10 Widgets To Rock Your WordPress

Post on 19-May-2015

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These are the slides I used for my WordCamp Salt Lake City presentation. I apologize in advance, the presentation was focused more on plugins than widgets. I am putting together another presentation that is focused solely on widgets. These can still Rock Your WordPress.

Transcript of 10 Widgets To Rock Your WordPress

presented by Thom Allen – September 10th, 2011

Thom AllenI’ve been a Software Engineer for,

well, ever

Love Jazz

Love Rock

Love WordPress

Backup 4 things:1. Database2. Theme3. Uploads4. Full site

WP-DB-Backup,WP-DBManager, BackWPup, VaultPress, Locker

Increase you sites response immediately HTML CSS JavaScript Images CDN Pages/Posts

W3 Total Cache / WP Super Cache

Photos NextGEN, LightBox, smush.it

Video Viper’s Video Quicktags

Audio (Podcasting) PowerPress, podPress

Extend your website reach with social sharing Facebook Twitter StumbleUpon Digg Google+

ShareThis, Social Sharing Toolkit, Jetpack (lots more)

SEO doesn’t happen over night, and good content is just as important as a plug-in

All In One SEO Pack, WordPress SEO by Yoast, Platinum SEO Pack, Google XML Sitemap

New one I’m trying is Headspace

While knowing how many people are visiting your site is important, knowing what they are reading can be even more important

WordPress.com Stats, Google Analytics for WordPress, Woopra, Clicky

Give readers a way to engage with you and your content

DISQUS, Intense Debate, Livefyre, even Facebook

Everyone is annoyed with comment spam. And the killer plugin for this is:


Over 41 million zapped today

Not everyone has time to visit all the website they want to read, so give your readers options: RSS, Email, Newsletter

Feedburner (FD FeedBurner), MailChimp, Aweber, WP Autoresponder and Newsletter Plugin


Build your own Facebook type social network


More and more people are consuming the web via a mobile device, please provide a mobile experience

Wptouch & Pro, WPtap, Mobius, WordPress Mobile Pack

Thank you for attending!Are there any questions?

Thom Allengplus.to/thomallen


I’m available for WordPress development