10 quick & easy ways to boost your confidence by Stephanie chan

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of 10 quick & easy ways to boost your confidence by Stephanie chan

10 Quick & Easy Ways to Boost Your Confidence!

“The only thing holding you back is YOU!”

How many times have we heard this and not quite understood what exactly is holding us back?

Self-confidence is living in the same pea pod as self-belief. Quite simply put: if you believe you can handle something, you can.

If you don’t believe you can handle something, you can’t.

So why is confidence sometimes so elusive?

• Fear of rejection• Fear of failure • Fear of Judgment

Working on your relationship with the possibility of failure, judgement or rejection is an ongoing process through life,

but here are 10 quick and easy ways to start boosting your confidence:

Brainstorm a list of your strengths and achievements that make you feel proud. Read it back when you’re feeling a bit low, you’ll

be reminded of what a pretty awesome person you are! We havea natural tendency to focus on what we don’t have or what we’re not.

Your list will keep you focussed on the good stuff!


Decide not to give air time to negative thoughts. Your inner language creates your reality,

so choose your reality and decide to believe you are an awesome person!


Wear clothes that suit your figure and make you feel great. Choosing strong colours can lift your mood and confidence, like bright red or yellow!


Pay attention to your posture.

Standing tall makes you feel more powerful, so chest out, head up,

shoulders back!



Negativity creeps in when you get tired.

Get enough sleep

You’ll have higher energy levels, feel great and look great. Nothing beats the endorphin rush and the satisfaction of knowing that you’ve looked after your body today.!

6Exercise regularly


Music has the most powerful effect on us -so have a special playlist of uplifting music that makes you feel

anything is possible!



Get out of the house! Having social time with good friends gives you an amazing lift in energy and desire to “get out and amongst it”!

Being around other people who are all doing stuff and getting into life will reinforce your will to do the same.


Try something new that you have never done before, even if it’s only small like driving a new route to work. Conquering anything new

makes us feel competent and feeds into our need for growth and progress. Learn some new skills such as playing music, painting,

cooking or a new language.

9Try something new

Nothing gives you an instant confidence boost like a flirty interaction with a handsome stranger!

10Be Flirty!

Stephanie Chan

Sydney ,NSW, Australia

Life Coach, Business Coach, Relationship Coach

Personal coaching to fast-track your success in any area of life

Website: www.stephaniechanlifecoaching.com.au

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