10 things about ABM

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of 10 things about ABM


10 Things You Need to Know About

Despite all of the hype surrounding

account-based marketing, only 43% of people polled have a clear definition of

what ABM is.

Definition of ABM:

Account-based marketing, at its most basic, makes an account (rather than an individual lead) the focus of marketing and sales efforts. To put it simply, ABM:

• RELIES ON DATA analysis to pinpoint the correct accounts to target

• LEVERAGES RESEARCH to find the correct cadre of contacts inside an account


There’s an overabundance of information about

ABM floating around, so we’ve compiled

10 of the most important things to know about

account-based marketing...

• On average, 5.4 people now have to formally sign off on each purchase

• Implementing a strong ABM program allows you to close deals quickly by including all decision makers from the beginning of the buyer’s journey

1. ABM Helps to Loop in All Decision Makers

• 80% of marketers who measure ROI say that ABM initiatives outperform other marketing investment

• 60% of those who have used ABM for at least a year report a revenue increase of at least 10%,and 19% report a revenue impact of 30% or greater

• Companies using ABM generate 200% more revenue for their marketing efforts

2. ABM = Increased ROI

ABM helps increase customer lifetime value by not just focusing on getting customers in the door, but keeping them there. By identifying ideal customers and going after them, you’re able to choose customers that you know will be successful with your product.

• Contract value for ABM-targeted accounts increases an average of 40% for mid-market accounts and 35% for enterprise

3. ABM = Increased Contract Value

• 52% of companies say they currently have ABM pilot programs in place

• 83% of ABM testers have plans to increase their usage over the next year

4. ABM is Gaining Steam, Quickly

In the past account-based marketing was tedious and time consuming. Today, the basic process remains much the same, but technology has changed the labor equation, making ABM practical for any company that already uses marketing technology well.

• In fact, while large companies are currently the heaviest users of ABM, small companies are the most aggressive testers at this time

5. ABM is Not Just for Enterprise Anymore

• 83% of those using ABM report that increased engagement with target accounts is the top reported benefit

6. ABM = Increased Engagement

• 84% of companies believe that ABM provides significant benefits for retaining and expanding current client relationships

• 83% of companies using ABM single out “increased engagement with accounts” as the most beneficial aspect of account-based marketing.

7. ABM = Strengthened Retention + Expansion

• On average, a B2B customer will use 6 interaction channels (e.g. ads, email, phone, etc.), and 65% are frustrated by the inconsistency of the experience. ABM can help by providing a consistent experience across all channels of communication to each person in a targeted account

8. ABM Improves Consistency

• Organizations with tightly aligned sales and marketing functions experience 36% higher customer retention rates and 38% higher sales win rates

• 91% of those with an ABM program in place said that they were “tightly” or “somewhat or moderately” aligned with sales

• 70% of ABM users report that their sales and marketing organizations are mostly or completely aligned

9. ABM Helps with Departmental Alignment

• Effectively link buyer behaviors and data across contacts for a unified account view

• Automatically score accounts and trigger campaigns and workflows inside and outside of the inbox

• Precisely target all decision makers within an account and deliver a unified experience across the organization

10. Leveraging Marketing Automation for ABM Allows You To:

With the right strategy and the right technology to carry it out, ABM will support as you balance your strategy among brand

awareness, demand generation, and customer retention and expansion initiatives.

To learn more about Account-Based Marketing, download our full eBook here.

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