10 Simple Steps to Create Your First Triip (with Pokemon Go example)

Post on 11-Jan-2017

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Transcript of 10 Simple Steps to Create Your First Triip (with Pokemon Go example)

10 Simple Steps to Create

your First Triip {with POKEMON GO TRIIP}

1. Think of an awesome name for your tour

the location + the experience = perfect name for your triip Saigon + POKEMON GO = POKEMON GO TOUR AROUND SAIGON

2. Find a cover photo that describes the essence of your triip

3. Add 5 bullet points for the benefits of your triips

(What is special about your triip)

4. Add 3-4 highlights for the experience you provide

5. Choose the Category for you triip (don't forget the GTEC label)

6. Choose the transport

7. Set the time available

8. Set the price

9. Describe what includes / excludes

10. Submit for review

email gtec@triip.me for more Information


See the POKEMON Triip