1. Original SPDG (2005 – 2010 + no-cost extension) – School-wide PBIS – Literacy – Family...

Post on 31-Dec-2015

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Transcript of 1. Original SPDG (2005 – 2010 + no-cost extension) – School-wide PBIS – Literacy – Family...

Working with Working with Schools in Schools in

Feeder Feeder PatternsPatterns

Hollie Filce, Selina Merrell, & Patty GautierHollie Filce, Selina Merrell, & Patty Gautier

MS SPDG ~ REACH-MSMS SPDG ~ REACH-MSRealizing Excellence for All Children in MississippiRealizing Excellence for All Children in Mississippi 1

What does the MS-SPDG do?What does the MS-SPDG do?

• Original SPDG (2005 – 2010 + no-cost extension)

– School-wide PBIS– Literacy– Family engagement

• New SPDG (2010 – 2015)

– PBIS• School-wide (scaled up, statewide)• Targeted groups/Tier II (smaller scale)• LRE – with alternative schools & juvenile justice

– Family engagement2

Describe the schools Describe the schools with which you work…with which you work…

A. Mostly elementary schools

B. Mostly middle/junior high schools

C. Mostly high schools

D. All levels, but they AREN’T evenly distributed

E. All levels, and they ARE evenly distributed.

[FOR ‘E’ responses, please enter in chat box] 3

Why work with feeder schools?Why work with feeder schools?

The general idea is for…

• the students to experience some consistency as they move from level to level.

• the staff to talk with one another about transition issues from school to school.

• the district to identify issues that will need to be addressed at the district level.

• families to continue to be engaged and involved at the junior/senior high levels.


How do we get feeder school participation?How do we get feeder school participation?

When districts/schools are selected for more intensive, on-site technical assistance and professional development, they are required to…– Identify feeder schools for participation;– Submit required data (annual BOQ, quarterly data

reports) and use it for decision making– Attend grant-related professional development– Hold regular team meetings (school and district)– Ensure family engagement and participation in all


What we have found…What we have found…

• Elementary schools are more enthusiastic early in the process.

• Junior/senior high schools need more convincing.

• They need different things, but our data do not show any differences in implementation success.


High schools need…High schools need…

• to visit and collaborate with other high schools.

• to have examples of products, etc. from other high schools.

• training with content designed forhigh school.


Implementation Success: Alcorn CentralImplementation Success: Alcorn Central


Implementation Success: Newton CountyImplementation Success: Newton County


Do you work with district teams?Do you work with district teams?




Importance of district teams…Importance of district teams…• Buy-in at the district level allows for change system-

wide, not just with certain schools, including policy changes

• District teams can build time into the district schedules for PBIS

• Support services (i.e., transportation) can be included in these processes


Importance of families at all levelsImportance of families at all levels

• How families are engaged may change, but the need for family involvement does not

• Families must be leaders in the process, not just informed about it

• Family involvement on the district teams, not just at the school level, ensures family input in systems-wide efforts


Examples of Family InvolvementExamples of Family Involvement






1. How do you influence changes in policy as a result of your SPDG schools' implementation?

2. What barriers do you see to your SPDG project working with high schools?

Discussion QuestionsDiscussion Questions


3. What strategies might help SPDG projects to overcome barriers to working with high schools?

4. What barriers do you see to working with or possibly creating district leadership teams?

5. What strategies might help SPDG project to overcome barriers to forming or working with district leadership teams?

Discussion QuestionsDiscussion Questions