10 Stunning Grey Wood Cladding Designs

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Transcript of 10 Stunning Grey Wood Cladding Designs


1 Double AccentThis small building uses two colors of natural hardwood on the front of the home in a type of double accent-walled exterior.

2 Natural CamouflageThe soft, grey color of the cladding helps bridge the gap between modern and traditional for a transitional exterior that is filled with interest, character, and movement.

3Washed Up by the SeaThis beach shelter makes perfect use of grey wood cladding to mimic the color and texture of that driftwood, helping the shelter look as though it, too, was brought to this location by the waves.

4 Lots of Directions, Lots of DepthTo keep the building from looking bland, the cladding is installed in a variety of different directions, making the building seem as though it were built from textured blocks.

5 A Quiet BackdropEach of the windows on this exterior are fitted with a colorful frame or panel. Against the soft grey of the cladding, the windows really pop, creating a playful exterior that hints at what’s inside.

Photo by Jiri Havran.

6 Weathering NaturallyThe grey wood cladding tones are achieved naturally as the wood ages, so the more exterior sections of the façade have a more weathered appearance than those just behind.

Photo By Pasi Aalto

7 Softly MovingThe soft color of the wood lets the shape and movement of the building be the focal point, rather than competing for the attention of the viewer.

8 Natural MimicryWhen you have a house or building that’s situated in a natural setting, such as this cottage built on the rocks by the sea, it makes sense to want your exterior to blend in well with its surroundings.

9 Multiple TonesThis artist’s house is made of weathered grey cladding, but some of the original color of the wood still shows through in streaks.

Photo By Henning Davidsen

10 Clean LinesThese beach houses use the same soft wood not only on the siding, but on the roofs of the homes as well.

Photo By Urban Front


IDEAS AT: http://kebony.com/us/blog/grey-wood-cladding-ideas/
