1 Leadership & Management Leadership Training Strategic Business Planning & Building Winning Teams...

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Transcript of 1 Leadership & Management Leadership Training Strategic Business Planning & Building Winning Teams...


Leadership & Managementwww.JamesGraening.com

Leadership Training

Strategic Business Planning & Building Winning Teams

“the art of empowering people”



Introduction Build & Motivate Your Team(s) Leadership in Action Strategic Business Planning Empowering Teams,

Organizational Structure Operational Model

Next Steps…


Introduction Your name…

Your Company

Your Responsibilities

What would you like to get

out of this training?


Build And Motivate

Creating the winning teams for the implementation of

Strategic Business Planning

1. Plan the direction of the business/area2. Embrace cooperative action of

delegation3. Motivate and encourage others,

empower4. Determine specific issues and values5. Walk the talk, “do the do”6. Prioritize steps7. Take action! Expect to WIN !!!!!!!!!!Expect to WIN !!!!!!!!!!


Build & Motivate…Steps

Developing a vision – understanding and leveraging recurring themes and values

Selling the vision -- presenting a compelling vision of a possible future

Enlisting others -- asking for help, showing how they can make a difference

Defining the company message to customers


Plan the Direction

A. Initiating Team Planning MeetingsB. Planning, setting team goalsC. Agree to cooperative expectationsD. Empowering followersE. Encouraging initiativeF. Delegating authorityG. Coaching, monitoringH. Tracking performanceI. Providing constructive feedback


Embrace Cooperative Action, Empower People

Motivate & Encourage Others

Acknowledging and agreeing to the mission, vision from planning

Recognizing individual and team success contributions

Giving positive feedback Celebrating accomplishments Reinforcing teamwork Rewards programs


Review the current situationInterview and evaluate for relevant informationAssess and determine issues, obstacles, conflicts

Determine the values and principles relative to moving forwardPrioritize the issues, obstacles, conflictsSet forth initial action itemsFormal action plan


Determine Specific Issues, Review Values


Leadership in Action

Empowering Teams, Organizational & Operational Excellence

Walk the Talk, Exemplify, “Do the do”

Involvement -- setting an example of personal commitment

Aligning actions with values

Committing to quality outcomes

Helping solve problems

Being persistent


What is the goal – Objectives? What is required? Obstacles? What gives the greatest return, reward? What steps will we take first Based on initial goals To overcome objectives To provide return on investment, rewards


Prioritize Steps


Take Action! Win all the time!

Action Plan – Based on expectations, objectives to address issues, values

Individual Action Items Who will do it? When will it get done? What resources are needed? How will we measure?


Law of the Inner CircleManaging Your Teams

5 types of people to bring into your inner circle:

People with potential value People with positive value People with personal value People with production value People with proven value


Strategic Business Planning

Transforming Businesses by Empowering Teams

Determine Current Situation

Core Values Competencies Mission Vision Purpose Message

Interview leaders Business Segments Leaders’ direction Future of business Offerings benefits Marketing “pitch”


Issues & Obstacles

1. Growth of business

2. Training, learning

3. Financial metrics

4. Succession plan

5. Communications

6. Technology

7. Business structure

Existing staffing Coaching, mentoring Profitability Dir/Ind $ Future leaders, techs Operational model Software, marketing Organizational chart


Goals & Actions

1. Existing staffing

2. Coaching, mentoring

3. Profitability Dir/Ind $

4. Future leaders, techs

5. Operational model

6. Software, marketing

7. Organizational chart

Evaluations/profiles Curriculum, program Financial statements SBP sessions, meet Roles/Responsibilities Systems, processes DMP Protocols


Action Plans – Who? When?

1. Evaluations/profiles

2. Curriculum, program

3. Financial statements

4. SBP sessions, meet

5. Roles/Responsibilities

6. Systems, processes

7. DMP Protocols

Managers – monthly Outsourced, costs Metrics, leaders, peers Effective meetings Surveys, results Acc’ting, service, sales Work delegation structure

and accountability



Empowering Teams,Organizational-Operational

Culture, Communications Protocols


Communications ProtocolFrom “Clearing Communications Lines”, Steven R Covey

Perception and credibility problems Attitudes and behaviors necessary Words and relationships, understanding Objective and subjective, our world, theirs Communications skills and motivational Logic and emotion Sympathy and empathy


Perception and Credibility Problems

Definition of “personality conflicts” Communications breakdowns Thinking you see the world as “you” are Seeing the world and situations as they are Always right and refusing to listen Perception is the root and must be addressed

What, where, when why?Are there another set of shoes to wear?Are there another set of questions to ask?


Attitudes and behaviors necessary Essential to clearing the lines of communication Assume good faith, do not question sincerity Care enough about the relationship to listen and

commit to resolve Be open to influence and change of actions Listen to understand Speak to be understood Start from a common perspective Move slowly and educate – eliminate perception


Words and Relationships

Words mean something How about their perspective FIRST? “How Can I Help You With This?” Relationship IS critical to communication The one-to-one relationship, privacy Allow others to express themselves How will I respond with care?


Objective and Subjective Our world and their world and somewhere in

between Your private subjective world, the world

“inside your pretty little head” The real world and the “alignment” Experience and learning can change minds A changed mind is a changed behavior A different role, responsibility and situation


Communication Skills vs. Motivational Level

Just “the tip of the iceberg” understanding The visible the “illustrative” Getting way below the surface takes skill Defensive, protective, manipulating = losing Selfishness and predictability Empathetic listening – listen deeply and

genuinely as often as you can


Logic and Emotion

The content and intent of the situation and the words

Two different languages; ‘the touchy, feely observation and the factual premise”

Demonstrate a clear understanding of the opposing position

Articulate the commonality and then the differences


Sympathy and Empathy

Courage, patience and inner security Listen, listen and then listen some more An attitude of empathy is “serving another”

1. Listen2. Understand3. Illustrate, demonstrate4. Collaborate


Empowering Teams 2

Organizational Structure

Operational Model


Organizational Structure



Organizational StructureO rg an iza tion a l P ro toco l

E xecu tive Team

F ie ld Tech s

F ie ld - S u p ervis ionD isp a tch

S erviceM g r - V P

S ervice S a les

S ervice S a les M arke tin gC oord in a to r

P ro jec t S a les

S a les -M arke tin gM g r

F ie ld

F ie ld S u p ervis ionO p era tion s

C on s tru c tionM g r - V P

D es in g ers

P ro jec t M g rsE n g in eerin g

Tech s

C on tro ls?

D /B E n g in eerin gV P - M g r

S h op

F A b rica tionF orem an

S h op - F ab rica tionM g r

O th erC on tro ls - R es id en tia l

G en era l M an ag erL oca tion P res id en t

B oard /D irec to rs

O w n ers - L ead ers


Operational Model



Operational Model

D/B Service


Sales Field


Teams - Meetings



Commodity - Service - Value Add Value - Market Maker

Value Chain - Business Segments


Next Steps….

Your Action Plan…


The Next Steps…Your Action Plan Team building and questioning, listening Embrace Cooperative Action Servant Leadership Model Know People Profiles and Characteristics Self Assessment and Evaluation Facilitating Strategic Planning Communications Protocols Empowering Teams, Operational Models Tracking your progress

Action Plans - Individuals Issues Prioritized Actions Determined Action Items Assigned Time Frames Determined Tracking Mechanism Key Meetings & Follow-up Transforming the Business - Adjusting



Your Action Plan: __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________Ja

mes Graening 330.807.6648 jgraening@neo.rr.com www.JamesGraening.com www.GrowHVAC.com www.RobertWilkos.com