10. Candy. Chocolate. Teddy Bears. Its all here!!!!

Post on 23-Feb-2016

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You are playing in the park with your best friend. all the sudden your   friend yells, “HELPPPPP!!!”   in order to get to save  your friend, you can  choose to go to the sound of his/her voice # 3 or go and run home #2. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of 10. Candy. Chocolate. Teddy Bears. Its all here!!!!

You are playing in the park with your best friend. all the sudden your   friend yells, “HELPPPPP!!!”   in order to get to save  your friend, you can  choose to go to the sound of his/her voice # 3 or go and run home #2


2. You just died because you are a wuss. Good luck in the after-world. go to # 10 to meet you destiny


3. You found your friend! But he is being held hostage. The person holding your friend hasn’t seen you. So do you try to sneak to get a better view of the man holding your friend #7 or do you jump out of the bushes and start singing “Don’t Rain on my Parade” #5


4. You dad has nothing to say. he has been caught. BY HIS SON! he is completely shocked and embarrassed!  Do you grab your friend who by this point is almost dead from shock. #9 or you just stand there until your dad says something # 8


5.The man quickly turns around and pulls a shot gun out of his pocket but stops right before he is about to shoot. All the sudden you open your eyes because there was no sound of a shot gun blowing. You get a good look at the man. He is your father. Do you go up to him and yell, “ Daddy what are you doing with my friend?” #4 or go up to him and say, “ Daddy  I love you where have you been for the last 3 weeks? mom says you’ve been on a business trip. Please tell me the truth?” Completely ignoring your friend who is choking to death.  #6.


6.Your dad finally says, “ I'm sorry, I just couldn't tell you.” All the sudden your dad gets shot with a arrow and you see the guy who shot him. Do you go after him #11 or get you friend and go. # 13


7. You see him. Its you dad! Do you go and tell mom #15 or surprise him with your funny face? #16


8.Your dad choked out an apology and you accept it. then he explains that he didn’t know this was your friend and he tries as hard as he can to help him survive. he does. Now do you choose to take your friend and go home #14 or stay with your dad and help him find what he is looking for # 12


9. You are on your way with your friend- who by the way is very heavy- and you see a puppy lost and sad. do you stop and take it home # 17 or ignore it and keep going #19


10. Candy. Chocolate. Teddy Bears. Its all here!!!!


11.You are running, your dad is dying. And well your friend is also dying . Do you choose to go back in hopes or saving your friend and father and get out of danger # 18, or do you keep running after the guy who shot your dad #20


12.” we are trying to find a guy who wants to get the tickle gun. he wants to tickle everybody to death!” your dad explained as you were flipping out. you go with him and you find this guy. Turns out its Oscar the grouch! you put him back in his trash can and let him be. He promises he will stay in the trash can but you never know......


13.You run and run until you trip on a branch and topple over in a river and an crocodile  eats you whole. your dead! So is your friend


14.You are on your way home and you see the big bad wolf, “ Oh this will be good.” you say to yourself. He comes up to you. “ are you looking for your grandma’s house little person?” He asks me “ No I’m not. Just leave me alone please. I’ve had a really long d-” He cut me off, “ Oh no were is that little girl. I’ve been waiting all day. For god-sake I want some muffins!!!! You just leave. Go find your mom hopefully she will explain everything. Hopefully.....


15. “Mommy!!!! I need to see you now! Where are you? hurry and get down here!!!!!” Oh crap. You forgot you friend! CRAP!!!!!!! Whatever. You family is at stake and you have to tell you mom! Then you see a note on the fridge saying that she went out to the store. Well that sucks. I guess I’ll just wait till she gets back.


16. “ OMG!” Why did you do that???????? You freaking kid!” Little did he know that you are his son! then he notices your face and jumps back in surprise and drops your friend. Ker-plunk. He’s just thankful that he’s not dead. He is in the Guinness Book of World Records of being able to hold his breath the longest. Well you dad stays there for the next 30 minuets and finally your mother comes looking for him and brings him home and he remains perfectly fine!


17.”Whine Whine” The little puppy looks soooo cute!!!!! you pick it up. That is the 2nd thing you have picked up on! Man this is getting heavy! Then you see a pig rustling in the mud. Should you pick him up or let him be? You do. Oh god. You have got to stop caring.


8.You run back and you see your dad and friend  all up and working as if nothing happened. The arrows were harmless. Your dad got up and saved you friend and you are all okay.


19.It follows you finally you just pick it up. Man this load is getting heavy. Then you see a farm. All the animals are staring at you. “ Okay guys follow or climb aboard.


20.The guy is running. So are you. He stops. You keep running. You run into him. You topple over. He turns out to be a she. And it is you mother’s sister. You always knew they never liked each other.












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