10 reasons you won't succeed (and what you can do about it)

Post on 10-Dec-2014

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Want to succeed? In business? at your job? with your money? with your life? Here are 10 reasons you wont and 10 things you can do to turn it around

Transcript of 10 reasons you won't succeed (and what you can do about it)




In our world opportunities are like trains on the Victoria Line... They come every 60 seconds. The real question is will you grab it or wait for one that requires less effort on your part? Turning potential into reality takes effort and most people just can’t be bothered

Not doing anything is easier than doing something. But most people forget that not making a decision is a decision in itself.

Attend things, talk to people, stop playing Angry Birds and watching “reality” tv!

Those that can be bothered – that go the mile, let alone the extra mile – they are the success stories. The rest are unsuccessful statistics

Online, offline, hard-back, soft-back, online, kindle... Just different delivery methods for the same content

There is so much knowledge, so much advice, so many inspirational people, so many trailblazers...

Spend less time downloading games and more time on the bookshelf

“ ”

Grow up!

We are entitled to opportunity, we are not entitled to success...

What are you doing with the opportunity at your feet? Waiting for someone to pick it up for you?

You have a right to wear sneakers to a job interview, you have the right to display your tattoo sleeve...

Just remember the other person will make up their minds about you within 10 seconds... That is their right!

The only way to get the part is to dress the part

The ends rarely justify the means and while stabbing people in the back may make for good television it makes for terrible business.

Having a reputation for integrity means that others know you will do the right thing, stand by your principles and be honest. Under all conditions.

As tough as things are for you most people have it worse! But don’t be charitable just cos it’s the right thing to do. Do it for yourself!

Countless studies have shown that being charitable benefits the giver psychologically, socially, improves wellbeing and makes you generally feel happier. Don’t have spare cash? Volunteer your time or talents.

Those who fear failure never try – those who never try never do – those who never do are living a fearful life.

A life lived in fear is a life half lived.

Own your talents, ambition and passion and give it your all. What’s the worst that can happen?

Get over yourself!

Despite what your mother says you are not all that. You are not a gift to the world. You need to prove yourself to be taken seriously.

Arrogance stops you from reaching your potential, while humility attracts the energy of those around you helping you reach the stars...

Limiting yourself to activities and attitudes that make you comfortable limits your ability to pursue the extraordinary.

What kind of life do you want to live? Challenge yourself to become the person you were born to be