1 Mrs. Flowers Finance & Business Technology. If you are a woman and a man wants to open the door...

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Transcript of 1 Mrs. Flowers Finance & Business Technology. If you are a woman and a man wants to open the door...


Mrs. FlowersMrs. Flowers

Finance & Business TechnologyFinance & Business Technology

If you are a woman and a man wants to open

the door for you, allow him to do so. Do not think of it as and act that is

condescending If you are a man and a woman wants to open

the door, allow her to do so. Consider it an act of assertiveness in the

business world, not gender assertiveness.


The Basics (Section 1)

Traditionally a man opens the door for a

woman, an elder, or a senior in authority. A woman traditionally opens a door for either

an elder or a senior in authority.


The Basics

The driver should at least unlock the

passenger door before walking around to the driver’s side. If the driver is a man, he should first open the door for the passengers.

If the driver is a woman, she also can open the passenger door prior to walking to the driver’s side.


Opening Car Doors

A courtesy might be to announce that all the

doors are unlocked. (if you have keyless entry)

If it is raining, the driver (whether a man or woman) should offer to walk to the car and drive it back to where the sheltered passengers are waiting.


Opening Car Doors

Traditional etiquette rules state that when

walking on a sidewalk, the man always walks on the outside, or curbside, of a woman.


Walking on Sidewalks

If someone is less fit than you, elderly, etc.

you should give up your seat.


Giving Up Seats

Manners contribute to:

Optimum employee morale Embellish company image Major role in generating profit

*If you don’t use manners it can cost a person a promotion or even a job.


Manners are Cost Effective

Opening doors goes both ways in our modern

world (men & women) Knowing the rules of etiquette helps build

confidence and improve competition in the business world

Traditionally a man walks on the outside of a sidewalk, drives the car, or opens doors…but these rules have changed in today’s business climate


Recap of Key Concepts Section 1

Dress & Presentation

Many companies have switched to “Business Casual” A general guide is to wear clothes that are

somewhat similar to those who are one step above you


Corporate Dress & Presentation

(Section 2 – Part 1)

1) Do not mix styles 2) If you are color blind, get help 3) Avoid clothing that is too tight 4) Keep your shoes in good condition 5) Keep jewelry simple 6) Avoid risque clothing


General Guidelines for Dress & Presentation

If your job requires you to dress casually on

designated days, then do so Your professionalism has to transcend your

casual attire


Casual Days


For Interviews: Dress for Success


For Interviews: Dress for Success

The first impression you make on a potential

employer is the most important one.  The first judgment an interviewer makes, like it or not, is going to be based on how you look and what you are wearing

What’s the appropriate dress code for an interview? You’ll want that first impression to be not just a good one, but, a great one

Remember, you are marketing a product — yourself — to a potential employer, and the first thing the employer sees when greeting you is your attire


How to Dress for a Job Interview

Suit (solid color – black, navy or dark grey) Long sleeve shirt (white or coordinated with the

suit) Belt Tie Dark socks, conservative leather shoes Little or no jewelry Neat, professional hairstyle Limit the aftershave Neatly trimmed nails Portfolio or briefcase


Men’s Interview Attire:

Suit or pants suit (navy, black or dark grey) The suit skirt should be long enough so you can sit down

comfortably Coordinated blouse Conservative shoes Limited jewelry (no dangling earrings or arms full of

bracelets) No jewelry is better than cheap jewelry Professional hairstyle Neutral pantyhose Light make-up and perfume Neatly manicured clean nails Portfolio or briefcase


Women’s Interview Attire:

Gum Cell phone I-pod Coffee or soda If you have lots of piercings, leave some of

your rings at home (earrings only, is a good rule)

Cover tattoos


What Not to Bring to an Interview

Before you even think about going on an interview, make

sure you have appropriate interview attire and everything fits correctly.

Get your clothes ready the night before, so you don’t have to spend time getting them ready on the day of the interview.

If your clothes are dry clean only, take them to the cleaners after an interview, so they are ready for next time.

Polish your shoes. Bring a breath mint and use it before you enter the building. Finally, check your attire in the rest room just before your

interview for a final check of your appearance — to make sure your tie is straight, your hair is combed, etc.


Interview Attire Tips


4 Types of Tie Knots

Office Visitors

There are ways to control time: “I’ve got an appointment at 2pm, so I have about 4 minutes for a quick chat. What’s going on?”

If a talkative coworker comes by, stand up, and stay standing. “Where are you headed this morning? I’ll walk with you.” Walk to together and pick a good point to separate.


Corporate Dress & Presentation

(Section 2 – Part 2)

Lack of direct eye contact (especially in

conversation between two people) can be offensive or perceived as deceitful.

A simple smile can positively enhance your work environment.

Smile when you see people, meet people, and even when you talk on the phone.


Eye Contact & Smile

When you plan to leave a place of

employment be pleasant during your remaining time.

When you apply for a job reference, checks will be made. So it is always best to leave on good terms.

Proper business etiquette is to offer 2 weeks notice (and plan to work it, if they wish).


Leaving a Job

One of the basic rules of appropriate

professional attire is to learn the corporate climate

For interviews dress to impress: suit (black, navy, gray), shoes, pressed shirt, etc.

When someone comes to your work area eye contact and giving attention is key

If you plan to leave employment, do not talk negatively about your employer/company


Recap of Key Concepts Section 2

Making Introductions

When you introduce two people, look first to the person you consider more important, say that person’s name first, followed by “I would like you to meet…”

When individuals appear to be fairly equal in authority, you can choose who is “more special”


Interacting with People

(Section 3)

As soon as someone has been introduced to

you, make an attempt to repeat his or her name.

It can help if you try to create an “associate” idea for that name.

Example: I have a cousin named Joe, his name is Joe like my cousin. The name Hans sounds German. He looks like my brother Phil, but his name is Bill.


Repeating Names

It is better to be honest if you cannot

remember someone’s name. “I can’t believe it! I’ve gone blank again. Please tell me your name one more time.”

Sometimes it is ok to make an effort by saying, “Hey buddy.” “How have you been guy?”


Forgetting Names

Shaking hands is very much an American

custom It should be a firm vertical handshake Don’t turn your hand, forcing a “curtsy”

handshake Shake a woman’s hand the same as a man’s Should be firm, but not overpowering Should not be weak


Shaking Hands

One of the big secrets to good conversation is

to ask questions. Ask open-ended questions and try to stay away from closed-end questions.

Closed-end questions solicit single word or short response

Open-end questions solicit more detail or meaningful answers


Making Small Talk

At social gatherings, people are generally

most comfortable around people they know. First, socialize for a ‘short’ period of time with

the people you know and then scan the room for interesting people you would like to meet.

Starting a conversation: “This is my first time to one of these events, have you attended before?” “I’m a new hire as of last week, what do you do for the company?” “I’m here at the wedding from out of town, how do you know the bride and groom?”


The Art of Conversation

Have a follow-up system for all business you do. Write

down things you promised on a note pad or planner and follow through. Always write things down so you remember to follow up.

When exchanging business cards be sure to write down details of what that client wanted on the back of the card. You can file the card in a rolodex for easy access. Be sure to write notes of any little bits of information discussed.

Make sure your business cards have all pertinent information to contact you: name, address, phone number, fax number, email, etc.


Keeping Promises & Business Cards

When introducing start yourself and then with

senior or most important person When introduced to someone repeat their

name or come up with ‘association’ for them American handshake is firm, not crushing and

used by both men and women in business Small talk use open-ended questions Carry pen, paper, planner, and business card

(write down notes on what was discussed)


Recap of Key Concepts Section 3

The Work Day

Managers especially resent those who spend 15-20 minutes preparing to leave for the day

If your day ends at 5pm that is when you should begin packing up for your departure

If you have an hour lunch, that does not mean you leave 15 minutes before the hour and return 15 minutes after the hour (even training days)

In American culture, salaried persons often work more hours during the week than the office staff


Office Etiquette (Section 4)

You often spend more hours of your “awake

life” with those at work than you do with members of your family

Try to avoid the habit of using possessive pronouns when describing coworkers

For example, instead of saying “This is my assistant Mary who works research,” say “This is Mary who works in the Research Department”


Respecting Others

Making coffee for the boss is frequently perceived as a demeaning

The task of making coffee can be shared


Making or Not Making Coffee

One of the most annoying sentences in the

workplace is “That’s not in my job description” Even if we are asked to do something outside

of our job description, we should make an attempt to provide a solution

Say “I’m not the most knowledgeable person on that subject. Michael has more experience. Let me take you over to his office” or “You really need to be talking to Joanna, who’s in charge of that program”


“Not in My Job Description”

Most managers spend a good portion of their

time solving problems DO NOT just register a complaint DO NOT bother to register a complaint

accompanied by a solution over which you have no control

DO register a complaint with a solution over which you have some control


Complaining Effectively

People will be glad to work on your team

knowing that you do not take all the credit yourself and that you share it with others

If a team works together to make a decision that isn’t exactly in line with your thinking support the decision anyway


Making Others Look Good

If you are in a position to answer telephones

for your organization, consider how important it is to make a good impression

When you answer the telephone, identify yourself using your first name and last name

Professional use of the telephone includes returning calls. Not returning calls sends a negative message. If you don’t want to talk to an individual call on off peak times when you can likely leave a message.



Try to be as succinct as possible Give some idea of why you are calling, and

leave any pertinent information Slow down when leaving your telephone

number End your conversation on a positive note

whether in person or on the phone


Leaving Messages & Ending Conversation

Business etiquette means working the number of

hours for which you are paid Treat everyone with dignity and respect Provide the best service possible and do not be

guilty of “That’s not in my job description” If you have a complaint about someone or

something, offer a solution Give others more credit than you think they deserve Leave telephone messages with some substance so

people will not get caught in a telephone message “loop”


Recap of Key Concepts Section 4

Meetings are an integral part of the business

environment Approximately 25%-35% of a lower-level

managers’ time is spent in meetings As much as 50% of upper-level executives’

time is spent in meetings


Meetings (Section 5)

Knowing how to organize a meeting will enable you to

do so with ease and style When planning a meeting, consider the following 7

things: What date and time is convenient? Who are the essential people who should attend? Any not-so essential people who must attend? Is the facility available at that time? Will refreshments be necessary? What kind of audiovisual equipment needed? What are the key items for the agenda?



If you are having a meeting, a luncheon, or

another event, send out invitations so that people receive them in time to plan for the event (Give them at least two weeks if possible)

One way to check meeting details is to remember the 5 w’s: who, what, where, why and when?

Who is invited? What will be covered? Where will it take place? Why is it taking place? When will it start and end

The letters RSVP do not create a verb



No matter how simple a meeting, an agenda is

imperative In a more formal meeting, an agenda should

identify four items for each topic: The subject The person expected to speak on the issue The expected outcome The time expected to cover the topic


Facilitating a Meeting

The time expected to be spent on a topic

enables the meeting leader to say “We’ve spent enough time on this topic; we need to move on. We can discuss this further at our next meeting.” This prevents extremely talkative people from dominating a meeting and keeps a meeting from becoming derailed from its intended purpose.


Facilitating a Meeting

Do not reward latecomers by holding up the

meeting until they arrive When people realize that you start your

meetings on time, they will make the extra effort to arrive promptly


Rewarding Punctuality

Agree on the Agenda – get all participants

to agree on the topics and anything that should be added/deleted

Stay on the Topic – clear agenda *a sidebar is a list of topics that become important but are not on the current agenda

Seating Arrangement – do not sit directly across from someone you see as opponent

Consider the Cost – count the number of people in attendance, estimate hourly wage


Running a Meeting

Thank-You Notes – if appropriate to the

occasion, send a thank-you note A regular business meeting would not require

that you send a note, unless you were a special guest

Having been invited to a special event that requires a response (RSVP) is a clue that the event involves a good deal of work by someone While at the event, ask for a business card

which provides necessary information49

Sending a Thank-You

To show appreciation for someone’s work

ability or for a business event, you would send a letter keyed on letterhead or a memo keyed on interoffice stationery

This kind of thank you might be saved in someone’s portfolio


Thank-You Letters

Use the 5 Ws to check the proper contents of

a meeting invitation: who, what, where, why, when

Use an agenda for all meetings Reward punctuality and start/end meetings

when stated Extend your appreciation when needed


Recap of Key Concepts Section 5

A lot of important business is conducted in a

food-related environment Some interviews are conducted over lunch,

and how you conduct yourself during a meal becomes a part of the decision to hire


Dining Etiquette (Section 6)

If possible, call ahead and make a reservation for

the meal Tell the dining room host who you will be meeting In most cases, you will wait as a group to be

seated. The women go first, followed by the men. Women may defer to a senior woman for the first seat

Cell phones do not belong in a restaurant. Put it on silent or vibrate and if you have to take a call go outside


Arriving at a Restaurant

The napkin should go in you lap soon after you have been seated

In an elegant restaurant, your server may come to the table and place the napkin on your lap for you

Place the napkin on your lap with one fold toward your knees Never take the napkin out to your side and shake it before

placing it on your lap To NOT tuck it in your neckline to protect your tie or shirt To use the napkin, pick it up from the folded edge and blot it

to your lips and return it neatly to your lap If you need to leave the table during the meal, place the

napkin on your chair When the meal is over place it where the meal plate was or

leave it to the left of your plate if it is still there


The Napkin

The utensils are situated at your place setting

for use in order from outside to inside The salad fork would be on the outside, larger

fork used with main course Knives and spoons are to the right of your

dinner plate If you skip any portions of your meal, skip

using those utensils as well


Place Setting

You may find more utensils above your dinner

plate. A fork or spoon might be placed horizontally here, these are for dessert

You may have a small bread-and-butter knife placed horizontally on your bread-and butter plate

In restaurants, wait for everyone at the table to be served prior to eating. If at someone’s home wait for the host to sit to begin eating

Make a point to eat slower than you normally do, you want to try to finish eating when everyone else does


Place Setting Cont.


Hold a menu so it does not hide you from view When you have decided what you want place

the menu closed to the side If you don’t know price range to order, ask an

opening question to your host “Have you eaten here before? What would you recommend?

Order foods that are not messy to eat


Ordering from the Menu

When you pick up food on tray set it out on

your table yourself Place the empty tray on an empty table or tilt

it up on a wall next to you Eating directly off the tray is a no-no


Cafeteria Dining

You can usually get his or her attention by

making eye contact and nodding slightly A quick wave might be necessary, but don’t

raise your arm higher than your shoulder DO NOT hiss or snap your fingers Do not hesitate to get advice from your server,

“Do you have any favorites.” Food is generally served from the left, and

beverages from the right


Your Server

Do not take the plate from the server in mid

air unless you are in an awkward location Do not push your plate away from you when

you are finished Do not stack your plates at the end of a meal A signal that you have finished your meal is to

place the knife and fork in a parallel position


Your Server Cont.

Once you get the attention of your server,

make a quick signal as if you were writing on your hand

If you suspect it might be awkward deciding who will pay for the meal, excuse yourself to find the server and tell them

If you are with a group of people and everyone is sharing the cost, round off the tab and divide it equally

If you are a man you may feel awkward with women paying their share, but remember it is a business lunch NOT a date


Paying the Tab

Be familiar with the typical place settings Closing the menu is a sign to alert the waiter

you are ready to order Try to order foods that are easy to eat when

you are at a business function Pay your fair share for a restaurant meal


Recap of Key Concepts Section 6

Once you are situated in the restaurant or eating environment, you are still confronted with how to consume the food properly.

As your eating your meal, take the corner of your napkin and touch to remove any food residue; then take a drink from your glass.

Consider blotting your lipstick before sitting down, it is unappealing to leave lipstick marks all over the glass.


Drinking & Dining Etiquette (Section 7)

It is unprofessional to drink beverages through a straw. Remove the straw from your glass, and tuck it under the edge of your plate.


Drinking and Eating Etiquette

In a business situation, be cautious in ordering

alcohol beverage Order an alcoholic beverage only if everyone

else is in the group decides to do so and only if you want one

If you find yourself being pressured, find your waiter tell him or her you want to be alcohol-free


To Drink or Not to Drink

Keep the bottle as still as possible Take a napkin, and loosely cover the top of the

bottle Hold the bottle over a sink or area that will not be

a problem if champagne spews out


Serving Champagne

The person hosting the event most likely will be

the person offering the toastFor example he or she would say “Here`s to the success of our new product”

Holding a Wine Glass• Holding a wine glass or champagne glass has a rule

too• It is considered correct to hold a wineglass by the

stem or the base when it is served cold, otherwise you can hold the glass if the wine is served warm


The Toast

Do not put your elbows on the table while you

eat The correct way to eat soup is to dip the spoon

away from you Never pick up the bowl and drink from it Do Not talk with your mouth full


Eating Food

DO NOT touch any bread except for the piece

you are going to remove Never butter your bread directly from the

butter dish going back and forth with your knife to your bread

Never butter the entire slice of bread and take bites from a whole slice of bread


Breaking Bread

If food is caught in your teeth excuse yourself

and go to the restroom If fingers get dirty from food don’t lick them

use a napkin If you drop a fork, utensil, or napkin ask server

for another one If someone spills something at your table offer

your napkin and get the attention of your server. When the server comes, let them take over


Disastrous Things That Happen




Bread Plate Etiquette




Picking Up Silverware




Eating American Style




Eating Continental Style




Placing Silverware in V-Position




Table Manners Business Etiquette




Seasoning Food




Holding a Glass




Silverware Etiquette

Use a napkin before sipping a beverage so you

don’t leave lip prints Be cautious about drinking alcohol Knowing how to eat bread, soup, and unusual

foods correctly will give you a feeling of confidence at a business dinner


Recap of Key Concepts Section 7

It is important to understand how others view

us before we look at how different we are from others

Americans are thought to be happy, friendly, gregarious, outgoing, and generous

They are also thought to be loud, obnoxious, egocentric, impolite, fast, and rich

Perceptions are a result of many films that have captured “life in America” and spread throughout the world


International Customs &

Table Manners (Section 8)

With a little research and preparation,

accompanied with some sensitivity skills training, you can make a lasting and favorable impression

Wipe out the words ‘foreign’ or ‘foreigner’ and refer others as ‘visitors’ or ‘guests’

Be sensitive to how people live their lives, and be considerate and polite to others

Do not call people by their first names until they have given you permission to do so


International Visitors

Shaking hands is an American way of meeting

people, and visitors expect it When meeting Asian people, a handshake

might be accompanied by a slight bow Seat your international guests where you

would seat special guests. Maybe next to someone of importance

If they hand you a business card, read it and then place it on the table in front of you before putting it away


International Visitors Cont.

Before receiving a visitor from another country

or visiting another country research: Population Ethnic & Religious Composition Official Languages Geography Government Structure National Leaders & Political Parties Customs


Research the Country

Avoid any sensitive subjects as topics of

conversation, including religion and politics Sports is always a safe topic Our visitors typically are not hard of hearing;

you just need to speak more slowly and enunciate each word

Avoid jargon and slang Example: “I’ll give him a piece of my mind



Conversing with International Visitors

Touching others and distance between people

are two practices that vary in other cultures Americans are generally fond of shaking hands,

touching, backslapping, holding hands Some cultures would be shocked, so do your

homework and find out what customs are Example: Italians greet by kissing on each

cheek, even the guys greet in this fashion Example: Asians bow when meeting. The more

senior the person, the lower you bow87

Body Language

There are regional differences as well as

cultural differences among the American people

Make sure you do your research when visiting different American areas as well


Regional Differences in the U.S.

When entertaining international visitors,

think about what their perceptions are, and adjust your behavior accordingly

Research your visitors country, the country you are visiting, or the area of the U.S.

When talking to an international visitor, speak slowly and enunciate


Recap of Key Concepts Section 8

This final section will focus on some

miscellaneous topics concerning etiquette in the business environment


Other Dos and Don’ts

(Section 8)

Find out as early as possible about office

culture so you are not embarrassed or make a social blunder.

Example: “What goes on around here at Halloween?”

Example: “Do people exchange gifts here during the holidays?”


Holidays and Gift Giving

Birthdays can be touchy, but no matter who

you are or how old you are, you probably like being remembered for your birthday

Gifts are probably not as appropriate as a special lunch and a card

A gift can make others feel uncomfortable It infers that they need to give a gift back to

you at an appropriate time



It is the universal custom to display the flag

only from sunrise to sunset on buildings and on stationary flagstaffs in the open

When displayed either horizontally or vertically against a wall the union should be uppermost and to the flag’s own right, that is, to the observer’s left

The U.S. flag must be illuminated if kept up 24 hours per day


Flag Ceremonies


Flag Ceremonies Cont.

No person shall display the flag of an nation in

a position higher or superior to the flag of the United States

If the United States flag is present with other state flags it should be in the center and higher than the other flags

If the United States flag is present with the flags from other nations, they should all be the same size and same height The U.S. flag should be visually on the far left


Flag Ceremonies Cont.

The flag, when flown at half-staff, should be

hoisted to the peak for an instant and then lowered to the half-staff position

The flag should be again raised to the peak before it is lowered for the day

On Memorial Day the flag should be displayed at half-staff until noon only, then raised to the top of the staff


Half Staff

Identify the customs of your work environment

regarding holidays and birthdays Know the office culture

The U.S. flag should be displayed only from sunrise to sunset and stars to the left from the observers point of view

It can be displayed 24 hours a day if properly illuminated during hours of darkness


Recap of Key Concepts Section 9