1. What are the beliefs of the followers of Islam?-a Muslims believe that the Quran is the word of...

Post on 19-Dec-2015

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Transcript of 1. What are the beliefs of the followers of Islam?-a Muslims believe that the Quran is the word of...

1. What are the beliefs of the followers of Islam?-a Muslims believe that the Quran is the word of God, revealed to the prophet Muhammad. Islam forbids lying, stealing, murder, gambling, eating pork, or drinking alcohol.

Muhammad's tomb.

2. How has North Africa’s location contributed to cultural diffusion?-North Africa is a center of trade and travel due to its location on the Mediterranean Sea. It is exposed to many cultures, and its customs have influenced other cultures.

3. When was private land ownership introduced in East Africa?-When the British took over parts of Africa in the 1800’s.

4. How have ideas about land ownership changed over time in East Africa? Before colonialism, individual Africans did not own land. Europeans introduced the idea of privately-owned land to Africans and the British introduced plantations. When African countries gained independence, many of the plantations were broken up and sold to individuals.

5. Why did people from all over Southern Africa migrate to South Africa?-South Africa’s industry drew

workers from other countries.

Cape Town, South Africa

6. How were the lives of many Southern African women affected by South Africa even though women never moved there?-women took on more responsibility at home when the men in their lives went to work in South Africa.

7. What industry has brought wealth to some of the countries on Central Africa’s Atlantic coast-a the oil industry.

8. How do the economics and culture of Central Africa’s Atlantic Coast differ from the economics and culture of its interior areas? People who live near the coast benefit from the oil wealth and are exposed to more cultures than people who live in the


9. In what ways is West Africa culturally diverse?- West Africa has hundreds of ethnic groups and are not

united by a single religion or common language.

10. How does cultural diversity create communication challenges for West Africans? The ethnic groups in West Africa speak many different languages, often making it difficult for different groups to communicate with one


Schoolboys in Mauritania

11. How do you think living together with members of one’s extended family helps build a sense of community? members of an extended family work together, take care of each other, and make decisions together.




12. What purpose does storytelling serve in West African culture? It helps pass on traditions to future generations.




Traditional storyteller in Gambia