10 Ways To Make You Time

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of 10 Ways To Make You Time

10 Ways To Make “You Time”

MaidPro Kansas City

Say No.

It’s okay to say no. It’s the first step to a creating more achievable goals.

Prioritize Yourself.

Put “You Time” in the calendar. Life is busy, carving out time helps you say no to activities that take away from personal time.

Embrace The Little Things.

Sometimes schedules are packed and personal time seems less achievable. Little things like reading on your lunch hour or taking a mid day coffee break can still offer stress relief.

Find Your Time Wasters.

We all have little habits that waste time and keep us from accomplishing larger tasks. Write down things you don’t want to do.

Re-Think Your Routine.

Many times it’s our regular routine that keeps us from having personal time. Identify activities that can be postponed, discarded or changed up.


Looking at schedules, email and social media can keep you from disconnecting. Put the phone down and do something that slows down those “to-do” thoughts.

Don’t Compromise.

Part of keeping “you time” in your schedule is not counting it as an activity that can be moved or schedule over.

Get a Friend or Significant Other On Board.

A supportive network can help you and others prioritize personal time. Schedule car pools and activities that support one another.


Over committing is a quick way to burn out. Be realistic about what you can accomplish in 24 hours.

Let MaidPro Clean.

A clean home helps you relax after work and gives you more free time.