10 tips for beginner swimmers || cyberonlinespace

Post on 08-Apr-2016

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Transcript of 10 tips for beginner swimmers || cyberonlinespace

10 Tips for Beginner Swimmers

Swimming appears like a simple sport, but there is a large learning curve which likely prevents many from learning to swim. Unlike running or biking, not knowing to swim can be dangerous, as many people drown each year. So, quit making excuses and get out there and learn to swim, no matter your age. To help you get into the sport, here are 14 facts and tips that all swimmers should know. 

1.  Get a suit that fits!

No matter where you go, you'll see swimmers often wear poorly sized suits. Some wear them too big, some too small, and everywhere in between. When starting, go to a swim store and talk with one of the workers, they can give you tips on how to pick the appropriate size, not only for appearance, but also comfort.

2.  You will have to use the bathroom.

Every swimmer has had that moment when they have to use the bathroom. Sudden urges are common in exercise, so make sure you know where the bathrooms are at the pool and avoid urinating in the pool, as the waste products in urine can react with the chemicals in the water and worsen air quality.

3.  Swimming does not give you the right to eat whatever you want.

"Swimmers always have great bodies" is a frequent comment from non-swimmers. Now, many elite swimmers do have great bodies, but not all swimmers. Often times, swimmers justify a large meal by doing a heavy workout. This is likely the cause of weight gain for some when they begin a swimming program. 

If you are working on weight loss, swimming can be beneficial. However, you still must monitor your food intake and think twice about over eating after a swim.

4.  You'll probably get injured at some point.

Like all forms of exercise, swimming puts extra stress on specific parts of the body (low back and shoulders).

5.  Find a coach.

If you are serious about improving your swimming, you find a coach. Now, make sure you don't hire any coach, but a coach who helps with biomechanics and form. Unlike cycling or running, swimming is an unnatural motion. This makes biomechanics even more important.

So, make sure you find a coach who can help you with your practice and not sure write a workout on a white board.

6.  Have a goal and a plan.

Make sure you have a goal, then set the plan to reach the goal. If you want to swim a mile straight, consider this swimming program. If you want to lose weight, look at high-intensity interval training (HIIT). No matter your goal, set a plan and stick with it!

7.  Volunteer at a meet.

If you are interested in swimming a meet, consider volunteering at a Masters or USA Swimming meet. Not only will you be doing a good deed, but you'll learn the ins and outs of a swim meet if you decide to swim a meet.

8.  When to buy.

If you live in a colder climate, consider purchasing your swimming attire at the end of the summer. If you live in a warmer climate you can do the same, but likely won't get as good a discount. Think clearance!

9.  Respect other swimmers.

Always share the lane, communicate with other swimmers, and follow the pool rules. No one wants to be "that swimmer".

10.  Don't compare yourself to other swimmers.

Since swimming is so dependent on biomechanics, even out-of-shape former elite swimmers can be very fast. Keep this in mind as you wonder how some swimmers are so fast and simply worry about your own training and progress. 


Swimming is a grueling sport, which requires a lot of time for improvement. Stay focused and don't get frustrated, and follow these 10 tips if you are a beginner swimmer.

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