10. prelude for objective mitigation to cyber threats

Post on 07-May-2015

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Enabling privacy without breaking everything

Transcript of 10. prelude for objective mitigation to cyber threats

A strengths based game which has few privacy concerns

Allows us to understand the best place to begin and transfer data to Healthcare and Justice systems

WICKED 2014@copyright Lisa Martinez 408.638.9016

iStar Results and Recommendations

A tool for multi-gender, multi-cultural,

multi-generational and both private and

public sectors.

Build Effective Teams

WICKED 2014@copyright Lisa Martinez 408.638.9016

Section I ◦ Scan the environment for positive or risk we need to consider for the design.

What we know?

What we need to understand about the skills gap?

Section II ◦ Lisa’s results – Outcomes we can expect – non-intrusive and strengths


Section III ◦ Objectivity versus Subjectivity

◦ Technical segmentation for the right results if we use technology in a controlled manner

Section IV ◦ Intimacy Gradient Layers by Industry in protected and private topics.

WICKED 2014@copyright Lisa Martinez 408.638.9016

Physical Safety and Wellness

WICKED 2014@copyright Lisa Martinez 408.638.9016

Even spending my entire career resolving serious problems

for companies ◦ Some resulting in criminal charges for evil insiders

◦ Some resulting in outside criminals

◦ Some simply unknowing people making honest errors.

The trust factor just isn’t a luxury people can allow to happen

without addressing the wickedness of the situation. ◦ Not every problem will be solved

◦ Focus entirely on how to segment and when to enable both objectives

with trade offs that make sense.

WICKED 2014@copyright Lisa Martinez 408.638.9016

WICKED 2014@copyright Lisa Martinez 408.638.9016

If only this game were around instead of reading “Lisa Bright and Dark”

Kids are influenced by the world they have available to them.

WICKED 2014@copyright Lisa Martinez 408.638.9016

My percentage by Color My colors

iStar Elements Color ◦ 27.31 %

◦ 26.54 %

◦ 25.38 %

◦ 20.77 %

Understanding the iStar

elements ◦ Your Keynote:Water (Blue)

◦ 2nd element:Earth (Green)

◦ 3rd element:Fire (Red)

◦ 4th element:Air (Yellow)

◦ Report summary

WICKED 2014@copyright Lisa Martinez 408.638.9016

In the diagram, your Keynote elemental color is in position 1. ◦ Your other elemental temperaments then follow round to position 4,

representing your lightest element.

◦ The apex of the star represents the fifth element or Quintessence.

WICKED 2014@copyright Lisa Martinez 408.638.9016

With a Keynote element of Water, your strength is

authenticity. ◦ Your motto might be “What You See Is, What You Get”

◦ You make “keeping it real” the standard to live by.

◦ You are looking for your true self and want to make a difference in the


◦ You are motivated when you can fully participate and make whatever

you are working on meaningful.

◦ You focus on the patterns and connections, putting priority on

relationships and trying to make the journey personable.

WICKED 2014@copyright Lisa Martinez 408.638.9016








WICKED 2014@copyright Lisa Martinez 408.638.9016

Acknowledging others

Building rapport

Building self-esteem
















Imagines possibilities





Expressing feelings


Public speaking


Team building

WICKED 2014@copyright Lisa Martinez 408.638.9016

Professional Personal

Your Keynote represents approximately 15% of

the North American population.

Your strength is authenticity.

You need to feel unique and to express the

inner you.

You look for meaning and significance in life.

You need to contribute, encourage and to care.

You value integrity and unity in all relationships.

You are sensitive to subtlety.

You enjoy close relationships with those you

love and possess a strong spirituality in your


Making a difference in the world is easy for you

because you cultivate the potential in yourself

and in others.

In childhood you were imaginative and

found it difficult to fit into the structure of

school life.

You reacted with great sensitivity to

discord or rejection.

You sought recognition and responded to

encouragement, not competition.

You seek harmonious relationships.

A true romantic and nurturer, you believe

in perfect love that lasts forever.

You bring drama, warmth and empathy to

all relationships and cherish flowers,

candlelight and music as the gestures of


WICKED 2014@copyright Lisa Martinez 408.638.9016

Emotion Peace








honesty, love, music, nature, people, sensitivity, sharing and understanding.

WICKED 2014@copyright Lisa Martinez 408.638.9016

You need to be authentic in your professional endeavors and to express the inner you.

As a Water Blue you are very inspiring to other people and enjoy getting them working together.

You like a personalized, warm and interactive work environment where you can help others achieve.

Thus you have remarkable latitude in career choices within a number of industry sectors.

Professions where you can influence others so that they may lead more significant lives are a very strong draw to the Blue personality.

WICKED 2014@copyright Lisa Martinez 408.638.9016

Group A Group B

Acknowledging others, building rapport, building self-esteem, communicating, consulting, coaching, coordinating, counselling, enlightening, expressing feelings, facilitating, fostering, guiding,










public speaking,


team building,


WICKED 2014@copyright Lisa Martinez 408.638.9016

Career Best Career Best

Career Coach,

Community Affairs Coordinator,

Drug and Alcohol Counsellor,

Educational Consulting,

Elementary School Teacher,

Employment Interviewer,

English Teacher,

Family Child Care Provider,

Family Lawyer,

Fashion Designer/Editor/Writer,

Foreign Language Interpreter/Teacher,



Human Services Worker,

In-Home Health Care Provider,


Lawyer for Battered Women,

Marriage & Family Counsellor,

News Reporter/Newscaster,

Personal Coach,

Psychiatric Social Worker,

Psychology Teacher,

Public Relations Specialist,

Rehabilitation Counsellor,

School Counsellor,

Training Specialist,

Social Worker,

Tour Guide,

Wardrobe Consultant,

Writer Romance/Children's/Personal


WICKED 2014@copyright Lisa Martinez 408.638.9016

Majors 1 Majors 2

Elementary and Secondary Education,

Special Education,

Art Therapy,


Child Development,


Rehabilitation Counselling,


Sign Language,

Religious Studies,

Social Work,

Women's Studies,

Public Relations,





Human Resources,


WICKED 2014@copyright Lisa Martinez 408.638.9016

A warm and personal working environment.

Interacting with openness and honesty.

Avoiding conflict and hostility.

Expression of feelings and people oriented ideas.

WICKED 2014@copyright Lisa Martinez 408.638.9016

Disharmony or conflict.

Lack of caring or warmth from others.

Isolation or being ignored.

Lying, insincerity and broken promises.

WICKED 2014@copyright Lisa Martinez 408.638.9016

Attention-getting mis-behavior

Lying to save face


Fantasy, daydreaming and spacing out

Crying and depression

Passive resistance

Yelling and screaming

WICKED 2014@copyright Lisa Martinez 408.638.9016

Express your thoughts and feelings. ◦ Let them know you appreciate them.

◦ Be open,

◦ honest and sincere.

To avoid conflict, always acknowledge their feelings. ◦ Do not discourage their sentimentality and emotions.

◦ Do not be insincere or break promises.

◦ Do not be confrontational with them.

WICKED 2014@copyright Lisa Martinez 408.638.9016

Technology Defined for Template

inbound in all organizations and


WICKED 2014@copyright Lisa Martinez 408.638.9016

Private Sector Opportunities Public Sector Value Streams

Imagine a way to identify the people who often get lost to your competition. ◦ All levels of the organization ◦ A consistent baseline or benchmark ◦ Ensures employee and leadership

metrics are based on objective assessments

Can we see the gender barriers in the outcomes? ◦ No, equality without subjectivity.

Can we see the objectivity? ◦ Positive or Strengths based

Imagine a way to detect the people who are unlikely to adjust to students. ◦ All public servants or citizen facing

person’s in local, state, or federal positions would benefit from the game.

Education ◦ Imagine teachers to student having

positive alternatives for interacting when students are failing.

Criminal Justice ◦ Imagine officers going through this


WICKED 2014@copyright Lisa Martinez 408.638.9016

Prelude Outcomes


Phase 1 Prevent Bullying

Phase 2 Parent Engagement





Social Media IGL07

Education IGL05


Template Segments the PII

from ISE

Private Segment to


Public to ISE


WICKED 2014@copyright Lisa Martinez 408.638.9016

Template Segments the PII

from ISE

Private Data

Private Segment to


The Following provides a visual of the transformation based

on a user in a social media platform.

There are tools and people who have developed their offer in

a way to enable many types of scenarios based on Proof of


Public to ISE




ISE by Region

Any source or

any data



WICKED 2014@copyright Lisa Martinez 408.638.9016

Proposed design for NIEM groups

Managing my identity ◦ Intimacy Gradient Level 1 without technology

◦ Intimacy Gradient Level 2 with technology as

an individual

With Dependent children or dependent adult


Access Group X

Tax Debt X

Healthcare X

Education X

Justice System X

Federal, State, Local X

**Pattern Language and Intimacy Gradient per David Ing System Science Society speaker – January 2014 Incose

Geographic 01 Self 02 Child 03 Tax 04 HCA 05 EDU 06 JUS

Nation Validate Validate Append Append Append Append

State Validate Validate Append Append Append Append

County Validate Validate Append Append Append Append

City Validate Validate Append Append Append Append

WICKED 2014@copyright Lisa Martinez 408.638.9016

Economic Life Tax

Employment IG4

Culture and Family Life


a person as a



Public and Private Life

Health and Safety


Private Life

Education IG6

Social and Public Life



Commerce – Tax

Healthcare and Insurance

Education and justice

Roads and Infrastructure


Federal summary segmented by state

any additional state contributions

Commerce tax by state etc


Federal Summary segmented by State

state summary segmented by county with any local contributions

*Grouping for Pattern Language Standards according to generic themes highlighted by

the Women’s Law Work Group 2013 Report UN meetings in NY

**Each layer in government has contributions to each theme while one owns the

integrity and quality of Privacy related data

WICKED 2014@copyright Lisa Martinez 408.638.9016

Intimacy Gradient Levels (NIEM group)

Whole government moves from high cost low

enforcement and low effectiveness in government

action ready using EA as the transformation opportunity

A hierarchy of authority implies the top level rules are adopted at the lowest level

Intimacy gradient level 90 Federal

Intimacy gradient level 91 state

Intimacy gradient level 92 county

Intimacy gradient level 93 city

Intimacy gradient level 94 community

assume Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Yahoo, Instagram, About.me with public access

to minimal viable information based on NIEM adoption.

Local control would only be achieved through adoption of standards universally

Access Group X

Tax Debt X

Healthcare X

Education X

Justice System X

Federal, State, Local X

WICKED 2014@copyright Lisa Martinez 408.638.9016






IG Level “Who” can be assigned to a group

IG1 Private a person is alone without devices

IG2 Private with Device and in own domain

IG3 Federal Tax pushes to view in IG2

IG4 Medical and Mental Health with in IG4 with

inputs to IG3

IG5 Education and Mandated Reporters push to IG3

and interact in IG5

IG6 Justice System “Pushes to” IG3 with interactions

in IG6

*See NIEM recovery use case assumes all IG2-5 data secured by region

WICKED 2014@copyright Lisa Martinez 408.638.9016






IG Level “Who” can be assigned to a group

IG1 Private a person is alone without devices

IG2 Private with Device and in own domain

IG3 Federal Tax pushes to view in IG2

IG4 Medical and Mental Health with in IG4 with

inputs to IG3

IG5 Education and Mandated Reporters push to IG3

and interact in IG5

IG6 Justice System “Pushes to” IG3 with interactions

in IG6

*See NIEM recovery use case assumes all IG2-5 data secured by region

Per Cloud

WICKED 2014@copyright Lisa Martinez 408.638.9016

IG Level Assumptions

IG1 A person has every expectation of privacy and technology has no viable reason for

capture or retention.

IG2 A person expects interactions may be monitored for intelligence purposes although

Federal limitations. Specific to tax payer service layer inputs from IG3 to IG2

Published by Federal. Emergency response or notifications are published to IG2

from IG3

IG3 A person can expect interactions with Federal (view summary total Receipts) in

view form with any response to Federal Tax inquiries from IG2 pushed to Federal in

IG3 from the person or parent on behalf of the child

IG4 Any issues identified by healthcare providers are pushed from IG 4 to IG3 with

provider views and interactions limited to IG4. A person will respond from IG3

IG5 Educators will report into IG3 from IG5 including any mandated reporter to

community support system (TBD)

IG6 Justice System reports into IG3 from IG6

WICKED 2014@copyright Lisa Martinez 408.638.9016

Using Design and Language Pattern

concepts for universal requirements

WICKED 2014@copyright Lisa Martinez 408.638.9016

A tool to engage in and keep healthy relationships – knowing your partner or friends and family are working on or aware and care about your safety zones.

Flipside an early indicator when someone has chosen to target your weakness. ◦ Domestic Violence ◦ Workplace Bullies ◦ School Yard Bullies

Imagine having a neutral way to re-build our relationships ◦ With our partners, children or parents ◦ With our family ◦ With our friends ◦ With our co-workers

WICKED 2014@copyright Lisa Martinez 408.638.9016

In some cases, the relationship may have been with the

wrong intentions. ◦ Violence against any partner may be subtle and nearly invisible – if

you are not aware of the symptoms.

◦ The isolation and disconnect from wellness indicators – no economic,

no social or family and in many cases the spiritual values we must

honor are stressors for victims of abuse.

The threats are critical to mitigate and we cannot afford to be

diverse in our practices, the harm to people is far more than

anyone can rely on and far too easy to allow local preference.

WICKED 2014@copyright Lisa Martinez 408.638.9016

Mitigate Threats in Home Restrict all systems and tracking

Custody and Physical

Safety ◦ Parental rights, stay away

orders, supervised visitation

and custody orders.

◦ Immediate response into

Fusion center

Tracking or search for the

person in any technology is an

indicator or life or death threat. Minimum Criteria Restore

Parent 1 Visit


Parent 2

Child 1

Child 2


Hide All – all online tracking






WICKED 2014@copyright Lisa Martinez 408.638.9016

Change from connected to protected

The user private segments and how each interact with transforming from a threat intensive world to a safe and objective set of tools. ◦ Lisa’s results

Mandated Reporters and Authority Figures who become bullies ◦ How people can be accountable on all sides?

◦ A user might want to show off their results in social media

Data Segmentation and Technical proposal ◦ In the data whether small or large-the prescription for which one

should be segmented and published or hidden.

WICKED 2014@copyright Lisa Martinez 408.638.9016

We rarely look through objective glasses and crisis prepared changes the subjective view on people. ◦ If we fail to use a generic or universal measurement for people, we fail to

prevent Crisis. Violent Extremist - The escalation from normal to mass murderer or person who

has the highest potential to kill strangers. Premeditated based on haves and have not impressions

Premeditated based on learned behaviors cultural and family values

Random Acts of Violence

Can you afford to take chances with responding or is it time for preventing the threats? ◦ My suggestion for combatting the weakest and most harmful parts of the

explosion of data about people (fusion) can be marked from an objective point in all parts of the world.

◦ Reduce executive risk in a precise and timely manner.

WICKED 2014@copyright Lisa Martinez 408.638.9016

There was a report released from grant funding by the US

Department of Education, the focus was in part to

understanding learning across generations. ◦ Up until recently organizations and agencies struggled to develop

learning materials which were multi-generational.

◦ UPS research confirms gaming crosses the barriers of generations for

a universal opportunity.

Executives are anxious to reduce risk based on the limits we

can acquire with certain privacy related subjects. ◦ Prelude is adaptable for adding on professional or personal

development games.

WICKED 2014@copyright Lisa Martinez 408.638.9016

A user might finally have a way to say “NO” this person in

authority abused their position and targeted techniques which

are known to be stressors. ◦ Responding to mental health issues

◦ Responding to bullying or threats reported by people in public or

private sectors.

Training public servants with a set of tools to aid in the best

interactions with certain populations. ◦ We have such tools today, without the benchmarking or baseline to

rely on in public settings.

WICKED 2014@copyright Lisa Martinez 408.638.9016

Cyber-Security Opportunity ◦ A break in the privacy for public use and way to help all segments understand

anything beyond the type in the prelude game must be managed with care and caution.

Foster Care – Cultural Norms ◦ We have developed these profiles of bullies when we are unfamiliar with norms

in a family or community. ◦ Having a consistent baseline to hold each other accountable for using

techniques and tactics based on the outcome results of the prelude game are far more reliable than allowing blind assumptions.

◦ We must avoid another abuse of the systems designed to help and nurture.

Responding to harmful scenarios – before violence not responding with violence ◦ Comparing a person’s strengths from such a tool or outcomes when the person

is not exhibiting their strengths can aid in responding to prevent violence and crisis.

WICKED 2014@copyright Lisa Martinez 408.638.9016


We have a template re-using materials from Best High Schools

measurements for rapid cloud deployment. ◦ The design manages the information in a private or public manner.

An Ideal tool for an add on to social media (sponsor the game) ◦ Example; before partnering kids with mentors – we really want to make sure

both adult and child have common strengths.

An Ideal tool for anger management or Responding to Bullying ◦ Prelude has been referred to as an inoculation for violence

An ideal next opportunity for managing self with mental health

patients ◦ If I no longer see the strengths I know about myself, I need to ask for help.

WICKED 2014@copyright Lisa Martinez 408.638.9016