#10 arctic fox

Post on 12-Jan-2015

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Transcript of #10 arctic fox

Arctic FoxBy : Cecilia

Table of Contents

1. Habitat

2. Food and Survival

3. Describe

4. Other Interesting Facts

5. Glossary

6. Index

7. About The Author

8. Bibliography


The Arctic fox Lives in dens under the snow.

They live in the Arctic regions of Northern Hemispere. They can be found in Europe.

Food and Survival

Arctic Foxes eat hares, seal pups etc.

They try to survive from their predators which are the polar bears, wolf packs, humans, snowy owls, and its own kind.

Arctic fox eating


Arctic foxes fur can be white, black, gray, and mixed.

Other Interesting Facts

An Arctic fox has a hip joint to help it leap in the air. Its snout helps it smell its prey, and predators.


Habitat A place an animal lives, grows up , and hunts until it’s older

Survival When an animal fights to live

Regions Different parts of the world

Prey The food an animal eats

Predators An animal that eats another animal

Etc. There are more things

Survive the same thing as survival


Arctic fox skeleton page 6

Arctic Region page 3

Food page 4

Fur page 5

Habitat page 3

Predators page 4

About the Author

I love Arctic foxes. I wrote this because Arctic foxes are special to me. I want people to learn more about Arctic foxes and see they aren't that dangerous when you get to now them.
