1. Movement 2. Region 3. Human Environment interaction 4. Location 5. Place MR. HeLP.

Post on 19-Jan-2016

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Transcript of 1. Movement 2. Region 3. Human Environment interaction 4. Location 5. Place MR. HeLP.

The Five Themes of Geography

1. Movement2. Region3. Human Environment interaction4. Location5. Place


MovementHow and why do people, goods and ideas move from place to place?

Migration, commuting to work and school and

traveling on vacation are human movement.

MovementHow and why do people, goods and ideas move from place to place?

Trade , importing and exporting of products, food

and raw materials are movement of goods

MovementHow and why do people, goods and ideas move from place to place?

Cell phones, internet, newspaper, books, television,

fax and radio are how ideas are “moved” or

communicated around the world.

REGIONis a group of places that share a common physical or human

characteristic or feature.Common Physical Features

The Great Lakes Region is a large area in the U.S. that

shares common physical features.

REGIONis a group of places that share a common physical or human

characteristic or feature.Common Human Features

Chinatown in NYC is unified by a common human feature. It is culture!

Human Environment Interactionfocuses on the relationship between people and their environment.

Indonesia Rice Fields Logging in the Amazon

How do people affect the environment AND how the environment affects people.

LOCATIONWhere is it located?

Absolute Location:Is the exact spot on Earth.

Relative Location:Is the position of a place in relation

to other places.

PlaceDescribes a location’s place by physical and human features.

What does this place look like?

Physical featuresinclude climate,

vegetation, landforms, bodies of water and


PlaceDescribes a location’s place by physical and human features.

What does this place look like?

Human featuresinclude language, religion,

culture and customs, politics and government, skin tone, facial features, music, food, architecture and landmarks.