10 quotes from Obama's final year

Post on 14-Jan-2017

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Transcript of 10 quotes from Obama's final year


On the state of politics

“Even when hatred burns hottest, even when the tug of tribalism is at its most primal, we must resist the urge to turn inward. We must resist the urge to demonize those who are different.”

On The Arts - Part I

“We need song and cinema and paintings and performance to help us challenge our assumptions, to question the way things are, and maybe inspire us to think about how things might be.”

On The Arts - Part II

"The arts help us celebrate our triumphs, but also holds up a mirror to our flaws. And all of that deepens our understanding of the human condition. It helps us to see ourselves in each other. It helps to bind us together as a people.”

On The Modern Age“If you had to be born at any time in human history, it would be right now. If you think about all the progress that's been made, not just in your lifetimes, but even in the last few years.”

On Misogyny

“Let’s be honest, sometimes, you know, that whole machismo attitude sometimes makes it harder for women to succeed, and sometimes that is coming even from those who love them.”

On Women’s Rights

“We need a future where women lead half our businesses, make up half of Congress. Where our girls know they can hold any job, and run any company, and compete on any field, and perform on any stage, and science the heck out of any challenge.”

On Aspiration - Part I

“My most important advice is to find something that you care deeply about, find something that excites you, and put all your energy and effort into it.”

On Aspiration - Part II

“Don’t worry so much about what you want to be; worry more about what you want to do.”

On Progress - Part I

“Progress requires the harder path of breaking down barriers, and building bridges, and standing up for the values of tolerance and diversity.”

On Progress - Part II

“Progress is not inevitable, and it requires struggle and perseverance and discipline and faith.”

On activism

“We’re called to live in a way that shows that we’ve actually learned from our past. And that means rejecting indifference.”