10. Healings and Miracles

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  • 8/13/2019 10. Healings and Miracles


    Lesson #10Healings and Miracles

    (Matthew 8: 1 - 9: 38)

  • 8/13/2019 10. Healings and Miracles


    In Lesson #9 we brought Jesus Sermon on the Mount

    to a close, and we observed several things about it:

    1. The Sermon on the Mount is a stellar example of Jesus expository


    2. It is nested within Matthews overall mirrored chiastic structure, and it

    is the first of five Great Discourses at the core of that structure.

    3. The Sermon on the Mount itself is a carefully-crafted, 4-part

    teaching, each part linked through structural repetition and the

    repetition of sound.

    4. Each of the four parts takes us into the inner dynamics of the Law,

    probing both meaning and motive.5. The Sermon on the Mounts teaching is revolutionary, fulfilling and

    transforming the Law, establishing a new moral and ethical Gold

    Standard for Christian behavior.

  • 8/13/2019 10. Healings and Miracles


    We learned in Matthew 4: 23-25 that Jesus public ministry

    consisted of teaching, preaching and healing. In Lesson #10

    we will examine Jesus healing and his power over both the

    natural and the supernatural, elevating him far above the

    mundane. There have been many great teachers and

    preachers, and there have even been great healerslikeElijah and Elisha who both raised the deadbut none who

    controlled nature and confounded the supernatural world

    as we see Jesus do.

    In this lesson Jesus rises above mere mortals, and we see

    the first signs of his divinity as he exerts his supernatural


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    The Gospel according to Matthews overall

    mirrored chiastic structure

    A Narrative: Jesus as Messiah, Son of God (1-4)

    Minor discourse: John the Baptist identifies the authority of Jesus (3:7-12)

    B Great Discourse #1: Demands of true discipleship (5-7)

    C Narrative: The supernatural authority of Jesus (8-9)

    D Great Discourse #2: Charge and authority of disciples (10)E Narrative: Jews reject Jesus (11-12)

    F Great Discourse #3: Parables of the Kingdom of Heaven (13)

    E Narrative: Disciples accept Jesus (14-17)

    D Great Discourse #4: Charge and authority of church (18)

    C Narrative: Authority and invitation (19-22)

    B Great Discourse #5: Judgment on false discipleship (23-25)A Narrative: Jesus as Messiah, suffering and vindicated (26-28)

    Minor discourse: Jesus identifies the authority of the church (28:18-20)

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    1. Curing Diseases

    Jesus cleanses a leper.

    Jesus heals the centurions servantJesus heals Peters mother-in-law

    and many others.

    2. Exerting Supernatural Power

    Jesus calms the stormJesus casts out demons

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    3. Transforming Lives

    Jesus heals the paralytic

    Jesus calls MatthewJesus questioned about fasting

    4. Defeating Death

    Jesus raises a dead girl and heals a woman with a hemorrhage

    Jesus restores sightJesus restores hearing

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    Healings and Miracles

    No person can perform a miracle; only God can.

    You who are Israelites, hear these words. Jesus the

    Nazorean was a man commended to you by God with mightydeeds, wonders and signs, which God worked through him in

    your midst, as you yourselves know.

    (Acts 2: 22)

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    Cleansing of the Leper (Codex Egberti, Fol. 21v), c. 990.

    Municipal Library of Trier, Germany.

    This is the oldest existing manuscript with illuminated scenes from the life of Christ.

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    Cleansing the Leper

    (Matthew 8: 1-4)

    The Hebrew word for leprosy is raat, and it refers to a

    wide range of scaly, fungal infections that occur in people, as

    well as in fabrics and even on the walls of houses. It is not

    limited to modern-day Hansons Disease.

    In Scripture, however, raatis associated with

    uncleanness, since it is highly visible, infectious, thought to

    be a punishment from God, and associated with sin anddeath.

    See: Leviticus 13: 45-46; 14: 1-32.

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    1. Curing Diseases

    Jesus cleanses a leper.

    Jesus heals the centurions servantJesus heals Peters mother-in-law

    and many others.

    2. Exerting Supernatural Power

    Jesus calms the stormJesus casts out demons

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    Roman Centurion

    A Roman Legion consisted of 6,000 men and was divided into ten Regiments, each

    having a name. The Centurion at Caesarea who summons St. Paul in Acts 10 is a

    member of the Italian Regiment, probably of the 10


    Roman Legion. EachRegiment consisted of 600 men. A Centurion commanded a 100-man unit in a

    Regiment. Although not exactly analogous, a Centurion was similar in rank to a

    career mid-level officer, a Captain or Major, in todays Army or Marine Corps.

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    1. Curing Diseases

    Jesus cleanses a leper.

    Jesus heals the centurions servantJesus heals Peters mother-in-law

    and many others.

    2. Exerting Supernatural Power

    Jesus calms the stormJesus casts out demons

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    What was Wrong with Peters Mother-in-Law?

    We are told in both Matthew and Mark that Peters mother-in-law was in bed with

    a fever (Matthew 8: 14, 15; Mark 1: 30, 31). The Greek word for fever used by

    both Matthew and Mark ispyreto, from the rootpyro, meaning fire.

    Although drawing upon Matthew and Mark as sources, Luke the physician

    (Colossians 4: 14) uses the phrase great fever (Greek =pyreto megalo), a medical

    term typically associated with Dysentery or Malaria.

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    1. A scribe said: I will follow you . . . (8: 19)

    Jesus said: Foxes have dens . . . birds have nests (8: 20)

    2. Another disciple said: Lord let me go first and bury myfather(8: 21)

    Jesus said: . . . Let the dead bury the dead (8: 22)

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    And . . . Matthew has just ever so subtly

    planted the phrase Son of Man.

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    1. Curing Diseases

    Jesus cleanses a leper.

    Jesus heals the centurions servantJesus heals Peters mother-in-law

    and many others.

    2. Exerting Supernatural Power

    Jesus calms the stormJesus casts out demons

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    Rembrandt, The Storm on the Sea of Galilee (oil on canvas), 1633.

    Location unknown. (STOLEN from the Isabella Steward Gardner Museum, Boston in 1990.)

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    Sea of Galilee (GoogleEarth)

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    1. Curing Diseases

    Jesus cleanses a leper.

    Jesus heals the centurions servantJesus heals Peters mother-in-law

    and many others.

    2. Exerting Supernatural Power

    Jesus calms the stormJesus casts out demons

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    Healing of the Gadarene Demoniacs (wall fresco), c. 1350.

    Monastery of Deani, Kosovo.

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    Sea of Galilee (GoogleEarth)


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    Gadara, one of the ten Decapolis cities, lay about

    5 miles southwest of the Sea of Galilee.

    Josephus writes:

    . . . he went out with all these and kindled the villages of

    both Gadara and Hippo, which indeed chanced to lie on theboarders of Tiberias and Sycthopolis.

    (Life, IX, 42)

    The territory of Gadara had several outlying villages along

    the shores of the Sea of Galilee.

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    3. Transforming Lives

    Jesus heals the paralytic

    Jesus calls MatthewJesus questioned about fasting

    4. Defeating Death

    Jesus raises a dead girl and heals a woman with a hemorrhage

    Jesus restores sightJesus restores hearing

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    Jesus Heals the Paralytic, (Mosaic), Basilica di SantApollinareNuovo, Ravenna, Italy.

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    3. Transforming Lives

    Jesus heals the paralytic

    Jesus calls MatthewJesus questioned about fasting

    4. Defeating Death

    Jesus raises a dead girl and heals a woman with a hemorrhage

    Jesus restores sightJesus restores hearing

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  • 8/13/2019 10. Healings and Miracles


    3. Transforming Lives

    Jesus heals the paralytic

    Jesus calls MatthewJesus questioned about fasting

    4. Defeating Death

    Jesus raises a dead girl and heals a woman with a hemorrhage

    Jesus restores sightJesus restores hearing

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  • 8/13/2019 10. Healings and Miracles


    By placing the call of Matthew between the

    healing of the paralytic and the new wine/old

    wineskins metaphors Matthew frames his own

    story of redemption and discipleship.

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    3. Transforming Lives

    Jesus heals the paralytic

    Jesus calls MatthewJesus questioned about fasting

    4. Defeating Death

    Jesus raises a dead girl and heals a woman with a hemorrhage

    Jesus restores sightJesus restores hearing

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    Paolo Veronese. Raising the Daughter of Jairus (oil on paper mounted on canvas), 1546.

    Louve Museum, Paris.

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    3. Transforming Lives

    Jesus heals the paralytic

    Jesus calls MatthewJesus questioned about fasting

    4. Defeating Death

    Jesus raises a dead girl and heals a woman with a hemorrhage

    Jesus restores sightJesus restores hearing

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  • 8/13/2019 10. Healings and Miracles


    3. Transforming Lives

    Jesus heals the paralytic

    Jesus calls MatthewJesus questioned about fasting

    4. Defeating Death

    Jesus raises a dead girl and heals a woman with a hemorrhage

    Jesus restores sightJesus restores hearing

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    Jesus Heals the Deaf and Dumb Man (mosaic), c. 1315-1321.

    Church of Chora, Istanbul, Turkey.

  • 8/13/2019 10. Healings and Miracles


    The Gospel according to Matthews overall

    mirrored chiastic structure

    A Narrative: Jesus as Messiah, Son of God (1-4)

    Minor discourse: John the Baptist identifies the authority of Jesus (3:7-12)

    B Great Discourse #1: Demands of true discipleship (5-7)

    C Narrative: The supernatural authority of Jesus (8-9)

    D Great Discourse #2: Charge and authority of disciples (10)E Narrative: Jews reject Jesus (11-12)

    F Great Discourse #3: Parables of the Kingdom of Heaven (13)

    E Narrative: Disciples accept Jesus (14-17)

    D Great Discourse #4: Charge and authority of church (18)

    C Narrative: Authority and invitation (19-22)

    B Great Discourse #5: Judgment on false discipleship (23-25)A Narrative: Jesus as Messiah, suffering and vindicated (26-28)

    Minor discourse: Jesus identifies the authority of the church (28:18-20)

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    Once again, very fine work, Matthew!

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  • 8/13/2019 10. Healings and Miracles


    Copyright 2014 by William C. Creasy

    All rights reserved. No part of this courseaudio, video,

    photography, maps, timelines or other mediamay be

    reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic

    or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any

    information storage or retrieval devices without permission in

    writing or a licensing agreement from the copyright holder.