10 Secrets of Successful Custom Software Projects

Post on 11-May-2015

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Transcript of 10 Secrets of Successful Custom Software Projects

Secrets !of Successful !

Custom Software Projects !

From Steven A. Lowe CEO @ Innovator, LLC!


Successful custom software project practices are like common sense.

Successful custom software project practices are like common sense.

Which explains the ridiculously high failure rate.

The common culprits?

It’s the way we know how to do it.

Fear of change.

Old and outdated standards.

Unconvinced that new or different methods will work.

What’s the definition of insanity again?

I never said that.

If you’ve worked on more than a couple of software projects, the odds are that you’ve been on a project that

You know all too well what doesn’t work.

So let’s talk about what does.

of successful custom software projects that not only meet their goals, but remain in service for many years.

10! Secrets !Here are

Without clear objectives, it is difficult to know what “success” looks like, or, when you’ve actually arrived.

Clear Objectives!1

Software projects are not a spontaneous vacation where the journey is the reward.

It is about the destination.

Only with clearly defined business objectives is it possible to lay out a clearly defined roadmap on how to get there …

… and deal with obstacles that appear along the way.


A custom software solution is not a decision lightly made and easily changed.



A custom software solution is not a decision lightly made and easily changed. It requires a commitment to the path and a willingness to see it through.


The rewards are well worth it, but only for those that persevere with clarity.

A change in business goals or executive support, conflicting objectives, market changes, loss of key personnel, failing to perform a risk analysis …

… all can easily derail a project and waste a lot of money.

Measurable ROI!

If you cannot estimate, much less measure, the return on investment (ROI) of a custom software project, it probably doesn’t have any, and should not be done.


Projects without a persuasive business case will not receive adequate resources, support, or withstand the challenge of change.

Stakeholder Involvement!

People resist change that is done to them, but embrace change that they are a part of.


Stakeholder Involvement!

People resist change that is done to them, but embrace change that they are a part of. Make sure all of the stakeholders are involved in the project, and that their goals are in alignment with the project goals.


Unengaged stakeholders lose interest and stop contributing.

Project Champion!

A project Champion is a senior executive with financial authority who believes strongly in the purpose and path of the project, and will fight to get it funded and completed.


Projects without Champions are difficult to start, and rarely finish.

Adequate Budget!

Custom software development costs money. Sometimes, it costs a great deal of money. It is also often the cornerstone of a strategic advantage and the lifeblood of operations.


Remember to budget for supporting software, required and replacement hardware, training, and ongoing maintenance.

Budget overruns are a key factor in project failure and abandonment.

Planning and budgeting for every scenario greatly minimizes risk.

The Right Team!

The right system cannot be developed by the wrong team.


The Right Team!

The right system cannot be developed by the wrong team. Make sure the development team has the appropriate domain knowledge and skill levels to be successful.


If your team has knowledge, or skill-set gaps, add qualified members and arrange access to subject matter experts.

Realistic Expectations!

Rome wasn’t built in a day; your custom software system won’t be either. Software development is part science, part craft, part art, and hard work.


Realistic Expectations!

Rome wasn’t built in a day; your custom software system won’t be either. Software development is part science, part craft, part art, and hard work.


None of these should be rushed; to do so sacrifices quality and risks failure.

Be patient, and work with the development team to ensure that both sides have a mutual, realistic understanding of the process, timelines, and goals.

Training & Maintenance Plans!

Once the software is completed, who will use it?


Training & Maintenance Plans!

Once the software is completed, who will use it? How will they know how to use it?


Training & Maintenance Plans!

Once the software is completed, who will use it? How will they know how to use it? Who will maintain it?


Training & Maintenance Plans!

Once the software is completed, who will use it? How will they know how to use it? Who will maintain it? How will they know how to maintain it?


Include plans for these issues early in the project.

Otherwise, a very costly and time consuming software project could end-up like this cute, abandoned child’s toy.

Which brings us to #10

10! Lifetime Support!

Custom software systems can remain in service for decades.

10! Lifetime Support!

Custom software systems can remain in service for decades. Make sure your plans include provisions for periodic maintenance, incidental and emergency support, and someone to care for and enhance the system over its entire lifespan.

Change Request

Change Request

Change Request

Change Request Change

Request Change Request

New hardware, changes in external interfaces, and requests for enhanced functionality place demands on custom software not considered during the initial development.

The software must grow with you, not on you.

A custom software system without planned and funded lifetime support will lose end-user satisfaction, not perform as intended, and fail to support changing business needs.

Custom software systems …

Are long-term, strategic investments: know the reason you're doing it.

Can be disruptive to the status quo: so get everyone affected involved and excited.

Must learn and grow with the business: so plan for the system to live long and prosper.

Steven A. Lowe @nov8r !

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