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  • Jublisl'l'lI ill tI,l' 31l1tl'rrst of tl,l' mrnt lfirgillil.t (!lolorl'lI 3ltlntihlfr--

    VOLUME III Institute, W. Va., March 1910 );['MIlER II



    The following nrt.icle taken from thecurrent issue of the l'oplilar JlIcrhon;cJcontains milch that is worthy of ser-ioussober-minded thought by those 111 everyvocation of life, 8f1l1 especinlly hy thosein the tenching profession.

    SO 111ATI)' fnil to realize that the wor-ldis goinR' Icward , So many fail to under-stnnlt that the customs of to-clay are hutthe chrysalides of tomorrow from which Kt:utlt'IIlCTI us ever enure together to honor the stranger within UIl(,S gall".idem; :t1111 thol1ght0

    The day was spent in compnny wit'"Miss Lyon observing the work 111 tbeTeacher!" Tr:1ini,,~ Department from thekinrlergnrtt'll to the Rth grnde. t found)'Iiss Lyon :1 tIl'l~t intf'rc!'Oting, ear neut ,encrgcuc tear-her whose ideas of methodwere prnctical.

    \\'e :11'e \\11.)('1' l:lstin,.: grntilt111e to hfTfor courtesies ••howu us clnring our visitto Mnrshnll Colif'g-e. Mis

  • THE INSTITUTE ~10NTHL\". MARCil '9'0


    work' :1111tryillg" to 110 ill this iustitu-11(111and I realize lII(Jn~ thnn ever per-hnps. tlurt :1 teacher ill \\'t'! r;,,\' of t.:xpl'nel\(-c'llt';~"h~:rs :11111scholu r- III,tllt'l! "a n,]:-;, :\ftn I hOld "t'(·11 ~'''tl·r. rutlu-r t hnn profess: n 1111t,) tJ"I,,frnft OUI'IH,jJ.,!ITh"r;lI),!J..:'ro\'c aud leve-ls buve he en I Iy educators. ,,110 will uupart the best tniued ~hy ttn- ch~ldn'" (1'(111\tl,lt' prlllla.r~· c-luistiuu pl'i"dpk~ with the ad~ nf tif{'.s~l !tIJllrt rr;r the ~ir1'" cxcl usive U"'t.' llHlught of the tiurcs. Agniu TI1E l\tOll'- gra~lc ,to the 111.t:h ~('h_o(J1 WIth IIIUSI{',

    . .. , ., TIll.\' urges the importance Ilf This SUIll- recitnttous. :wd quctutious, I 11:111HI."IIIt:r School to the te~IIt'rs or the Stnte,llittl(' talk,

    nv 1'111': 1:,,~'r.\I,I.\'l·Tn:" PI-' THE :"J',\\' The d:ly Iorflu- teacher with n trustee I l'o:'\Flml'::"('J': \\'1'1'11 'J'!~.U·I-IF.I~S\\,It,'r !'),Sl('lII, IIlron' !'t'Cllrily frolll the pull, Ill'!' ,·rtll;~hell. 'rite (·l1i,l I lilt h'..:lnl'~ witlllile h!nchcrl' rorn I;ltle cOllfl'rcll('e lhe pr;(icnf thept'oplchc scn'ct'. 111111t-

    • i whi.-h of cour~e 1 10okc foe, hecAuse lhe prillcipnl pnid look hack ll»OIl it as H Inost ,11'lightlulIll-''-:~ will ell"lIle nil)' 111:1\I·~ pel'lll!\l\clll 1'!J at\1'1l1inll t(lIllY :1I1l)(,1I1for all eXCllse round ofplell~urt:,,,"'';;Ii'l'' '\\' \'. C. I. hat' hilt \'cry sel.1 ilnd 1 \\ilO{\l0t "'on\·. 1 '~hfl\Illt have heel1 T Saw 1IIut'h III t'I1('I)uraK"

    1:"\'11 tktnh('1' In. IR~H, l1;t·oI \Tan'lt l,;19111, :l,l!·t'rl (,It'\'t'll Y"II1'S, finA IlInllth~1I11rl t \\'('nly Ihl."!'. Tlw~c nl'(' the hare"orris with ",llieh the preac1u!"l', ht',!{nllllis Plllllg), (111 the t]';ln"it (If ;1 111111I


    1\'11".W. 11. l\Il)rri~ ufll.1I1illlolC, IIICUU-polita •• SCl:n:lur) of the Y. !\l. L'. ,\.,MCS3rs MHILiII !J lcstou, \\", \'.1., 1)11Eri.luyFclJJ'uaJ')' II, 1910 (or the tliSCII:.~i\J1I ofiUlprudllg' ilgrintltun: ill the :.talc.TIII,;,e prescllt Hl thc coufcr cuce were:Gm'cillor \\'111. K Gla:-;!'oC'uck, (Jr. A. C.True uf \\TashillgtulI, Director of tin: U,S. Experitneut Stalioll:o.; !\'I!.:':.~r:. M, I'.Sha\\ k cy, C. S. Lanlley , !\l)'COIl C••.rtetonLowe, J. n.Fillley ami n. H. Northcot t,mcurbcrs of the UO'lfduf Rq:('lIh; i\le .•srs.J, S, Lnk!u, T. E. Hudg-IS nud J, A.::;h(:l'hanll1l~lulx:rs 01 the Sture Board ofControl; Dr. U, B. I'uriuton, President ofthe- Stnte Ulli"CISil.r; Professor 1'. C.Atkerson, Dean of the Eolf egc uf Agt-i-culture; J. I-I. Stewnrt , nirtt:l~r of theExpclilllellt Station. and IJ. W. Work-ing. ill charge of the .-\gricuhurall.;xten·tiou Work of i'lorgautowu; Priucipnls ofNormal Schools: Messrs, I., J. Corbl y,of Huutington ; C. J. C, BI!IIJ1c":.l. ufFnirtnont ; C. ]1. Beures, of Athens; johnC. SIH\W, of Wt:ol Liberty: 1'. C. l\lilltr,of Shepherdstowu ; nud E. G, Rohr-baugh, Glel\\'illc; Archibald l\loorc, ofl\laltlliltglulI; I'residcut (I( Slate Board ofAgriculture; Hou . Stuart F. Reed, Secy.of Stutc: Col. Freel Paul Grosscup, JudgeGrnut P, Hall; 11011. Virgil A. Le •.••.is:ll. S. l\lorgn::, of Chcr-"ice th.lt shuuld dmractcril..t:' a iIlodelIlillilig ruflili.

    Oil lilt: Si:l:Ullti floul \\ ill hc fllulIll litertxllll:. fllr plaill :.t:\\ ;lIg. llIillilu.·I'), ,1\111tlrcs!' IIlUkillg'.

    \\'hcli a girl Itl:gill~ Ihe illitiati\'c \\urkill sc\\ill~ itS i:. tilllgiit ill lhc cli\i~i'~u ufplaill :'l:will!-!. alld illlclliJ.;cllti}, 1t:.1I11:.tolIlakt: lhl: nu-iuu:. :.lildles illill M.::t1I1S,\\ hieh ;Irc taught ill !>;III1PIc wurk, :.he 1t.ISa fOlilitialiull 1t1 Succl:s:.fnl wurk uf lhe:o.Cttlllstr(:ss or (Ir~ss·IIUtkcr. :\ 1111il is lrlll.:'lhat tltis ft1l1l1dntiull \V(lJ.\:. I,f :o.t:\\ill~ is:·"pidly \\urkillg ib·:..clC illlO III&': plli,lil'M.:lulul ctlrrinll:t!oo, I)u lIol Illulcr!>t,11I11thall'oalllJlh:: wllik is tl\t:cxlcill of lilt:: workof thi .• \li\'i~iulI, fllr \\1;: Sy:.tcllI.llic.dlyIIICal'olll'l' .111111II.I},:e le,lI J.;,lrlllt:llb III 'ull,i/c ;Iud grt:;11 lIUll1hel!oo (1'0111dlll"It:IISdtltll\.!oo t" tlit, lilli:.itt:l\ gaClIlt:llb for IIIt'lI.11111\\lIllIell IIchlie ,I :.ludcllt ,·,111ellkrlhc di\ isillll uf Ilrc:.~ lIIilkillg, sht: 1II\I:.t!,:Olllph:tt: the Will k IIC tllc di\ i~iull of pl1lill:.c\\ill!-: ur gi\\: (·\·idcllcc I,) lc:.l (.( SlIrfi·cicnt kIlO\\ It,tlg"l: Ilf phtiu st·"itt!-: 11,llcOIIII..:

    10 "" Ihc work,111 drcssllwkiug- \\e hcgiu \\iliL thc

    drafting ;11111lIIakilig Ilf plaill \\.Ii!o,b aud!>kirt. .• all,1 ,1I"aIiCIi: ).:radual1y :1::.the aLiI·itr (I[tllc illlli\ idual dClllilillb to tht..: morediflit·tdt alld p ••ill~takill~ \\ork,

    The ,·uur:.t..: ill IIII11illt:r) is c1c~i,,:IIt:" tu~i\e a tl\l,rou~h kllll\\le,lg uf lhc .I\t ofhutlllal:.illg-. triulllliug :lIul n:lIunllilig :l1111tu ~Ie\·t:lop lllc IIti:.lic ta ....ll.: alltl :IIUII!>Clalenl .Ibilily.

    'J'\\U of thli: hc:,l Itlagal.illc:" 1111 Inilli·IIcr)' crc:lliollS art' Hl lhe disl'UNlI IIf thehtutlclltS.

    :\11 lI\att:rilll~ (or i,raClicl' \\UI k arcfurnblle.:11 fur c:lch IOf lhc di\'i\!!iulls;cook-illg. p1.1i1l scwing- ;lIId lIIil1illt:'ry, nlill "IIIIll1lt:rial is furnished for 111t~pluin wurkin Ilress-l1Iukill~. FaliCY llrcsses and t.lil·Ort:,! suits are 1IIo1llc frnlll lIIaterialsfUClli~ht:d by P:1lfCIIIS,

    The sewing ~1i,-i3iulls art furui:.hetlwilh :'lIIall tables, which will uccolllodaletwo g'irls Lu II table, large lIIirrors l.IlIll~illgcr sewing Jltachilles.

    III 1\ later issue we hupt: tu gi\'e ~omeaCCOliut u( the wurk bcing (lollc II)' SOme\\ ho It.n't: ;u'ailed thcmselvcs o( lhe mJ·\,:llltHg"Ii:S we oUcr.

    Fnirruout , \V, ,' n " Fd,rllary IX. IfJlO,

    P}(OF. 11\ KO l'kll,I,I~,'t.\S,DI':.~K Slle 1 have ju~t rct:ci\·cd.,cul'}

    of lht: J.llluary IIUlllllt:r of thc lll:.litille!\IOXTIIJ,Yalid fiud tllli: n:r)' gl'.1tif)':u).;II~\\,S ill it of yuur prulIlotioll .,1 thcPre:.illt:llcy uf the \\·t::.t \'irg-illia Culnl t:(1lll~tilute. I had },Ct:1I \\"aitilll-{ to Icafllwhat (:oulll ht: 110ilC to IIs!'>ist in tht: lIIal-lCf, a~ !'III'. Fmllk J;Il:L:~1l (I( litis Citytolll IIle lhi.ll rou Itad 1)1!t:1IlelllporarilrIWllled fCII'the pl;\\.·e .dtcr tht:' dcath ofPrc~illcllt JOIlt:s.

    1 C{lIIbr'llnll~lt: rOll 1111your 1ic..•cl vcdprol1lutilJlI, J-:lluwiug' )uU as lImn: forsu lIIall)' -' car:.. I fcr.:! ,'ulilidcut 1h.11 )'lIUColli rl!lIdcr tlte Sl..tlc J:;rcilt ~cn·ice in;lIlht· po:.itioll. alill ~lIn: }uur 0\\'11 l>t!oplewill find YUIi ah\aY.>i llll thc right si.lt::O( all thl! qUc:o.tiulis lh.lt l·ulJlt: up forllit:i!' LcltcClllcnl.

    1.1111gl'llt to klhJ\\' tll,lt )UU lIa\'c hllttlilc carly lCBillill~ IIf .1 l"nllt::r's ho)' liSIIiU!>\ ultlte t:ullln;:&! pcuple nCl!d ••to fecithe \·aluc uf lhi~ trnilllllg". aud our (nrlll alIII:.titlitc uf(els lhe ul'Portlillil\ ill mostallrm:ti\'t: ",nil, \"uur :Is~iatiull withtht:" J lI:.titulc irol1J it:- f!luud.llion givt.':,\n" ull"~\I.il :ilhanl:lg'c:' ill it:- fulure;lI.III.,;';l·IIIClil. \"ou kllow its lililitutiun •.•d:> \\1.:1101:-' i1:o. opportunitics, \'UII 1t.1\I:Idl It:. :oliurt •..·'mlil1!;:. as well as rejlliecilI,., ,. 11~ :-oIlC'· ••.·"" ill lht: I'OI:.t. \"UIII"lIh~CI-\'"liull 1t,1':, l·lIl1\ II'Lcd ) lJU of whal i:-.'....I(\..•t .11J,II.t: .•l h,ribpcI'IIl:tIlt"U1l::·I,,\\lh.Yuu h,I\'(: le.lnlt·li ~!1••1 t"ulI""ldllt..tlh. 1.'111'!.:':.tCUUIt-., .•i1!IIJlI~l, UUll'-C"I\III,!; 1'''' '0:;11111rC\\.ll"d ,II lilt: liuII", .It I 11111J:;u .11I1t:'·wanled, \'UIIi 11\\11 lift.:: is till tll.:':.tc:\...tlllpll'1 kllu\\ of, Ihe 1'\.0\\

  • Noticet T eachersl


    .IrillullduFirst \\'C