJ ITUY Cold Weather m Europe. f;:::-~·~ : . ::. : 0 .: "~ •• ,..: ;.~: • • . • • • ••••••••• "=• Publi~~ byJ Authorit~~ I · UN!ONP AN, wn GHO~~G!_ALO·N!ANIS

II A 7 Bed Tl k · A' •Q ~aftta ' _ · ,.p , o , , .... .....,.~, " ,.... •• anne ette .. . . · · · .... . .. . ·. ... t cen~ c · · · · · · • · · .... · · · · · · · .. · · • ., - ·THE-FOLLOWING REGULATIO• S dec31,lp,tf · Brokers . . 5w'lnetle ·.· . . . . ... ..... .. .. . . . ... At 11 con~ Fancy Toil_et Covel'!l .. . ·· ·· ···· .. At 12 cents made by tho Board of Health tor St. John's, . . i Fleece Cal teo . · · · · · · · · ·. · · .. ..... At 0 cents I Good 'fen.····· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · • .Ac .115 cents Is apJ>roved ot, aud Ita publicatibn authorised by Under the patronage ot Royalty and .


. ')

Cretonne -1 ... . . ........ . ... . . . .. At 8 cents Tea )n l-Ib' load packngea ... ·· ... At 40 cents His Excellency the Governor in Council. t~e Authority ot the ~actdty. , · Green Damask .... . ........ . . . . . At 10 cents 'fen in~ and 1-lbJead packagea ; .. At 60 ,centl Stcrtlal1/'$ O§l~. • BOND,

DiDhthBria Doath .Rato atr1Hiillrax. ---..... ·~ -- '

HJ.LlP"J.X, ,Jao. :! Tke I.Jueeo will lca\'e fo r Italy ou tho 2•tb of

.llarch : •he will go by way of the ll.l ouot Cco is tuoud. -

Se \' ere ,;. e~ihc is reported from Nortbero Eu rope : n Ycssolj's iccbouod in the lower Elbe .

Distress pre1·ai1.s io Puris. The poorer classes io Eogiaod ulso suO'er llreadfully, and nil out­

.. - door trades luwe been suspended for seven "~eh. 'Yt~·o hundred persons died from d'phtheria io

Hulilax last ye11r. ~~~~~====~~=

__ N~W A.J?VF;!t~~~ENTS. _ Auction beer. .h . . .. . .. . ... li lt, Wood & Co .\ uctioo-mutton, &c ... . . . .. . . ... J & W Pitt!

.Auc ~ ior.-cabb~gv . ("! Ht, Wood & Co

ooo.ogCO.QO¥AOP~I3;RsoN:•00~ I. 30th Dec., 1~00_. -- · .Col.~ al. tcrctary.

8i&n ot tJte Leopard. l!ilp of Ute ~pard. - .R egu I at I 0 n · • Made by the '&ard ot Health tor the Electoral

H"'A.P y NE-W· YE ALL ~!ro~t7~to~~:~~~n·:h1'fo''k~~dA~r •• r!Tt~~~ ! 1 for render ing e!Jec nil measures of precau-• tionagalnsttheoutb ore rea.dlngofd.lse&80.

. • . SpecJal Boles tor tbe PrevenUon of o o o o ooooo ooooooOOoOo oo" b oo OO oooOcO ooooOOOOO ooO oOOooOo o . Dlpbtberla.

? Any pe1'89n ~qililg~ or havtog been remove.i

{Tho Subscriber, thankful tor the pAtronage recti 'red the- past year throadlout} fq!lll, any houae or place where there Ia anyone the Island, is still in JL position to o!Jer CoNstOBJIABLII Ann.Nnonln W'lliTIIll •li1l'uingfrom IQre throa~. to any other houae 11r Goons, !Ill our Stock •s WELL-ASSORTED, nod the foflowlng linea we olrer pllioe

1 except the Board ot Health Home, without

a mealcal practitioner's cerilflcate that such aore

AT. GREATLY REDUCED PRICES! ~~~to~~l:e~::::~:u:~~=-= JemOYed •hall be quarantined for 1och period of time U the BOaJ:d of Health may deem neceua17 • and aucb bonae or place. and the inmate. thereof shall, at the di8cretlon of tile Medical Health 011-cer ot the Board of Heall:h, be auhject to the rulea and regulaUooa of the Board of Health, In the

Mnntles, tlll!le. , Clottk , Furtl, ~d lll:tll~ery · . Childs' Woo~oods, Pelisses, D~es. ~ &>:c., .-e. Wool Squares, Uouda; a lot of Plain and Fancy Dre. Be•n•nta Wool Blankets and Wadded QnUta; OVEB()()AT8 & . L8TEB8. aatpe manilu aa they now apply to any houe In

_ 1 whlch there Ia a cue ot diphtheria, and to the In-mates of such bonae. . • ·

t; ood ,-a!uc In serge•. &: c· ." . .. ~l acPhe:son dec:ll Tonl :;ht at City Rink ... . . . sec ad-.t ;;~~~~~========~~ ~~~~~~=~~~~

No person ha-ving recovered from dlphthert. a ball attend any -echool or place w)lere cblldren &Uemble In large numbers until after the e.s:pim­\lon ot One Moot from the date -of a medlcnl practltioner'aoortiflcateof such recovery.

.-\cademin C'lub rncctiu~ ... Ch;& s F Taylor ....,

i(efresluncms at L'ity !!Ink ... .. W m English w lC d e , ., ·llfr ·11 L<>s~-OJl"""-~·hoo \< .. ·--~~- · ··· .. .' ... ~ecadvt 0~ · ar\,. .· ·1.n, ·g ,.lu.l·

J AUCTION-S-ALEs. ~ "ioiD.o'f.'~ciw-;-sii·t-u-rdaY,-at~ll 0-. clock


. CLIFT, WOOD & CO. 100 quarters Fre•h P. E . hl•nd Dref !iO cnrcasses FrcrJt 1!. E . Island Mutton

. I carcnsse;; FrN h P . E. Islnnd Pork Lot poultry; 20 hrl s <:nrrots and Parsnips, 10 brls Blood-red Beet, !uO tubs ::\ .S . But ter. jan9

Tomorrow. Saturday, at 1'1- o'clock, OS T U£ WTU.RF O P

J. & "'VV. -Pi.'t'ts,. GO cares Fres h Mutton, 20 qro Frrsh Ded 20 barrels Apples; o nr:(,

· 100 tubs No~n &otia Butt~i- janO ' . ~ Tomorrow, Saturday, at 11 o'clock

U!'\" Til ~ WnAHF Ot"'

/ A Special Meeting



T ilE PROPIUETORS OF THIS E!!ITABI.ISIIMENT BEG TQ INFORM the public that tho milcbln•ry for Carding Wool " 'ill be in operation on the' 18th Instant. &)ld

they trust that it will not only supply a long felt want, but also eecnro the li~patroo.age ot the public. -

Cnrd lng hy hand .I• the most tedious and disagreeable part of the maoutacture of wool· but by the nld of the perfect machinery now applied to tho process, it cnn be prepared for I!Pinnliig in a very strort time.

Wool brought to the Establishment will be cnrded :md returned at onco to tht owner, ready for spinning, nt a ,-cry small charge. Carded wool will also be kept In stook tor ule.

The Manager is preJlnred to buy nt good prices nlly clean wool olrcring. Pr~, terms, and all lo­fonnntlon , tit appllcntlon to

nov!O,m&th,fp,tey · • ..... _. T • . S. mPOOKE, M!!"-ager.

To the amonnt of two dolla nud upward.ll will rccelye a discount of 'I' E..'\' per eeat. . Thla oOcr o lJ' hold good fQr tbe remaining dars of I800, anil Ia made f'or tbe R11rp08e o reducing the stock before the 'lR!glnnln& of tile ,.ear I891. • ·

m-.Bootll and Shoes or Jllleu, Women and Chl.ldreo-a apeclaltJ . . ( • • . 1

Nor ahnll aoy iumato of a bouse ID vrhlch · raco­very or death from diphtherin occ\IJI!, attend any school or p\ace na before mentioned, until niter the expiration of Ooo Month from the date of n medi­cal i1ractltioner·s certificate of auch reco'l"cry or deai'b.

'Pe.nalty not exceeding Filly Dollars, or impri­sonment not exceeding 'l'hree Months. _jan7,Gifp

Harth S~DNEYCaals 130 Toalf'-1-'rcsh•mtned,

Ex schooner Laurier, &l!d for sale by

P. ROGERSON & SON jo.nS,rp

To Coal Contractors.

TE~D:f;BS WILL DE RECEIVED . up to tomorrow ~vening. U1e 241:11 lost., Cor

the disc~rgiog or about ~.ooo tool! of C.onl trom ate er Iitttrnational, duo here rrom Syd­ney on o about Friday next, tho 2Gth inst. Con­ditions and arrangemen ts for the d!!livery or Coals, &c., can be sern by the contractor& tomor­row at our office. 'l'he underaigoed do not bind them selv~ to accept tho lowest or any tender. ,

:M. :MO:E'LEY c*' 00.

TO (;A~'l'.EUS,- ll~scs will bo wanted for carting C~~s into our shed !rom alongside the steamer; for turth•r lnlormallon, app)y t!l, ·

dec28fp M. MOREY & Co.

Koatin~-'s con~h-Lozonaos . . • THE BEST REMEDY ·'

• For disorders of the onary Or , in diftl:

culty of Breathing In Redundnno;r of Phi -in incipient CO t19JY(.of whl ooug II

c&oy. In Asthma andl ln Winter h dvl have NEVER been known 'to tail: · ,

Co'u1b~ .UUuna -d lnelple ~-\ aumptlon are ellectually cnfed by

Xeating"s <Tough Lozenge&. ' _..Upwards of 'Sixty Yeara' u~ bu

ful!y "coliflrmed the 1u!linior repm&lon of &-. Lozenge~ In the cq)e ol Atlthma, Wlllter 9o!Jab, Roraeneut Sbortneea of B:.th IDd o~lt Pahio­IW'Y malaatee.

H.eaon.-a Wona .TUI~ A purely Veptab!e Swee~ee&b, both lA appear­ance and t&sie, flll11ilblng a moe&_ apetable -Cbod ot adminleterlng the only~ nimedJ'for L'CT118TIJ<.u. or Tuu.f.D Wo!Ddi It Ia a 118lfeecl:r ufe and mUd pre)1&1'&tlon, and f!leepectallyadapt­ed for children. Sold In tins and boWeil by iall druggilte.


-?DO!f, KE·4TING, ~ndon. _. JfnOLp.t..U, BY

T McMURDO c1: OO •• ,St. :Jobn'M,N F. d~cl,fp,tey

T. J. "F. MURPHY;· M:-n. Duckworth-St, opp. Dr. Buntlng's.r ·

Office bonr11-8 to 10 a..m.: 1 to 2 p.m.; 6to8P..m. may24 ,fl>.U


CEO_. O'REI ·L .L~, ~ U'IL01JU, BREAD, OATMkAL. Corn• ..L' 1 meal, peas, pork, jo·ods, beff1 butter, mo- . lnsses, ten, sugar, colfee, co~ chocolate, .t;ce. green and split pens, benris, J)lj'fey, sago, nullJUI,, cnrrante, ·jnms. blsc.ults, pickles, sauces, syrupe, vinegar, fla'I"Oring essence, mustard, pepper, out­.mega,aplccs, caraway seed, hops,,£renmot ta~, baking powder, corry powtler, Bilaratus, cOlD.· beef and brawn In tins, &olmon, lobetet, 0)'11~~ . sardines, condensed milk, candled lemon and ct· tron poet, almonds and nut!, confectlon~ry, corn­flour, starch, bloc. sto~ poll•b, shoo "blAcking, stove and shoo brushes, brooms, galvanized bu~­ets, soap, candles, matches , pipes, t~bacco, cltotrs, lnmp chimneys, burners, lamps, kntfe-brick, bar­ness let, wnshbonr'!ls, hayseed, clover seed, oat>;, sol c,L~nd upper leather, sboeml)-ker 's findings, &Dd suncTry other nrticles. . - . ur Also, a choleo assortment. of nil kinds of

Choice Liqnors; and n lo.t of Chnstmns Goods at . reasonable prices; HIS Wntef'ostreot, 6 doors west ot Mnrkct..house. dec2S

American Maoafactured


f &lie .Academia ()lab will be beld on / eadaJ' EYealns aex&, ,._DIU'J' Iat'h,

a& 8 o'aoek, aft.er wbieb the .. le of pa• pen for tbe eolllias J'ear takea place.

• B7 order, CHAS. F. TAYLOR, dectG,tp,eod JAS. BRYDEN, 283 Water Street.

NOTJ:CE. J. & W~ .PI~TS. \ / , jn !ilitp ( " Ho.o. Seore!"~Y· I

ru ~tr Pdaktu-.t &om.l t~r1s and ~~w f ea,r Greetiod W JJ. EN~SH WOIJLD ()ALL tb o Oo=9:o...P.:9,3o[jo[9.::qo~o~oC:ouo:So!Jo[;ouo~o!Jo[;oU:o ]lo::So!Jo2:o~.o3o!Jo[;ouo~o::So!Jouo:?io::So0o[;ouo::sio::S9[;9uo :2o:S9!Joi:ori9£::o

attentton of all akatera and visitors gene- • T • • • •

rally to fhe Clfy Uink thllt he will thia FRIDAY { No Christmas or New "l ~ar offenng can be com-). \

Jj;~:;~!f~~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~ LYON & YEY's piiinsilcmxiAsool i£;' YEAR CARDS delel(llte; Johi>ooo'a uld bte.t, cigan lrult, cion· t. g-You CAn bavc a wlection trom five hundred negatives, em bracing vlewa of ~ear)y every place r ctl9nery, ood e~er. otb•r <l~llcac:vtl~nt the 'na- .of Interest in Newfoundland; tit. John's and suburbs especially well represented. son can offord. .

A LL PERSONS INDEDTED TO ;JOHN P. ISHE.t, of t. J onn'•, Grocer, are re­

quired to make lmruedlnte paymeot to U1e under­signed, otberw ioe proceedings will be token for collection without further notice. All persons ba.,.ing clolms ngain't tbe mid Jons P. Snu will furnish them rorthwith to

IJON.tLD MORISON, ' Trustee. ---

vlvend1" beer, ~Ill f recll"! of n French Shore . 'S

jan0,21p , Wlll. ENGLISH. dec9,0ifp,eod L ~ Q:N c::b VE'"'Y' • •

. :m I FIR ~ u R A!\! fi .,.. tt n !Ur p y M from this Office overland toJ;,all pllll:ea be-l · - PKl!r&~:!'ITINo- . ~ ., ~ ~ ~ W Dl tween St.'Joho's and Western Cove, "White Bay, on

·p APERP ATTERNS S This Company, so well and favorably known )n--th s City, soli:~ Tp .. day,~!~ ! 8: 7':r:eby

~ cits a continuance Qf past patronage to their New AiJents.· S ' .. 3rd\ t7tb & Sht Mar.

T ilE CONol'IN'u"J<!n suCCF;Ba of the •'Domea- . • - . ' .. 14&h & 28t~ April. '.!/


Our· Chea:p Oasli Store, The following Choice J;lrands ot

FAMILY· FLOUR: Mistletoe, Shamrock, Murdoe, Brilliant Royal, Kobe, Snowdrop, Clinton, Dellj!ht Perl Myrtle, Lu~ury, Reliable, Petuma Sar~togn, Fouotnin_ Dale, VIctory, Roller Rl'l"nl, Lender, lvanhoo, Gnjatca, Green Vnllcy


PORK-Famlly lllev', :erlme do, Short Cut, Clear nnd Mess Pork.

BEEF-Best Packet, be t Family, best Plate and best Mess Beet, 1

MOLASSES-<-Darrels, tierces and punchcoos or bright, superior qun!lty-Barbados

DUTTER-Crcamery, Township, Morrlsburg nnrl Knmounu;ka ·

BREAD-Bags and halt-bags-Brown.lng's and Harvey's ·

TEAS-A cheap nnd choice MSOrlment SUGAR-Beet Cane-In barrels.

lr\VIth innumerable variety of artlclca, all ae!ling at prices to suit l>urchasen.

P. & L. TESSIER .• ----~-=--=:__::=:.==:.:.:..=...

Belfast J:[ams. tic' Paper P Jtel"llll ia aulllclient guarantee "r · _w,_ I~,...,.. ~~ fii!j ........ a."C1061og at 8 o'clook-on 'morningcr( 61patch.

of the ,many comme~dable fe.atnree poaseseed by U Q ~ N'" S Q N" ~ ~..,.., r ~ -.a.- Boob, parcels or any other hea"'Vy mail mat-ter them. Tbe stock carried embr:~ceseverygrade of will not be forwarded by this route. Col'respood- B CLIFT WOOD & C ~'h~':? ~~~t~.~~~!~~!; Is I!'~~~I!~:~p~ TG HausE KEEpERS:- ~~l~~!f:g~at"lt lo time wlll ~malo In office until ' y ' . il ..... ... . 1 hhd Sinclair New B~lfast Hams. ab· lty to all flgures 1 • The b&80 lints of the gar- · ;J, o. FU.t.SEB. mentoo, when deslgoea, sre Ao troe to nature !:hat General P oet Offioo, Postmaater Gen. nov24 ex ateamet'"Cupiao. n '~"CTY slight alterotion in th• sbQnlder or under • St. John's, 7th Jan., J 91. ~~--------------=:==::::...==::::

:~h~~=:o~:fe:ff~.\r!~!~t!;!!~:$ o o o o 6 o o 9 o~ ~.o o o o ~ 9 o o o o o 9 o o o cs o o o 6 o o o '6 ~ 2 o 6 6 o 6 o o: 2 o o o Hams, Bacon, &c. · f!:t;:~~:Z~~,i~::t!f~~~ ln11.n envelope, givlog expllclt dinctlona tor cnt.. 111&'-3 000 tlns Mtxed Paints-all colors. Varnishes Tur· • log It at this office~ as It Is a very tmport(\nt bdoo2kl tlog IIIld adjusting U1o gooda. The patterns are ' ' ' B CLIFT W Q O D & CO "' to the owner, who -wUl give a au! table rewar · liO designed. as to avoid waats. and their prices are pentine, Linseed Oil, Whiting, Xalsornine--in all shades ·, y ' ·- ' T. HE- ()ITY RJN-~WILL BF 0~-uch u to lii8\Jre an economical help to ladlee. A B h l kind-~ , . • I <Ja.lt Hamil I ()aak Bacon, ,... & · ht

full aasortmen\ Is always to be fouod at onr PJ.T- rue es-al 5' ·, Fur.mture Polisli, EnamAUne,_ We. . . 2t brill ~u-. ree. . ' tomorrow (S.lTlJliDJ.T) Afterpooo "' . TJrBN COtrl<'nll. or 'l'it.t by mail to any addreaa on v ~ ,., ,. .:. =aJit Profeaaor Bennett's Band from 4 to 6 an<l froJD 8 recelpt or price. ~- • • · I(J'-.t.L;L SELLING ()HEA.P. ·

1 • •January2 ex ...... raoda.uom o ax. to 10. DoJt' t forget the Great R8co aod Skatihg

.ulBEIT BYRNE, ~ · ·· · ·· K 0 I tonight; Ice perfect, Admlasion :10 & ).Ootl. 11 . · . Boc>belteundSt&tlooer,' """T'XTIL'' LlA',I\.Jr. ( ' ·AliPBEL'" L erosen~ I. . WANTEn--A.BOY,OWE.DA.UlfGA

decl,21w,m,f '§ole Agent fo• N8:1Vfo'l,.odland . V V !1-V ..1.... _, • ~ knowledge ot . Cablnet.mal<lnc preferred.

~Stop that. Coughl. ' · <<=>· • • ·By CLIFT WOOD & QO ApptytoJ.T. M"unN,8SNew Qowers~t. 11

J bt r .. t· A ti t d t ] . "U\m , w"'NTED - A ()A'l'~II·R•N, 81li'E-" ol:.ra;~:et;~C::;*"~•rt;'~ 0 · flO_ lllJI U6a Y. 64QOU 6 .~~ - ·~ ~l~Dl~ '! -~~~~M~~5 0~~~ ~~n~o~~~~t+~~~P· ~~·t- . b\e~o~ -~n;~!Ice: ~p~Jy•.t~~:u~~r ) . " ~. ): # .... .

-: ""' • --;;; . . /.




. i I \ C>=: _....--;;

> . -...-/"_ ........

( • ·r r .. THE M ILY ·e'OLO_NIST~- ST.1 · JOH~'S, NEWFOUNDLAN:D .

... STABBED ~I BI(I ""'" "'-'"" .Dh~ aJid the captain. Nol"''f&a die capl&ia!1 . ~· .W:V¥ If UWQ. abaenc~ from the deck noted, as Mate Christie

~ - · · says, until cabin Steward Christie c_!me ruabing --~--- forward aJ noon with ·a palo face. ·

"For GOd' a sake, sir," he~ried , go into the " -----. mess room ! " · ·By· ~is a~ascar ·cook..


C~ . apt am Lyal~ wa~ the

Mate Christie oheyeil. T\Je f!ret objecfthat met his eyes was the Lascar, Bhnzwhan Dhaaa. He sa~ on a fto~r-pot, crashin&: du ,~a the Ao'l'er in it, &laring savagely at the ~ta.iu, 'IJhO lay as ~fallen, witlo his knee' doubled under

Vl·c..:m, him andia head reating against the steel balk­u bead. Blood trickled from the captain's head


and rn in tiny streaua along the floor . His uniform cap was 1 still on his bead, but there wu a stab wound through the front piece which penetrated the temple, nod two savage in tho top of his h,cad and n fourth nbo\'e the

Tho E nglish colora (a .. ys the New York E er- right eye, from which blood WRS slowly oo.zing. ald) floated at balf-mMt from the big, steel, Mate Christie raised the cuptain's..l>e~d . He foar-maa\fld .Brifisb ship Bucking~.as·J~he was dead, 'and evidently bad been for some time. li.y•at ao~bo~ off lledloe's L!land io the U:.,per "Did you do this?" as.ked the mate, .turniag part of the bay yesterday. _ · ' --.._ to the &ac.lr, bo aat ~r<enoJJgh•to touch

She bad just arrived fro m· Dundee ~cotlaod, \'ictim, and ho still glared snagely nt the uuc••··• after n voyage of fifty-nine days tb~ug~ galea , • ()onfeuton. liu rricane" aad rain squalls, bot in~taad -of· gal- " Yea, I ' kit( him," WM Dba ' indifferent latit, ~vial Captain Lyall, . so well .known ~a answer. waters, Chief Mate Cbriatje walked the quarter By tbia time the seamen began to pour i~to deck. . the mea,.oom, and a dozen bauds .seized. the

ANNUU~.Ii \.JiOOKS. . . . Wbl(akerts A.lm kfor 1891, cloth,

wltb appendix; "taker's .A.lmanacli: for 1891, paper, without npPI!Ildl:r;;, Itazell 's A.nnu,al; n Cyclopredic Record &f the .Day tor 1891 • the Yqlir :Book and AlllUUlack of Newfouadlna~ for 1891; Truth, Christmas Number 1890; Cbrlstma8 Double No., Review of Reviews; Maune En­gineers Ann~ and .&llllaD~ck for 1891.

Just Received ~yitP. ~.dan • ~os. 178 nnd 1~0 Water S treet E nst (Ci ty)-pe Jilr.•tranda.

. . . .


The Jldmi..alt~, A.inl!ler.'s. .Jen;enon's , _ Vl1. : Soda, Dos_~<>n l'llot, Boston nutter, sugar nnd CoOec Biscuits.

~dyiopg:•JrQ;~dln~~~!,:a~, wlt'h~ :~'rtJ:!t,; A.ncl t•c r f!M NovnHcoth~ from Lh·e rtiOol- n new Jut o f 'l'hl ll !Oit'naon'>t 'l'eit•, -... I ' · nlcelJ blended, ·nnd are sell ing nt" gr ·»t reduction. Endymion's .LJrcam, n Co~edy Masque· " PaJ&..

mpn nod Arclto Dramatl I; M emolscllo.lxe, L~:~~a,..!>_!l_!"iDg xmas Holld's tllCSC 'l'~llS ~rc umdo Up tiD l-Ib' ~-lb nnd i-lb packages, sel ling at 40c.

a Kolghto oiTe yo Qu' e; Fludy~t- n by Lanoe Falconer; So e Old Curioeltles~ C'cimc nn purchw;e ns this bargain only 'holda gOO<Hor a week. , r Cambrldgc. RScrlesof Fa · tters; An Uo· doc2n \ . · · ANDREW P · JORDAN '

· lucky Lie; by Athol A. Johnson . · / 'C • ' . • The Golden Lake, bY. · W. ' t:arlton

Dawo; Colebra~:t:d Crimes and Crlmiltals, by W. M.; l\l. F. H's Daughter, by Mrs. R! Jocelyn; Scot~sh Wit and Humour, ~ted by Dr. James Douglna;- Fun's Merry Christmas; An Exami­nation or G~o. Booth's Social Schcme, .bf'C. ·s.

och; 'fhc New• Game of Helpta. ·

tans I

J. F. Chisholm • . ?

\.s :oLID COM.FOR Tl l fil In 1.\._Cnp of IIOT · I'L11ID BEEF.

' . Palatable

• · ' • . -~llD--


"M&'>The -vvhen ~ired

0 . s · .1 r· . CRAND ·DOMAI n . . a e 1 AM OFFERING-<f'OR SALE BY PRIVAT}. , With t6o Union Jaclt u a windiog sheet and Lascar. He was manacled baud and foot and many fathoms d~)off tho 'Sbotlapd lslandl, pUt in the declthoilse, where be remained , the lies the body of the( captain. The lowered fta& rest of the Toy age. He seemed' indifferent to Chromo Xmae Carda at hall prices, TIIJ'11ulta-

' ' • at~~=~~~:~~ '!!f.;!'~~,:'pg:.~~; great aocia1 lmportauu, atrord8 a reiDlliiUatlTe

wM a mute tcatimouial of relpect to him. He his f~te, and bia only answer to questions has blo tor scrap l:iooka, and for drawing coplea.

was murdered on Octob"r 11' two days ~cr. b.tep, " I kill him .'' A Choice AssorJment of .New Year Carttslltilo'c t.liC abip sailed out of Dundee harbor. A knife was found oo bim, but it was not the I ---~S~.~~~~=~·~CJ~~A~R~T~,~·~~-~D.~~-

Beef P 0 rk J 0 I es. and eubetantlaiiD-..tment, Tbe $te Ia altuate f f about one mile from the Geiteral Poat. Oftlee, •nd

Butter Tea ia appro~ by one of the moat tubloilabl• f f drives In the city suburbs. Tbe raideuoe ill situ-

1ntlhe -luxu•iously farnisbed after' cabin of one be used on tho captai { and not aalil day8 I. · ,........th_e B~ckingham eat a pale, little woman dress- rward was it found iJI the stateroom wra~pec*· ... -~~ • • T

ea in deepest mour ning. T~e waa grief OD in a piece pf canvas. l Chief Mate C!. . ;. ie re- l ~l ns the p~tllid face and dark rings were under her taios it as eyideac~, · fbr no one so far ~ . known •ft -,J. eyes, which •" •- wed tbe depth of her sorrow, witnessed the murder. Dbaas simply ndmita th.ougb she bravely tried to bide it and appear it. This knife is what is known as a. Green calm. At her feet sat a 'black retriev~r that RiYer blade. It is fully six ioche1 long, running gazed up at its mistrtss with all the sympathy a to o. sharp poi11 nod whetted to • n razorlike dog can ex~ess . Sbe . wns llrs. Lyall, who keen nos~. The blade is set inn common wooden little more than a. year ngQ. sailed a-y from handle. -...

i\ew York in this self same sbip,.a happy bride. Carefully the cnpt~a's body wns lilted and

, ' The 111urde~er: 1 borne an. The bleeding head was bound ~anacled band and foot i~. n d~cl.:-housc, a and the body sewed in canvas. Mate Uh1riatic

dozen ynrda in front of tho cabm, w.alt the mur- Msumed command and ru n for Sum burg in t he dercr, Bbuwhan Dbaaa, a Lucar, a nati•o of Shetland Islands. He hove to under the Ice

the island in the afternoon, and .tried to make a Calcutta, a man of iron musclC8, seemingly the landing, -bnt found it impoasible, ns the waves

mos~ i ~differcot of all on. board the ship to what were making a clean breach over the ship. The had bappo~ed. He turned sleepily in hi• berth The nee! was kept away for Lenvick I sland, when I entered hie prison llllit night .and gazed but after rounding Br..,aay Island the ship hove Rt me stupidly with bia big, round, black eyes. to with ensign hoisted unio~ down and signalled

for a. boat. J::,·cu i~ lti reclioin .. ,..nre, the mao'e great 1

h o .--· Mrs. Lyall, who was still igcoraol p er

u rengtb wos apparent. Short, but with a strong hoaband's death, came oo deck and begged the bea• 1. l!eck and shoulders ; a full, rouail face; mate to tell her the wor~t . " I can bear the clear , cbpper colored complel!ion ; straight DOH suspense no fOcaer," said the poor woman. ~d.large,' lull black eyes that glow and • glisten " Toll me the worst. WHere is my husband?" like a snake's ,· such is Bbazwhan Dhaaa, the G'ently the mate led her into the co.bia and


Far· Sale by J.· & W. Pitts 100 baU•bn Layer Babi.IUI ~oo qr-b:u Later BRtsins

Oats,- Fresh Me.at, &c Just arrived per sch. Hild&, and

For Sale byJ.&W.Pitts 2826 Bushels Heavy Bla.ck Oats ·

180 Quarters Fresh Beef ·I C Carcasses Fresh Matton' ·1 casea Fre$b Eggs, 4 do Poultty

16· brla Carrots, 6 do Parsnips 7 barrels Beet. declll

BARBADOS MOLASSES ~00 puns., 200 briH. , W tlerces

told her. She bore it bravely, be said, . but eelf·eoof~ed murderer of Captain Lyall . when I asked 'fshe uked to see the Lascar he Choice Barb d. Molasses

.He was no menu autasoaiat, tllia Lucar1 b..eaitated and efused finally to answer. "l ban : eYeD for .atalwart, m~1 Capt. Lyall. · The faken. meaaufe~ to ke~p him ~iJt:ff. her ~igbt,"

cJ;taila a£• tbe murder · a•·story of tallrred _and be eatd, a.ad I Jndced from hlS tf.De tba.t tt waa

-:-no barrels l£ees Pork 3000 barrels Cbol~ Family Flour 400 sides Len!her

ali d ftt:al. a· a good tbtng for Dhaaa thRt he did. m ce accom.,..-.,.e renage. .I

· Bbua an Dhaaa w:u 1bipped on 1 the .BveAf _ Bu,rtat 11~ Se~. ·

100 bags Bran-50 to 100 lba I> 200 saoka Indian Corn, 100 brls Cornmeal.


currant& &c ated on bleb grolllld, In a well-timbered, prett)' f f • little park. wltllllllri'Oundlnga of an .r.tractive and

~ALL 41' LOWEST MU!XE'I\ l'JUOES . ~ greatJy-lnwreatlnJ: characte1. Gentlemeuin&4'Dd·

GE 0 ' ILLY wge;o urebaae will be tonliahed with P&rt~cullrs 0, RE , on a tion to T. W. SPRY, at W. Beal Eltate 198 Water S~t. 6 doors West llarket Row;e. Ex auge, Water Street. no!M

-- - ---- - --- -· ----


. 1 :.. r u • .. .

.IWcrldt ..

• t- • Cal th -..;..• lut trip' t th No boa.t answered the stgoal, and at dark : ng....... cuU& 00 e-a-,. .1 0

· ~ October 11 the abip resumed her •oyage. The nov2-l. port. . daya ~~ &be 1b1p left ,New Yor.k captain's body waa buried in the ocel\ oo the

P. & L. TEs~IER. The Si nger Manufact'g Company. The Central Coal Depot


foi. · ~· in October, 1889, Cllflt&lu .~all oe~~ aftern9Qn-Sund~y, aa it oh~aced • The waa married in Broo.kl7D1 at tbe nsidluce of satl~ra stoo~""a.foun~ wnh nncovea;ed;-h!!ads 10 the Captain Lawrence Garrick to Hill Hargan& pelttag raao .,_ whtle Mllte Chru~~ read the ~ • ' I Church of Englnad buria.l aemce. H111. Lyall yo-• vf Falldaod, F~ Sootlaud. Capt. , etood in t~e cabin companionway weeping. and bia brfde -bad boWll tiiiCb a&ller from child- After the ""ice four !lailora raised the grating hood, and -1 w .. tJi'e JOOd wiabea that fol- on which the body rested ant! the body glided

.Jri tbeht aa dley .ned away to the Indiea. into the ea. • / Th out .-u.- and not nntil l'be '•oyage,afier this was a continual !Jattle e yace 1 --- r· " r----•. • with atorma. The .Buckingham was driYon 1!30


GLACE BAY, .... .. $4.50-22s. 6d. BRIDGEPORT, .. · · . · $5.00-25~r.

dec20 • CLIFT, WOOD & CO

•oULTBY. '· B D¥- waa ~u on m C~lta " · ioiln·nortb.of the latitude of the sontbera most

a~~iatant ca ste••ri\ ltid trouble-· point of GNentaad. • For Sale at Central Auction Mart IuBUborcU-te -aact-Piened. ~en the ehip ~as iu latitude :H dcg . 2 mi~ . [CLIFT'S COVE. '

·H • . boJdi at I 'a the t • to Danclee ~-63 deg. 114 mm. on November 19, the Brtt- 400 G 1500 F I d 80 0 k e Wall lDIU n . e 0

• ~p. . • tab bark Kutr~l, of Windsor, N.S ., wus eight- eese, ow , an uc s I "u l~ld, ltlt oogb Mate Cbnatle, was a~lent ed m miles away with a signal of distress fly- Ex schoonerS. ·n. Moue. '

. ·on.1hia pomt, Captain 1tLyaU, it~ Mid, caused iag. She was bound from Gibraltar for Bath , d;cl!O CLIFT, WOOD & CO him 1 '•be ftoggel\l 9r dir.bedience, &ad. fer this Me., and was short of provisions. .J'be crew ------ -----'-------­tb;I•eoercaniO theCaptain'aarreetinDuadee. were almost atar•ing. The Bucking.haon sent a. Oa ttle • Feed.. Re • b . ' •h · ,_ ,_ fid ~ , h , caa of pork and a barrel of flour to .he suffer-port says t 1\t , e cap....u. was ae oor c &a• • •

• • J tog crew. tizin' Dbaas, but thtl-la oot confirmed . .&..notller A.fll'My. By C LIF'f, W 0 0 D & C 0

At any rate, ~e Lascar aenr for1ot the When she was off Nuesiok Highlands yes-Bogging. The captaio· ~ismfued him at .D if: terday morning a colored seaman named 5DO SACKS CATTLE. FEED dee, but the B~kinghflJTI'• owners eated Groue tried to stab Patrick MonaghiUl, then ::.o:..v;.cl;.c7 _ ______ J_u_a_t_a_rr_i_-re_d-',_c_x_s_a_C_'o_b_n_n.

C b.oata, ain'• mate,· ao1 but for prqmpt inter· p • R. C t Captain Lyall to take hjm back to alen a t.a fereoce there 'wouldec been n second tragedy. a fSnlf?S ~ a ffO S. tbf.y were obliged to re~orn him. ' Monaghan had his 'rm tlf"~lin g, as it was in-

The capto.in reltJVtaatly consented to-do•o and jokd oa tbe Yoyage ad coufd D.Qt defend him- By CLIFT, WOOD ~ & CO. in doin

0,. so bes_ealadhis pw death warra!lt. The nlf. He ordered Gro~ to turn to and the .

f d 1' k ., 1M b 1i 90 barrels P.E. P11rsnipt~ !#x>k who had been •hipped in Dunde~ failed to latter at once re'v na mte. • at ews, t ·e 20 barrels P.E. earrots 1 second boatswain's mate,- pi~ed-up a band spike, 11gi~;.~~~:=~!iiiiliii~~~~~ appear wlien the "naael\ satled 00 October ' 10 and Grosse retreated. _He as lot ked in a sail

last i~ baliaat for' tbia p<ft. Thus it . happened Joeier 1 but threatened ~-b'auer tbs door down I t'h t the Laacar, who 'Tas a gOQd cook, . wu with a flHr beetle bo: fonnd inside. He was

ordered to ~e galley . 1

then manacled to a . - 1taacb~on on deck, , but ~e was still brooding[onr bis wrongs, faaciad lioally: ~geQ to be put back 10 the ~ouse. ~e

ed buak ~see a room on the starboard stdo oppoatte or real, and oo October 11 be prapar 00 • . Dhaas. The latter will be t..ken to Euglatid C..\ and excliRd bia negljaence by •Y*D~· "No for trial. ciw, no water." ~ate Christie told bim there -A large number of Ce.ptaio LJ&ll's friends,

\ wire two toaa o · ; .the dooke~ bonae ·and including James N. ~rr,· hie lile-loag:friend, . . len'- ~f ,.Wr.~alcl. be umpedfrom the t&Plta. ot:ent down on the tug Mutual ~o m.cet the C~p· ) P ·• · > ~ • P . t.ata yesterday. They fopod only bta sorrowtng

llb6 !.acar ~~ ep~td'the &teallrut. widow . Capta.in Garrick, wbo WAS on the tug , He 'eontinlied.i!l wor tliutil ·len o!ol110k;: whep eould hardly keep hie hands otr Dbaas. Mra .

• _., .lie ~Jotely'*f9aed~'1· ~pt.in ,Lyall w:u Lyall '!fa& l ad~"<! by the tMutual 11m! , went to in. the mentoom, w •ia jm in •front o( the Capt:a•? _Garnck • home. . . f .

· ._...__ --<-· t "·· tlt n !d -a 'lit r. Captata Lyallwu oolythtrty·eaght yearsola. ! .. ''"' .,.,..u, on e If, a e. • . 18 •. or He waa a Scotllhma.n by birth, and bad follow-

- . Dbau:, -*ho &e~ ob - ed. , TIM•abip .,u oft' \ed the~~ from bOyhood. He bad commaode'd l rahEOikney iii!Udl 4lt. Ill!!• • ~~e abcoeaainlytbe ~hips Glengary, Glensht , EUia-1 ~" idfF•IJdith~~ . WI •mg;all ~ . f 80 baniJ and ftualfy the _Buckingham, . 8 'f see! of __ _,. ~ :r.ltiriut ' . 'Z,818 to. ue, and tbe · largest four mae I • ~I

• e Ca~. ~~- ,'lti~ mr built on the Mer8ey. She


• • · No one saw the enter the T U11f90Pl,, ~-~,lO{) yjU'ila O'f cr.nns neil CAD I'M ~ry. a ' · ~nil no· obe ~DOWI what ~ be~ c;ar1o of ,,000 lone. ! .aoYi8, • .

S4.60 [22/6] S&Dt lloma Jl.'~d~ ex brtian · e PJyiuoa~

OL11!1', WOOD & 00. . ' ""'? . ..

-, M. F. SMYTH, Sole _-\gellt tm· 1\tld. 17:.5 Water Street, St. John'&. 8~pl6 . \

rlE SUBSO.lU.BEB 18 :N OW KEAVY T to attend promptly to all work .in hill line. Good workrltan'ship o.nd rollllonoblo pricce guar· an teed . · ~ quaouty or Li~e, Snod, Slates, an1.?thn uilding matilrial on han~ . Call o'"d-dr\ ' n~.6m.eo<l


• .,: p 1(, "'\ ~ . ' · ... •


LATBS-pinP and epuce. SHINGLES-pine and fir.

Pailinga-apruoo and pin.,..:..4, 5 anJ 6 ftt-t. · &ullr-red nnd pltcb nine. nair . elm, birch &a•h Pine <t Spruce Spar;;, Bows,.riLB &. ld81!t Pi,...ee.

BtHl Dnrci'1,., t ' \,, ; rr .. 'I' HUW

·FOR nrfKRNAL -- AND -



. I


.. ,


\ \9 •, .__/" > 1

~~~~~~· ~'~z:::~==~;;>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~.~~,~~- ~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~-~~~- ~~~~~~( -'-/ ......__ """' ' I "' .., • ,.. .. ~ . t...

THE-;f)~ILY OOLON~8_T, S;T . . JOHN'S, .NEWFOUN·DLANID., ---~==~====~====~====~~~~~·~· ====~==~· ~· ~·~====~==~==~~ .--- --··- - ---- -

~ .i.tl.t.c.t ~toxy. The worst thatcould .tlappeh haddie- ' JOtS PR:tNTINO .,. I OATS, POTATOES; .. &c. fallen her. Ralph had llound her 'Out; 'lt "v•ry rt.-..tpUoa' D-*17' m4 ~'&lou17 iiJr. .. but, after nil, itrlicl not, could not matter. . .... _ • .•· .... ,...,.,,...,1111!" .Jo'h ""*If"• ~ ·· . ' ·' ,.

Better than PIJJIIbUl'p's ,Bflift. F S 1. b J .0 w p • tt · Difficulties bad arisen b!lfort', and fl he Por CRAMPS, COLIC, aild I 'T 'ANDING-. 8.8. COBAN, l!lG BRLS GHOIOE or a e y ·. ·<:~, • l s bod conquered them. She should do · all ~el Troubles, use . cJ..J IPa*ellt Flour-'Werbena.." Thoataudard ot · . · · tb · · ' our " Verbena'' Flour, now acknowledged to be 25~0 BUSHEJ;S OATS

e satlle agam. . DAVIS' • t.btr 'l'ery'bl'et Paten* F1ou• in the market, Ia thfa 650 BUS~U) POTATOJt-:8 Sudcfenfy the thought struck her- t0090n high~r than ever_. and we ~co~dentfally 20 BUSEJE.LS CARROTS ; .and

w bo 'bad )lic~d the note upon her to!- recommend •tas thecho•ccstt.amUy'1lour un~rted. 19 TUBS BUT fER. · , , let-table? It was not t ere when a he je23 · CLifT, WOOD ~ CO. o•·~7 Ex Cora Morrlsou trom·SouN, PEl.


Lor~ Li~Ie'~ DaniD~ter.

--------------------- -·

.,. . (

C'. 'PT "R v dressed or the ball. Through the rest Cla·t&le

. .~ E ..>..X.-continued. o t at summer nigh Rita lay in deap, u..c~beibw.n.utwuteru!b. DOMtHOR'S -:- MAGAZINE. ·

\, Ht>r lO'YJ !I vran dererl from her own face co cious tbougb~here ':!'as no rest ~":r&:.ekfce~:!'~~IUtaU ) to th e t>h iuing diamonds. · Suddenly arid no sleep for her. She must answer B& a.UR to oa iTt(& a&Ml:'uta .' (TbeCh•peatazi~ Beatlnthe ·Market.) 1889 18 PASSING AWA-Y, A.liD 18tH>


th£>y fti) l upon a· white fold ed paper th e letter. There was no alternative. I] og )l nd ern eath ' tHe mirror. She hut seA h 'm she would not, unless abe t hougi;lt nothing of it at first and did was obliged io do so. uot mov!l to reach it. Not until her re"' She dare not ring for her maid a an, "t'rlu ended did she carelessly take up earlier hour than usual , lest some sus­! hu li ttle not.!l apd open it picion .might be aroused. But when

Ab, i<~ th ere no retribution? Can evil Theres~ did come she loo ked with sur· prosper ? .lo. s s he read:! the ,!>right color prise at her lady's pale fa e and sr -f~des from her face-the wbit'f1 lip3 ~art do wed eyes. . w1th a low gasping cry-th~weled • When n o:la rJu' dressed, Rita turn d hands tre mble ~ weird , ·wild horror suddenly, as though the though; Jia co mes into the dark eye/ Then push· only just occurred to he r:, in){ far frorn her the s hining gems', she ' " Did · you place that note upon

\ -lately ~o p rou~ and rad iant; la·y white toilet-table las t evening,Arberes~?· : and crouch m g upon the ground. Pride, asked.

lllalaten ~d Publlc speaar. .. SPE!'i'CER•S

Chloramine l'astilles ~r a.riuc ... a SlrinctbouiDc lise ..,. .o.n a--·,...a s. ....... or 1'llnil&.

Price 25c_ pc.r bottle.. .. ,.,. ,,... oe. appU..Uoe. &o Dnrallllo

'IITE·H.t:VE Jl EIVED Per·8team• 18 NEAR 'AT HAIQ) • . ,.,. era C!lban an Cacouna from Hontiw 000 Sao'b 20ll each) d 1100 aacka · (100 each) of. . - · - ~ Cattle F ana... can confidently po~ to the WE THEREFORE DESIRE 'fO ACQU T ln~edd d ready sale for thia celle11t ou·r readers with wha\ we. · do, \;i;d now well known artlo4t aa the best timon- If God )lTeeervee out lite, tho comln1 year. We l,al\ore can publlsh ot ita me~ I& For Cattle, Horses' ·will make our Hap.zlne, It ·pO.Ifble, more Inter­and-Poultry, noth.illlf hup ever been im'pc)rted to sting-and attractive than in the paat. ~bile il· eqll41 thi1 feed, and 1t l!nly needs a trl&l by thoae. la~tratlona are.neeeeaary, we will produce theDl, wbe h&n not yet purcliaaed It, to &&sure the01 of u we have done· during tho ye.ar drawillg·~. a Ita nlue. · __,__ cloee. Our !ead~ra must' admit that we~ngt~ 11ov22 CLIFT l£{)0D & 00 them the full Ylilue of the price charge· for our ----------''...;-~.:.....:=--=-=-=-- Magnme. Wo will endeayor to' give th'm eYeD • """"'O ~0..,....,. better value in U.o futun. Ours 1a the 11m ea.

-. oil. · '-" thoUo Yenture that hu aucceeded in the UD.ited. . . ' • · Btatp, In the ~J ofa moderat .. pril'4!chnaaulne I

_ · · We ire at'l'blg nen more.readillg Jbitterth.aa we

A ~ LIUie :l"reebold .ae..:. promieeif. u o~· l'elldera will peieeln. We wW · denllal J!rOperty for aa1o b:r. prln.teoontract. WI ;;id;;ddJtlon pegea u ~on nq~ ·

hope, ;tmbiti on Iove-all crusb eri for Tile young girl's face flushed slightly. ' OTHERS •


,It Ia jUit wha~u·want, a ~. little 1ree Enry Catho ~!ithel)' take ic hold, reeiden roperty, llltnate in the arlatoont f:per or magazine, ~al, · tio quarter of ty, c~rislna: a ~•betantially ,.. where there ue • • l)ullt re.ldenco, llh p r pfeuure cro~ · "'l'be Catholic ~" •ia a Jldeai. " Ia 'll'hlcll are iMxpeDRvo to taln. The acoom· .• power for C.th=:! ~ lheUo wor-modatlon'comprlaell parlor, drawing-room,~ tJQo of the nama aldnpporU ddeDdloar

t he_ wu~t by d ., ~dly fear. ' ' I hope it ,,.as notwror:ig, Mfes Lisle," 1 c t the wert) not terrible words that she said. ·

s hu · read. Some would have glanced "Wroug?" said Rita. ' ' Certainly not; over them\ heed ful of tile passionate why should it be? The only thing is 1 love Lbey be tr~~.y ed, Lh inking ot the !!e- do not understand that kind of thing, \' Oted hea rt that dictated them. o.~d should much prefer hitters being

" Ri1a"- so · the letter ran-" I m~st sent to me th~o h thepo11t. How came see you, my darling! No matter what you to do itr ' e contiD'ued. ' happens, I musts~ you ! I returned to ' ~The pers n who gave it to me said· England some weeks siuce-1 went it was of .the greatest importance. He s traight to Roo ks ' Ke.. t, hoping, be- aeked me to placo it there thl\t you lie,·iog, you wou.ld be th ere to welcome might see it." me and rerl eem your promise. Heaven "How came he to do so?" asked Miss grant yuu may n ver feel the g rief and L~sle, 'l"ltt,Q haughty indi'ffe'rence. anguis h tha L fell upon m'e when I beard "I do not know," replied the ma~. that yo>l. m•· :'itl- lin!( - rily promised "The truth i~ Misli Lisle, I have met '"ifp- had ldt.,ru<.,·.: r -co return. In the him thisweekseveraltimes. Heeeemed oP. ighborh•lod I he rd y · r JStory-peo. to be watching about the hou . He !•lo .. till tt:ll of tb e day wh en strangers spoko to me las t nig-ht, he gave m'a the c :1me and took y<Jtt awar: But I could lettt>r, a nd a o; ked me to ·place it where le11rn no more : M r~. Ferne would you cou d see it.'' te ll · me notbi g f> f ~ o·•r nam e or ad· " It is strange," ~Said Rita, calmly. "II d r 6 8 . To m y ~Jass i onate pleading and be a gentleman, Therese?" pray ers be ga vtJ no heed . In despai r She .could not resist the queation; she that kno ws no wur~ s I sought fo r you. was so anx~ous to bear the maid's reply. There is ) itt le need to Lell you th e cle~ "No; I s.bould not say be was a g en. by whic h I disco ved my lost darling- tleman, miss," was the .ca1;1did reply; my wife that is Lo be. The· world may " bu t he seemed to be a very respectable,

' all you 'Mi~ s Lis l :· yo u may be a bril- nice-l!)oking young· man."

= lix betHooma, ba&b-roam, kltcben, and a reiJpoa ap~nst tbuttaca of 1 , aDd br 11 i..u.-•ult!o for tb'lo n.th,~ • oom te eet ot domeatlo oftlcea. l'or turtller ~ IIIU'tidnillf b, p, flo a certlliD aa.at, ~a•'" oar

.. ~.ror o!oauluc tho Scalp or lel'l "At hit Real Bltate Exohauae, wateHt, tntoyoqa boaM, ua4~-- d•lh-- ~ T apply to T. W. SPRY. ·~ Tbenrlore,p&aOa&hol'o~ol-

0TNIBUT BABrs sou DIOR. L b h:rperUafnr It, will became Wter uUI • _____ _,a::....:.Pr..:..;.;;ro;,;:e...;SI;;;;IIo.=------ "I "I ~ er lllld Wtirr Oethc)lfcl• .

-'< - •- • 'l'be IIIIDual' 1111111oarlpt!cm I zt ~.sa ....... rami.J:~ ::Jr'lO'\., T =·~tor liz IIICI!Itm. ID 'clalle iJi iwo Gr -:

Of &hnvy'beA quaU\y, - ••• • Gee i t111n yoa wm-~ -ua w flo oboiiiMt ·

FOB B.(LB BY trour~~~~~~~"l ot: ~~lelt. ~-~ ~~~:~;r:c% ..,. .A<P ~ ~ 1 • 1 ' 1 1LS os 11. No. 1 .BBli[I,()()K BOARD ~gOod nac1Ja1 &be ~ · W • WCiJ VV • ..-.-- - iiiiiiJ. 18 X. 8)mlee Plallk-sd. 9 10 I t'al1 ~ )'OIIIIIIIlple oojdel! flee, b patal-25 barrels ,amtlv PI~, • so 11. @JI~ee BtoddiDC-Bx~ ad toneclrculaUOa,ltyoat"aD-tbemflo~ ..... .

jul,.stl · "Superlad'l'll.r - 80 Jl. '(Je4ar 8btn&'lea LoDe Ianthe . PATBIOK DONA:BlJB,


oct7 . . 18 lllld 11 BofiiiCD St., Boo• • ' .... • . .' · ' Adm-: GJmU.D &&NT, St. .Jolm'l,

Cou~bs, Colds, Croun. clde,Bi ~torl'fewfOIDI.dllllld ;

ALLEN-BL~;;;;,..M ~A8m- Lrocerv - Sugat. • troduoed to the pubUo after ita mertte for· ' I

, the poaitiYe oure ot such di-*" had been. fully · Landing es ee Cupian from areeDook, teeled. n excite. t!x~tion and call8M the hbd "--t h B · h• a· S Luug~~ to throw off the P.hlegm or mueua: Clbanfte 6 s <X>U 0 • r1g • rotery ugar tho e8ontlona and 'plll'i&ea the blood: boala ihe .2 hhds Crystalized Grocery Sugar lrri-.ted parts· &ivee strength to the dJgeetlve octl' CLIFT, WOOD & CO. orPQ;S: l'rlnp tlie liver to ita proper action, and lm~ atrength '<>the whole l)'ltom. Such ia the immediate and aatbtactory effect that it II


LY E llaot bd lt>, a wea lthv he ire!!'>\- no mat- "1 do not Qlame you this tiaie," said

t ter, you a·re mi he Hwurn to me by the Miss Lisle; "but remember never to ' most sol em vu• • 11 woman could take. take the same liberty again,. Therese.' Had such fon~ue cornu to me, were 1 If-if 'that person should ever ask you t~ ~e made a kin to-morro1v, it ' would to gi e me another-letter, pray tell him

ot matter; ould "''alue all because the post-office i the ;p~oper channel for


•LU M •UWONt A, LIME, 'PHOSPHATES, ?r t ~! in Jurioul ~ntt.,.ala.

1"()ltN~TO\ tnl'1• C:lt1C.1.00, n.I.

il-." .t : · •· · t ' ,:4;, U~I:D2t!4t.i:At' 0.U:..

, warranted to break up them~ dJatreMing ceugh In a few h011ra' time, If uot of teo long .tandlng, It ooutalna uo qpium In any form and fa warrant­ed to' be perftcily harm I- to tho moet delicate child. Then. Ia uo real n~ for 10 many 'dea&hab.YOODAm,tlon when Allen'a Lung Bal­aam will prenut It It only taken In time. For oouumptloo, and all dJaeaaea that lead to it, auch u oougba, neglected colds, .lironchltla, uthma and all .U.aae~ ot the lunp, Allen'a Lung •BaJ­aam ia tbe great modern remedy. For croup and whoopi.Dg qo_ugh It 1a almoet a apoclllc. It Ia an old atandajd remedy, and aold unlveraally at 50 oeutll aud;;tt .OO per bottle. Tho · llt!-oent bott!EII are put ont to auawer tho con.stant call for a good and low~:a Cough Cure. If you 'hue not tried the m, call fora 26-cent bottle to~ it.

marl II, till june!

ou were t share it with m t'. · begging letters of aUT kinds." ._ ·•I have worked hard for you, Rita Thereslf thouebt herself only to for-

t eee three years. I have come to claim tun ate to esoap,e any urtber anger from o~. I know :YOU are true to ~e, and her imperious young mistress. She said

,_,.iting for mt~. No fear assails me. nothine of the hand ome, aggard face Perhapa 'hose proud relations of youra and ! mploring eyO!J, or ~l;le gold which


• -- [BiTABLI8HED A. ., 1809J

may want some preparation before see- found its way from Ralph's open hand ~~~•nl{ one who is to take their pride and to her pocket. .....,

R!l!!OUBOJ!S 01' TBE OOHPUY AT THE S!n DECEMBER, 18811: . l. --<l.Uft.U. .

.A.utborteed OapUal. ...... :.. .... ..... .... . .. ....... .. .. . .. .. ...... .. ....... .. .. ... .. ... ... .. 1..:3,000,000 Buhacri~ Capital ......... ... ..... .... . _. __ ... .. . .. ....... .. .... ,.. .... ......... ... ~.ooo,ooo Paid-up Oapltal • . •• . •• •• . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . .•. •• •• . • •• . . . . . . . . . . ........ ..... .... .... ... .. _.. ... .. 600,(X){)

- n.-l?P FlnrD. J':!~e ............................ ............................ ..... ........... .............. £~1676 19 11

um Reserve.................. .. ... ..... .. ...... .. .... .... ..... ...... .. .. .. ... .. 362,188 18 e

hope from them. lleave all tbattoyou; Rrta did not go• down to breakfut. only appoint a tim" and place where I She shrunk from the ordeal .of bearing m~y meet you~My heart hungera and. .~mar~e and comments over her pale th•ratJI,for one lance of your beautitu'i face. . She .ordered some tea to be ace. fy whot sour longs for one word brought to her, r!'Solving be(ore- any­

.. of ~come f;rQ your lips. Send a line thing else to.answer ·Ralph's letter. to thilt addtess and hasten th.e ti6le, But Daisy knocke-d at the door, and

Balance of pr<lfit and loes ao't........ ..... ... .. .. . .. ... ... ............ ......... 67,8911 12 6

~o- £.1,2U ,661 10 8 Rita da ing:' I can live .no longer w.i(h- would not be denied. . m,-IDII l"UIID,

.l<'Onmnla~ Fond (Life .Bl'anph) ...... .... .. ...................... .. .... .. .. £3,2U,836 Ul lto. Fund (Almuty Br;anoh)...... .. ... .. .. .. .... ............ .... .. ........ f.73,H7 3

1 out_iou. There oxay be diffiou~ties; you " I know you are tired," she said, must ovEJrcom~ them. Who· has a great- bell,{ling over the beautiful, false face.

·~ er right to you tliaa I?" · 'IThe~ese tell me you 'are quite fatigued;


· .There, ':"~8 no name a t-the end of .~he but I could not help coming to you, my letter, but she fnew it was 'fromlltalPb sister. Mrs. Wyverne hhs bee n re­

' -:A.sbton. A;fter so many yearst this counting your triumphs, and she has ghost bad ariaen; in the hOU J:" ol her told me something elae besides. Let . ~

triumph, .at the very.mom~t.sv en she me kiss you, Rita, and wish you· all £.6{13, '!92 13 / ~ had_mocked at fear and la11ghed at re- happineBJI. We1were children togetb.er. J hml !'D Flu D•uaruat, tribution, this blow bad· fall~n , paraJy- You 11 pleasures and yon r sorrows will Nett l'ire Premtuma; and Interest ............................ ; •.••• ; ......... .W.,_l:;:',C:-3 B 0

zing her at firs~ with mortal dread . ·, always b~e So you dance'd with a ' .t-1, 76b-,Se!Y, 1 • " I bate him!'(' she said. / '1 wish be royal higbQ'ess," 11 e_continued, gayly. • -:- _ ,

were dead l" , "Ah, Ri ta, I-einil,, yet the tears lie ~lose The Aooumo.lated B'u!lda of the Life Dep~ent are tree front liability in~ Sbe tore the I letter into shreds, and to my eyes. Who would have thought ~.of the IUe Department, and in like mRDJJ,r the A~ul&ted Funds of

&tamped upo them, inwardly feeling it years ago? You will soon be Lady .*&e'FiN ~~-= ~w,nin~t'of~~e Department. she, could trample his life underfoot. Liale ! Surely no life ever ha<;l stronger ' 1 · \ Ol&uf a,rou,-ED URGR & ~NOON. _ . Refl ection succeeded/ fear-indignation lOi.ssitudes than yours l" &EO. sli.B~ II./ came swiftly after. ·~No," said Rita ; '1it is like one of the fhMral .Agml tor Blld ~ How ,laad he dared-poor and lowly fairy tales you used to admife ao great- ~~. -~:111,1:11~ .. 11!:!•~---••-=-~~11!!!!!1~=====~--=-== boro-r-bow dare !le ima~rine that their ly. Daisy, my head .aohes, and I am ~L foolish acquamtanoo was to continueP very . tired. Tell Mrs. Wyverne I am .~'o.t His ~jfe I'' A ll!Vile of dez:ision curled ·going to reet this morning and do not the beautifu)Jiips. · She was betrolhed ' ..; t~: Lord Lide-Lord Lisle, who wo ld let any one co:ne near me t ill I ril)g my

' thras h this low-born hind- within ait' bell." inch <?f · his life i f she complained to nim. She mus' eee him, t.empori?<e with him-show him the gT&a& an.d impaasi­ble)ditference between &hem. Then, if he WaS not saUsfte<t, .Dd did llOt "lte bia diem. i~al fkindly, ehe· w uld com-

(to be con tinned.) ,, ' .

A Refractory Patient.-Lady: "I as­sure you my husband has. hac\ a Tery ~eneible idea l'' I ·

Doctor:: "Why, madaJ, I expre11ly

AsoOt~S, Janaarr ' JS,gl83': . . • Oaoh Income fortSS ' • . , ~urlploe in foroe t:.oout , Pol!oles hi f'o~ S:,,ut . . . • '·

. P.l•~ to' LOrd biee. · · .. , · · • ' , St\e ~~ &fll•~le at her ~w~ f~i


~\d bim D~t to OVeN!X'r eelf OD _..,. &Ooountl" · •

• .. )

/ • -;.> . ) ' " ..



. · . v . ,,

• 'I . I ~

·t .. -· .' . \



::p:0~~wo~e~f~0:o~::::e::urr:~~ce:orper· THE .CITY· ·oouwcl~.· STILL' HUNTING! A a umber of med were emplo.yed a~ ~be pre- , :} , ;:., · • . · · · . . . •

FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, IS\11 . · · ~eda " 1 • th k -:;J ""

'H ' ~ ;~::;;;deaco:tafo'edca~:~~~~7oa:l of ~~;~00 It's: M~eting" ·.Yes~e. rday Eve,·ning. In tho Dono~at· .uo.untam·. S. T ·E PROPO_ SAL ofwhicbatillrema\!lsio tbepart let\staodiog. t U U lJl Tbia ia being 'i.Jrio'nd to omake wny for repair-


--- ·--,-·\

. ~og tbe place, aod, DO doubt, tb~ 1 ;,o too&, wbicb 'SANITARY MATTBRS Dis nus SED • ~ I "f ! ~&~-~·1·p· :ArrA .. ,.A .. tl~:l ft.. -I u at the bot om of tbe dock, wtll be recovered. .., . U w waw 6W w ~W.u&Wi YUDm ~-urreoce makes it 'eceatary fur UJ to . . (Received too late. for Xma1i Number.) em ize our remarl::s ol a f ew clays since, aod · ~--·.f-- . .

I · to re terate tbe extreme occ'115sity for some men . The regular_weekly§.etiog of tbe City Couo-

~. ' · to be appointed to examio'e into tbe condition of col took place yeaterd at\a oob. The·minotu fc<l?tinued.] •

LOP{} S ·sbnry Wonl~n't DI'scnss I't of last t' d ,._ .• . A Donegal tioker lnth •er "Oes into 1\ house tn I"' A 1 d ~ b B d f ask if hia 6 n lce9 ar equired; ,he si ts ' outside


tb~ support to ol) wharvea aod. stores in the city !"00 ·~g were r a an coow:meu. , " -from Rinrbead to Hoylestown. ettor w~ rea .ro o oar o Heahl•,

A despatch from Paria says :-The Siecle and the Voltaire, cdmmeoting on the propoaal of tbe Council General of S t. Pierre aod Mi­quelon that Great Britain cede Burin tO'

pointing out the oecesaity for bot~ boards work- on n stone,· o bed e-side,. and co;,meuce3 with

•CAPT GU I LO FO'R 0 0 EAh ~or~ec:;j:;~:m::. •i;beof ~::ic~~~oc;o~~ ot~~ ~·a~~~::~:~o~:.:e:t~~~re:;::~ad; ;o a~crre~ j, . , U 1 cials will be i_nst~ucted to do all in '~ir power certain interval he finds 'his services not re-

) o-..co·operate- with the Board of Health officiala. quired be d~parts . Tbo io~es of ' this cabin 'fbo secretarf of the Board of Wor~:'a ulied nideotly req~ire~ DQtaddition iuJ- nny way to

tb,t the present dumping placea for tbe city 're'- their stock of tin war~. and. the weary tinker fuae be changed in two or tbrea iDJtaocea. In- giving an onward twist ·of the · bead to the

France, say they consider that tho proposed cea· • aio~ )>t that portio exchange for {tlie~ights of H W II k S J h 1 France OD the· French Shpre of New~dland ~ w,as e - nown· in t. 0 n ought to satisfy the people of N2wfo dodlaod. b,

M. Ribot, in an interview wi LOrd Lytton, r

the British Ambaasador, c mmooicated a , F rom R l""e Halifax paper .o· learn of the schtme of ~e Council ?f St. Pierre, Miqo'tlon, sudden . dei.tb of Ca t. R. . Guildrord wbo recommeodmg as a basos of •ettlemeot tbe ce•· . p. . ./ ' m_oo of the Burin Peo ioaula between Plaisaore ,was well-koowo 111 tbos coty twenty 0!_ ":'ore

,Bay and Fortune Bay, a 6o~ herring fishery aod years ago, io connection with the mail and seal­a good bait grouod ,_France, io exchange, sur- iog ateamera. .He died on board tbe ateamer ren~riog her rights on the Freocb Shore. Lord Newfitld in Yarmouth harbor on the -18th ult. Lytton di~o eocourar M. Ribot formally to Tb d d 6 t 1 th! ' t · tb t present the sc mo, as be expressed bis belief e eceu~ ra came o 18.CI y Ul e ~ mr. thlll Lord S osbury would not even Uiacuss a Otprty, wboch waa then ruon10g the mait be­proposal givin'g France a cooai~rable accession :tween Halifax ana Ibis port . He also com· of territory io N e"·fou nd laod. maoded tbe steam era D ella and Merlin, !llllbree

From the intimation of Lord Lvttoo to M. of which sh ips belonged to the Cuoards. Capt. ·-Ribot: it l_ooks. as if Lord SalisbUry uoderstootl Guild ford al\iled the 9•prey for thr~e sp.rioga to

:--- the sotuatooo , 10 Newfoundland ; and that be the aea16abery, outofthisport . · Tile first 1 riD~ will .n~ t consent to. an! ~~ign occupat~on of tbe be di~ weli. arrt/.og first ; the a•~ u•l . fauly manu me or terntoroal ngbta of thos colony well ; the third 1bis steamer w._., iu wmpaoy otber than .,-hn t the French are entitled to UD· with many others, jammed ofF Cape ::.t. Francia der tbe tre'\t i~;~~ . This is something oo ,..hicb till it was time to abandon the voyage. • to haag out " tenter hooks ,"-that e.<istiog diffi- After leaving here, Captain Guilclford sailed culties will be soiTod e-.entually to the antisfac- naaels of ~own for maoy yenrlt, after which tiou of !he patient, loog-sulferi9g people of tbis 'be ran the steamer George S hattuck between St. ill-used clepeodeocy pf the Crown. lo the Pierre aod Halifal-: Within tbe last lew years meantime, the 'recent a~sion of the Judges be h~ beeo cmplof ed io the !erviceof tbe Cana-

, of th~ Supreme Cour In ' the Gir11rdio case, dian Goveromeo~ He wna a daring &mao, gives as .an u surance that <tespaasing aod aod was considered ooe of the most kilful smuggling CI\D be puoisbid ; that I he supremacy onigators oo the North American coast. of the lan• can be upheld agaiosl French fisher- At the time-of bis death he was in charge of the men or traders, as it is upbeld agaioat New· Canadian Gonromeot steamer Newfield , em­f~uodlaoden who • folate it. If the law, as io· ployed io supplying light houses, laying cables, ter~retcd by our Jo•lges, be fi rmly carried out, &c.; he had been in this position for teo years. a few such cues as that of Girardin, would He leaves 1< widow and two aoos to mourn him. teach those who preaome upon tbe protectioa 01 tbe latter, o• e ia in b11sioe!s io Halifax, the whieh tho French Sborq <r.eaties are suppoeed otbor is R doctor io the Uoit.ed States. Many to give them , lbRt there ia only~ooe sonreigoty of the old-time sealers in nod around St. John's in Newfoundland, Yiz., that of Great Britain. will distinctly remember Captain Guildford, and . f-rom the propqsAI of the Couocil-Geoeral the daysbe sailed tbe O•prty to the ice, of St. Pierre, for tbo cuaioo• of Durio c ••• •

it is eTideilt tbJt the French want bait ARGHBISHOP O'BRIEN to carry on the bank fiahery, aod that perriwiokla bait bo ble baa burst. Whatllnr . dift'ereoces of opioi 1 o may have existed abouL - ...,.-. _,.._,_ __

~ tlBait Aet, it . DOW clear that ita enforce- fln Parnoll anrl tho nathollc nl 11..1111 :~~a"!~~·~t~re F+;:~~;n;~st~~o:~st ~ 1JII ~ u·l lJ u a.~ I loo~og over aomefthe writiop of tb~ late '

u. Patrick M · ; we find that he wu Archbishop O'Brien is reported to hue ex-~ly in faYor 0 a meuare eilllllar to the preaaed himself publicly on tbe roell matter ae wbieh bu I &lie French 119 much irri~- to tbe.foll!>wiog effdct :

tiou; and that wi the riaioo of a atateJmao "While enry lrislunan rec~izes' the great / ~ erila whicll he predicted {rna th d'ofair san ices l'uoell hu re dereJnie Jriab oatioo,

competition or the nucb, han happeaed juat aod w~ile deeply regrettil!g for hie own eake the a he foraaw. J the uforoemlll& of the local poaitioo to which be baa brought himself, there ~-of thia colon aad -no -.pl;any tbe is po conaideration under which he can coo-

• ~t Acti liea the- 'ddauce of Newrqaudlaod tia_.M to lead the Irish people. All priute in-~ tbe

1eocroachoaeuta of the French. tereata mu'~ give way t9 the public good. The

TIIB.OFWBAB. ~·.A We~~a.rninl!.

beat iotereate of tbe lriab nation , na weir as tbe beat interest of morality clema~da Paruell's re· tiremeot. Tbe suggestion ~1ade by some tlutt he abould temporarily retire, marry Mre. O'Shea, and then re-appear as leader, would ouly serve to complicate matter's, and would make it atiO more difficult for hi!D to b.c ng~in received as leader. Th~ ·cuibo1ic chlorch uuuer oo circumataocca recogni•es 1bo marriage of



, /Wbeo commeotmg ~0 the collapse of tbe 'divorced persona, tberefor.o neither the bier-. Conard w~~f, at f al i.tax, we called a~a tioo arcby nor aoy self respecting Catholic woman to the Jecurity of the wbanu iiLtlrif £ty. It ~ould ner receive Mre. Par nell or 8pcak aeemi"'Ur waroiog

11 on that oCCUJ'l>d·, W .... pllr· to her. W:batever the result of tbe first

ticularly well-limed, for ao accid~ot similar to outburst'\ of paaaioo may he, tbd archbishop feels / the Halif~x ~tastropbe, occurred at the prem' ~ured thl\t t lo mo sense of t1le Irish peo-

lie~ of Melerl: J. '!ora:& Soo, Hoyleatowo, OD pie the world ~T will re~ert itself. . \I,iile · I· Wedouday 01ght, lint w1thout aoy Josa of life. Pllroell has triumphed over many politicai, b-

a About midnight tbelwatcbmao OD the l!.remilea ataclea, he will find it impou ible to succeed of Mesars; .lobo ~ & Son, wu startled by agaioat the moral force now arrayed agaioat

, tbe noise ~~ fallio~ timber, tbeO ,. cracking, a him. No one mao, however great is essential huge epluh in the f. ater, followed br a aoecu- to the eueceas of the righteous ca~se of Home aioo oft splashes aod rambling, u if the whole Rule . The archbishop added that be ~as long

' premises were beibg dumped into tbe water. thought· it a blunder, o·a the part of tbo Irish ,. . On .reaching the sctloe, the watchman diaconted parliamentary party, to have allowed' Parnell to

• • the ~barf-bead, on \which tbe aoot b-eod of tbe :J:tr:~i~~ ~~~~~:1~1~;r ~odH:.::~~~~~:p~~;!~ ., eutero coal·ahed r .. ted, wu 10oe; l)le entire by William ()! rieq and regards him u a~

end W"! out of'tbe t tore, and the coal wu tuilrtb· abler mno than veo Parnell.

ling io the water. 1 • • - -----).

ector Hughes will report 0~ tbe matter. (It "p.artoer' of his joys and sorro'ws,",and at tbe w 11-be..rcmembered that about' a mouth since same ti!"e a sharp rap on tbe right 6aok oft be Mr: Mat b cimplaioed of oiglataoil bei~g p!Jiced donkey, picked his 1teps cautiously, aod u in- the gov nmeot grounds 00 the eut 'aide of cloaelyu wu ad~ble io i he direction whence Bannermao-roa od'11ot far froln complaioaot'a tbe amoke waa iaa 1 g. wo sentries thought resitfeoce. This is probably one of' the ,place a it &drieable oow to ppear and greet tbe tinker~ referred \O ~;>y the Chairman or the Board of ."Hello,' me good mao, bu~ e're airly .on~ W L ... f • · tbil moroia,'" oua, auu i tbe practice of tbrowin& offal in this place bat oot been 1t0pped it ahould be at ' "Begorra, bot ye're airly out )'trself. Y e once]. couldo'' tell a body wh4re he'd get a lute of the

A Jetter wu.receivei, from Hr. Ju. Morray, 'Houotaiu Dew' aaell? (' Mouo~iu Dew' il aakiog for compensation for a drain which h.e the loet.l name for ' Poteen'.') We come all built aome..Ume aiuce at the back of hia reai- the road &om Ballymacannoy since • o'clock,

d C. -• d aud we're a bit d., ... e 11.,~ on 1rcwar-roa • ·It appeua that Mr. ., .aJ:umy wu forced to build thia drain to coo- "Ye'll ha...tly get ~anytbirg to cheer ye aa oect with a new ciltero laid io Georcutowu, airly, barrio' ye pay dear for it.'' aod he aska that be• be recoaped·aa far . 'u the "I'd 1ive a sbilliu' for a noggin," replied the actual' expeose of buildiog 'il cooceroea. Tbe tinker, giriog the donkey a sigoaLfor a pretepded

work was dope wbil! ~he BQ.t.rd of Works wu adYauce. still in existence, but u tbe Cooacil baa u- "Well, atop. Ye wouhl'at· say anything i( aumed tbe liafilitl~a of .t~t defunct .ioatitotioo, we'd trate Y ,· as ye're ou tlie roau so airly. be now, looks to tba Council for repayment. We·bne a bottle down yo~der.'' .. .Councillors St, John and Barril in company "Arrab, l_oog life, come along, Biddy." with tbe solicitor wilt Yiait the place and re- ..... A rew ateps down tho slope, and 'the tioker port there.oo. and hia companion •tood io!idc of a badly ligbt­

Mr. D. Smallwood dropped a note tO · tile' ed caTC dug in the side of an embankment. A Council, uki~g.,that bil atad Lone "General brilliant fire blued up; and n lxrgc "still" was Gordon" be exempt from the ordinary city taxes. doing its work ~plen didly. SCIIttered around The request is made 00 tbe il;ouoda that tbe were kegs. rnntninin" the "Mountain Ucw," animal waa imported for breediDI porposuoolj, aod bugs cout•ioiog the bro .... u· sugar used io and as such, should not come under the same distilling. l u om iostuot the tinker's supposed beading~ ordinary dray or carriace boraes. "better hair ' hx divesteu herself of the tuttere'u Tbe Council could aot aee tbe matter in tbo woolen shawl ud hood ; auotber ioetsmt and a same light as Mr. Smallwood, and it waa boodle of petticoats fell to 'the ground, and th.re decided that" General Gordon" would ban to stood before the nstoundeu distillers (uut pay hla mooeyaa wellaaenry other horse in "Biddy") bu t 1he <r t!'C t fo rm of Fl k in town . full11niform ..ll' ilh truucheou. bnn<icutls aod a

. ~Ir. John Hays~ wanted to : be exempt from six-cbnmber.ed revolver st rapped · to his belt. paying water rate5. He wu au official of the The donkey, probably tho·our,h curio•ity bu t nt

d • .tho ! ame time ,·~ry oprortuu~l.\' , j uincc.l ua, aod

water com~!loy, aod be lin 10 one of the water from UenPRth soau c. linker:; t thJI:J , Fl k

.company's bouJcs. Mr. Jobo Martin, wbo for-merly lived io tbe same bouse, stated that be drew out loi~ loclmet, •·ompletiug doc impersoull· bad paid water rates while liriog the 'and this tion t' tho IJJ•jesty of ohe luw . ~o resi~tuocc being taken for a precedent, Mr. H<Lyae will was offerr<l: they gn ,·e their uull•<• freely. \Ve bavo to tollow suit. empti ed tl o~ coo lcrll"~ oof the ke~;s iuloo the near·

The reeideota round anti about llcCallom's- est" shough," broke ooft' rhe "wor111" frum the

lao• ae t · t't 'o k' th t ~) . ht d still, And coofiscateu the l•tter by urruoglog it· v o n pe 1 1 n aa 10g "' 11: an aome

sort of rail be placed io-the laue. Tbe street securely.. across the donkey's back. I maio tJ<i uecl W~ situated in the ceotre of tbo tOWO and 1\'aS my iocogjlito throughout, Ulltl depurted WithOUt tho only road from 'Vater to Doc~worth·street, molestatiou, save fur R few illl precut iuns ~ 11 between the Ma.rket-house abd McBrides·~~ tinkers and ti nkers' handiwork . T•kiu;; a ci r­Io slippery weather it WtiS almost unposaibl .cuitous rou te 1< 0 reuched l 'e lli~n in I he ufrer ­let ~ p or down tliere, and afier night it . was teroooo. Fl -- k wu• promoted tu I he roHik still mo t dangerous. Afier soma discussion it of sergeant soon afier, and I hnve 110 doubt his

d d sei<oro io Tulluvocndy con tribut ed to it.

waa ecide to place a lamp and hand-rail there for the coo <en ieoce of pedestrians. On tbia A few years a~;o a •·cry cunning individual

matter be.O" ·cc•de·' 10 Chal'rm p named Paddy McFadden , t•nrrieu ou a s<crct but 1 ., a , ,. , an ower, \PI:· gested tbut a lamp of some kind should be placed remunerative trnde wi th the Rpirit-sellers of the on 'Plank-road, RiTerhead. Plank-road runs towo . He sold tur f to the townspeople . ( Tbe from Job's-lano to S t. l'atrick's~treet, aod is a people io the Oooegal A·illnge• usc tlry turf for thoroughfare largely used by the people of the fuel ). In the bottom;.of the ca rt ho generally Weat-ond, and it is bighly neceuary that a concealed a keg of I he "mountain dew" by light sbonld be pla~ei tbere . ' It '!"•• decilled piling turf upon it. Once he, had dra wn bis cart that Mr. Pooke be uked to see tbe beat position into tho backyard of bis customers, he was safe.

Jl leaked OUt, bO\VUer, that •he WI\S Selling in wbicb to erect a lamp, and report oo tbe price aD ·' other d•tao'ls at the' next meet' ..1 f tb C ~ ·poteen" (pronounced pot-yeen) to 1ho spirit-u v IDI>IO e OUD•

dealers of tho town. Tho sergeant of policep1!!. cil. himself on the lo kout. P'~ddv disco,·ered be

Councillor St. John made" few remaru io w~ watched. The next dny h~ cnme in with connection wiJb the proaeot position of the cab- turf, the sergeant stepped up iQ bim to buy. ataod on Wafer·street, and pointed oat tbe io· Paddy could not sell to aoyoo'e, be !aid;'but the convenience at present suffe~d by the PeOple mau be had 'Promised it lo Jhe tlay before. The doing business between 1\Ieasrs. McMurdo & aergeaut would give hi'm fire s'T•illiogs-se,·oo­Co. aou Mr. Cox's ) tailor) store. While oo and-~ixpeoct:,-ten sloillin$s, but Paddy could peraoo woula, wbh '10. handicap the cabmen i oot disappoint a neighbor.'' At tho offer of I!DY way, as !ley arc laboring under di{llcultiea twenty shillings Paddy hesitated, nod aaid he eoougb ,ii lready, it m~bt be possible to Bod a mi1ht have it. There lfO~ irrepreasiblp _gleo place for thdm in whicij they would do just as among tho police ; the turf was qJ!ipk!M rowo mucll trade s at pr88e t an!! not interfere with oat of the cnrt, wbile II. numb~r of pollee coo­the bi\sineu of otpers. The r t of .the Couo- stables stood· by nodding und winking at each cillors •poke " few words oo this subject, bot other io eTideot anticipation of good fun. they ilid not know whotl'(er the Council was io ,:couCiusion tomorrow.) a position clr..oot to compel the ~bmeo leave their present stand. The lpatler wie-tliereforere· · ferred to the solicitot for the Council, who will repor' t!lerooo at t6e out Jlleetiog of the board: There hue been cooaiaerablO" complaiota from tbe busioes~ple interest d in thil matter from time to tiln'e, and the iaaue wiU be watched closety. · . •

Mr. Pooke's report ou electric lights for the


... Or Equivalent in Salary. . .

... ·.

a comparJ~ tively •mall ~ity like St. -!pbo'e, ~he enllector• wonl•l , Dltlurully . •qool become person- · ally known tu the iuhabitar ts; .Luubere .will al·. ways be a number yf people who will not know them . · Braide"\bif, th.e collectors arc getting' such small aala~(ea, 'thAt they art;. scarcely able to ' keep lhtmsel~ea in shoe leather uud clothing. Tbrsc mro have positions of great t~us·t aod rc· spon~ibillty, nucl ir they ~Ann<ot ha•·• " bett~r

salary , they should, •urely. be xllo,.•ed tho anme privilege ls l'olice oflicen, Custo.;,·houa~ officiAls ·a au Postal letter-carries . 'fith thanl<a for ;-pace, I am, your81 ~c., CITIZEN.

St. J oho'e, Jnn . 8t li, 1891.



Thd cue tried . before tbe court yesterdaY,,• in which Mr. Brei_F waote~ to gf the. rtf.!..re­mond from un~ b'Yatable, me uA' tod~, before Judge Conroy, Joi ~llal h aring. Tb~-• feodaol, tbrougb his ·coanael, Murphy, again pleaded that he had a right to e 1rouod. Tbe jod~c acceptiag thil position, stated that be bad oo juriJdictieo onr caaea in which qaeetioaa of title were euol•ed, aod tbe matter abould be 'dropped altogether or taken to tho Supreme Court. lo till meantime, u the 111atter a~ud at preaeot, the pige can be reio tated in their old quarters till the opeoin1 of th~ apriDg term of fhe . upreme Court, uuleaa, indeed, au iu­juuetioo cao be ob~ioed in tbe meantime, which ia oot nry likely. Mr. Lilly appiand · for the plaintiff, M'r. Murph)' for the defeudan,t. 1:. Tbere was oo other case on tbe dooke' to­day, but that of a young mao, from Rawlioa' Croaa, who toyed with tbe heart of n fair uKm· se , and. then got another girl. The cue waa· no! settled when the reporter left the court.

l.tt().l.L AND OTHE-" l:J'EMS.

Tho lo c~ l •leigh pa!hs for the \viotcr. _ ___..

Tho .:o·•mur Con1cript arriYC() from northward "' tt o'clock this morning. ·, . .


Mr. ~<Dd Mrs. Denis J. McGrath, desire to •press their tl~aoks to Mrs. King, , of the " Home," for Uer kindness .to th)lm during the.lr >tRy at the· place. -----1 The "Virgi nian Mioatrels"- a ne w troupe-~< ill tn aku their appeara~in tho St11r of' tho Sen Hall about tbe ~Otb inst. o'n this subJect it i• natnrRI to. nsk , Where are the l\[ohawks gou~?

T hus far there has been only oue return from diphtherin in Middleco~e. In ~I r. Roach's fa111ity, io which it broke out, there are fo)lr teen childreu ; but it is thought toRt, onts iue the chil<l thnt di c•l, the btbers will escape. ..

Mr. Willinn1 E ngl ish, as will be seeo by ad-

. r

vorti~e oueu t, Io ns opened R modern rcfre5bment 1 room iu the Ci ty Hinl< where skAt ers and uon· skaters can obtain temparance dri nks, aud deli· . (

Cl\cies of the seru~ou at yeru~onable rates.

An old la~y, ;~i;,;"Jc,:;·ing over C~tbctl rnl- · bill IKSI uight, about e4;h~ o'cloek, wns ran over\ by 11 horse, tlri,·en by two J.nys . bot h of wbo'm were, apparen tly, the woroe of liquor. 'fho horse was gntlopiug nt the ti ffioe , aorl it wru~only beel\n e there WM considerable snow nbout; that ohe was not bnolly burt. The police should hut! an e1o nfie r t l':o~ o yonugstef.s.

--·--Th" mno "·ho likes his toudy i• •leaiined 10

lu<Ve .. html time in this worl<l if tho signs or the ti .ne• are worth any th ing. Ju Missouri he must stand up to drink, w\, ile in lllnesacbuaett• be must sit dowU' In KuosuoA•• muot swear that he is afllicred with glauuers or piok-eyc, and io l owa be muit commit perjury und cn­dnu;;er hi soul, wlti Jo io NQb ru~ka it is 11 peui· te ,.t iary .. ffencc to treat one's neighbor. ,

The City Coun<• il ; conlrory to tho rxpectntion vi maoy persona, diu not appoint 11 C'i ty F.n­giuccr la.!t e'Tenioj!. Nor will tho n~p .. i:otmeul. RS far u.s can be a!cl!rtaiad, be mg,dc for some time. All work of R> pnrticol~~ natnre is elosrd down for the present, and work on the orw section will not ~e resumed Rt leMt till lhe ( ) pri ng. In the . mcanthn e tho present nctiu ~_J

eogi~cor can do all the work ne~'ll !SI\ry. 1


. )( ~;;·~_:-o;;-lhe 27rh ul t .~-;l~ii"k~l Murphy (Riverhead), o( a daughter. '

MA.RRI.l.GES. IVuD-PO~~Oo the 6th tnst.; bjii;;v;;;; •.

ruble Archdeacou Forrlstat , Mr. Robert Ward, lo ?tli Mary Power, both of .John'! .

• DEA.THS. _.,. ___ _ • ~aylight yesterday ~ornio1 re•ealed the ex- ,, A ~umbe, of te!p~pe~aoce ladies iu town ban' tent of tb da\aage ;w~icb bad been done. Float.. called QD the nrioua saloop keepers, aakiog iog by tlie dock. were wheelbarrow•; p{~oea of them ~o ~lose their boiiness;' fbjcb they ~tate l i!Dber and other dcbri.t, and about ·Ho tooa • or il r~oo~ to tbe be1t interests of the country. coal I&)' at the bo~m. They "!'ere everywhe e very courteo11.1ly receiy-

The.immediat~ ~- DJe of the ~Dap~ W~ '\ 'at ell, .ho.t tlieif' reques ~na oo~ compl-ied itb in

week was read and paaaed'. . • "' Mr. ¥ariin'·s report on. water laff~irt wu ala

ToniS.-At Brooklyn, ou the 18th ult .. o .pucu· mooia, Mary, rel ict or the Capt. 'Thomne robin , aged 4~ yean. The deceased " ' as u dauglller ot

( 7'o the R diior of tlte C{olonin.) U1. Mlchae11tloDouald, of thla city.-R.l P. . . • .. W u a.-At Great Placentia, on the 27t.h ult ..

- .

!"IDe timber, wb~c bf:d -peen PJ~ o.o 'l'e wharf- aoy ooe iilataoce, aa far · u ie i nown. T he head, had fallen ' do , wbioh eboo~ ~·e • wlaarf ladies •W~· tbat they are ool diaeoutaged, but

' aud·bnildlog, tbere y cauio&tbe p~r· oftht~ will ,0 OD-)'Ur flfter yo'a't io their 'endeavour to • J-' ~bear OD the lm~ ?f th~ttore •. _ • .. clote ib~ ~0001. Wll~th•r they will . >II ·:~, ~?.

It 11 fortnuate tb 'hu.&eeldeot ·br.jlpetlad at or no.~ remaio1 to lie aeeo. t - • • . • 4


reaJ. . • Tho r&ports for the ••oek from the W alar

Compao7'• cdllecto·ra were aeol in by Mr. Je~n L. Slattery: · . ·

The uso•l weekly ~y rolla an other incideu• tAl expeoeea were p nt'ed llod pawd, after ,. hich the meeliog adjoutned. . ' '

,f; ..... ~~ ..

- ..

. DEAB m, omo lime smce ~.oml> oue ro- arter, tedious Illness, borne .with· gran~ patience £erred to the oece~sity for tho _ w:;r rate and res!goat.loo to tho will of God, .fl'mes Wyse. oollecton of the Municipal Couoell t~ we reo me. aged a2 year!' ; deeervedly . ret~reted by "' largu

, clrele of -trie~~da,-R.I P, • • onlforml or tl.iat\oguishiog badge,) Jy wh1ob they OnA.JUv.-Thla morning, alter a long nud palu· il'oold •be koowo to 'tbe taxpayers of the c ity on fulllloe • Ann, beloved wi1eofCha~Je&0rRf'&m, · RW 20 y,an. Funeral OD t:;uo ny next, from ber whom the! 9all .fo r ~R~.~~ ~atca : Of eourae, in fllll\.er'a tetlelo~~l .. o_::_Jobli·stree , ' ·, ·· •

• ·.

