10 Tech Predictions for 2016 | Alex Noudelman

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10 Tech Predictions for 2016

By Alex Noudelman

Here are my ten technology predictions for the year 2016.

© Alex Noudelman

1. The Rise of Co-location & Cloud

‘Brick and Mortar’ Data Centres will be eliminated in favour of co-location and cloud. New co-location providers will emerge and existing providers will continue to build new structures in more markets.

© Alex Noudelman

2. Increasing Concern Over Internet Security

In 2016, we will continue to be concerned with online security. From networking security to physical access security, each organization will work to ‘catch-up’ on the topic and will make huge investments to secure their information as well as their clients’ data.

© Alex Noudelman

3. Internet of Things

Internet of Things (IoT) will become the Internet of Everything. It will explode with even more technological breakthroughs that promise to "smarten" every aspect of our lives.

© Alex Noudelman

4. Freelance Will Be On The Rise

We’re in the midst of uncertain economic times. In 2016, companies will continue to look for ways to cut costs. As a result, we will see a dramatic rise in the world of freelance work. People will start to embrace a new culture of everywhereism.

© Alex Noudelman

5. Social Media Fatigue Will Increase

Facebook and Twitter, as we know them now, will die. Social Media Fatigue is becoming more common, especially among early adopters. Many, despite their understanding of the inherent value of social media, will start to feel like enough is enough.

© Alex Noudelman

6. Mobile Will Continue To Dominate

Mobile will act as a vehicle that will reinvent businesses in the Age of the Customer. In 2016, the gap between customer-obsessed leaders who will embrace mobile as a means to create new value and stragglers who consider mobile to be a stand-alone channel will widen.

© Alex Noudelman

7. Wearables Will Lose Ground

Wearable technologies will struggle to find their place in everyday life. As an industry and market, they will be seen as incredibly immature and not worth the money paid.

© Alex Noudelman

8. Local SEO Will Gain Ground

Local SEO has always been important, but in 2016 it will be more important than ever. As competition grows on the web, going local will offer one of the best ways to find your audience in a sea of other results.

© Alex Noudelman

9. Content Marketing Budgets Will Increase

Budgets for content marketing have been increasing steadily over the past several years and will continue do to so in 2016. The value of content marketing is clear: it helps prospects move through their Buyer Journey quicker because the brand is providing answers to questions that are being asked.

© Alex Noudelman

10. Rise of AMA Sites

Ask-Me-Anything (AMA) sites, such as Reddit and Quora, will increase in popularity. Businesses will be using AMAs to build authority and attain new customers by answering their painpoints.

© Alex Noudelman

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