1 the Phrases Etymology Quiz

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Transcript of 1 the Phrases Etymology Quiz

The Phrases Etymology Quiz

-Harish Krishna V


• It must be said that some of these phrase origins are debatable and the existence of other possible theories is not denied.


Question 1

• In the past, some sports such as cycling and running sometimes used a particular handicap system. A line or mark, known as a _______ was drawn to indicate the starting position for all competitors except those who had been awarded an advantage: they were allowed to start a little way in front.

• So, a competitor starting from _______would start from a position without any advantage.

And the answer is…

Answer 1

• From scratch

from the very beginning without making use of any previous work.

Question 2

• This phrase was originally used to describe a method of testing for gold using conc. HNO3.

• Gold is resistant to the effects of HNO3, but an object made of some other metal will show signs of corrosion if immersed in it.

And the answer is…

Answer 2

• The acid test

A situation which finally and decisively determines someone’s or something’s quality

Question 3

• This expression was first used by P. G. Wodehouse in the Strand Magazine in 1928: “The prospect of getting the true facts – straight, as it were, ____ ___ ______ _____ - held him fascinated.”

• The underlying idea was that the best way to get racing tips was to ask a _____ directly.

And the answer is…

Answer 3

• Straight from the horse’s mouth

from the person directly concerned

Question 4

• The violins of an orchestra are divided into two sections: generally speaking, the ______1_____ play notes in the higher range than the ______2_____, and parts for the ____1____ usually have more of the main tune and are technically difficult to play, suggesting that ____2____ have a subordinate role to play.

And the answer is…

Answer 4

• Play second fiddle

be treated as something less important than someone or something

Question 5

• This is a translation of the Spanish phrase quinta _______ and originates from the Spanish Civil War (1936-39).

• As General Mola marched towards Madrid in 1936, leading four ______s of Nationalist troops, he declared that he had a fifth ______ inside Madrid ready to assist in the attack.

• As it turned out, the Nationalists, under General Franco, did not succeed until 1939.

And the answer is…

Answer 5

• Fifth column

a group within a country at war who are working for its enemies

Question 6

• This originates from the need of casual farm labourers to be especially careful with their money and set aside a certain amount.

• If the weather was bad, they were unable to work – and if they didn’t work, they didn’t earn any money.

And the answer is…

Answer 1

• Rainy day

a possible time in the future when money will be needed

Question 1

• A bestiary was a medieval times reference book giving information and observations on different kinds. Some of these bestiaries described how bear cubs were supposedly born as formless lumps and were given form by their mother.

• Variations of the phrase that came up a little later reflect the former popularity of corporal punishment as a parenting tool.

And the answer is…

Answer 1

• Lick _____ into shape

act forcefully to bring someone or something into a better state

• Variation: knock/whip someone into shape

Question 1

• During the First World War, some troops in the trenches would emerge out and charge over the parapets to attack the enemy. A large number of the soldiers died due to this excessive act.

And the answer is…

Answer 1

• Over the top

exaggerated / undue

Question 1

• A ____ is a particular way of grasping or restraining an opponent in wrestling or similar sports. The rules and regulations of each sport dictate what sort of ____s are acceptable, and certain kinds, such as gripping the opponent around the throat, are classified as unlawful because they are too dangerous.

• Sometimes, however, a special kind of contest would be held where participants were more or less allowed to do anything they like.

And the answer is…

Answer 1

• No holds barred

with no rules or regulations

Question 1• The word _______ originally referred to an

ancient Roman way of foretelling the future: in Latin ______ium meant the practice of observing the flight patterns of birds in order to predict future events, a practice undertaken by a person known as an _____x.

• A decision or undertaking might be postponed if the _____x found that the omens were not favourable or ‘______ious’.

• The association with favourable influence and patronage led to this phrase.

And the answer is…

Answer 1

• Under the auspices of

with the help, support, protection of

Question 1

• The word _____ is a shortened form of the word a_____ which means ‘reduced or lessened’.

• The idea is that the anxiety or excitement you experience while waiting for something to happen is so great that you almost stop breathing.

And the answer is…

Answer 1

• With bated breadth

in great suspense

Question 1

• In aeronautics, _______ is short for flight ________, the set of limiting combinations of factors such as speed and altitude that are possible for a particular type of plane.

• Sometimes, pilots push the aircraft to or even beyond the current limits of performance, and hence the phrase.

And the answer is…

Answer 1

• Push the envelope

approach or extend the limits of what is possible

Question 1

• There is a Native American custom of getting rid of the tomahawk to mark the conclusion of a peace treaty between warring groups. The tomahawk, as the warriors’ main weapon, symbolised war.

And the answer is…

Answer 1

• Bury the hatchet

end a quarrel or conflict

Question 1

• The word _____ was applied to the board for games like chess, draughts, or backgammon, and _____s came to refer specifically to backgammon because the board had two folding halves.

• It was common practice to turn the board round between games since a player had to play from what had previously been his opponent’s position.

And the answer is…

Answer 1

• Turn the tables

turn a position of disadvantage into one of advantage

Question 1

• In ancient times, the ____ was the piece of precious cloth separating the innermost sanctuary from the rest of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem.

• The idea soon developed of this cloth representing a barrier between this life and the unknown state of existence after death, giving rise to the current phrase.

And the answer is…

Answer 1

• Beyond the veil

in a mysterious or hidden place or state

Spare Question

• This expression is nautical in origin. An important job on board a ship was making and repairing ropes, a task which involved twisting together a number of long threads.

• The image of this process and a certain reputation sailors carried combined to give the phrase.

And the answer is…

Answer 1

• Spin a yarn

tell a long, far-fetched story