1 Israeli Government e-Payment Services David Forsher November 2009.

Post on 19-Jan-2018

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3 e-Payment Services & Israeli e-Government e-Payment services are part of the Israeli e- Government project, aiming to: Improve government-citizen relations Offer more government services online Make more information available on demand to the public Offer highly secured online government services

Transcript of 1 Israeli Government e-Payment Services David Forsher November 2009.

1 Israeli Government e-Payment Services David Forsher November 2009 2 About Government e-Payment Services e-commerce system enabling all government ministries and authorities to offer the public online payment services 3 e-Payment Services & Israeli e-Government e-Payment services are part of the Israeli e- Government project, aiming to: Improve government-citizen relations Offer more government services online Make more information available on demand to the public Offer highly secured online government services 4 The advantages of online payment services Premium service to the public Available 24 hours a day Effective: easy, friendly, secure payments Time-saving: no need to stand in line Easier access to government services Reducing the workload of governmental service-providing agencies Improving the public image of participating ministries 5 Participating Ministries & Authorities Ministry of Transport & Road Safety (3) Ministry of Justice (24) Ministry of Education (7) Ministry of Environmental Protection (7) Ministry of Agriculture & Rural Development (11) Ministry of Public Security (1) Ministry of Communication (1) Ministry of Tourism (2) Israel Broadcasting Authority (2) Israel Tax Authority (9) Ministry of Industry, Trade & Labor (18) Israel Police (1) National Insurance Institute (2) Ministry of Health (8) Ministry of Construction & Housing (3) Ministry of Interior (1) Ministry of Religious Services (1) Israel Antiquities Authority (1) The Judicial Authority (2) Ministry of Finance (5) Israel Securities Authority (6) Israel Land Administration (1) Survey of Israel (1) Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2) Prime Ministers Office (2) Ministry of Defense (1) Yad Vashem (3) 6 Affiliated Banks & Credit Card Companies Affiliated Banks & Credit Card Companies 7 E-payment Services payment methods Credit card up to NIS15,000 NIS 25,000 for Leumi Card credit cards Bank transfers and credit card payments through the banks Bank transfers and credit card payments through the banks Smart card for money transfers between ministries For authorized personnel Smart card for money transfers between ministries For authorized personnel Coming soon: standing order, PayPal Coming soon: standing order, PayPal 8 e-Payment Services Statistics, 2008 More than 30 ministries & authorities More than 150 payment services (online stores) More than 2,000 fees and items NIS 6.3 billion collected 2.3 million transactions 9 e-Payment Transactions Amount of transactions using e-Payment Services, 10 Total collected using e-Payment Services Total amount collected using e-Payment Services (NIS), 11 e-Payment Service Transactions, 2008 Amount of transactions per month, 2008 12 Amount of Payment Services (online stores) Growth in the number of payment services, Growth in the number of payment services, 13 Amounts Received by Ministry (Million NIS), 2008 Amounts Received by Ministry (Million NIS), 2008 14 Number of Transactions by Ministry (thousands), 2008 15 Five Stages to Create a New Payment Service Preliminary meeting with the client and project initiation Specifying the service while adapting it to ministry needs Pricing and schedule setting Development by the Services development team Uploading the service and publicizing its existence online 16 Payment vouchers Types of e- Payment Applications Service fees Interfacing with service-providing agencies Interfacing with service-providing agencies Provision of information according to the Freedom of Information Act Provision of information according to the Freedom of Information Act Payment-enabled online forms Payment-enabled online forms 17 Payment Voucher System Identification Displaying user data from the office database and asking to choose a payment method Displaying the cart content The user enters payment details (according to the chosen mean of payment) User confirms payment The system provides a payment confirmation report 18 Infrastructures designated for payment services Implementing built-in smart card identification ministry comptrollers payments, land registration extract for authorized users, car importers Linking payment services to the Governmental Services Gateway Delivering messages and executing direct payments - the SOA world Connecting Online Forms to e-Payment Services Ministry of the Interior services, Vehicle Administration bids, registration and payment for conventions Payment Kiosks Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Justice 19 Payment Service Today and into the Future Expanding payment services for business and government B2G, G2G Interfacing with MyGov (the personalized government portal) Maintaining personal data and payment history Creating a personal and business profile Various target audiences Consolidating individual payments Expanding the payment kiosk project for all government ministries Payment through cellular phones 20 Improving Citizen-Ministry Relations Making all ministry services available to citizens online Uploading all payment vouchers to the web Cooperation among ministry comptrollers Setting up kiosks in all bureaus Publicizing all available services (discounts for online payments, campaigns, advertising the payment URL address on the payment voucher, setting up payment kiosks in the various bureaus) 21 Personnel in payment services Management product management, customer management, R&D management Project Management 5 project managers Development 8 development personnel System Analysts 2 system analysts Customer Service 4 customer service personnel Technologist Information architect 22 Thank you