10 Tips to Make the Most out of Your Business Card Photo - allBcards

Post on 27-Jun-2015

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Including your headshot on your business card can be a good idea; headshots make it easier for people to remember you, and they may keep your business card around longer. If you think a photo on your business card can help you develop relationships with potential clients or customers, use the following tips to make the most out of it. ---------------------------------------- This article is part of allBcards’ Complete Guide to Business Cards. A step by step guide to business card content, design, printing and distribution (102 pages!)

Transcript of 10 Tips to Make the Most out of Your Business Card Photo - allBcards

10 Tips to Make the Most out of

Your Business Card Photo

1. Show a friendly face and a good smile. Don’t worry about your wrinkles!

2. Do not wear accessories like sunglasses or hats.

3. No pets or kids in the photo. This is an unbreakable rule if you want to look professional!

4. Hire a professional photographer to do the job.

5. Use a headshot only. Do not take a full body photo unless you are in the fitness or fashion industry.

6. Use a small area for your photo.

7. Do not print it on an everyday desktop printer. Your photo will look cheap and unprofessional.

8. Do not present a business card with a dated headshot that looks nothing like you.

9. Try to use the same photo you have on your social media profiles, especially LinkedIn.

10. You do not need to a have real photo; you can use a drawing or a caricature.

This article is part of allBcards’ Complete Guide to Business Cards. A step by step guide to business card content, design, printing and distribution (102 pages!)
